Monroe Journal Publisher Bill Stewart. |
The Monroe Journal newspaper in Monroeville published four
editions 50 years ago during the month of September 1964. Those papers came out
on Sept. 3, Sept. 10, Sept. 17 and Sept. 24. Bill Stewart was the newspaper’s
publisher, Fred Nall was editor and Merrill Bankester was news editor. What
follows are a few new highlights from each of those papers. Enjoy.
SEPT. 3, 1964
Robbery Suspect Pleads Guilty; One Out On Bond: Two Brewton
Men Held For Repton Hold-up: One of the two men arrested in connection with the
robbery of the Union Bank at Repton June 20 has pleaded guilty to robbery
charges and the second man has been released under $20,000 bond.
Lawrence Earl Vonderau, 20, who has been charged with the
actual hold-up when the bank was robbed of $16,386 by a gunman, pleaded guilty
before Judge Daniel H. Thomas in Mobile Aug. 22. He will be sentenced later.
Junior Wesley Bernard, 30, charged with driving the car
which the two men escaped in, was released on $20,000 bond and will file a plea
before Judge Thomas later.
The two men were arrested in Brewton Aug. 14 by FBI agents
following two months of investigation by the FBI, Escambia County Sheriff G.S.
Bryne’s office and Conecuh Sheriff James Brock’s office.
At the time of their arrests, $2,350 of the stolen money was
recovered by the FBI from Mr. Vonderau. According to the FBI, Mr. Vonderau is
an unemployed service station attendant. Mr. Bernard is manager of a parts in
Oral Polio Vaccine To Be Given Again In Monroe County: The
feeding of the oral type polio vaccine will again be given in Monroe County, it
was announced this week by Dr. E.F. Goldsmith, county health officer.
Dr. Goldsmith said the three doses of Sabin vaccine will be
given to those who failed to get the vaccine during the three-month period,
March, April and May, and also for those who did not get all three types.
The feedings will again be given over a three-month period,
starting Sept. 14.
Schools To Open In County Friday: Parents and students were
reminded this week by R.H. Vickery, county superintendent, of the opening of
schools Friday (tomorrow).
The first full day of classes will be Tues., Sept. 8, Mr.
Vickery said, and the final day, May 27.
New Police Chief At Frisco City: G.A. (Pete) Hawkins assumed
the duties as new Chief of Police of Frisco City Aug. 10, replacing N.S.
Whippets Player Out For Season: The Frisco City High School
Whippets suffered a set back in their hopes for the coming football season with
the loss of two-year letterman Larry DeWise.
Coach Leon Jackson said DeWise, the only returning letterman
at the center position, suffered a brain concussion in practice last Monday
First Game Set Sept. 12: After a dismal 1-8-1 season last
year, Excel’s High School Panthers expect to be bigger and better when their
first game rolls around Sept. 12.
Back this year will be 13 lettermen which includes eight in
the line and five in the backfield.
Returning linemen are ends Charles Godwin (155) and Tommy
Bell (142); tackles Randall Scruggs (198) and Talmage Hoods (170); guards Tommy
Green (160), Charles Dawson (137) and Fonde Melton (138), and center Chubby Murray
Backs returning will be quarterback Johnny Stokes (165),
halfbacks Wayne Wright (175), Wayne Dawson (140) and Randy Anners (155) and
fullback Kenneth Stokes (200).
Coach Ed Comer listed a number of prospects who will help.
They include Stanley Wilson (125) and Tommy Jordan (140) at the halfback
positions. Laden Wright (140) at end and tackles Danny Simpson (178) and
Michael Turberville (145).
Others listed as hopefuls are Wayne Melton (122) at guard.
Amos Stacey (135) end, Terry Stacey (155) fullback and centers Donald
Turberville (127) and Dan Booth (130).
Lost from last season are eight starters: Bobo Godwin,
fullback; Aaron White, center; Donald Moore, fullback and guard; Harry Lowery,
end; Garland Petty, end; Mack Murphy, tackle; Bert Alderman, tackle; and O’Neil
Turberville, quarterback.
Excel defeated rival Repton, 24-0, for their only win last
year and tied Lyeffion, 6-6, in the opening game of the season. Other close
games listed by Coach Comer were Leroy, 7-6, and Silas, 12-0. Other games lost
by one or two touchdowns were Camden, 27-13; county and conference foe, Uriah,
28-12, and conference rival Grove Hill, 27-13. Frisco City defeated Excel,
12-0, Coffeeville, 39-19, and Monroeville, 42-19. In the loss to Monroeville,
that was the first time in five years three touchdowns had been scored against
the MCHS Tigers.
SEPT. 10, 1964
Progress Continues On New Airport: Progress on the Monroe
County airport is continuing, reported Walter Agee, chairman of the Monroe
County Airport Development Committee.
Mr. Agee said the airport, which will be located about four
miles south of Monroeville, near Highway 84, is being cleared now of timber and
stumps so that grading could begin soon.
Four County Teams To Open Season: All four county schools open
their football seasons with defending county and Pine Belt champions
Monroeville and J.U. Blacksher’s Bulldogs getting an early start.
The MCHS Tigers play the Bulldogs Thursday night in Uriah.
Frisco City opens Friday night against T.R. Miller of Brewton
in Frisco City, and Excel plays at home Saturday night against Lyeffion.
Monroeville won the county and Pine Belt championship last
year with an 8-1-1 record. Expected to give the Tigers their strongest
competition for the crowns this year is the Whippets from Frisco City, which
also finished with an 8-1-1 record last year. But the one loss was to
Monroeville, 33-7, and the tie to conference foe Grove Hill, 13-13.
Excel hopes to better its record this year. Prospects look
brighter with 13 returning lettermen. The Panthers finished 1-8-1 last season.
COMPLETES TRAINING: Private James C. Marshall, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Conrad Marshall of 515 Jones Ave., Monroeville, completed recruit
training Sept. 4 at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, S.C.
He will report to Camp Lejeune, N.C. for combat infantry
training following graduation.
DEADLY MENACES: Bobby Colquett, Monroe County High School
Student, killed these two moccasins last Thursday at the Vanity Fair Park Lake.
Bobby said he was fishing in the lake Thursday night when he saw the moccasins.
SEPT. 17, 1964
Log Truck Rams Moving Freight Train at Corduroy Crossing: A
Beatrice colored man was killed instantly early Wednesday when the log truck he
was driving collided with a freight train at Corduroy, near Beatrice.
According to the engineer of the train, the driver of the
truck made no visible effort to stop or swerve to the side as the vehicle
plowed into the side of the second unit of the duel diesel engine pulling a
long line of freight cars. There were no skid marks on the highway.
The impact against the engine twisted one of the steel
rails, causing the engine to drop to the cross ties and seven freight cars to
derail and pile up.
The badly mangled body of the victim was pinned under a pile
of wreckage and some time was required to remove it to an ambulance.
According to State Trooper Angus Whitley, who investigated
the accident, the dead man was identified as Ollie Lewis Montgomery of
Beatrice. The truck was owned by Peterman Lumber Co. of Peterman. The engineer
was identified as Wilson Bishop Merrit Sr. of Pensacola, Fla. Riding in the
engine cab with the engineer was C.C. King, flagman.
Man Found Dead In Motel Room: A salesman with a Mobile firm
was found dead in his motel room in Monroeville Tuesday morning but no foul
play was involved, according to authorities.
County Coroner Julius Johnson said Robert Finley Hill, about
56, of Prichard, died apparently from natural causes.
Mr. Johnson said the man had asked the motel attendants to
call him Tuesday morning and when they couldn’t get an answer they went into
his room and found Mr. Hill lying on the bed. They called Mr. Johnson who
pronounced him dead.
Oscar W. McCrory Enters Pharmacy School In Georgia: Oscar W.
McCrory (Billy) of Frisco City received an honorable discharge from the U.S.
Air Force, Sept. 10, after serving over four years. Stationed at Orlando AFB,
Fla., he was NCO in charge of the Pediatric Clinic.
Mr. McCrory, his wife, Dianne, and their two daughters will
reside in Bremen, Ga., where Mr. McCrory will attend the School of Pharmacy at
the University of Georgia.
Excel Racks Up 25-0 Win Over Lyeffion: The Excel Panthers
rolled to an opening game, 25-0, victory over the Lyeffion Yellow Jackets at
Excel Friday night.
The Panthers lost little time in scoring. They took the
opening kickoff and marched 70 yards in 11 plays for their first score. Randy
Anners climaxed the drive with a 30-yard scoring run.
Quarterback Johnny Stokes turned in the longest touchdown
run of the night going 50 yards in the second quarter with the help of good
downfield blocking by Excel linemen.
Wayne Wright, workhorse for the Panthers, broke loose for a
42-yard run before being hauled down on the Lyeffion four. With 1:42 remaining
in the half, Anners circled left end for the final four yards and his second TD
of the night. Stokes converted for the PAT.
Randall Scruggs closed out the Panthers scoring in the third
period when he raced 22 yards for a touchdown with an intercepted pass.
Leading ground gainers for Excel were Wright who had 111
yards on 11 carries; Wayne Dawson, 80 yards on 10 carries; Stokes, 63 yards on
five carries; Anners, 49 yards on six carries; Kenneth Stokes, 34 yards on six
carries; Stanley Wilson, 23 yards on seven carries; and Terry Stacey, six yards
on one carry.
Other Excel players who turned in good performances were
Charles Godwin, Tommy Green, Fonde Melton, Charles Dawson, Talmage Hooks, Danny
Simpson, Chubby Murray, Amos Stacey, Ladon Wright, Wayne Melton, Michael
Turberville, Donald Turberville and Dan Booth.
Jackson Principal Named PB Head: Frank Barbaree, principal
of Jackson High School, has been elected president of the Pine Belt Conference,
an organization of 12 high schools in Clarke, Washington, Choctaw and Monroe
He replaces Coach Gary D. Spruce of Thomasville.
Others officers are Coach Clayton E. (Jack) McMillan Jr. of
Leroy, vice president; and Coach Billy Ricketts of Jackson,
Two committees were named at a meeting held Sunday in Grove
On the committee responsible for placing nominations for
All-Conference Awards are Coach Ed Bolling of Frisco City, Coach Wilbert
Parnell of Millry, Coach Charles Solomon of Thomasville and Coach Oscar Braun
Jr. of Coffeeville.
Board of control members are Principal Fred M. (Tick)
Scoggins of Uriah, Coach Ed Godwin of Millry and Coach Rex Jackson of Grove
“Uriah Dumps MCHS Tigers 12-7 In Season’s Opener: J.U.
Blacksher surprised the Monroeville Tigers with a 12-7 win in the season’s
opener for both teams last Thursday night on the Bulldogs home field in Uriah.”
Joe Cardwell scored Blacksher’s first touchdown on a
one-yard run, but the Bulldogs didn’t get the PAT. Ray Raybon scored
Blacksher’s second touchdown on a four-yard run, and they didn’t get the
ensuing PAT. MCHS’s touchdown came on a 16-yard run by Johnny Brannon, and Mike
Segers added the extra point.
Other outstanding Blacksher players in that game included
Billy Harris and Larry Harris. Other outstanding MCHS players in the game
included Grantham, Randy McDonald, Melvin Middleton, Coy Tatum and Seth
Ready For Finishing Touches: Read for the finishing touches
is the new 1,850-seat stadium at Vanity Fair Park. Coach James Allen said the
new seats will be ready for the opening of the MCHS Tigers first home game
Friday night, Sept. 25. He also said there are a few more reserved seats left
in the new stands. A new press box will be built at the top of the stadium with
dressing rooms built underneath.
T.R. Miller Scores 19-0 Upset Over Frisco City: T.R. Miller
of Brewton down Frisco City, 19-0, Saturday night in a mild upset, in Frisco
The victory was the first for Miller over the Whippets and
also the first time they had scored since 1957.
Even though Miller picked up only one first down in the
first half, they led at halftime, 6-0. Halfback Mike Sasser broke loose for a
40-yard gallop for the lone score. The PAT was blocked.
Gordon Brown led the Whippets on defense on tackles and
assists, backed up by Jack Kelly and Larry Eddins.
On offense, Johnny King and Larry Jones led the Frisco City
ball carriers.
SEPT. 24, 1964
M&R To Abandon Local Operations: The Interstate Commerce
Commission has authorized the Manistee and Repton Railroad Co. to abandon its
operations between Monroeville and Monroeton.
The federal agency also authorized the Louisville and
Nashville Railroad Co. to take over operation of the M&R tracks between the
two points.
The commission issued its ruling Sept. 14 and allows a
period of one year in which to complete the transfer.
Frisco RR Seeks To Close Station: Application for the
closing of the Fountain station by the Frisco Railway Co. will be made to the
Alabama Public Service Commission, according to a notice posted by the company.
The Fountain station is for freight only and is on the
Pensacola to Amory, Miss. line, which connects Birmingham and St. Louis.
Freight which would ordinarily be shipped or received at the
Fountain station would be handled at the Mexia station if the petition is
approved by the commission.
Corporation papers for the forming of a lime chalk mining
company were filed in probate court last Friday.
Formed as the Claiborne Lime Co., Inc., the $70,000
corporation will produce agricultural lime.
The company expects to begin operation about the first of
November with an initial employment of 10 persons.
The mining plant will be located about two miles southwest
of Perdue Hill in a field of lime chalk which was termed very good by Mr.
(William L.) Wells.
Whippets Even Record With Win Over Excel: The Frisco City
Whippets evened its record at 1 and 1 Friday night with an 18-6 win over the
Excel Panthers, whose record also stands at 1 and 1.
Excel received the opening kickoff but failed to net a first
down and was forced to punt.
Putting the ball in play at their own 25 yard line, the
Whippets appeared to have a drive going but the threat ended with an
interception of a Boothe pass by linebacker Charles Godwin at the midfield
After running into a tough Frisco City defense again, the
Panthers had to punt. Starting deep in their own territory, the Whippets
started out on their first touchdown drive, climaxed by a two-yard plunge by
fullback Larry Eddins. Mike Johns’ kick for the extra point failed when it went
wide to the right of the goal posts.
After the kick off and a failure to gain a first down, Excel
punted again to the Whippets who matched their previous drive for a touchdown.
Halfback Larry Jones put Frisco City ahead 12-0 with a
six-yard jaunt into the end zone. The PAT try failed.
Excel picked up its first first down of the half shortly
before the end of the first half of play.
The Whippets continued its touchdown desires in the third
period of play, moving 55 yards for their final touchdown of the night.
Halfbacks Johnny King and Jones ate up most of the yardage
in this drive with King getting the last yard on a lunge over the middle of the
line. An attempted pass for the extra point failed and the Whippets had their
18 points for the night.
The remainder of the second half saw neither team able to
put on a sustained drive until seven minutes remained in the game.
The Panthers grabbed a Frisco fumble and returned it to the
Whippets 15 yard line before second team quarterback Jim Kelly caught the
runner from behind.
Halfback Wayne Wright broke into the scoring for the
Panthers going over from the two yard line. Quarterback John Stokes’ attempted
PAT pass to right end Charles Godwin was broken up by Johnny King.
Frisco City took the kickoff and seemed to have another
drive underway but time ran out to end the game before it could materialize.
Outstanding on defense for the Whippets were Bill Wiggins,
Larry Eddins, Jack Kelly, Hubert Broughton and Mike Johns.
Tigers Drop Game To Fairhope: The Monroe County High School
Tigers lost a squeaker at the hands of Fairhope, 10-7, on the Pirates’ home
field in Fairhope Friday night. The winning tally came on a field goal with
just 20 seconds remaining in the game.
(Monroe County’s only score came on a 19-yard run by quarterback
Seth Watkins. Mike Segers kicked the extra point.)