The Monroe Journal newspaper in Monroeville, Ala., under the
direction of Editor and Proprietor Q. Salter, published four editions 110 years
ago during the month of May 1905. Those issues, which were dated May 4, May 11,
May 18 and May 25, can be found on microfilm at the Monroe County Library in
Monroeville, Ala. What follows are a few news highlights from those four
editions. Enjoy.
MAY 4, 1905
The election for town officers of Monroeville took place on
Monday. Very little interest was manifested, not more than half the qualified
voters participating. The old officers were re-elected.
Rural Free Delivery of mail on Route No. 1 was inaugurated
on Monday last. A large number of people living along the route have provided
boxes required and fully appreciate the
convenience the delivery affords. In all probability other routes will be
established in the near future.
Library hours are now from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The New York
Herald is now received every day, thanks to the courtesy of Mrs. Sallie
Hibbard. A number of new books have been presented also, among them Jack
London’s famous “Sea Wolf” and Maurice Thompson’s “Alice of Old Vincennes.”
Sheriff Fountain effected the capture of a suspicious negro
last week whom he is holding for identification. The negro answers the
description of a man who shot a Mr. Reese at Lee Station, Sumter County last
year. The prisoner’s nervous and uneasy manner indicates that he is guilty of
some crime even though he should not prove to be the man suspected.
The town marshal made a raid on the gamblers Sunday night,
bagging six manipulators of the pasteboards, all of the colored persuasion.
They were all present at the Mayor’s matinee on Monday and contributed
liberally, at his Honor’s suggestion, to the receipts of the box office.
Attention Veterans: A meeting of Geo. W. Foster Camp, United
Confederate Veterans, will be held in the courthouse in Monroeville on Sat.,
May 20, 1905, for the election of officers and appointment of delegates to the
annual Reunion. A full attendance of members is requested. T.J. Emmons,
Commander; F.M. Jones Sr., Adjt.
MANISTEE: Rev. E.C. Clayton filled his regular appointment at
Pleasant Hill church Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Sarah A. Stacey, who has been attending the bedside of
her niece, Mrs. Riley Norris of Snider, returned home Sunday.
EXCEL: Among those of our town who visited Pensacola last
Sunday to see the battle ships were Mr. Riley Kelly and Bruno Davidson.
Dr. H.T. Fountain was over from Burnt Corn Monday.
Miss Susie Wiggins has gone to Atmore to take charge of a
music class.
Capt. W.S. Wiggins Sr. has been confined to his room for a
few days with fever.
J.B. Barnett, Esq., made a business trip to Montgomery and
Evergreen last week.
Mr. J.H. Baas of Jones Mill remembered The Journal while
here the first of the week.
MAY 11, 1905
Mr. A.J. Petty, who has the contract as carrier on Rural
Free Delivery Route No. 1, is occupying the dwelling recently vacated by Mr.
S.F. Daniel.
Ex-Commissioner George W. Lyon, W.W. Fox and a number of
other Buena Vista citizens were at the county capital Wednesday attending the
preliminary trial of Elbert Jones, charged with killing a negro several weeks
The preliminary trial of Elbert Jones for the killing of a
negro at Buena Vista a few weeks ago, was had before Judge Slaughter Wednesday.
Bail was granted in the sum of $1,000.
Habeus Corpus proceedings were had before Hon. I.B.
Slaughter, Judge of the County Court, on Tuesday in the case that the State vs.
Harrison Liddell, charged with the murder of Shug Riley. Liddell was committed
to jail on his preliminary trial, but on the second hearing was granted bail in
the sum of $1,500.
PINEVILLE: The train was wrecked between Pine Apple and
Beatrice Friday and again on Saturday.
Dr. Abney and his wife are here on a visit to his parents.
He graduates at the medical college in Memphis in April and has ordered his
drugs, preparatory to establishing an office in Beatrice.
Some young people from here with fishing paraphernalia went
for a little outing last week to that familiar spot known as “Rikard’s bridge.”
Rev. J.W. Stewart of the Orphans Home at Evergreen spent
Sunday in Monroeville, preaching at the Baptist church Sunday night.
Rev. C.H. Motley reports the practical completion of the new
church building near Perdue Hill, known as Wesly Chapel. Preaching services
were held in the new house last Sunday afternoon for the first time. The
membership and citizens of the community have given liberally of their labor
and their means to the enterprise and now have a house of worship which is
neat, commodious and a credit to their community.
The James Shelby Show: The James Shelby Show will give two
exhibitions at Monroeville on Mon., May 22, rain or shine, under waterproof
tents. Good, comfortable seats for all. Bear in mind that the James Shelby Show
is clean, moral and refined, and one which ladies and children can enjoy as
well as gentlemen, and for the price of admission charge is considered
everywhere one of the best shows on the road.
Two exhibitions daily; afternoon at 1:30 p.m., at night
exhibition at 8 p.m. Admission, children 15 cents, adults 25 cents.
Former Probate Judge S.B. Prowell of Marengo County shot and
instantly killed J.S. Trigg, an intimate friend, at Linden Friday. Prowell
became enraged over the report recently filed by examiner Examiner Sedberry
charging Prowell with an extensive shortage. Trigg was trying to restrain
Prowell from seeking a personal difficulty with the examiner, when, it is
claimed, the later dropped his pistol on the ground causing a cartridge to
explode with fatal effect.
Mr. Charlie Broughton is back at his case in The Journal
office after several days sickness.
MAY 18, 1905
Hon. F.J. Dean, judge of Probate of Conecuh County, was over
from Evergreen Saturday and favored The Journal with a call.
All stores in Monroeville will close during the summer at
seven o’clock p.m., beginning May the 23rd and continuing until Aug. 31st.
Mr. D.L. Neville sustained painful burns Saturday evening
from which he will probably be laid up several days. In attempting to light a
cigarette he accidentally ignited his clothing and before help reached him, the
upper portion of his body was seriously burned.
The Monroeville Library is now located upstairs in the
building on east side formerly occupied by Messrs. Wiggins, Hybart &
Bayles, and is under the capable management of Misses Lucille Bizzelle and Mary
Stallworth. Miss Man has had charge of the institution for several months past
will return to Mobile to spend the summer.
Fine rains are reported to have fallen in various portions
of the county during the past week.
PINEVILLE: The picnic Saturday at the bridge over the little
creek near Turnbull was a success, and those who went had a pleasant time. In
the afternoon they repaired to the house of Mr. W.W. Riley and had music and
POPLAR SPRINGS: Rev. E.C. Clayton filled his regular
appointment here Saturday and Sunday, though there were no services Saturday
night as had previously been announced.
MAY 25, 1905
Mr. R.G. Wilson of Jackson, a popular knight of the grip,
was here the first of the week soliciting orders for a leading furniture house.
Chancery court was in session here last week, Chancellor
Thomas H. Smith presiding.
The young ladies in charge of the Monroeville Library have
adopted the following hours for the accommodation of patrons during the summer
months. Open every Tuesday from 8:30 until 12; every Saturday from 8:30 to 12
and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
The James Shelby Show gave two exhibitions here Monday
afternoon and evening which seemed to be well patronized. The exhibitions are
said to be clean and unobjectionable and highly entertaining to those who enjoy
that kind of recreation. Other points in this and adjoining counties will be
visited during the week.
Two more shooting scrapes occurred in this county last week,
one resulting fatally. The first took place at King, in which a negro boy aged
about 11 years shot and killed his father; the other occurred in the Scotland
neighborhood, a negro man shooting a woman of his color in the arm. It is
claimed that the shooting in both instances was accidental, and the accused
were admitted to bail.
The George W. Foster Camp, United Confederate Veterans, held
its annual meeting in the courthouse on Saturday afternoon, May 20. Capt.
Thomas J. Emmons was re-elected commander and Capt. Thomas S. Wiggins chosen
adjutant. Thomas A. Nettles and J.A. Grace were made delegates to the annual
reunion at Louisville, Ky., and J.I. Watson and N.J. Stallworth alternates. The
reunion will take place June 14-16.
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