Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Evergreen Courant's News Flashback for Oct. 25, 2016

Andrew Jay Burt grave at Belleville, Ala.
OCT. 25, 1888

Attention Conecuh Guards: You are hereby commanded to assemble at your armory Saturday night, Oct. 27th, in fatigue uniform for monthly meeting. By order of the Captain. – D.J. Gantt, 3rd Segt.

Attention is directed to the advertisement of the Evergreen Electric Institute, which has already appeared in The Star several times. This school is now offered by as competent corps of teachers as any in the state. Its prospects have never been so bright as now. With such a teacher as Colonel King for principal and with such assistants as he has the school cannot fail to prosper.

The number in attendance at the Evergreen Electric Institute is gradually increasing. What a splendid school we could have in Evergreen, if the people would harmonize and act in concert.

Circuit Court: This court adjourned last Saturday. Judge Hubbard and the solicitor went from here to Pike County, where they will hold a term of three weeks. There were 19 convictions for criminal offenses, five acquittals and eight cases were nol prossed.

PUBLIC SPEAKING: Col. H.A. Herbert, the present nominee from the Second Congressional District, will address the people upon the issues of the day: At Evergreen, Friday, Oct. 26. – J.N. ARRINGTON, Chairman Dem. Cong. Ex. Co.

OCT. 28, 1903

General Bowles Endorsed: At a recent meeting of Camp Gen. Clanton, held at Brewton, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
“Resolved, that our delegation to Birmingham be and they are hereby instructed to propose and support the name of Gen. P.D. Bowles for election as successor of Brigade Commander, Gen. Vaughn, deceased.”

Gravella: Mr. Ed. Brown, one of our oldest citizens, died at his home here last Monday. He was 85 years old, a native of Ireland.

Dave Adams, a white man, was arrested by Deputy Sheriff James and placed in jail one day last week on a charge of killing a negro, Henry Jones, in Old Town beat on Monday last. The killing occurred in the negro’s house, and there was but one eyewitness to it, Lizzie Bradley, a negro woman. The negro was shot in the abdomen with a double barrel shotgun and lived only a short time afterwards. A preliminary trial was begun before Judge Dean on yesterday morning and is still in progress. The trial will likely consume all of today and perhaps longer, the testimony is being reduced to writing.

Quite a number of persons expect to attend the Confederate Veterans reunion at Birmingham on Nov. 4.

Gid Boykin was here a couple of days last week. He recently sustained injuries on the A&F Railroad, but has about recovered.

OCT. 30, 1918

Another Soldier Boy Goes to Final Reward: Andrew Jay Burt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Burt, died at Camp Mills, N.Y. last week. His body was shipped here on Friday and conveyed to Belleville for interment. He was 22 years old and has been in the army two years. He went from Camp Jackson, S.C. to Camp Mills to embark for overseas service when he fell a victim to influenza.

Brooklyn Citizen Passes Away: Henderson Brewer, a well known and highly esteemed citizen of Brooklyn, died on Sunday night from the effects of influenza.
NOTICE: Appointment to a free scholarship in the school of medicine of the University of Alabama will be awarded by the Commissioners Court of Conecuh County Nov. 4, 1918 to the applicant applying and qualifying for the same. – S.P. Dunn, Judge of Probate.

The Evergreen Chapter Red Cross has been called upon to knit 270 pair of socks for the month of November. This is the largest amount of knitting ever undertaken by the chapter in one month, and it is going to mean the united effort of all knitters in the county to complete this allotment in time to ship the socks by Nov. 29.

In a note to the editor, Mrs. L. Cantrel of Palatka, Fla. states that she is just in receipt of a telegram announcing that her brother, Edwin B. James, had been wounded in action “degree undetermined.”

OCT. 26, 1933

ALABAMA WOMAN DIES OF SLEEPING SICKNESS: Georgiana, Ala., Oct. 20 – Mrs. William Kelsoe, 35, of McKenzie, route two died at Tippins Hospital here at 11:30 a.m. yesterday of sleeping sickness. She had been ill only a few days. She is survived by her husband and four children. Burial will be near McKenzie today.

Repton Student Dies From Accident Injuries: Hunter Jernigan, age 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jernigan of near Repton, died at Monroeville Hospital Friday afternoon from injuries he received Thursday afternoon when he fell under the wheels of a school bus on which he was being carried to his home.
According to information available, young Jernigan had gotten off the bus with another boy near his home and attempted to catch it after it had started. He fell under the wheels and his body was badly mangled.
The bus was driven by Edwin Owens, senior at Repton High School and son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Owens. The driver was blameless in the unfortunate accident, according to those who investigated.

All stores, offices and business places will be closed all day Sat., Nov. 11, in observance of Armistice Day under the terms of an agreement which has been signed and is published below. Due to the fact that Armistice Day fell on Saturday this year, there was some opposition on the part of some closing. However, all have agreed to close and observe the day as has been done in years past.

OCT. 28, 1949

Barring unfavorable weather, the bridge across Murder Creek on the Castleberry-Brooklyn Road will be open to traffic Saturday after a lapse of three months, County Commissioner C.E. Robinson said today.
The steel span on the 44-year-old structure fell into the creek on the night of July 25. It has now been replaced with concrete and steel.
The new span was completed in a little more than nine weeks by the Montgomery Construction Co., under contract to the county, at a cost of $16,600.
When the steel span fell, the remainder of the bridge remained intact and is said to be in excellent condition. It is being black-topped by the county. Later, reflectors will be placed on the bridge to lessen traffic hazards.
The steel span went into the creek as Bobby Warren, 16-year-old youth, started across it in an automobile. Warren went down with the span, he and his car landing on the edge of the creek bank, but he miraculously escaped unhurt.

Last rites for Edward C. Ballard, who was killed in Germany during the recent World War, were held Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. at Oak Grove Church, conducted by Rev. J.L. Higdon. Full military honors were rendered by the American Legion.

Change of ownership was announced this week for two local cafés. Messrs. Otis Bradberry and Floyd Ezell have purchased the City Café from J.H. Hooks and have been busy this week repainting and renovating from front to back. They will open for business Fri., Oct. 29.

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