Wesley Merritt |
June 29, 1534 – Jacques Cartier beame the first European to
reach Prince Edward Island.
June 29, 1613 - London's Globe Theatre burned to the ground
during a performance of “Henry VIII.” The fire was thought to have been
triggered by a sound-effects cannon.
June 29, 1652 - Massachusetts declared itself an independent
June 29-June 30, 1692 – In connection with the Salem
witchcraft trials, Rebecca Nurse, Susannah Martin, Sarah Wildes, Sarah Good and
Elizabeth Howe were tried, pronounced guilty and sentenced to death by hanging.
June 29, 1767 - The British Parliament approved the
Townshend Revenue Acts. The act placed import taxes on many of the British
products bought by Americans, including lead, paper, paint, glass and tea.
June 29, 1776 - The Virginia constitution was adopted and
Patrick Henry was made governor.
June 29, 1776 – The first privateer battle of the American
Revolutionary War was fought at Turtle Gut Inlet near Cape May, New Jersey.
June 29, 1776 - Edward Rutledge,
one of South Carolina’s representatives to the Continental Congress in
Philadelphia, expressed his reluctance to declare independence from Britain in
a letter to the like-minded John Jay of New York. Contrary to the majority of
his Congressional colleagues, Rutledge advocated patience with regards to
declaring independence. In a letter to Jay, one of New York’s representatives
who was similarly disinclined to rush a declaration, Rutledge worried whether
moderates like himself and Jay could “effectually oppose” a resolution for
June 29, 1804 - Privates John Collins and Hugh Hall of the
Lewis and Clark Expedition were found guilty by a court-martial consisting of
members of the Corps of Discovery for getting drunk on duty. Collins received
100 lashes on his back and Hall received 50.
June 29, 1815 – Bibb County, which was originally part of
Monroe County, was created by the Mississippi territorial legislature on this
day. Part of Montgomery County, Miss. Territory, in 1817; part of Montgomery
County, Alabama Territory, 1817-1818; Cahawba County, Alabama Territory, Feb.
7, 1818-Dec. 14, 1819; Cahawba County, Alabama, Dec. 14, 1819-Dec. 4, 1820;
then named changed to Bibb. Present boundaries established in 1868. Now
bordered on theh north by Tuscaloosa County and Jefferson County, on the east
by Shelby County and Chilton County, on the south by Perry County, and on the
west by Hale County. Named Cahawba for the river that flows from north to south
through the county. Renamed in 1820 to honor William Wyatt Bibb (1781-1820),
territorial governor and first governor of the state, who had died the
preceding summer. Its county seats have been the temporary one, Falls of the
Cahawba, 1819-22; Bibb Court House, later named Bibbville, 1822-29; and the
present one, first known as Centreville Courthouse, now Centreville, chosen in
June 29, 1825 – During his tour of the United States, the
Marquis de Lafayette met with women's groups and then departed Montpelier for Burlington,
Vermont, arriving there about 11 a.m. He laid the cornerstone for the "South
College" building at the University of Vermont and gave a talk to about
50-60 students. He was entertained at the Grassmount estate. He departed 12
hours after he arrived for Whitehall, New York.
June 29, 1835 - Determined to win independence for the
Mexican State of Texas, William Travis raised a volunteer army of 25 soldiers
and prepared to liberate the city of Anahuac. The next day, the small army
easily captured Captain Antonio Tenorio, the leader of Santa Anna’s forces in
Anahuac, and forced the troops to surrender.
June 29, 1846 - The 1st Alabama Infantry Regiment organized
in Mobile, Ala. to fight in the Mexican War. Alabamians volunteered in large
numbers to fight against Mexico when war came over the annexation of Texas, but
only this single regiment, a battalion, and several independent companies
actually were received into federal service from the state. During its 11
months of service, the 1st Alabama lost only one man in battle but 150 died
from disease.
June 29, 1861 – During the Civil War, a skirmish was fought at Bowman’s
Place, on the Cheat River, in Western Virginia.
June 29, 1862 – The Battle of Savage’s Station took place in
Henrico County, Va. Confederate General Robert E. Lee attacked Union General
George McClellan as he was pulling his army away from Richmond, Va. in retreat
during the Seven Days’ Battles. Although the Yankees lost 1,000 men – twice as
many as the Rebels – they were able to successfully protect the retreat.
June 29, 1862 – During the Civil
War, the blockade runner, Ann, was captured by the Federal Navy under the guns
of Fort Morgan, Ala.
June 29, 1862 – During the Civil War, skirmishes were fought along the James
River in the vicinity of Willis’ Church and another at Jordan‘s Ford; along the
Williamsburg Road, Virginia; and at Moorefield in Western Virginia. An engagement
was also fought at Peach Orchard (or Allen‘s Farm) in the vicinity of Fair Oaks
Station. A two-day Federal reconnaissance began between Front Royal and Luray, in
the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia.
June 29, 1863 – National Baseball Hall of Fame catcher and
manager Wilbert Robinson was born in Bolton, Mass. During his career, he played
for the Philadelphia Athletics, the Baltimore Orioles and the St. Louis
Cardinals and he managed the Orioles and the Brooklyn Robins. He was inducted
into the Hall of Fame in 1945.
June 29, 1863 – During the Civil War, the following men were appointed Union
Brigadier Generals: George Armstrong Custer, Elon John Farnsworth and Wesley
June 29, 1863 – During the Civil War, skirmishes were fought near Columbia
and another at Creelsborough, Kentucky; out from Mound, Louisiana; at Muddy Branch
and Westminster, Maryland; and at Decherd, Haillsborough, Lexington and
Tullahoma in Tennessee. The first day of what would be two days of skirmishing began
in Mississippi at Messinger’s Ferry, along the Big Black River.
June 29, 1863 – During the Civil War, the siege at Vicksburg, Miss. entered
Day 43.
June 29, 1863 – During the Civil War, a skirmish was fought at McConnellsburg,
Pennsylvania as Northern and Southern armies continued to concentrate toward
Gettysburg and Cashtown. Federal cavalry probed the moving Southern army.
June 29, 1863 – During the Civil War, a six-day Confederate operation in the
vicinity of Beverly, West Virginia began.
June 29, 1864 – During the Civl
War, a skirmish was fought at Pond Springs in Northern Alabama.
June 29, 1864 – During the Civil War, skirmishes were fought at Meffleton
Lodge, Arkansas; at Davis Bend, Louisiana; at La Fayette, Tennessee; and at
Charlestown and Duffield’s Station, West Virginia.
June 29, 1865 – During the Civil War, a skirmish was fought with Indians
near Fort Dodge, Kansas.
June 29, 1892 - Sigmund Freud first
referred to the unconscious, calling it a "second state of consciousness."
June 29, 1897 - The Chicago Cubs scored 36 runs in a game
against Louisville, setting a record for runs scored by a team in a single
June 29, 1900 – French aviator and writer Antoine de
Saint-Exupery was born in Lyons.
June 29, 1901 - The first edition of "Editor &
Publisher" was issued.
June 29, 1910 – Composer, librettist and lyricist Frank
Loesser was born in New York City.
June 29, 1911 – The baseball season was scheduled to open in
Evergreen, Ala. on this day with three games between Evergreen and Andalusia on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. George Farnham was Evergreen’s manager.
June 29, 1914 – Jina Guseva attempted to assassinate Grigori
Rasputin at his home town in Siberia.
June 29, 1915 – Merchants and business owners of Evergreen,
Ala. signed an agreement on this Tuesday to close for business on Mon., July 5,
in observance of the Fourth of July holiday, which fell on a Sunday.
June 29, 1916 – The Conecuh Record reported that Knud
Nielsen had left that week for a visit to Chicago.
June 29, 1916 – The Conecuh Record reported that Mr. and
Mrs. T.W. Cargill of Montgomery, spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Cargill
that week. Mr. Cargill was a popular L&N conductor and a native of
June 29, 1916 – The Conecuh Record reported that “an
opportunity to have high class portrait painting from life or photograph by Woodford
J. Sanders, portrait painter, now paying Evergreen a visit first time in 20
years, lately from Montgomery, and having painted the portraits of Dr. John
Massey, M.B. Houghton, J. Flowers, Judge W.A. Thomas and others for the Women’s
College of Alabama. Sanders, while in our neighbor city of Brewton, placed some
50 or more portraits, among those of note, Dr. Downing, Mr. Shofner, for
Downing Industrial School, also the family of Mr. Ed Lovelace, Mr. W. Martin,
Mr. Luttrell, Mr. E. McGowin, Dr. Smith and others, giving entire satisfaction.
Mr. Sanders will be here for a short stay, and those desiring to remember their
loved ones as in life will do well to see him at once.”
June 29, 1916 – The Monroe Journal reported that the
following officers had been elected at Mizpah Lodge No. 667 for the following
year: W.R. Blackwell, worshipful master; J.W. Wilkinson, senior warden; R.T.
Lambert, junior warden; Chas. A. Florey, treasurer; John T. Lambert, secretary;
W.L. Morris, senior deacon; Alex T. Davis, junior deacon; Robert Stacey, tyler;
J.F. Grimes, B.F. Lambert, stewards; W.J. Curry, chaplain.
June 29, 1916 – The Monroe Journal reportd that the
following officers had been elected at Jones Mill Lodge No. 702 for the
following year: J.H. Baas, worshipful master; H.A. Baggett, senior warden; G.L.
Galloway, junior warden; J.A. Barnes, treasurer; C.W. Adams, secretary; W.W.
Grimes, senior deacon; W.D. Sawyer, junior deacon; S.B. McMillan, Irvin Bailey,
stewards; J.W. Cizenba, tyler; J.J. Sessions, chaplain; J.T. Sawyer, marshal.
June 29, 1916 – The Monroe Journal reported that the
following officers had been elected at Monroe Chapter No. 122, Royal Arch, for
the following year: Q. Salter, high priest; I.B. Slaughter, king; A.B. Coxwell,
scribe; E.M. Salter, captain of the host; J.W. Brown, principal sojourner; A.T.
Sowell, royal arch captain; Riley Kelly, master first veil; N.A. McNiel, master
second veil; J.M. Sowell, master third veil; H.J. Coxwell, sentinel; J.B.
Barnett, secretary; W.H. Tucker, treasurer.
June 29, 1933 – The Evergreen Courant reported that Probate
Judge L.W. Price had received pension warrants for old Confederate veterans and
widows for the remaining half of the quarter due April 1, 1933, which were
payable July 1, that coming Saturday. The pensioners received half payment on
this quarter sometime in April and the warrants issued in June was for the
June 29, 1933 – The Evergreen Courant reported that Bobby
Bozeman was spending the week with Clarke Bozeman in Andalusia.
June 29, 1933 – The Evergreen Courant reported that Miss
Guice Stevens and her father, L.M. Stevens, had spent the previous week at the
Whitley Hotel in Montgomery, where they attended the Spanish-American war
veterans reunion.
June 29, 1936 – National Baseball Hall of Fame first
baseman, third baseman and left fielder Harmon Killebrew was born in Payette,
Idaho. During his career, he played for the Washington Senators/Minnesota Twins
and the Kansas City Royals. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1984.
June 29, 1939 – The Monroe Journal reported that Blacksher
Lodge No. 593, A.F.&A.M., had held their annual meeting and that the
following officers were elected for the ensuing year: R.E. Rabon, Worshipful
Master; J.L. Grissett, Senior Warden; A.T. Ellis, Junior Warden; J.J. Bell,
Senior Deacon; H.M. Hayles, Junior Deacon; E.R. Hayles, Secretary; W.W.
Garrett, Treasurer; J.C. Kyle, Tyler; A.E. Emfinger, Chaplain; Tom Hayles and
F.N. Grant, Stewards; J.F. Lambert, Marshal.
June 29, 1939 - The Monroe Journal reported that a new
newspaper, The Frisco City Sun, had begun publication in Frisco City and was
edited by Eugene C. Thomley.
June 29, 1941 – Joe DiMaggio broke George Sisler’s 1922
American League record of 41 consecutive games with a hit at Griffith Stadium
in Washington, and four days later, on July 2, DiMaggio broke "Wee"
Willie Keeler’s major league record streak of 44 games.
June 29, 1945 - The annual picnic for the employees of
Monroe and Clarke Mills was to be held on the grounds of Monroe Mills in
Monroeville, Ala. on this Friday.
June 29, 1948 – Evergreen’s voters were set to go to the
polls on this Tuesday to elect a mayor and five councilmen. Candidates for
mayor included M.M. Cardwell and J.H. Robison. Candidates for councilmen
included Ward C. Alexander, H.H. Beasley, A.G. Bolton, H.A. Deer, C.L.
Kamplain, R.G. Kendall, H.J. Kinzer, Zell Murphy, J.W. Shannon, D.T. Stuart and
O.B. Tuggle.
June 29, 1949 – Pro Football Hall of Fame offensive tackle
Dan Dierdorf was born in Canton, Ohio. He went on to play for Michigan and the
St. Louis Cardinals. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1996.
June 29, 1956 – The Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 was
signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, officially creating the United States
Interstate Highway System.
June 29, 1960 - Four candidates had qualified by noon on
this Wednesday in Monroeville to seek offices in the city election scheduled
for Mon., Aug. 1. Dr. W.H. Hines, local veterinarian, filed qualifications for
the post of mayor, which was held at that time by Leonard Morris. Two
incumbents had also qualified for reelection to city council posts – Julian R.
Cole to Place 2 and Curtis A. Dunning to Place 3. Windell Owens, local
attorney, had qualified as a candidate for Place 5 on the council, which was
held at that time by his brother, E.G. Owens.
June 29, 1964 - Twenty-four New Zealand Army engineers arrived in Saigon as
a token of that country’s support for the American effort in South Vietnam.
June 29, 1965 – Army Capt. Rubin Fletcher Bradley of
Jackson, Ala. was killed in action in Vietnam.
June 29, 1966 - During the Vietnam War, U.S. aircraft bombed the major North
Vietnamese population centers of Hanoi and Haiphong for the first time,
destroying oil depots located near the two cities.
June 29, 1970 – Thomas Charles Littles, who was fatally wounded
in Vietnam, was honorably discharged from the Army and placed on the Army’s
Permanent Disability Retired List. He received care at the Montgomery hospital
for 415 days and died from pneumonia on June 3, 1971.
June 29, 1970 - U.S. ground combat troops ended two months of operations in
Cambodia and returned to South Vietnam.
June 29, 1975 - The 50th anniversary of the
founding of Uriah First Baptist Church was to be celebrated on this Sunday.
With land donated by James Uriah Blacksher, the church building was constructed
in 1925 by Shelton Seales, assisted by Tom Gulsby and E.R. Hayles. Early
members of the church included the families of the late W.W. Hollinger, Mrs.
T.A. Black and Mrs. G.R. Vaught.
June 29-30, 1988 – The annual Evergreen Rotary Club Fish
& Wildlife Camp was held at Tal Stuart’s Pond near Belleville, Ala.
Award-winners at the camp included Best Archer, Tommy Byrd; Best Fly Caster,
Brandon Monk; Best Spin Caster, John Henry Sessions; Best Senior Camper, Ron
English; Best Junior Camper, Joey Brewton; Best Bait Caster, Bobby Townson;
Best Rifle Shot, Chip Gibson; Best Canoeist, Mike Smith and Best Shotgun Shot,
Joey Taylor.
June 29, 1988 – Weather reporter Harry Ellis reported a high
of 100 degrees in Evergreen, Ala.
June 29, 1989 – A Conecuh County, Ala. Circuit Court jury
found former Olympic boxer Clint Jackson of Evergreen guilty on charges of first-degree
kidnapping in connection with the August 1988 kidnapping of Evergreen banker
Tom Salo. Dale R. Smith was found guilty of second-degree kidnapping in the
same trial, which was one of the longest in county history.
June 29, 2007 – Marlon Anderson of Montgomery, Ala. was
designated for assignment by the Dodgers on June 29, 2007, ending his tenure
with the club. He cleared waivers and became a free agent on July 11. He was
promptly signed to a minor league contract by the Mets on July 12.
June 29, 2008 – Birmingham, Ala. native David
Robertson made his Major League debut, taking the field for the first time for
the New York Yankees
June 29, 2014 – Through the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a
witness in Atmore reported seeing a UFO around 9:30 p.m. The witness had just
parked his car at his house, and when he got out, he saw a strange light about
500 feet or so above a tree near a school building. The witness described the
strange light as an “orange, moving ball.” The light moved about one mile in 45
seconds and eventually disappeared, the witness said.
June 29, 2014
– The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant self-declared its caliphate in Syria
and northern Iraq.