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John D. Forte |
The Monroe Journal newspaper in Monroeville, Ala., under the
direction of editor and proprietor Q. Salter, published five editions 110 years
ago during the month of January 1907. Those issues, which were dated Jan. 3,
Jan. 10, Jan. 17, Jan. 24 and Jan. 31, can be found on microfilm at the Monroe
County Library in Monroeville, Ala. What follows are a few news highlights from
those five editions. Enjoy.
JAN. 3, 1907
Only three shooting affrays occurred in the county during
the holidays, so far as The Journal is advised. A young man by the name of
Morris shot and killed a negro near Mexia, and one negro shot another near
Wait. The third shooting took place in the Mt. Pleasant neighborhood, but no
particulars are at hand. Young Morris had a preliminary hearing and was
released on bond.
Death of Judge Sowell: Hon. William C. Sowell died at his
home in Monroeville at an early hour on Monday morning, Dec. 24, 1906, in the
eighty-third year of his age.
Judge Sowell was born in South Carolina in 1824 and removed
with his parents to Monroe County at an early age, where he continued to reside
until his death.
In 1874, Mr. Sowell was elected to the office of Probate
Judge, which position he filled ably and with fidelity for 18 years.
The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon with Masonic
The Confederate Reunion: Editor Journal – I have recently returned
home after a pleasant trip to attend the Confederate reunion in Mobile and
visit to relatives in Baldwin County. I must say in justice to the citizens of
Mobile, I never have attended a reunion I enjoyed more; it was a grand affair.
Every soldiers, whether from Alabama or other states, was cordially welcomed,
and those who preferred it, assigned to a home. I had the pleasure of spending
my stay there for four days with Mr. B.G. Partin, whose doors were open to
relatives, friends and soldiers.
Veteran’s Rest, at E.E. Forbes Piano Co., and the ladies of
the Mobile Chapter U.D.C. furnished nice lunches to veterans free of charge,
also the Barney Cavanagh Hardware Co., furnished hot coffee and biscuits every
day to the soldiers. Holberg Mercantile Co. made their parlors a resting place
with refreshments for all the old veterans. Excursion and board was free to
The march was grand and those who were unable to join in
march on foot were furnished a seat in Tally ho.
Gen. Geo. P. Harrison, Major General Commander, and Col.
Harvey E. Jones, Adj’t Gen. and Chief of Staff, and other officers were
exceedingly courteous and made every soldier feel at home.
I had the pleasure of meeting several old soldiers I had not
seen for years. The next reunion will be held in Montgomery and I trust all
will be spared to meet again.
F.M. Jones Sr.
23rd Alabama Infantry
JEDDO: Christmas passed off quietly with only one fight, and
it was caused by whiskey.
PETERMAN: Mr. Leonard Biggs is expected to leave the 28th
to attend school at Camp Hill, Ala.
PINEVILLE: Mrs. Barbara Robbins, one of the oldest and best
loved citizens of Beatrice, died suddenly at the supper table Saturday evening.
Her remains were taken to the church in Beatrice at 12 o’clock today and Dr.
Ramsey made an excellent and appropriate address. Then they were brought here
to the cemetery on the hill at the Baptist church and laid to rest by the side
of departed ones.
GOODWAY: Mr. Wm. Mooney, the well known photographer, was in
our midst this week.
JAN. 10, 1907
Mr. G.A. Fountain of Fork, County Hard Labor Agent, was at
the capital last week.
Mr. M.M. Fountain is attending a meeting of the Alabama
Sheriffs’ Association in Montgomery.
Dr. G.C. Watson’s dental office is now located in the
apartment formerly occupied by the Monroeville Library.
County Superintendent John D. Forte spent several days here
this week conducting the semi-annual examination of applicants for licenses to
teach in the public schools of the county.
Capt. W.B. Kemp’s many friends throughout the county are
gratified to learn that he was unanimously chosen Door-Keeper of the Senate in
the organization of that body on Tuesday. Capt. Kemp filled this position most
acceptably during the last session of the legislature.
John M. Burns, Esq., has been appointed County Solicitor to
serve during the absence of Senator (Oscar O.) Bayles, who is no in attendance
on the session of the legislature.
Pythian Notes: The order of Knights of Pythias is on quite a
boom in all parts of Alabama, and particularly in this immediate section.
Following closely the reorganization of the defunct “Prairie Queen Lodge” at
Monroeville comes the institution of Beatrice Lodge, named for its home town,
the thriving little city in the northwestern part of our county. The
institution of this lodge took place on Friday evening, Dec. 21, and was
largely attended by Knights from Monroeville, Tinela, Selma and other points.
The exercises were under the direction of Prof. L.K. Benson, who has been
specially commissioned by the Grand Chancellor. He called to his assistance
Messrs. Bayles, Smith and Hybart, of our local lodge; McCants and Grace of
Tinela; and Robbins of Snow Hill. The following officers of the new lodge were
elected and installed:
W.W. Fox, C.C.
J.P. Farish, V.C.
M.D. Lambert, K. of R. & S and M.F.
L.B. Robbins, M. at A.
A.L. White, P.
J.P. Harper, M.E.
John Riley, I.G.
McDuffie Stallworth, O.G.
W.W. Fox, Rep. to Grand Lodge.
All visiting knights were handsomely entertained by the Beatrice
Pythians and are generous in their praise of the members of the new lodge.
Prairie Queen Lodge, No. 167, at its last regular meeting,
elected the following officers for the ensuring semi-annual term:
Dr. W.T. Bayles, C.C.
B.H. Stallworth, V.C.
N.T. Stallworth, K.R.S. and M.F.
H.G. Davis, M. at A.
C.P. Smith, M.E.
W.L. Moore, Prel.
D.K. Smith, I.G.
L.K. Benson, Rep. to Grand Lodge
Preparations are being made to establish a new home for this
lodge in the old Masonic hall.
Another lodge of the order will, in a few days, be organized
at Manistee, this county. The Grand Chancellor has already approved a petition
for a new lodge to be located at Excel, this county.
JAN. 17, 1907
J.M. Burns, Esq., attended the inauguration of Gov. Comer in
Montgomery the first of the week.
Mr. J.C. Williamson, who has recently embarked in the
mercantile business at Excel, was in the city Saturday.
At the school house on next Friday, the 18th
inst., there will be rendered exercises in commemoration of the birthday of
Gen. Lee. Hon. John M. Burns will deliver the principal address on the subject,
“Lee’s Place in History.” Mr. Q. Salter will talk on “Lee as a Model Citizen.”
The school will render several concert songs applicable to the occasion. The
public is cordially invited.
K.P. Notice: There will be an important business meeting of
Monroeville Lodge, No. 167, K. of P., at their lodge room tonight. Every member
is earnestly requested to be present. – Q. Salter, C. Commander; R.J. Hendrix,
Helton and Dennis Discharged: Jefferson D. Helton and T.E.
Dennis Jr. of Tunnel Springs had a preliminary hearing before Judge Slaughter
on Monday, charged with the murder of Dixie Bradley, a negro, on or about Jan.
The defendants established to the satisfaction of His Honor
that having in their possession a warrant for the arrest of Bradley, and in the
discharge of their duty as officers they were forced to shoot him in self
defense. Bradley, it is alleged, having offered violent resistance by opening
fire on the officers. Messrs. Helton and Dennis were discharged.
Messrs. Riley Kelly, J.C. and C.G. Griffin of Excel was at
the county capital Saturday.
JAN. 24, 1907
Mr. G.L. Witherington, a prosperous merchant-farmer of Mt.
Pleasant, was in to see us Monday.
Mrs. S. Faulk and Miss Callie Faulk are visiting relatives
at Laurel and Meridian, Miss.
Mr. J.L. Bowden, president of the Moore-Bowden Mercantile
Co., Jones Mill, was at the county capital the first of the week.
Rev. J.W. Killough, pastor of the Bell’s Landing circuit,
visited his daughter, Mrs. J.S. Busey, the first of the week.
Rev. C.H. Motley will fill his regular appointment at the
Methodist church next Sunday.
Senator O.O. Bayles returned to Montgomery Monday to resume
his legislative duties after spending a few days with his family.
CHESTNUT: Miss Martha Sessions, who has been teaching school
at Finklea, is at home for a while.
Miss Mary Beard, who is teaching at this place, visited home
folks at Pineapple last Saturday and Sunday.
BUENA VISTA: Mr. O.B. Finklea and little son attended the
Cotton Press Association in Birmingham – whilst visiting friends and looking
after mill machinery.
Miss Edna Middleton is the happy recipient of some
beautifully bound books for her new library – among them, the popular, “John
Halifax, Gentleman,” “Miss Merlock, The Prince of the House of David,” and some
works of Bulwer and Scott.
JAN. 31, 1907
Mr. M.D. Harrison, a prosperous farmer of Excel, was at the
county capital Tuesday.
Capt. Thomas A. Nettles was down from Tunnel Springs
Dr. R.A. Smith of Nadawah spent a few hours with Monroeville
friends Tuesday.
Rev. W.N. Huckabee will preach at Oak Grove church, Tekoa,
at 11 o’clock on the first Sunday in February.
Rev. C.H. Motley fill his regular appointment at the
Methodist church last Sunday morning and evening.
Capt. J.H. McCreary of Turnbull stopped over in Monroeville
the first of the week in route to Evergreen.
Mrs. Biggs, wife of Wm. J. Biggs, died at her home near
Peterman on Friday, Jan. 25. Mrs. Biggs had been in poor health for a long time
and her death was not unexpected. She leaves a husband, seven children and a
large circle of friends to mourn her death.
The Journal is requested to announce that there will be an
oyster supper at the home of Mr. V. Medlock near Perdue Hill on Tuesday night,
Feb. 5, for the benefit of the school.
PINE APPLE R.F.D. NO. 1: Rolling logs will soon be the order
of the day. Mr. John Morgan rolled Thursday; he was among the first to roll.
PINEVILLE: There is a colony of Swedes at Bursonville who
are engaged in shipping timber and turpentine. They ship from McWilliams, to
which point they have a graded road over which they are preparing to propel
wagons with steam.
The Gypsies have been encamped about a mile from here the
past two weeks. The young men, boys and children visit them occasionally.
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