A search for UFO reports in Alabama between March 1 and March 31 on MUFON’s website, www.mufon.com, resulted in four reports from within our state during that time, including one from Andalusia.
The incident that occurred in Andalusia took place twice during the daylight hours of March 15 and was reportedly witnessed by several individuals.
“I witnessed what appeared to be a craft hovering across the sky from south to north at approximately 5:30,” one witness said. “My wife just missed the observation.”
Within 30 minutes, the man saw the craft again and called others outside to see it for themselves, he said.
“It was hovering above our neighborhood for several minutes,” he said. “It seemed to be about a mile high. I used my binoculars and got a great look at it.”
The craft appeared to spin slowly counterclockwise, and the witness had a hard time describing the craft’s shape.
“It appeared to be like two pyramids connected at the bottom,” he said. “Each end was cut like a three or four-sided diamond coming to an end point. There were no lights or noise. It hovered very slowly though earlier it went by much faster and appeared to be the same shape. It had traveled eastward slowly, and as it spun, one side would seem to glare as if the sun was shining brightly off that one side only.”
As the craft moved away slowly, it became harder to see without binoculars, the witness said.
“It started to descend in another nearby town and would start to glow as it continued its descent, almost like an orb,” the witness said. “This went on for almost 10 minutes.”
Another time during the day, the man saw the craft “glide across the sky with such ease and without noise or contrail and disappeared into clouds. It didn’t seem that far away.”
Another witness reported seeing something strange on the night of March 15 in Marion. Around 9:45 p.m., the witness walked out onto his south-facing porch to look at the stars. He looked up through the branches of a tall cypress tree and saw a light blink. At first, the witness thought it was a lightning bug because it flashed only once, he said.
“Then two others lit up for a total of three, individual colored lights,” he said. “The colors were red, white, purple, blue, green and orange.”
The colors were distinct, but mixed like the colors of a star, he said. Two of the lights were on the southwest side and one was on the east side, he said. The colors were random and would blink and flicker like lightning bugs, he said.
“The lights appeared about the size and shape of an aluminum Coke can, not round,” the witness said. “One towards the top, two maybe halfway up the tree.”
The witness first thought his eyes were adjusting to the dark. It then dawned on him that lightning bugs don’t typically come out in March.
“I stepped back in the house to get my binoculars,” he said. “And when I returned, the lights, one blinking, two sort of in a haze, had moved higher up the tree. Then, the east-facing one flew horizontally out of the tree branches and sat a few seconds midair, like a hummingbird, at a distance of, I would estimate, plus or minus 150 feet from the ground.”
The “light” then faded in color, brightened again and flew away at an angle “like a Roman candle.” A second later, it was gone, but then the man’s peripheral vision saw one of the southwest-facing lights leave the tree in a “sort of butterfly-like flight,” then it just “sort of blinked off” and was gone, he said.
The man looked back at the tree and saw that the other light had “dimmed in color.” It appeared to be surrounded by fog and moved horizontally out of the tree’s branches. Then, in the “same wobbly, butterfly-like flight,” the light stopped and then “streaked over the trees to the south, turned north and disappeared.”
The man noted that he wasn’t frightened by the experience. He said that his dog was also on the porch and had looked up into the tree at the lights. The dog also didn’t appear to be frightened, he said. The man went back outside at the same time on the following night, but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.
Another report was made about an incident that occurred on March 6 in Selma. According to a witness, he saw something strange while standing outside his house. The man was watching two side-by-side stars that “kind of buzzed out” and then smoke “materializes out of thin air, but it was snakelike in its movement.” It was “just a long trail of smoke twirling and moving south at the same time.” After it stopped twirling, “it spread out like a flock of birds and left my sight.”
The witness was excited by the experience. “This really freaked me out. I’ve never seen anything like this even in the movies,” he said. “I know exactly what smoke looks like. This was not smoke.”
Another report was also made on March 6 by a person in Alabama, but the report doesn’t say exactly where the incident occurred within the state.
The witness described “three star-like objects in a triangle formation,” he said, noting he watched the objects for about five minutes. “Then the top right object shot up and out of sight. Then, I watched the other two for a while then I went inside. It was unusually bright. It was definitely not a star.”
Before closing out this week, I just want to put it out there again that I would be very interested to hear from any readers of The Courant who have witnessed a UFO in Conecuh County. I think a lot of other people would be interested in hearing your story too, and I’d be willing to accept your report on an anonymous basis if you’d be more comfortable with that arrangement. You can contact me by e-mail at courantsports@earthlink.net or by phone at 578-1492.
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