DEC. 24, 1998
“The Sparta Academy Lady Warriors finished in third place in the Monroe Academy Christmas Tournament held Dec. 18-19 in Monroeville. Andrea Ward was named to the All-Tournament Team.
“On Fri., Dec. 18, the Lady Warriors were defeated by the Escambia Academy Cougars, 57-51. Leading scorer for the Lady Warriors was Andrea Ward with 24 points.
“Others scoring were Ashley Hammonds, nine points; Katie Etheridge and Shelley Bell, six points each; Sally Hartley, four points; and Laura Wiggins, two points.
“On Sat., Dec. 19, the Lady Warriors defeated the Jackson Academy Eagles 65-40. Leading scorer for the Lady Warriors was Andrea Ward with 25 points. Also scoring in double figures was Laura Wiggins with 12 points.
“The Sparta Academy Warriors finished in third place in the Monroe Academy Christmas Tournament held Dec. 18-19 in Monroeville. Chad Morris was named to the All-Tournament Team.
“On Fri., Dec. 18, the Warriors were defeated, 83-50, by the Escambia Academy Cougars. Leading scorer for the Warriors was Chad Morris with 26 points.
“Others scoring were Bryant Shipp, Jared Brogden and Derek Faulkner with five points each; Kyle Johnston, four points; Lee Booker and Justin Tranum, two points each; and Seth McIntyre, one point.”
DEC. 22, 1983
“Johnny Howard killed this big seven-point, 235-pound buck on the Charlie Ward Plantation.”
“Sparta hosts Tournament of Champions: The Sparta Academy Warriors will host the annual Tournament of Champions on Dec. 27, 28, 29 in the school gymnasium. There will be girls and boys divisions.
“Games are scheduled as follows:
“Tues., Dec. 27: 5:30 p.m., girls, Monroe Academy vs. Jackson Academy; 7 p.m., boys, Escambia Academy vs. Jackson Academy; 8:30 p.m., boys, Sparta Academy vs. Minor Academy of Birmingham.
“Wed., Dec. 28, 5:30 p.m., girls, Sparta Academy vs. Hooper Academy; 7 p.m., boys, Hooper Academy vs. Lakeside Academy; 8:30 p.m., boys, Sparta-Minor winner vs. Escambia-Jackson winner.
“Thurs., Dec. 29, 7 p.m., girls championship game; 8:30 p.m., boys championship game.”
DEC. 24, 1953
“Capt. Sam Cope of the Evergreen High Aggies is shown above as he signed a grant-in-aid athletic scholarship with the University of Alabama. Seated beside him are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Cope, and looking on from behind him are Coach Joe Kilgrow of the Crimson Tide and Coach Wendell Hart and Assistant Coach Bill Parsons of the Aggies. Capt. Sam was a standout lineman for the Aggies for four seasons and earned a right tackle berth on the Montgomery Advertiser-Journal All-State Team. He was named on every all-opponents team issued by teams that played the Aggies this year. Last Wednesday night, the honors he has received were capped by the awarding of the D.T. Stuart Sportsmanship Trophy to him at the Quarterback Banquet. He signed with Alabama on Dec. 15.”
“Aggies and ‘Has Beens’ Play Benefit Wednesday: Former stars of E.H.S. will be pitted against the E.H.S. varsity basketball team in a benefit game at Memorial Gym Wednesday night, Dec. 23, at 7:30 p.m. (note: The Courant was published two days early this week due to the Christmas holidays). Admission to the game will be a donation to the March of Dimes Drive.
“The ‘has beens’ will be favored due to their high-scoring 6-4 center, Guerry Moorer. With Moorer in the line-up, they can field a team which will average over six-feet in height. A complete roster is not available, but other stars of years gone by will include Check Ellis, Bobby Snowden, John Greel Ralls, Shirley Frazier, Pace and Dickey Bozeman, John Henry Brantley, Billy Lewis, John Law Robinson and Sammy Hanks. The ‘has beens’ will employ a zone defense and a two-platoon offense, and the game promises to be a high-scoring affair with plenty of friendly rivalry. Coach Hart will start his regular line-up.”
“Twenty-two Aggies Given Letters; Sam Cope Winner of Stuart Trophy: Twenty-two members of the 1953 Evergreen High School football team were awarded letters at the annual football banquet given last Wednesday night by the Evergreen Quarterback Club. The banquet held at the high school cafeteria honored the team that posted the third best record in the school’s history by winning eight, losing one and trying one this year.
“Coach Hart introduced the leaders of next year’s team elected last week by the team, Capt. Richard Taylor and Alt. Capt. Ward Alexander Jr., who also served in this role this year. He awarded letters to the following players:
“Seniors: Capt. Cope (his fourth), Ward, Johnson, Sheffield and Hanks. Juniors: Alt. Capt. Alexander, Wayne Bell, Taylor, Jimmy Frazier, Wayne Douglas, Vernon Purnell, Tommy Melton, Alvin Reeves. Sophomores: Ronnie Edson, Randy White, Buck Lewis, Murray Johnson, Robert Mason, Walter Carrier, Neal Hyde and Eugene Hyde. Freshman, Wayne Frazier.
“Cheerleaders receiving letters were Barbara DaLee, Patricia Alexander, Phylis Cunningham, Janet Mellinger and Eddie Tuggle.”
“Repton High Cagers Have Won 4 Straight: Coach Albert Arnold’s Repton High School Bulldogs are riding the crest of a four-game winning streak an are tabbed as the team to beat for the county championship. The Bulldogs blasted Coach Ray Owens’ defending champion Castleberry quint Friday night, 48 to 34, in Repton to close out the pre-Christmas schedule undefeated.
“Repton opened up with an easy win over McKenzie. Last Tuesday night the Bulldogs had their toughest test to date and won a thrilling, 35-33, decision from J.U. Blacksher High of Uriah.
“Sparking the play of the rampaging Bulldogs are two sharp shooting stars, Paul Brantley and Ray Blackwell, who share the high-scoring honors. Other varsity performers are Billy Farrish, Harry Giles, Eddie Kelly, Roger Kearley, Burt Stacey and James William Baggett.”
DEC. 22, 1938
“Aggies Trounce Castleberry, 22-15 by Eugene Powell: The Evergreen Aggies packed up their duffel bags last Friday night and trekked off to Castleberry to engage in their first associational basketball game and ‘trucked’ back the holders of a 22-15 victory. The Aggies’ first team, composed of Kelly and Millsap, guards, Fountain and Solomon, forwards, and Wiggins at center, started the fray and put a taboo on the Berries that they were never able to overcome. The Cartermen held the lead only once and that in the opening moments of the game, at which time they led by the narrow margin of 2-1.
“The starters for Castleberry were Griffin and Suddith, guards, Deuel and James, forwards, and Carr at center.
“The high scoring men for the Aggies were Fountain, with the amazing total of 11 points, and Wiggins, who followed closely with eight markers. High scorers for the losers were James, with seven points, and Carr, with six.”
“The Evergreen Town team, otherwise known as the Greenhawks, have also been trying to mold themselves a grade-A quintet. In addition to last year’s players, the Greenhawks have taken on Johnny Harris, the would be ‘clutch hitter’ and ‘Jack of all trades,’ during the recent baseball session.
“The following players showed up for the initial game, against the high school Aggies, Harris, Elder, Johns, Hannah, Binion, Kendall, Murphy, Page and Thornley. The Greenhawks may be dynamite this year so hold your hats for the blast.”
Compiled by Sports Reporter Lee Peacock from past issues of The Evergreen Courant. To read The Courant’s weekly Sports Flashback feature online, visit leepeacock2010.blogspot.com.