Jeff Sessions |
OCT. 18, 2012
Weather reporter Betty Ellis reported .05 inches of rain on Oct. 14, 2012. She reported a high temperature of 85 degrees on Oct. 13 and lows of 49 on Oct. 8 and Oct. 9.
A host of well-wishers that included dozens of representatives from the law enforcement, government and legal communities in Conecuh and Monroe counties were on hand Monday morning to mark the retirement of longtime district attorney, Tommy Chapman.
The Evergreen City Council voted to move forward with the purchase of land from Gil McKenzie located along I-65 at Exit 96 for upcoming development at their regular meeting Tuesday night. The city will pay $2.3 million for the remaining property owned by McKenzie and begin working on the infrastructure to build a new grocery store along with several other businesses that have committed to building on the site.
One of the biggest annual events in Conecuh County is scheduled to be held this coming Saturday in downtown Evergreen – the 10th Annual Evergreen Sausage Festival.
The 21st Annual South East Regional Fly-In, which brings aviation enthusiasts from around the country to Conecuh County, will be held next week at Middleton Air Field in Evergreen.
OCT. 16, 1997
Weather reporter Harry Ellis reported .01 inches of rain on Oct. 12, 1997. He reported a high temperature of 90 on Oct. 9 and a low of 62 on Oct. 6.
U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions was in Evergreen Tuesday for visits with local industries. Here Sessions was being given a quick lesson on how Knud Nielsen’s sweet smelling potpourri is packaged. Earlier in the day, he visited and toured the Conecuh Sausage Plant. He said Washington is quite hectic and day to day activities changed consistently on the floor of the Senate.
The 17th Annual Conecuh Heritage Day, sponsored by the Conecuh County Heritage Day Committee and the Evergreen-Conecuh County Chamber of Commerce will be held this Sat., Oct. 18, at Evergreen Municipal Park from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Castleberry got a new business a few weeks ago with the opening of Palmer’s Sports Bar and Grill located on County Road 18. On hand for the celebration were Jim Clifton, Evergreen-Conecuh County Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Board; Castleberry Mayor Curtis Wolff, James A. Palmer III, James A. Palmer Jr., owner, Henry E. Palmer Jr., Willie J. Moncrease and Lula Palmer, James Jr.’s mother.
Robert Barnett was recognized recently for 40 years of employment with Pugh & Son, Inc. He began working with D.M. Pugh and his son, Moye, on May 1, 1947. The business was then known as Pugh Sash & Cabinet Shop.
OCT. 21, 1982
Local weather reporter Earl Windham reported .31 of an inch of rain on Oct. 12, 1982 and .73 of an inch on Oct. 13 He reported a high temperature of 90 degrees on Oct. 10 and a low of 45 on Oct. 15.
Brownville and Owassa have formed a rural community fire department. Fire Chief Edwin Brown and David Burt, Chairman of the Conecuh County Commission, recently signed a cooperative equipment lease between the Alabama Forestry Commission, the Commission and the Brownville-Owassa Fire Department. Richard Bowers of the Alabama Forestry Commission and a resident of the community witnessed the signing.
Conecuh County’s public schools could be closed by Christmas of this year, according to Superintendent of Education Walter B. Hudson Jr.
Hudson said that unless the economy makes an unusual and sharp change to the up-side, or additional money is found, the county public school system just won’t have the money to keep school doors open after the Christmas holidays.
Lizbeth McMillan (Miss Lib), retired and much loved fifth grade teacher at the Evergreen City School for about half a century, takes a real good look at the prize-winning display of the Conecuh Heritage Day open house hosted by the Evergreen Study Club at the Evergreen-Conecuh County Public Library on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 3. The winning display was prepared and offered to view by the public by Mrs. Wilber (Marie) Nall of Lenox.
OCT. 19, 1967
Ralph L. (Leon) Stinson Jr. of Evergreen has been named Industrial Representative for the State Planning and Industrial Development Board.
A power outage to do necessary work is scheduled in the Highway 31 South area this Sunday morning. The current will be turned off at 7 a.m. and should be back on about 9:30 a.m., according to J.W. Weaver, City Electrical Superintendent.
Major C.B. DeMarque, whose wife Alice is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dean of Montgomery and formerly of Repton, recently took part in a highly successful mission over North Vietnam.
DeMarque and fellow F-4C Phantom II pilots inflicted heavy damage on enemy storage areas and truck convoys carrying supplies southward.
Mrs. Robert G. Kendall of Evergreen has been named chairman of the 1967 Christmas Seal Campaign in an announcement by John Jenkins, President of the Alabama Tuberculosis Association.
FT. BENNING, GA. – Army Private Edward W. Ridgeway, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ridgeway, Rt. 2, Evergreen, fired expert with the M-14 rifle near the completion of combat training at Ft. Benning. The expert rating is the highest mark a soldier can achieve on his weapons qualification test.
OCT. 16, 1952
According to figures released by County Superintendent H.G. Pate, a total of 4,980 pupils had been enrolled in the white and colored schools of Conecuh at the end of the first scholastic month.
Contract for the construction of a bridge across Sepulga River near Brooklyn on Highway 83 was let by the State Highway Department Oct. 3 to the W.A. McWaters Construction Co., Montgomery. The approximate cost of the bridge is $116,000.
New city councilmen and the new mayor took their oaths of office at an organizational meeting held by the new administration of the City of Evergreen last week. The oath of office was administered by City Clerk Hunter Thornley.
Vernon B. Millsap is the city’s new mayor. Councilmen O.B. Tuggle and H.J. Kinzer were re-elected. New councilmen are Aubrey Griffin, Guy Mason and C.A. Robinson.
Evergreen Troop 40, Boy Scouts of America, has again been granted a charter by the National Boy Scout Council. The Evergreen troop is the oldest Scout Troop in the Gulf Coast Council. Fifty-eight boys are registered in the troop and Explorer Post for the coming year.
W. Paul (Mr. Mac) McMillan is registered for his 28th consecutive year as scoutmaster of the local troop. His record is unmatched in the council. At the Annual Scout Council Meeting in 1951, Mr. Mac was honored by the Gulf Coast Council for his outstanding Scouting accomplishments with the Silver Beaver Award, the highest honor that a council can present to a scouter.