A search for UFO reports in Alabama between Dec. 1 and Dec. 31 on MUFON’s website, www.mufon.com, resulted in five reports from within our state during that time.
The first incident occurred on Sat., Dec. 1, at 6:53 p.m. in Mobile. The witness was at home when a friend drove up and told him to come outside to look at some “strange lights.”
The witness went on to report seeing eight, bright, slow-moving objects. The objects were yellow-orange and were ball-shaped. They zigzagged to the northeast and made no sounds. The witness said the objects moved at about two-thirds the speed of a typical airplane.
About four minutes after seeing the first object, the first light began traveling north and grew smaller and smaller. It eventually looked like a small star and then vanished, he said. The rest of the strange lights followed the first, traveling north, growing smaller and eventually disappearing. Right before the last object disappeared, two others came from the northeast on the same path as the others and followed the same course.
The strange lights also caught the eye of several passing motorists who were driving through the neighborhood. A number of them actually stopped their vehicles, got out and watched.
“It was pretty surreal,” he said. “I have never seen any objects like those in my life.”
The second incident occurred around 7 p.m. on Mon., Dec. 3, in Semmes, which is a city in western Mobile County. This UFO was seen by five people who were traveling west in a truck on Schillinger’s Road toward Airport Boulevard. They reported seeing two big objects in the sky, just above the treeline, that stopped and started moving slowly apart.
“I don’t know what they are,” the witness said. “They’re not planes. They don’t move. I stopped my truck, got out and started video-recording it.”
In all, the witnesses watched the UFOs for about five minutes, then “it was like they turned out the lights, and they were gone.”
The third incident occurred on the night of Thurs., Dec. 6, in Jacksonville, which is in Calhoun County, not far from Anniston in northeast Alabama. The witness was in his apartment living room watching television when his two dogs started barking “frantically.” Expecting to see that a stray cat had wandered into the backyard, the man went outside to see what had upset the dogs.
The witness didn’t see anything, and his dogs suddenly stopped barking. Instead of going back inside, the man remained on the back porch, smoked a cigarette and watched the clouds move overhead.
“I turned my head to put my cigarette out and saw a bright green flash out of the corner of my eye,” the witness said. “I turned my head to see what it was and saw a neon green object hovering in the sky. The object was shaped like three cylinders side by side.”
The witness said that each cylinder had a cone-shaped top and bottom, and that the entire object was glowing. The outer edge and the area where each cylinder was attached seemed to be a slightly darker shade of green and not glowing. The object hovered for several seconds, dropped to the treeline, rotated and rose briefly before dropping below the trees and out of sight. There were not external lights on the object, but it appeared to have been lit from within, the witness said. This object also emitted no sound, he said.
The fourth incident occurred on Sat., Dec. 8, at 10:30 p.m. in Gardendale, which is a suburb of Birmingham.
In this case, the witness and her husband were walking to their car when they saw an orange light in the sky.
“We both noticed it because it was very bright and moving awkwardly,” she said. “I was completely in shock and stood there and watched it. After a second, my husband and I ran about 10 feet to get out from under a tree in the yard. I have never seen anything move like it did.”
The object zigzagged left, then stopped and remained motionless for at least a minute. The light then began to dim, but not as if it were about to go out, she said. Eventually, it rose into the sky and vanished, she said.
“I was really scared even though it seemed far away,” she said.
The fifth incident occurred on Sun., Dec. 9, around 7 p.m. in Double Springs, which is the county seat of Winston County in north Alabama.
In this case, the witness and his wife were sitting on their deck when his wife noticed what they thought was a plane moving slower than the other planes in the sky. At first, the wife thought the object was a helicopter, but wondered why it didn’t have any of its navigational lights on. As they watched, the object made a “very lazy S-turn” from southwest to northeast.
The husband began filming the unusual object on his digital video camera and watched as it appeared to hover between Double Springs and a lake resort about 10 miles away. It eventually “drifted” to the south where they could still see it in the sky, but not in their camera’s viewfinder. The entire sighting lasted less than 90 seconds.
Before closing out this week, I just want to put it out there again that I would be very interested to hear from any readers of The Courant who have witnessed a UFO in Conecuh County. I think a lot of other people would be interested in hearing your story too, and I’m willing to accept your report anonymously. You can contact me by e-mail at courantsports@earthlink.net or by phone at 578-1492.
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