Sunday, February 1, 2015

145-year-old news highlights from The Monroe Journal from Jan. 1870

Baltimore College of Dental Surgery
The Monroe Journal newspaper in Monroeville, Ala., under the direction of Editor and Proprietor S.M. Davidson, published at least three editions 145 years ago during the month of January 1870. Those issues, which can be found on microfilm at the Monroe County Library in Monroeville, were dated Jan. 8, Jan. 22 and Jan. 29. What follows are a few news highlights from each of those editions. Enjoy.

JAN. 8, 1870

The Stockholders of the Monroeville Academy are requested to meet at the Court House on Thurs., 13th inst., at 4 o’clock p.m.

We are under obligations to Messrs. J. Russell & Co. for a bottle of their fine liquors, numbering 15 varieties, suitable for medical purposes. Mr. Asa Parker joined them and us in a test of its quality. Mr. Parker’s verdict is “not only good, but fine, sick or well.”

Messrs. C.L. Clausel & Co. are receiving innumerable boxes, barrels, packages, etc. Go there, if you want cheap – and fresh goods.

Our thanks are hereby returned to Hon. J.W. Leslie for a quantity of fine cabbage and turnips.
We measured the heads of two of the cabbages, which were as flat as a barrel head. They measured six feet and five inches, average three feet, two and a half inches. These vegetables grew after the removal of the fall crop of beans and potatoes in October. We charged the little son of Ethiopia with having spoiled his master’s garden, by bringing us the largest. He replied, “No, ain’t, is got some bigger ‘an dees.” Can you beat the Judge? If you can, here is the place to prove it.

Watches, Clocks, Jewelry! If you wish your watches and clocks to keep correct time, have them repaired by A. Picken, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, (Successor to the late Col. Steele) All work guaranteed for 12 months and the finest materials only used. Claiborne, Ala., June 19, 1869.

JAN. 22, 1870

Mr. J.S. Perrin is our authorized agent to receive advertisements and subscriptions for The Monroe Journal.

Notice additions to the stock of Dr. J. Russell & Co.’s new drug store.

A man was arrested and sentenced to “forty days” at Natchez, Christmas week, for levying a dollar a wagon of toll from some movers from Alabama at the bridge over St. Catherine’s creek, which has been free since the memory of man.

NOTICE: All persons who are responsible for fines and costs in the County Court of Monroe County, would do well to come forward and pay up by the 1st of November, 1869, or executions will issue to force collection of the same.
The bill of fines and costs will be found in the office of the Judge of Probate.
W.W. Simmons
County Treasurer

G.G. STALLWORTH, D.D.S., Pineville, Ala. Having attended lectures at the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, I offer my professional services to the people of Monroeville and surrounding country. All work warranted to give satisfaction.

J.J. SIMPKINS, Old Texas, Alabama, Dealer In Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps &C. His goods were bought strictly for cash and will be sold for cash or exchanged for country produce, such as corn, cotton, poultry, eggs, beeswax, or anything else which can be disposed of. Weekly arrivals of new goods. He will also furnish you The Monroe Journal at the low price of $2 per year, delivered to his store.

JAN. 29, 1870

COUNTY COURT: This Court was opened on the 26th inst., Honorable J.W. Leslie presiding and Solicitor Duke, representing the state, when the following cases were disposed of:
Simon Henderson for assault and battery on Polly Fowler. Guilty and fined one dollar and costs.
Samuel Busey, malicious mischief. Prosecutor withdrew charge.
Bob McKenzie and Giles McKenzie, affray. Plead guilty and fined five dollars and costs.
Bob McKenzie, adultery and fornication. Defendant married his paramour and was excused.
Dick Broughton, assault and battery on his better half. Owned up and was fined five dollars and costs.
Stephen Foster, alias Stephen Adams, pig lifting. Not guilty.
Henry Marshal, for taking some fodder that happened to belong to Mr. Morris. Henry owned up and was fined five dollars and costs.
The case of T.J. Oneal and Alcanda Oneal. Nol pros, as to the latter, the former pleading guilty, was fined one dollar and costs.
Homer Fry, charged with pig lifting. By a tedious investigation and finding out a great many tracks and ever so much blood, and the impeachment of witnesses on both sides, the Court was not satisfied of the guilt of the namesake of the ancient poet, and he was allowed to go free, without a day.

The editor of this paper has been confined to his bed by severe illness, during the last 10 days. This is a strong drawback to the establishment, and will account for any void that may occur in the regular movements of The Journal.

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