Sunday, April 17, 2016

120-year-old news highlights from The Monroe Journal from April 1896

The Monroe Journal newspaper in Monroeville, Ala., under the direction of editor and proprietor Q. Salter, published five editions 120 years ago during the month of April 1896. Those issues, which were dated April 2, April 9, April 16, April 23 and April 30, can be found on microfilm at the Monroe County Library in Monroeville, Ala. What follows are a few news highlights from those four editions. Enjoy.

APRIL 2, 1896

Mr. J.A. Grace, the obliging proprietor of the Upper Warehouse, Claiborne, gave us a pleasant call Friday.

Dr. D.C. Burson, who has been attending lectures at the Atlanta Dental College for several months past, has returned with his sheepskin.

Mr. Robinson, an itinerant freehand artist, gave a highly entertaining exhibition at the courthouse on last Friday night. His portraits of local personages, landscapes, etc. were true to life.

Capt. W.S. Wiggins is erecting an extensive addition to his residence, adding greatly to its attractiveness as well as utility.

Col. B.L. Hibbard will speak at the courthouse on Saturday, the 4th inst. at 11 a.m., and at Enon church on Tuesday, the 7th. The ladies are especially invited to attend.

MANISTEE: The Bear Creek Mill is running regular now under the supervision of their skillful sawyer, Mr. Lupkin.

PERDUE HILL: Drill was better attended than usual last Tuesday night.

PINEVILLE: Col. B.L. Hibbard spoke here on the 26th to an audience of about 200 people. He is an able advocate of the free and unlimited coinage of silver and of the nomination of Capt. Johnston for governor. The Col. is himself a candidate for representative.

APRIL 9, 1896

Some of the material is being placed on the ground for the erection of the new Methodist parsonage.

Some excitement was created in town Monday afternoon by the announcement that a mad dog was at large. Gilderoy, the little son of Rev. J.W. Killough, was bitten by a dog that behaved queerly. The injuries inflicted were very slight, however, and it is to be sincerely hoped that nothing serious will result. The dog was killed.

MEXIA: Messrs. Hendrix Bros. are building a large store at Mexia and will begin business as soon as their store is completed.

CLAIBORNE: Miss Annie Agee, a charming young lady of Perdue Hill, was in our town last Friday until about one o’clock when she left for Mobile on steamer Tinsie Moore.
The steamboats have been bringing large freights every trip for the last two or three months, and our Warehouse man, Mr. G.A. Tuthill, has been stepping light during that time.

Col. Hibbard spoke in the courthouse on last Saturday to a very good attendance. The Colonel closed his canvass at Enon church on Tuesday.

Axel Items: Mr. O.B. Carpenter is at work on his new residence.

Mr. R.F. Lowrey, one of Perdue Hill’s enterprising merchants, gave us a pleasant call Saturday.

Hon. E.R. Morrisette spoke at Pineville on Friday of last week, and at Jones Mill on Tuesday of this week, in the interest of Hon. R.H. Clarke’s candidacy for governor.

APRIL 16, 1896

Mr. K.E. Rothchild, one of Claiborne’s progressive merchants, was in town on Monday and favored this office with a pleasant call.

The Small Pox Scare: Considerable anxiety and apprehension was created here last week by the report of a case of small pox at Tekoa, about seven or eight miles south of Monroeville. Dr. Wiggins, County Health Officer, was notified and went in company with Dr. Busey, the attending physician, to examine the patient and their diagnosis was that it was genuine small pox. Dr. McDaniel also visited the case, and he concurs in this opinion. They are further convinced that their diagnosis was correct by the fact that a similar case is reported at Wallace which is pronounced small pox by Dr. Parker of Brewton. The Tekoa case, a negro, is lately from Wallace and was there exposed to a strange negro from New Orleans. Dr. Wiggins had the case isolated and the house he formerly occupied burned. He also had quarantine officers stationed on the various roads leading to town and adopted other precautionary measures for the protection of our citizens.

Mexia: Mr. W.C. Neville had a little scrape with a man Monday at this place, seems that the man was running from small pox and had jumped the quarantine, he resisted arrest and Mr. Neville struck him, he surrendered then and was taken back where he came from.

APRIL 23, 1896

Circuit Court convened at 12 o’clock p.m., on Monday, 21st inst., when the grand jury was duly empaneled and the usual charge delivered by his Honor, Judge John C. Anderson. The court then took a recess until Thursday morning when the petit juries were organized and the regular business proceeded them with. The civil docket is unusually light and will perhaps be run through by Friday evening. Court will reconvene on Monday for the trial of criminal cases.

Amongst the visiting attorneys, who are attending court this week, are Col. J.W. Posey, Hons. G.R. Farnham, Jno. D. Burnett, Messrs. J.F. Jones, Jas. Stallworth and Ernest Newton of Evergreen.

PINEVILLE: The closing exercises of the Pineville school, which occurred on Friday evening April 17 at the Baptist church, was largely attended by citizens of this place and other neighborhoods.

Monroe Mill: Rev. W.A. Locke filled his regular appointment at Old Salem on the second Sunday.

Buena Vista: Miss Mamie Boroughs is preparing for the closing exercises of her school here.

Mexia: Mr. J.M. Gardner, the well known mill man, has rented the large steam mill owned by Messrs. Hixon Bros., which is located in the suburbs of our city and will soon be running on full time.

Mr. George W. Salter Sr. of Evergreen is visiting relatives and friends in Monroeville this week.

APRIL 30, 1896

Mr. Jas. K. Kyser, the genial postmaster and merchant of Burnt Corn, was in the city on Monday.

Mr. Jno. A. Savage, secretary and general manager of the Monroe Mill Co., was in the city Monday on business.

Mr. H.A. Lockwood of Manistee, the genial bookkeeper for the Bear Creek Mill Co., paid this office a pleasant visit on Monday. Mr. L. is a well informed gentleman of advanced and progressive ideas.

River Ridge: Mrs. C.L. Johnson returned home on the steamer Nettie Quill Wednesday night from a visit to friends and relatives in Mobile.

Pineville: Mr. Sam Moore, who is representing the firm of Michtral & Lyon of Mobile was in town Tuesday.

Dr. J.W. Shomo of Mt. Pleasant was in town Monday.

B.M. Miller, Esq. of Camden, is in attendance on the circuit court this week.

Hon. Jas. M. Davison of the Brewton bar attended Circuit Court here this week.

Mr. G.W. Kyser, one of Repton’s enterprising merchants, was in town Monday, attending court.

Hon. P.C. Walker and Jas. E. Stallworth, Esq., of Evergreen, attended court here this week.

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