Monday, March 10, 2025

The Evergreen Courant's Sports Flashback for March 10, 2025

MARCH 11, 2004

The Evergreen Rotary Club, administrators of the Wendell Hart Scholarship Fund, announces that applications for the $2,500 scholarship are now being accepted. This scholarship is dedicated to the memory of the late Coach Wendell Hart, who deeply cared for his students and desired that all deserving young men and women be able to advance their education.
To qualify, students must meet the following:
1. Must be a graduate of a Conecuh County high school (not solely for 2004 graduates).
2. Must have a sincere desire to further their education.
3. Must have a financial need to maintain or continue higher education (two year or four year).
4. Must attach a copy of report of score on SAT or ACT or a copy of acceptance to college.
Applications are available at Hillcrest High School (see Mrs. Dean), Sparta Academy (see Mrs. Robinson), or the Law Office of Todd B. Watson.

Evergreen Little League try-outs will be held Saturday March 13 at 1 p.m. for Little League and 3 p.m. for Minor League. Please be at Little League field at Evergreen Municipal Park 30 minutes prior to tryout time.

The final Evergreen Babe Ruth sign-up will be held this Sat., March 13, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Babe Ruth Field at the Evergreen Municipal Park. Babe Ruth season will not begin until Sparta Academy’s baseball season has ended.

MARCH 9, 1989

SPRING BREAK BASKETBALL: The Class of 1970 of Thurgood Marshall High School will sponsor a Spring Break Basketball Game Sat., March 11, beginning at 6 p.m. at the Evergreen High School gym. Games will feature the Andalusia All Stars vs. Johnsonville All Stars and the Evergreen All Stars vs. Big Surprise. Admission is $2.

Sparta Academy, Wilcox Academy, Greenville Academy and Fort Dale Academy will take part in a Spring Jamboree Friday night at Fort Dale. The game will start at 7:00 and will consist of four nine-minute quarters. This will end Spring Training for Sparta.

Final registration for Babe Ruth League will be held this Sat., March 11, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Babe Ruth League field at the Evergreen Municipal Park. Registration is $15 per child and everyone must bring a birth certificate.
Tryouts will be held Saturday at 1 p.m. You must register by 1 p.m. Saturday to be eligible to play this season.
All children age 13 to 15 are eligible to participate. All parents are asked to please encourage your child to play.

MARCH 14, 1974

Sparta Academy football players Tubby McInvale and Walt Lee Ward will participate in the North-South All-Star Game sponsored by the Alabama Private School Association. Headmaster Richard Brown will be assistant coach of the South team. The game will be held Fri., March 15, at the Troy State University Stadium and will begin at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $2 for adults and $1 for students. The Sparta Quarterback Club has the tickets and all proceeds from the sale will go to the club. Persons wanting to buy tickets may contact Bill Johnson or Mae Gladwell before noon at the school.

Aggies end play at State tourney: The Evergreen Aggies ended their season by losing in a 72-61 game to Russellville in the first round of the State Class 3A Tournament held at the Coliseum at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.
Cleveland Fields and David Thomas combined for 39 points, but their efforts were not enough to stop the Tigers who caught the Aggies on one of their off games.
The Aggies have the potential of being state champ contenders for the third straight year next year with 6-5 center Ronald Fantroy and 5-8 guard Chuck Jones returning to the lineup. Both boys are sophomores this year. Gene Stallworth, Alphonza Holder and Percy Jones all juniors, should make the Aggies awesome again.

The Conecuh County High School Quarterback Club will have a barbecue and fried chicken supper on Saturday night, March 1, from 5:00-9:00 in the school cafeteria.
A gospel singing will follow in the school auditorium. The singing will begin at 7 p.m. and will feature the Gospel Melodies of Brewton, the Morris Family of Lenox and the McDonald Trio of Range. Politicians will be introduced to the public.
All proceeds will go to the football team.

Boy Scout Troop No. 68 of Belleville took part in the Masonic Drill on Sunday at the Belleville Baptist Church, Dr. Sidney Tucker, pastor. Pictured from left are Ralph Taylor, William Wallace, Glenn Dailey, Gerald Dukes, Herbert Dukes, Warren Davison, Gilbert Grace, Robert Grace and Assistant Scoutmaster William Stallworth.

MARCH 9, 1944

State Has Openings For Game Wardens: Residents of Conecuh County who are interested in a position with the State as Game Warden should file application before March 31, 1944. Application forms may be obtained by writing the State Personnel Department, Montgomery, Ala.
Though applicants may not be interested in employment before the opening of the hunting season this fall, application should be made now. Eligible lists will be established and appointments made as the need occurs.

BOY SCOUT NEWS: We held our regular meeting last Tuesday night at 7:30. After having several relay races, we opened the meeting by discussing the 11th and 12 Scout Laws – Clean and Reverent.
Our paper drive is getting underway now with everybody responding wonderfully. We are sure of having a carload (about 16 tons) ready for shipment by the first of April.
A Court of Review will be held next Tuesday night at our regular meeting. Each scout is urged to pass tests this week so that they can be brought before the Board of Review. Our annual banquet, which was postponed at its regular time during Boy Scout Week, will take place sometime in April.

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