Nov. 30, 1498 – Spanish captain and explorer Andrés de
Urdaneta was born in
Ordizia, Gipuzkoa, Crown of Castile.
Nov. 30, 1667 – Johnathan Swift, the author of “Gulliver’s
Travels” (1726), was born in Dublin.
Nov. 30, 1707 – The second Siege of Pensacola came to end
with the failure of the British to capture Pensacola, Fla.
Nov. 30, 1765 – Scottish merchant and explorer George Glas
was stabbed to death during a mutiny by Spanish and Portuguese members of the
crew of the barque “Earl of Sandwich.” Glass was around 40 years old.
Nov. 30, 1776 - Admiral Richard
Howe and General William Howe, “the King’s Commissioners for restoring Peace,”
issued a proclamation from New York City, promising pardon to those who would
within 60 days subscribe to a declaration that they would desist from
“Treasonable Actings and Doings.” The Howes’ offer appealed to thousands of
residents from downstate New York, who were willing to trade in their weapons
for pardons. At the time, Westchester, Manhattan and Long Island were securely
in British hands and would remain so until after the Treaty of Paris was signed
in 1783.
Nov. 30, 1776 - General Charles Lee wrote a letter to
General George Washington to report that he was about to cross into New York
near Peekskill.
Nov. 30, 1781 – Scottish surgeon, merchant and explorer
Alexander Berry was born at Hilltarvit Mains Farmhouse, Cupar, Fife, Scotland.
Nov. 30, 1782 – The United States and Britain signed
preliminary peace articles in Paris, ending the Revolutionary War, and settling
territorial claims of Great Britain and the United States of America. The
Treaty of Paris established the southern boundary of the U.S. at the 31st
parallel north. Great Britain would retain possession of the Floridas. These
preliminary peace articles were later formalized as the 1783 Treaty of Paris.
Nov. 30, 1811 – Capt. Matthew Arbuckle of the 3rd Regiment
U.S. Infantry commanded a road construction party from Fort Stoddert that met a
construction party working from the east to open the Federal Road to Georgia.
Nov. 30, 1818 – Autauga County was created by the Alabama
territorial legislature and was formed from part of Montgomery County on Dec.
13, 1820. The town of Washington became the first county seat. Now bordered on
the north by Chilton County, on the east by Elmore County and Montgomery
County, on the south by Lowndes County and on the west by Dallas County. Named
for Autauga Creek. Its county seats have been Washington, 1820-30; Kingston,
1830-68; and Prattville, the present county seat, chosen in 1868.
Nov. 30, 1835 - Samuel Langhorne Clemens, also known as Mark
Twain, was born in Florida, Mo.
Nov. 30, 1861 – During the Civil
War, the “Trent Affair”, as it was beginning to be called on both sides of the
Atlantic, was rapidly turning from a glorious triumph for the US Navy,
particularly Captain Charles Wilkes of the USS San Jacinto, into a hideous
embarrassment for the US diplomatic corps. On this day, the British Foreign
Secretary, Lord John Russell, composed a letter to be sent to Lord Lyons, the
minister (ambassador) to the United States. In it he directed Lyons to inform
the American government that if the Confederate ministers Mason and Slidell
were not released to British custody, and if an apology for their seizure from
a British ship were not forthcoming, Lyon was to close the embassy and return
to London with the entire legation.
Nov. 30, 1861 – During the Civil
War, a skirmish was fought at Grand River, or Black Walnut Creek, near Sedalia,
in Missouri.
Nov. 30, 1861 – During the Civil
War, a skirmish was fought near the mouth of Little Cacapon River in West Virginia.
Nov. 30, 1862 - Captain Raphael Semmes,
Confederate States Navy, was the most feared commerce raider of the war. His
mission was not to fight United States warships in combat, but to work what
amounted to the flip side of the Union blockade of Southern shipping. He
attacked any ship owned by an American, or headed for an American port, and
seized it. He was extremely courteous by the standards of the day: he never
killed the crews he captured, and in fact on many occasions would put everyone
aboard the last ship captured for the day and turn it loose on bond, rather
than burn it. He had wreaked as much havoc as he could in the waters of the
North Atlantic, and besides it was getting cold and stormy there this time of
year. He moved his base of operation to the Leeward Islands, and celebrated by
taking the Porter Cook on this day. This one he burned.
Nov. 30, 1862 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought at Chulahoma and Waterford in Mississippi; and
along the Tallahatchie River in Mississippi with the subsequent destruction of
the steamer, New Moon.
Nov. 30, 1862 – During the Civil
War, a seven-day Federal expedition from Rolla to the Ozark Mountains in Missouri
Nov. 30, 1863 - Gen. Braxton Bragg
had been commander of the Army of Tennessee almost since its inception and the
Army of Mississippi prior to that. His major triumph had been at the battle of
Chickamauga, which had bottled up Rosecrans’ Army of the Cumberland in
Chattanooga for a good long time. The breakthrough had finally come, though,
and a few days ago the disaster at Missionary Ridge had been the final straw.
He had submitted a letter to President Jefferson Davis asking to be relieved of
command. His friendship with Davis was of many years standing, though, and
perhaps he thought the request would be denied, as similar requests from Robert
E. Lee had been. It was, however, accepted on this day, and Bragg was directed
to turn over command to Gen. William Joseph Hardee.
Nov. 30, 1863 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought at Salyersville, Ky.; in vicinity of Port Hudson
and Vermillion Bayou in Louisiana; at Charleston, New Madrid Bend and
Yankeetown in Tennessee; along Mine Run and in the vicinity of Raccoon Ford in
Virginia; and at Licking Run Bridge, Va.
Nov. 30, 1863 – During the Civil
War, Federal forces occupied Fort Esperanza, Matagorda Bay, Texas.
Nov. 30, 1863 – 59TH ALABAMA: The 59th
Alabama served in Gracie’s brigade and Buckner’s division, Dept. of Eastern
Tennessee. (Lewis Lavon Peacock was likely with the unit at this time.)
Nov. 30, 1864 – During the Civil War’s Battle of Franklin,
the once proud Confederate Army of Tennessee, led by General John Bell Hood,
suffered a devastating defeat after Hood ordered a dramatically unsuccessful
frontal assault on Union positions commanded by John McAllister Schofield
around Franklin, Tennessee, with Hood losing six of his finest generals and
almost a third of his troops. Of 15,000 Union troops engaged, some 200 were
killed and more than 2,000 were wounded. The Confederates had 23,000 men at
Franklin; approximately 1,750 died and 5,500 were wounded or captured.
Nov. 30, 1864 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought at Honey Hill, near Grahamville in South Carolina;
at Thompson’s Station, Tenn.; at Snicker’s Gap, Va.; and at Kabletown, W.Va.
Nov. 30, 1865 - Alabama author A. B. Meek died in Columbus,
Nov. 30, 1873 – Scottish-Welsh surgeon, merchant and
explorer Alexander Berry died at the age of 93 in Crows
Nest House, New South Wales.
Nov. 30, 1874 – Winston Churchill was born in Blenheim
Palace, Oxfordshire, England.
Nov. 30, 1901 – English explorer and politician Edward John
Eyre died at the age 86 in Yorkshire, England.
Nov. 30, 1905 – The Monroe Journal reported that Charlie
Broughton, The Journal’s “faithful and efficient” composition and typesetting
machine operator, was back at his post after having been laid up several days
with tonsillitis.
Nov. 30, 1907 - Dr. W.A. Mason and family left Conecuh
County, Ala. on this Saturday for their new home at Excel, Ala. “where the
doctor (had) been enjoying a successful and lucrative practice for the past
four months.”
Nov. 30, 1917 - Foreign Minister Richard Von Kuhlmann stood
before the German Reichstag government to deliver a speech applauding the
recent rise to power in Russia of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and his radical
socialist Bolshevik Party.
Nov. 30, 1921 - Alabama author Eugene Walter was born in
Mobile, Ala.
Nov. 30, 1931 – Pro Football Hall of Fame head coach Bill
Walsh was born in Los Angeles, California. He was inducted into the Hall of
Fame in 1993.
Nov. 30, 1938 – The hog sale held in Monroeville on this
Wednesday was “by far the best sale yet held.” At the sale, 775 hogs, weighing
a total of 135,545 pounds, sold for $7,919.45 and 193 head of cattle sold for
$2,632.52, making a total of $10,551.97. The Wilson Packing Co. of Columbus,
Ga. bought all top-grade hogs and the cattle were sold to packing houses and
individuals from over the county.
Nov. 30, 1950 – Army MSG Tellis Wayland Donaldson, 36, of
Covington County, Ala. was listed as Missing in Action while fighting the enemy
near Kunu-ri, North Korean. A member of Battery C, 38th Field Artillery
Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division, he was presumed dead on December 31, 1953. His
remains were apparently never recovered. Donaldson was awarded the Purple
Heart, Korean Service Medal, United Nations Service Medal, National Defense
Service Medal, Korean Presidential Unit Citation and the Republic of Korea War
Service Medal. Born on April 6, 1914, a memorial for Donaldson can be found in
the Mount Gilead Baptist Cemetery in Coffee County, Ala.
Nov. 30, 1953 – Award-winning writer Rheta Grimsley Johnson
was born in Colquitt, Ga. She would later live in Monroeville, Ala. and work at
The Monroe Journal newspaper.
Nov. 30, 1954 – At 2:46 p.m., a meteorite weighing 8-1/2
pounds crashed into Ann Elizabeth Hodges of Sylacauga as she rested on her
living room couch. The meteorite crashed through the roof of her rented house,
bounced off a console radio and struck her left hip and hand. Awakened by the
pain and noise, she thought the gas space heater had exploded. When she noticed
a grapefruit-sized rock lying on the floor and a ragged hole in the roof, she
assumed children were the culprits. Her mother, Ida Franklin, rushed outside and saw only a black cloud in the sky.
Alabamians in and around the area saw the event from a different perspective,
with many reporting that they had seen a fireball in the sky and heard a
tremendous explosion that produced a white or brownish cloud. Most assumed it
involved an airplane accident. The event gave Hodges a severely bruised
hip and instant celebrity status. She later became embroiled in a court battle
with her landlord over ownership of the rock, which was eventually donated to a
university, after being used as a doorstop. The meteorite, the first one known
to have caused injury to a human, is housed at the Alabama Museum of
Natural History in Tuscaloosa. This is the only documented case in the
Western Hemisphere of a human being hit by a rock from space.
Nov. 30, 1958 – Australian pilot, ornithologist, geographer
and explorer Hubert Wilkins died at the age of 70 in Framingham, Massachusetts.
Nov. 30, 1960 – “All the Way Home,” a dramatic version
of Alabama author James Agee's book “A Death in the Family,” opened on
Nov. 30, 1961 – Four Conecuh County, Ala. high school
basketball teams were scheduled to square off against each other in a “big
doubleheader” at Evergreen High School’s Memorial Gym, beginning at 7 p.m.
Evergreen High School, under Coach John Law Robinson, was scheduled to play
Conecuh County High School, and that game was to be followed by a game between
Lyeffion High School and Repton High School.
Nov. 30, 1962 - Football and baseball star, Vincent Edward
"Bo" Jackson was born in Bessemer, Ala. Jackson won the Heisman
Trophy in 1985 and was the first professional athlete to be named an all-star
in two major sports.
Nov. 30, 1962 - W.C. Nichols of Excel, Ala. was re-elected
president of the Monroe County Board of Education for a ninth year at a meeting
in Monroeville, Ala. on this Friday. Tom W. Weatherford of Uriah was re-elected
vice-president. Other board members were Dr. John L. Abbott of Monroeville,
James C. Brooks of Megargel and S. Miller Fore of Beatrice.
Nov. 30, 1965 - Following a visit
to South Vietnam, Defense Secretary McNamara reported in a memorandum to
President Lyndon B. Johnson that the South Vietnamese government of Nguyen Cao
Ky “is surviving, but not acquiring wide support or generating actions.”
Nov. 30, 1966 – A woman who wished to remain anonymous was
changing a tire on a lonely stretch of Route 491 near Brooksville, Fla. when
she became aware of an awful stench. She then heard a heavy crashing of brush,
and she turned to see a large, hairy creature walking toward her. Moments
later, the sound of an approaching vehicle caused the thing to turn and walk
back into the woods.
Nov. 30, 1966 - “Dutch Christmas” entered by the Helen
Keller Club won first place in the best float contest of the Evergreen
Christmas parade on this Wednesday. “Christmas in Austria” by the Evergreen Study
Club won second place. “Christmas Around the World” by Evergreen High School
won third place.
Nov. 30, 1966 - In Saigon, the
South Vietnamese Constituent Assembly began drawing up draft articles for a new
Nov. 30, 1967 - Liberal Democratic
Senator Eugene J. McCarthy from Minnesota, an advocate of a negotiated end to
the war in Vietnam, declared that he intended to enter several Democratic
Presidential primaries in 1968.
Nov. 30, 1968 – Manager Harmon Gunter announced that an open
house would be held at the new Steven Robert Corp. plant on Kendall Avenue in
Evergreen, Ala. from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Nov. 30, 1971 - ABC-TV aired "Brian's Song." The
movie was about Chicago Bears' Brian Picolo and his friendship with Gale
Nov. 30, 1972
– During the Vietnam War, White House Press Secretary Ron Ziegler told the
press that there would be no more public announcements concerning American
troop withdrawals from Vietnam because troop levels were now down to 27,000.
Nov. 30, 1982 – Michael Jackson's sixth solo studio album, “Thriller” was released worldwide. It
will become the best-selling record album in history.
Nov. 30, 1983 – The National League of Cities Congress of
Cities meeting began at the New Orleans Hilton Hotel, and Evergreen, Ala. Mayor
Lee F. Smith attended as one of 20 voting delegates representing the Alabama
League of Municipalities.
Nov. 30, 1983 – Evergreen, Alabama’s annual Christmas Parade
was scheduled to begin at 3 p.m.
Nov. 30, 1992 - The video "NFL Country," by
various artists, was certified Gold by the RIAA.
Nov. 30, 1993 - The National Football League awarded the
league's 30th franchise to the Jacksonville Jaguars.
Nov. 30, 1995 – Operation Desert
Storm officially ended.
Nov. 30, 1998 - Author and poet Margaret Walker passed away
in Chicago, Ill. at the age of 83. Her mother’s relatives lived in Greenville,
Ala. and she set a portion of her 1966 novel, “Jubilee,” in Greenville.
Nov. 30, 2005 - The White House released a document titled
"Our National Strategy for Victory in Iraq." The document accompanied
an address by U.S. President George Bush.
Nov. 30, 2011 - Evergreen weather observer Betty Ellis
reported a low temperature of 29 degrees in Evergreen, Ala.
Nov. 30, 2011 - A host of local court officials, friends
and family were on hand to wish Pat Wright well as she closed out her career as
an employee at the Conecuh County Courthouse. Wright, a resident of Evergreen,
began working in the Conecuh County Circuit Clerk’s Office on Sept. 13, 1972
and she closed out her 39-year career with a retirement reception on this
Wednesday. At the time of her retirement, Wright was in charge of administering
civil cases in circuit and district court as well as small claims court cases.