Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Evergreen Courant's News Flashback for July 16, 2024

Gov. Benjamin Meek Miller
JULY 19, 2007

Evergreen weather observer Harry Ellis reported 1.03 inches of rain on July 11, 0.01 inches on July 13, 0.05 inches on July 14 and 0.04 inches on July 15. He reported a high of 94 degrees on July 10 and a low of 68 degrees on July 15.

Memorial service at Belleville UMC Cemetery: The family of Third Sgt. and Dr. Henry Smith Skinner descended on the Belleville community this past Sat., July 14, 2007 to remember him in his service to his county.
Dr. Skinner, born 1839 in Missouri, moved from Virginia to Conecuh County about 1860 with his family. He and his brother, John, answered the summons to war and joined the 3rd Florida Cavalry at Milton, Fla. This company, along with four others from Florida and five more from Alabama, were consolidated, being designated as the 15th Confederate Cavalry, better known as the Simpson Mounted Rangers.
Living in Belleville, Dr. Skinner practiced dentistry for 55 years, was a member of the Methodist Church, the Masonic Order, and the United Confederate Veterans. He died in 1922 and is buried in the Belleville United Methodist Church Cemetery located on U.S. Highway 84.
On Saturday, flags waved, muskets sounded and the sweet melodious sounds of a bagpipe filled the still breezes in Belleville. Emcee for the event was Bert Blackmon, dressed as a Virginia Infantry Captain.

JULY 15, 1982

Local weather observer Earl Windham reported 0.03 inches on July 5, 0.84 inches on July 8, 3.05 inches on July 9, 0.10 inches on July 10 and 0.50 inches on July 11. He reported highs of 95 degrees on July 5 and July 6 and lows of 68 on July 6 and July 10.

John W. “Johnny” Andrews Jr. of Route 1, Repton, is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for member of the Conecuh County Commission, District 2, Place 3. This is his first political race.

Navy plane crash kills two Tuesday: Two U.S. Navy officers, one a woman instructor, were killed when their training aircraft crashed near Evergreen’s Middleton Field Municipal Airport at about 10:20 o’clock Tuesday morning during a routine training exercise.
The officers’ names were withheld pending notification of the next of kin. Machinist Mate Gary Edwards, a member of the Whiting Field (near Milton, Fla.) Security Alert Team that responded to the crash, said that the victims were a female lieutenant commander, who was apparently the instructor, and a male officer, who was a student pilot.
Conecuh County Sheriff Edwin Booker’s deputies said that the plane crashed about two miles south of Evergreen city limits. The crash site was “down a maze of dirt roads” near Middleton Airfield.
Unofficial reports said that the airplane was already in flames and that there was no chance to rescue the occupants.

JULY 18, 1957

Two Local Boy Scouts Attending Jamboree: Conner Warren, 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Warren of Evergreen, and Andy Moses, 12-year-old son of Mrs. Ruby Moses also of Evergreen, are representing Evergreen Troop 40 at the National Jamboree of the Boy Scouts of America at Valley Forge, Pa., July 8-21.
Warren is a Star Scout and Moses is a 1st Class. They left Pensacola by bus on July 7 and will return home around the 28th of this month. The boys carry their own camping equipment and will sleep out in tents and do their own cooking during the time they are there.

47-Inch Squash Grown By Robert Brooks Here: Robert Brooks of 206 Factory St. proudly brought into The Courant office Tuesday a huge Japanese squash which he had raised.
The squash measured 47 inches long, and was curved almost like a boomerang. It weighed 4-1/4 pounds. The huge vegetable looked more like a gourd than a squash, but Robert firmly assured the skeptics that it was truly a squash. He explained that the smooth skinned plant could be cut in two, while still on the vine, and it would continue to grow, replacing the severed part.

Telephones Increase In Evergreen Area: The number of telephones serving Evergreen continues to increase, P.J. Kreis, local Southern Bell manager, reports that more telephones were in service here at the end of June than at the end of last month. The increase raised the total to 1,412.

JULY 21, 1932

Caffey Appointed To Fill Solicitor Vacancy: Gov. B.M. Miller late Saturday afternoon appointed Hugh M. Caffey of Brewton as Solicitor of the 21st Judicial Circuit of Alabama, composed of Baldwin, Conecuh, Escambia and Monroe counties, the vacancy being caused by the death of Solicitor L.S. Biggs, which occurred Sun., July 10.
Mr. Caffey is a junior member of the well known firm of Hamilton & Caffey at Brewton. He is a native of Lowndes County but has resided in Brewton for a number of years where he has engaged in the practice of his profession. He will fill the remainder of this term, which expires in January 1935.

Coast Artillery Outfit To Camp Here 28th: Mayor J.L. Kelly is in receipt of a request from officers of Battery A, 69th Coast Artillery, The Searchlight Battery, for permission to camp here Thursday and Thursday night, July 28, the outfit being enroute from Camp McClellan, Anniston, Ala., to Pensacola. The battery is made up of about 60 men and officers. They will have 15 trucks.
Mayor Kelly states he has complied with the request by informing the officers of the outfit that the city will be glad to have them spend the day and night here and will assist them in whatever way necessary to make their stay pleasant and comfortable. They will probably use the grounds at the City School for camp. The equipment of the battery will be open for the inspection of local citizens who desire to see it.

JULY 17, 1907

The machinery of The Courant printery is now propelled by a gasoline engine, which has just been installed and which runs as smoothly as a new watch. Many interested spectators have already been in to watch the rapidity with which printing is dispatched. We are now enabled to execute promptly all orders for printing from the smallest to the largest.

At a competitive drill held on Monday night in the armory of Co. K, the prize (a box of cigars) was presented to Lofton Jones as the best drilled member competing for the prize.

REPTON: Repton’s still on the upward climb. Mr. Dees has just completed a nice residence on Belleville Street.
Messrs. Robinson & Knight will soon erect a brick store on Broad Street, east of the railroad.
Also, the building of the bank has been contracted for by Will Ward of Pine Apple.

T.C. Millsap has arrived here with his family and has assumed control of Hotel Evergreen.

The town health officer says he has caused arrests to be made of persons who have failed to comply with the town ordinance in reference to keeping their premises clean and sanitary.

J.H. Broom has been here several days in the interest of the local camp of Woodmen of the World. He has succeeded in increasing the membership of the order to about 50 or more.

JULY 20, 1882


Col. P.D. Bowles and Mrs. Stearns have returned from the Eastern shore.

The following are the officers elected by Armor Lodge, Knights of Pythias, No. 31, for the ensuing six months: J.F. Tate, P.C.; P.A. Travis, C.C.; J.W. Deming, V.S.; P.C. Walker, P.C.; B. Savage, K of R and S; D.N. Nicholson, M of F; A. Jacoby, M of E; F. Simmons, M at A; W.L. Stallworth, I.G.; S. Weis, O.G.

The health officer thinks the sanitary condition of Evergreen not what it should be. We are sure, however, that the town authorities will not permit this state of things to exist long; indeed, we are informed that steps are already being taken to remedy the evil.

Miss A.B. Monroe takes pleasure in informing the public that she will reopen her school in Evergreen on the first Monday in September.

Mr. Jonathan Anderson of Monroe County has been in Evergreen this week, prospecting for a site upon which to erect a steam mill. From what we have learned of the above gentleman, we are sure he would be a desirable acquisition to any community. We hope he will find it to his interest to become a citizen of Evergreen.

Mrs. Lincoln, wife of the former president of the United States, died at Springfield, Ill. last Sunday.

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