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Mike Fields of Evergreen, Ala. |
MAY 26, 1994
Evergreen weather observer Harry Ellis reported no rain between May 16 and May 22, 1994. He reported a high of 85 degrees on May 16 and a low of 49 on May 20.
It is announced this week
that Jim Peace has begun his tenure as administrator at Evergreen Hospital.
Peace replaces Gil McKenzie who was promoted to President of Gilliard Health
Jim comes to Evergreen
Hospital from a similar position in Luverne, Ala.
Peace is a 1984 graduate of
Auburn University and brings nine years of experience in to help in the
management of the 44-bed facility.
Peace is no stranger to the
area. He is a graduate of T.R. Miller High School in Brewton and is married to
the former Lisa Bowers of Evergreen.
Honor students for the graduating class of 1994 at Hillcrest High School are Beverly Brogden, Valedictorian, Terry Holt, Salutatorian, Barbara Walker, Tineka Moore and Felicia Watson. They will receive their diplomas next Tuesday night at 7 p.m. at Brooks Memorial Stadium.
Brooke Walker has been named as the new Library Director at the Evergreen-Conecuh Public Library. Prior to accepting the position as Director at the Evergreen-Conecuh Library, Ms. Walker worked at Century Correctional Institution as the Prison Law General Librarian. Ms. Walker presently lives in Century, Fla., but is planning on relocating to Evergreen as soon as possible.
MAY 29, 1969
Sgt. William Michael Fields,
22, of Evergreen died on May 12 in Vietnam. Funeral services were held May 24
at 3 p.m. at Cope Chapel with Minister Billy Lambert and Rev. Douglas Newton
officiating. Burial was in Magnolia Cemetery with Cope Funeral Home in charge.
The body was escorted home by
a good friend and former schoolmate, Walter Van Davis, who is now stationed in
Vietnam. Pallbearers were Scott Cook, Scott Cox, Larry Ellis, Ronnie Hayes,
Michael Covin, Kenny Harper, Wayne Tolbert and Mitchell Kilpatrick.
Sgt. Fields was graduated
from Evergreen High School where he was an outstanding athlete and very popular
student. He attended Jefferson Davis Junior College for two years before
entering the Army.
He had compiled an
outstanding Army record scoring as an expert rifleman during his basic training
and drawing complimentary remarks from his superiors throughout his service. He
had been serving in combat in Vietnam for the past 10 months.
Second lieutenants James Warren and Connor Warren hold the silver wings of an Air Force pilot. This is the goal of both brothers as they enter undergraduate pilot training with the U.S. Air Force. They were recently commissioned in the 187th TAC RECON Group, Alabama Air National Guard, and will fly RF-84F Photo Reconnaissance jets upon graduation.
MAY 25, 1944
Pvt. Robert G. Bozeman Jr. of the U.S. Marine Corps, Camp Elliott, Calif., arrived Tuesday to spend several days leave here.
Carl L. Nall Dies In Action
May 3: Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Nall of Repton received word recently from the Navy
Department that their son, Carl L. Nall, S1-c, of the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve
was killed by action of the enemy on May 3. No details have been received.
Seaman Nall entered the
service in February 1942 and had been on sea duty since shortly after
completing boot training. He spent a 15-day leave at home in October. He had
many relatives and friends in this county who are shocked and saddened by his
untimely death.
Sgt. Frank Coburn Killed In Action: A telegram from the War Department was received Tuesday by Mr. and Mrs. D.P. Coburn announcing that their youngest son, Sgt. Frank Coburn, was killed in action recently. Sgt. Coburn was in Italy when last heard from and it is believed that he probably lost his life in the Anzio Beachhead area.
Lyeffion High School closing exercises began Sun., May 21, and will end Thursday evening, May 25. The combined class night and graduation exercises will be given Thursday, 8:30 p.m. The salutatorian’s address will be given by Earline Ellis. The valedictory address will be given by co-valedictorians, Mary White and Billie Roberts.
MAY 26, 1932
Mount Union Lodge Elects New
Officers: At its regular time of meeting Saturday night, May 21, Mt. Union
Lodge No. 541 of the Masonic order held its annual election of officers for the
ensuing year.
The following were elected:
W.R. Shaver, W.M.; D.N. McIntyre, S.W.; L.C. Shaver, J.W.; T.H. Guy, Treas.;
P.W. Shaver, Sec.; P.S. McKinley, S.D.; R.T. Murphy, J.D.; J.D. Hyde, Tyler;
C.A. Smith, S.S.; J.R. Murphy, J.W.; J.C. Reeves, Captain.
The annual drive for new
members, as well as, renewals to membership to the Evergreen Public Library will
be put on next week.
The library association for
this year is composed of Mrs. Hugh Hagood, Mrs. Rufus Rushton, Mrs. C.P.
Deming, Mrs. W.B. Ivey, Mrs. Burnie Jones, Mrs. H.L. Finklea, Miss Mary
Henderson and Misses Pauline and Ethel King with Mrs. E.E. Newton as chairman.
The Conecuh County Chapter of the Red Cross has secured a car of flour to be distributed in the county to deserving persons who are in want and who are unable to purchase food in sufficient quantities for their actual needs.
Health Officer Advises
Typhoid Inoculation: We want our people to know that it is time to safeguard
themselves against Typhoid fever by taking Typhoid inoculation. Where two years
or more have elapsed since taking the serum it should be repeated this year. We
will be glad to hold clinics at any and all places where desired by citizens.
E.L. Kelly, County Health
MAY 26, 1927
S.S.A.S. Commencement Ends Wed. Night: The commencement
program of the State Secondary Agricultural School came to a close Wednesday
night, when diplomas were awarded to the 25 members of the senior class, after
a very eloquent and forceful baccalaureate address was delivered by Hon. Lister
Hill, Congressman from the Second District.
During the program Wednesday evening, Mr. (W.B.) Sexton
introduced to the audience Prof. Paul Fisher of Abbeville, who is to succeed
him as principal of the S.S.A.S. Mr. Fisher is at present teacher of Vocational
Agriculture at Abbeville. He will move here about July 1.
Diplomas were awarded to the following students: Flossie
Allen, Pauline Black, Ernestine Chapman, McLean Dreaden, Jno. Tom Gaillard,
Addie B. Garvin, Stanley Fountain, William Hairston, Jno. Hanks, Lindsey Hart,
Myra Hart, Jno. C. Holman, Lucinda Horton, Oris Jones, Mrs. Vernice K. Kelley,
Joeffy Lundy, Reuben Millsap, Flowers Northcutt, Myrtle Quarles, Julien Relfe,
Gladys Reynolds, Winston Stillwell, Entys Thomas, Hazel Williams and Helen
CONECUH HOTEL NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS: The hotel building belonging to W.K. Horton, which was formerly occupied by the Evala Hotel, has been completely overhauled inside and out during the last few months and is now open for business under the name Conecuh Hotel, with M.H. Crawford as manager.
MAY 26, 1920
Castleberry High School Ends
Session: Castleberry, May 23 – The commencement exercises of the Conecuh County
High School came to a close Wednesday with delivery of the baccalaureate
address and the awarding of diplomas. Dr. J.S. Thomas of the University of
Alabama delivered the address to the graduates. Four boys and six girls were
given diplomas. They are Rosa Pate, Helen Albreast, Albert Smith, Dewitt
Hancock, Edward Suddith and Forrest Castleberry.
Prof. Sellers Stough has been
elected principal for another year.
B.M. Johnston attended the Confederate reunion in Montgomery last week.
School Commencement: The
commencement exercises of the Agricultural school began on last Friday night
with the school play, a four-act drama, presented by pupils from several
On Sunday morning the
commencement sermon was delivered at the Baptist church by Rev. Norman McLeod
of Auburn.
On Tuesday night, the senior
class exercises occurred and an interesting program presented.
The auditorium was taxed to
capacity at most of these exercises to accommodate the crowds, reminding one of
the early days of the school under the late Prof. Liner.