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USS Harlan R. Dickson |
JUNE 14, 1962
Kay Ellen Ivey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nettles Ivey of
Camden, was elected lieutenant governor at Girls State Wednesday when the
annual election was held at Huntingdon College. Miss Ivey was one of an
estimated 229 high school students from all sections of the state gathered at
the college for Girls State and represented Wilcox County High School in
Camden. Miss Ivey is currently serving as a state officer in FHA and is a
candidate for a national officer.
Also attending Girls State from Wilcox County was June Pope,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pope of Arlington, representative from Pine
Hill High School. Miss Ellen Pettie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Pettie of
McWilliams, was selected by the Moore Academy to represent the Pine Hill
Ensign Matthew H. Hitchcock, U.S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Hitchcock of Pine Hill, is serving aboard the attack cargo ship USS Rankin, a unit taking part in Exercise Quick Kick, a joint training operation held May 7-10 at Camp Lejeune, N.C.
L&N Railroad Will Discontinue Service; Depot At Snow Hill: By petition filed on April 4, 1961, the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. requested that it be permitted to discontinue the handling of less than carload shipments and to dismantle and remove its depot building at Snow Hill, Ala. the local station, with a population of about 120, is on petitioner’s Flomaton-Selma subdivision of the Montgomery, New Orleans & Pensacola Division. Snow Hill is situated 29.26 rail miles south of Selma, Ala. and 8.68 rail miles north of Pine Apple.
JUNE 12, 1952
Sellers Reports First Cotton Bloom: The first cotton bloom of the season to be reported to the Progressive Era office was brought us Mon., June 9, by C.C. Sellers Jr. Sellers said that the bloom came from a 20-acre field of the Jerry Cook place, rented by Sellers from Cook, southwest of Camden, near Coy. Sellers revealed that the cotton was planted on April 16.
McWilliams: Marvin Mims, U.S. Navy, who is attached to the U.S.S. Dickson and who recently had the misfortune of an accident, resulting in a broken leg and foot injuries, is reported doing fine now, in the Naval Hospital, St. Albans, in New York.
LAMKIN-GRIMES: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taft Lamkin of McWilliams announce the marriage of their daughter, Virginia Dell, to Harold Watts Grimes Jr. of Pine Apple. The wedding took place in the First Baptist Church of Auburn on May 31, 1952 at 3:30 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. John Privett of Birmingham will spend two months of this summer at Rosemary, plantation home of Mrs. Mary Cade. Mrs. Privett is prominent in church and civic circles, holding national and state offices of the United Daughters of the Confederacy and Daughters of the American Revolution. Wilcox friends are invited to call on them during their stay in Wilcox. Miss Nettie Edwards will be a visitor of the Privetts on weekends.
JUNE 11, 1942
FIRST COTTON BLOOM: The first cotton bloom reported for 1942 was from the Gees Bend Project in Wilcox County, which is under the supervision of Mr. W.A. Cammack.
PINE APPLE YOUTH MADE AVIATION MACHINIST MATE: Ray Fussell, son of Mr. and Mrs. D.G. Fussell of Pine Apple, Rt. 2, was advanced to Aviation Machinist Mate, Third Class, at the Naval Air Station at Norfolk, Va. Being enlisted in the Navy at the Montgomery recruiting office in December 1940 and sent to the Naval Training Station at Norfolk, Va., where he received his training.
Mr. R.E. Lambert Sr. passed away Saturday morning, May 30, at home in Darlington. He was honored and respected by all and his warm true heart attracted and bound to him many friends and acquaintances. Funeral took place Sunday afternoon from the Baptist Church of which he was so fond, a tireless teacher and faithful member. Interment in Camden Cemetery where many friends gathered to bid him a last farewell and many exquisite floral offerings brightened his going and bespoke the high esteem in which he was held.
Dr. K.A. Mayer and Mr. J.D. Pruitt of Lower Peach Tree attended to business matters here on Monday.
Arlington: There was quite an excitement here Saturday night when the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ricketts disappeared from his home. After a wide search, he was found near W.L. Agee’s store, sleeping soundly.
JUNE 9, 1932
FIRST COTTON BLOOM – Leonard Roberts of Camden was a visitor to the Era office today and presented us with the first cotton bloom of the season. Young Roberts farms on the plantation of Mr. Henry Roberts, and knows his cotton, corn, etc. as well as his onions.
BAR-B-Q and Baseball Game, Sunny South, June the 11th, COME.
There will be a meeting of Beck Chapter, No. 371, Order of Eastern Star, next Monday night, June 13, at 7:30 sharp. Every member is requested to be present as there will be an election of officers and payment of dues. By order, Mrs. Lucy Moore, Worthy Matron.
Miss Maud Kirk: On Friday afternoon, May 13, our community was saddened by the death of one of the most faithful members of our church and Sunday School when Miss Maud Kirk passed away. She was quiet and unassuming and every ready to respond to any duty to her church and Sunday School. For many years, she was Primary teacher and all of the children loved her and she was known to most of them as “Cousin Maud.”
JOIN THE LEGION: Join up ex-servicemen, join up. The Legion has a gift in book form to give to every paid-up member by the 10th of July. This book will be of service to every World War veteran, consisting of all laws affecting veterans. Fellows get together – JOIN AMERICAN LEGION, Camden, Ala.
LOST: One pair of glasses between Oak Hill and McWilliams. Finder please notify Leroy Johnson at Gulf Service Station, Camden, Ala., and receive reward.
JUNE 8, 1922
Mr. Pinkston Albritton who has been attending college in South Carolina returned home Saturday.
Mr. Grimes of Tuscaloosa spent a few days with his son, O.C. Grimes, last week.
Mr. Louie Lawler left this week for Tuscaloosa to attend summer school.
Paul Jones and Sam Berry, who have been attending school at Birmingham-Southern, Birmingham, have returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jones left Monday for New Orleans to attend the commencement at Tulane. Their son, Ellie, graduated this year from that place.
Miss Wenonah Pritchett entertained a number of friends at Alligator on Wednesday afternoon. After a delightful swim the girls were served ice cream at the drug store.
Mrs. W.J. Bonner and three interesting sons, Jo Robins, James and Billy Jr., of Camden, Ala., are enjoying a pleasant visit in Pensacola as the guests of Mrs. Bonner’s sister and brother-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Francis Tappey. – Pensacola News.
Mrs. H.H. Matthews and Mrs. Edgar Pritchett are entertaining at a swimming party at famous old Alligator in honor of Mrs. Edgar Ratcliffe, who with her little family, are the attractive visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Matthews.
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