_underway_at_sea_on_1_March_1989_(NH_97651-KN).jpg) |
USS Coral Sea |
JULY 23, 1998Local weather
observer Harry Ellis reported .95 inches of rain on July 13, 1.15 inches on
July 14 and .50 inches on July 16. He also reported a high of 94 degrees on
July 19 and lows of 71 on July 13, July 18 and July 19.
LaFrancis Davis was
recently hired as the new band director at Hillcrest High School. A reception
welcoming him to Evergreen will be held Thurs., July 23, at 7 p.m. in the
cafetorium at the school.
Landstar Systems,
Inc. agrees to sell Poole to Schneider National: If all goes well, Landstar
Poole will be under new ownership by late August, after agreeing to sell out to
Schneider National, Inc.
Landstar Poole is a
wholly owned subsidiary by its parent company Landstar Systems, Inc. The
announcement was made Thurs., July 16.
Poole has its
headquarters in Evergreen and is the third acquisition made by Schneider
National in the last several months. Prior acquisitions were Highway Carrier
Corporation of Des Moines, Iowa and Builders Transport of Camden, South
(Purchase price for
the Poole-Schneider National deal was $42 million.)
Clint Casey
exhibited the 1998 Grand Champion market hog at his year’s County Market Hog
Show held June 13, 1998. This year’s judge was Mr. Derek Bryan, County Agent,
Crenshaw County.
JULY 23, 1970
From “Front Page,
Upper Left Corner” by Bob Bozeman – Mrs. Moreno (Mamilu) White invited me up
one day last week for a sneak preview of the Pinckney D. Bowles Chapter of the
United Daughters of the Confederacy memory book. After giving the book a
thorough going over I’m convinced the UDC has a bestseller.
“Anyone interested
in Conecuh County history will want one of these little books. You’ll enjoy the
stories of early life in the county which have been contributed. Many of these
stories are things that different people remember their grandfathers and
great-grandfathers, some of them veterans of the War Between the States,
telling them.
“There are only a
limited number of these books available and orders for them are being taken
now. If you don’t want one yourself, you’ll want to get one for your children.
And remember, because of the small number printed, these are very apt to become
collector’s items.
“Mamilu says that a
number of orders have been received, but many people have failed to include
payment. To facilitate delivery which will begin on Aug. 1, include payment
with your order and if you have turned in an order, please mail the payment.
“The books sell for
$1.50 each and checks should be made out to Bowles Chapter U.D.C. and mailed to
Mrs. White.”
JULY 26, 1962
Elsie Couey, chief
operator of the Evergreen office, receives her 35-year pin from D.E. Hardy,
district traffic manager, Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co., Mobile.
The pin denotes 35 years of service with the company for ‘Miss Elsie’ which was
the occasion for a party given by the staff of the local exchange at the
Southern Bell Building Friday. Miss Couey’s 35 years actually ended Saturday.
Lofton Shell
attended the Butler County Masonic Conference in McKenzie last Wednesday.
Aubrey H. Ryals, 21,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Ryals, Rt. 1, Repton, Ala., recently was promoted
to specialist four while serving with the 51st Artillery, a Nike-Hercules
missile unit at Fort Cronkhite, Calif.
ALAMEDA, Calif. –
Murrice G. Miniard, airman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Noble O. Miniard of
Repton, Ala., is serving aboard the attack aircraft carrier USS Coral Sea,
which was scheduled to return to its homeport of Alameda, Calif. on July 17.
Dewitt T. Stuart,
son of Mr. and Mrs. D.T. Stuart of 310 McMillan St., Evergreen, Ala., is
undergoing nine weeks of basic recruit training at the Naval Training Center,
Great Lakes, Ill.
The Evergreen
Chamber of Commerce is continuing its current push to attract more industry at
the rapid pace developed in June. Contact was made with two more prospects last
week and they were entertained in Evergreen and shown sites.
JULY 26, 1951
E.E. Adams of
Evergreen, Route 1, was the first Conecuh County farmer to get an open boll of
cotton to The Courant office this year. Mr. Adams, a well-known farmer of the
Lyeffion community, brought his four-lock boll in Wednesday. A second boll was
brought in Saturday by Abner Randall, a farmer who lives between Belleville and
Lt. William Wells of
the U.S. Army has recently completed an advanced course of training for
artillery officers at Ft. Sill, Okla. Lt. Wells is visiting relatives here this
week en route to Fort Jackson, S.C. where he will rejoin Battery C, 117th
Field Artillery Battalion.
Lt. Wells is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. R.Z. Wells of Evergreen. He is married to the former Melba
Bowden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Bowden of Owassa, Route One.
Four-H boys and
girls in Conecuh County will have a Fat Hog Show and Sale on Sept. 10. The show
will be held at the stockyards in Evergreen. A grand champion will be selected
from the animals shown.
The following 4-H
boys and girls have already entered hogs in the show: Charles Dunn, Cecil
Raines, Olon Weaver, Fenlick Weaver, Bill Raines, Philip Coleman, James Hall,
Wilson McCreary, Iva Shipp, Mary J. Ellis, Shelby Smith, Bobby Clark, Alvin
Anderson, Jackie Ryals, Tommy Booker, John Lee, Leland Wiggins, Levaughn Wiggins,
Tommy Nall, Edward Grant, Wilbur Driver, Eddie Merritt, Wayne Thames, Bobby
Lynch and Maxwell McLelland.
JULY 22, 1948
H.W. Ward Brings In
First Open Cotton: The distinction of being the first farmer to bring in open
cotton to the Courant office goes this year to H.W. Ward, who lives on
Evergreen Route E about four miles west of Evergreen. Mr. Ward brought in this
cotton last Saturday. Others have reported they had open cotton since that
Forrest Castleberry
Is Mayor of Castleberry: In an election held last Monday, Forrest Castleberry
was elected Mayor of Castleberry over his opponent, A.B. Kennedy, the vote
being 96 for Castleberry and 24 for Kennedy. In the race for members of the
council there were nine running for the five places. Four of this number
received clear majorities. They are H.G. Green, 102 votes; Joe H. Carr, 79;
Haskew Page Jr., 75; L.H. Wilson, 69. Other candidates ran as follows: John Lee
Carter, 65; L.H. Riggs, 65; W.E. Pate, 53; John Vivian Seale, 51; W.H. Britton,
By agreement of all
parties concerned, the successful nominees for Mayor and the four places on the
Council will select the fifth member from the two runner-ups, L.H. Riggs and
John Lee Carter. This is being done to avoid a runoff election.
Castleberry, Wilson,
Riggs and Pate are members of the present Council.
Those attending the
funeral of Lt. Winton D. McIntyre in Mobile Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. R.F.
Hyde, Levon and Truman Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Salter, Hunter Hines, Quinton
Gaston, J. Garvin, Grady Garvin, E.M. McIntyre, Mrs. W.K. Smith, J.R. Harper,
John Murphy, D.N. McIntyre and G.L. McIntyre.