Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Evergreen Courant's News Flashback for June 25, 2024

JUNE 27, 1991

Smith’s Ambulance Service, which will celebrate 24 years of serving Conecuh County on July 1, has moved its base of operations to the building which once housed Owens Truck and Tractor.

Mabry and Marty Cook announce the birth of a son, Mabry Allen Cook Jr., born at 7:23 p.m. on June 15, 1991 at Baptist Hospital in Montgomery. He weighed eight pounds, 10 ounces and was 20-3/4 inches long.

The Evergreen High School Class of 1946 met May 18, 1991 for their 45th class reunion. Class members met at the home of Jerry Hart for a picnic lunch and later at the Quality Inn for dinner and a little reminiscing. A former teacher, Mrs. Emma Dunn, was a special guest at the picnic. Pictured left to right are Daisy Lee Crawford, Walter Watson, Ann Burnett Hobson, Evelyn Eddins Barron, Katherine Rutland Burnet, Betty M. Grass Tranum, Matthew Cross, Mary Lucia Carter Carrigan, Cornelia Wiggins Andrews, R.N.V. Wiggins Philyaw, Geraldine Donovan Birkhead, Bill Brown, Faye Prescott McKenzie, Morris Brown, Hazel Padgett Cone, Ruth Huey Moorer, Madeline Potts Nared, Edwina Lewis Sullivan, Mary C. McGraw Durden, Lillian Barlett McGraw, Geraldine Godwin Hart, Mary Lillian Morgan Cross, Bernadine McGraw Williams, Juanita Stinson Worlund, Elois Williams Stinson, Jimmy Murphy, Vivian Laster McCrory, Jesse King and Jodie Pugh Garrett.

JUNE 24, 1976

Local weather reporter Earl Windham reported .07 of an inch of rain in Evergreen on June 9. He reported highs of 92 on June 11 and June 12 and a low of 52 on June 8.

Miss Karla Ptomey has been named director of the Evergreen High School Band, succeeding Miss Virginia Mullican.

James K. (Jimmy) Cook, chairman of the Conecuh County Hospital Association Executive Board of Trustees, resigned from that post and as a member of the Association Board of Directors effective June 14. His resignation was submitted in a letter to the Conecuh County Commission, the appointing authority, dated June 9.

Jerry Booker, trustee at the Conecuh County Jail, holds a rattler killed by deputy Leroy Ferrell. The rattler was killed inside the city limits. It had four rattles and two buttons.

The Evergreen Rotary Club’s 17th annual Fish & Wildlife Camp held at Tal Stuart’s Pond, original and permanent site, near Belleville last week was a huge success with 64 campers, 13 junior counselors and a number of adults participating. These boys won prizes in various competitions: Gary Weaver, best senior camper; Ed Carrier, spin casting; Melton Bozeman, bait casting; and Rob Stuart, camp doctor, who treated some 30 or 40 ‘patients’ and received a Boy Scout knife as a special award; and Jimmy Ansley, best junior camper; Mike Raines, fly casting; Destry Watson, archery; Al Hendricks, rifle; and Jeff Johnson, shotgun.

JUNE 27, 1946

Former Negro Slave Dies At Ripe Old Age Of 99: Christana Stokes, age 99 years, six months and 18 days, died at her home near Owassa June 17. She was born as a slave in 1847 and was owned by the Ray Family.

Elmer E. Erb Dies Of Accident Injuries: Friends and relatives of Mrs. Elmer E. Erb (formerly Bertha Dewberry of Conecuh County) will regret to learn of the death of her husband, Elmer E. Erb which occurred June 7, when he accidentally fell from a cherry tree and was killed instantly. It is presumed that he had climbed the tree for cherries and lost his footing when he fell. However, he was alone at the time and was found by passing motorist.

March Planted Cotton Has Fine Crop Bolls: James Jordon and Will Lowe of McKenzie, Rt. 2, were exhibiting some fine specimens of grown cotton bolls here last Saturday. Mr. Jordan stated that they had 14 acres of this cotton which was planted in March and that it had already had a very fine crop of virtually mature bolls. He expects a yield of about a bale to the acre or over, he said.

Friends of E.A. White will be glad to know he is convalescing from a leg injury he suffered last week when a counter in his store became dislodged and fell on him, causing severe injury to both legs.

JUNE 25, 1931

BURNT CORN MASONS ELECT NEW OFFICERS: Burnt Corn Lodge No. 489, A.F.&A.M., meeting in annual communication on June 10, 1931, elected the following officers to serve the ensuing Masonic year:
James K. Kyser, W.M.; Herbert E. Ellis, S.W.; William W. Thompson, J.W.; Henry H. Brantley, Treas.; Ajax O. Brantley, Sec’y.; Samuel H. Ridgway, S.D.; Felin T. Thames, J.D.; Isaac S. Ridgway, Chap.; Amous P. Waters and Hamp Grace, Stewards; Alma O. Salter, Marshal; James F. Roberson, Tyler.

SEPULGA LODGE ELECTS OFFICERS FOR YEAR: At a regular meeting of Sepulga Lodge, No. 233, held June 20, 1931, the following officers were elected for the ensuing Masonic year:
S.S. Kendrick, W.M.; C.J. Henderson, S.W.; W.L. Sims, J.W.; S.H. Mixon, Treas.; M.A. Lanes, Sec’y; W.M. Anderson, S.D.; S.H. Owens, J.D.; J.D. Pitts, Tyler.

The Baptist Church shown above has recently undergone extensive repairs and improvements made necessary because of fire damage, which occurred several months ago. Among the improvements made was the installation of a $4,000 pipe organ. The instrument will be dedicated Sunday in connection with a Homecoming Day program.

The City Café, formerly located in a building on East Front Street opposite the L&N Depot, has moved to the Ivey Building three doors north on the same street. The move was made Friday night with everything in readiness for business as usual Saturday morning.

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