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A.C. Lee |
Jan. 13, 1128 - The military order Knights Templar was
granted a papal sanction, declared to be an army of God by Pope Honorius II.
Jan. 13, 1776 - In the early morning hours of this day, British forces raided Prudence Island, Rhode Island, in an effort to steal a large quantity of sheep, but, upon landing on the island’s southern beaches, the British were ambushed by fifteen Minutemen from Rhode Island’s Second Company led by Captain Joseph Knight, who had been tipped off to the Brits’ plans and rowed across Narragansett Bay from Warwick Neck the previous morning.
Jan. 13, 1807 - Union General Napoleon Bonaparte Buford was
born in Woodford, Kentucky. During the Civil War, Buford held many commands in
the West and was a hero at the Battle of Belmont, Missouri.
Jan. 13, 1815
– During the War of 1812, British troops captured Fort Peter in St. Marys,
Georgia, the only battle of the war to take place in the state.
Jan. 13, 1830 – The Great Fire of New Orleans, Louisiana
Jan. 13, 1832 – Horatio Alger Jr., best known for his dime
novels for boys, was born in Chelsea, Mass.
Jan. 13, 1840 – Confederate soldier Walter Newton Duke was
born. He enlisted in Co. D. of the 5th Alabama Regiment (later Co. C after
April 27, 1862) on March 16, 1861. He was listed as sick at St. Frances de
Sales Hospital between March 1, 1862 and Aug. 31, 1862. He was taken prisoner
at South Mountain, Md. on Sept. 14, 1862, forwarded to Ft. Delaware, Del. on
Oct. 2, 1862 and to Aikens Landing for exchange on Nov. 10, 1862. He was a
patient at Winder General Hospital No. 4 from Nov. 3, 1862 to Dec. 16, 1862. He
was taken prisoner at Gettysburg on July 4, 1863 and forwarded to Ft. Delaware
on July 7, 1863 and arrived on July 12, 1863. He arrived at Point Lookout, Md.
on Oct. 23, 1863 and was paroled on Feb. 18, 1865. He died on Dec. 16, 1922 and
was buried in Ramah Cemetery at Teneha in Shelby County, Texas.
Jan. 13, 1852 – While drifting slowly in the Pacific
doldrums, two New Bedford whaling vessels, the Monongahela and the Rebecca
Sims, supposedly encountered a huge sea serpent that was over 100 feet long and
about 50 feet in diameter. Its color was a brownish gray with a light stripe
about three feet wide running its full length. Its neck was 10 feet around, and
it supported a grotesque head that was 10 feet long and shaped like that of a
gigantic alligator.
Jan. 13, 1861 – During the Civil War, President James Buchanan received envoys from both Union Major Robert Anderson (commander at Fort Sumter, S.C.) and South Carolina governor, Francis W. Pickens, regarding the status of Fort Sumter. President Buchanan, while trying not to provoke South Carolina authorities, stated that Fort Sumter would not be turned over to them.
Jan. 13, 1862 – During the Civil War, the Burnside Expedition arrived off of Hatteras Inlet, N.C., and proceeded into Pamlico Sound. President Abraham Lincoln appointed Edwin Stanton as the new Federal Secretary of War.
Jan. 13, 1863 – During the Civil War, a Federal expedition began from Helena, Ark. up the White River. The USS Columbia also ran aground off the coast of North Carolina and was burned by the Confederates a few days later. A skirmish was also fought near Hamburg, Tenn.
Jan. 13, 1863 - During the Civil War, a three-day Federal reconnaissance began between Murfreesborough to Versailles, Tenn. A seven-day Federal reconnaissance began from Nashville to Cumberland River Shoals, Tenn. A Federal operation began between Yorktown and West Point, Va.
Jan. 13, 1864 - A two-day Federal reconnaissance began from Pine Bluff to Monticello, Ark. President Abraham Lincoln ordered Major Generals Quincy A. Gillmore in Florida and Nathaniel P. Banks in New Orleans, La. to proceed in constructing free governments in the states of Florida and Louisiana. Skirmishes were also fought at Ragland Mills, Ky.; at Collierville, Sevierville and at Schultz’s Mill, on Cosby Creek Tenn.; near Ely's Ford, Va.
Jan. 13, 1865 – Federal operations began against Fort Fisher, N.C. Shelling continued and Federal infantry was put ashore. At Tupelo, Miss., Confederate Lieutenant General John Bell Hood resigned as commander of the Confederate Army of Tennessee.
Jan. 13, 1865 - Lt. Commander Stephen B. Luce, whose ship, the USS Pontiac came and supported Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman‘s troops’ movement across the Savannah River at Sister’s Ferry, Ga., as they continued to move toward Charleston wrote: “After hearing General Sherman’s clear exposition of the military situation, the scales seemed to fall from my eyes.....it dawned on me that there were certain fundamental principles....of general application whether the operations were on land or sea.” Luce in later years was the primary force in founding what a later generation would call the Naval War College.
Jan. 13, 1865 - In North Carolina, Union forces began a
massive three-day bombardment at Fort Fisher.
Jan. 13, 1870 – The stockholders of the Monroeville Academy
met at the Monroe County Courthouse at 4 p.m.
Jan. 13, 1880 - Internationally known folklorist Ruby
Pickens Tartt was born in Livingston, Ala. Tartt chronicled the folk music and
slave narratives of Sumter County, helping preserve the culture by recording
folk performances and writing stories and articles on the subject. Her work
with experts John A. Lomax and Harold Courlander brought African American
folklore to international prominence. The culture she helped preserve continues
to affect the world of folk music and folk culture as her notes, the songs, the
singers, the stories and the storytellers are rediscovered by a new generation
of scholars and musicians.
Jan. 13, 1906 – A head-on collision between two trains took
place on the Southern Alabama division of the Louisville & Nashville
railroad about two miles north of Monroe Station at about 5 a.m. One of the
trains was a northbound logging train of 11 empty cars belonging to the Bear
Creek Mill Co. The other train was a southbound “special” train carrying the
“Little Johnny Jones” theatrical company from Selma to Pensacola. That train
consisted of two baggage cars, a day coach and two Pullman luxury cars. The
engine of the special was turned completely over 30 feet down an embankment.
The engine of the logging train was entirely disabled, and four of the cars
behind it were overturned with it. Dr. R.A. Smith hurried to the scene as soon
as he learned of the accident “to render such medical assistance as might be
required, but fortunately very little was needed.” Three chorus girls of the
theatrical company, “Misses Maddock, Thomas and Bailey, suffered injuries about
their heads and necks, and also suffered from shock, and most of the members of
the theatrical company, all of whom were asleep in their berths at the time of
the collision, were slightly injured. A special train carrying physicians was
sent from Pensacola and returned there at five o’clock in the evening. The
three young women were taken to a local hospital and remain there. Both engineers
and firemen jumped in time to save themselves. The engineer of the special was
Mark Boghich, and the conductor was W.L. Hahn.”
Jan. 13, 1906 - Hugh Gernsback of the Electro Importing
Company advertised radio receivers for sale for the price of just $7.50 in
"Scientific American" magazine.
Jan. 13, 1910 – The first public radio broadcast took place
as a live performance of the opera “Cavalleria rusticana” was sent out over the
airwaves from the Metropolitan Opera House in New York, New York.
Jan. 13, 1915 – The Evergreen Courant reported that
Brooklyn, Ala. merchant E.N. Amos had entered bankruptcy.
Jan. 13, 1916 – The Conecuh Record reported that a Butler
County, Ala. grand jury did not indict W.J. Travis for killing Dr. Nall “a
short time ago” in McKenzie.
Jan. 13, 1916 – The Conecuh Record reported that the First
National Bank of Evergreen (Ala.) had elected its board of directors and
officers for the ensuing year during a recent meeting. Those directors and
officers included Robt. F. Croom, president; Lewis Crook, active
vice-president; C.R. Taliaferro, vice-president; J.D. Wright, cashier. The
Record also reported that, during recent board meeting, the Peoples Bank of
Evergreen had also elected directors and officers for the coming year. They
included President, C.P. Deming; vice-president and cashier, A. Cunningham;
assistant cashier, C.P. Deming Jr. and Byron Tisdale. W.B. Ivey was added to
the board of directors.
Jan. 13, 1916 – The Conecuh Record reported that Conecuh
County Sheriff Williams killed a “mad dog” a few days before.
Jan. 13, 1916 – The Conecuh Record reported that the
Equalization Board was in session that week.
Jan. 13, 1916 – The Conecuh Record reported that a “white
man” killed Wade Longmire a few days before, and the killing reportedly grew
out of a dispute over a debt.
Jan. 13, 1916 – The Conecuh Record reported that the Martin
Drug. Co. had sold out to Betts & Newton.
Jan. 13, 1916 – The Monroe Journal reported that Monroe
County (Ala.) Education Superintendent J.A. Barnes had “invested in a brand new
car and will now better than ever be enabled to make close and efficient
supervision of rural schools.”
Jan. 13, 1916 – The Monroe Journal reported that A.C. Lee,
Esq., had “been admitted to partnership with Messrs. Barnett and Bugg in the
practice of law. Although admitted to the practice only a few months ago, Mr.
Lee is already taking high rank at the local bar. Messrs. Barnett, Bugg and Lee
constitute one of the strongest law firms in this section.”
Jan. 13, 1916 - In an attempt to relieve their compatriots under heavy siege by Turkish forces at Kut-al Amara in Mesopotamia, British forces under the command of Lieutenant General Fenton Aylmer launched an attack against Turkish defensive positions on the banks of the Wadi River.
Jan. 13, 1929 - Nearly 50 years after the famous gunfight at the O.K. Corral, Wyatt Earp died quietly in Los Angeles at the age of 80.
Jan. 13, 1935 – A plebiscite in Saarland showed that 90.3
percent of those voting wish to join Nazi Germany.
Jan. 13, 1937 – The “Allen Treasure,” $2,700 in pre-Civil
War gold coins were discovered beneath a smoke house in the Clarke County
community of Rockville, Ala.
Jan. 13, 1950 – Georgiana High School’s varsity boys
basketball team beat Evergreen High School, 50-31, in Evergreen on this Friday
night. Harville led Georgiana with 15 points; Don Simmons scored 14; and Shell
scored 12. Guerry Moorer led Evergreen with 15 points, and Jack Cunningham
followed with five points.
Jan. 13, 1955 – Astronomer Morris K. Jessup, the author of
“The Case for the UFO,” received a letter from a man who identified himself as
“Carlos Allende.” In the letter, Allende informed Jessup of the “Philadelphia
Jan. 13, 1955 – Novelist Jay McInerney was born in Hartford,
Jan. 13, 1957 – Short-story writer Lorrie Moore was born in
Glen Falls, N.Y.
Jan. 13, 1962 - In the first Farm Gate combat missions, T-28
fighter-bombers were flown in support of a South Vietnamese outpost under Viet
Cong attack.
Jan. 13, 1966 – The Evergreen Courant reported that David L.
Burt Jr. of Evergreen, Ala. had sold an Aberdeen-Angus bull to Nathaniel
McMillan of Repton.
Jan. 13, 1966 – The Evergreen Courant reported that the
Evergreen (Ala.) Kiwanis Club had recently installed its new slate of officers.
They were Otis Bell, president; Lamar Rogers, vice president; Delma Bowers,
treasurer; and Horace Deer, secretary.
Jan. 13, 1966 – The Evergreen Courant reported that Fireman
Apprentice Frederick W. Salter, USN, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Salter of
Rt. 2, Evergreen, Ala., was back on station off the coast of Vietnam aboard the
attack aircraft carrier USS Ticonderoga, after a nine-day visit to Yokosuka,
Japan. The visit gave Ticonderoga’s crew and air squadrons a rest after two
months of operations with the Seventh Fleet in the South China Sea.
Jan. 13, 1967 - Members of the Monroeville Kiwanis Club and
their guests received first hand information on the situation in Vietnam on
this Friday when George Clay Nettles, a native of Monroeville, spoke to the
club. Nettles had just returned from Vietnam after an 18-month tour with the
state department. His speech revealed first hand information about the South
Vietnamese people and their relationship with U.S. military forces and with
each other.
Jan. 13, 1968 – Johnny Cash gave his legendary live
performance at Folsom Prison in Folsom, Calif.
Jan. 13, 1972 – George C. Wallace of Alabama declared
himself a Democratic candidate for U.S. President, entering the field with
George McGovern, 1968 nominee Hubert Humphrey, and nine other Democratic
Jan. 13, 1972 – President Richard Nixon announced that 70,000 U.S. troops would leave South Vietnam over the next three months, reducing U.S. troop strength there by May 1 to 69,000 troops.
Jan. 13, 1976 – Actor Michael Peña was born in Chicago.
Jan. 13, 1977 – The Evergreen Courant reported that five
persons had been arrested and charged with the burglary of the County Line
Discount Package Store on U.S. Highway 84, outside Repton, Ala., on the
Conecuh-Monroe county line. The burglary took place around midnight on Jan. 4,
Jan. 13, 1977 – The Evergreen Courant reported that
Evergreen High School’s boys basketball team improved to 6-2 on the season with
a 72-58 win over T.R. Miller. Senior center Marion Stanton led Evergreen with a
double double, scoring 15 points and grabbing 16 rebounds.
Jan. 13, 1978 – National Baseball Hall of Fame manager Joe
McCarthy died at the age of 90 in Buffalo, N.Y. During his career, he managed
the Chicago Cubs, the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox. He was inducted
into the Hall of Fame in 1957.
Jan. 13, 1981 – On this Tuesday, Monroe Academy’s boys
basketball team beat South Butler Academy of Georgiana, 97-47, in Ollie. The
Vols, who topped the 20-point mark in each quarter of the contest, were paced
by the 18-point shooting of Keith Jones, who also had nine assists. Other
standout MA players in that game included Tracey McPherson, Kim Stacey, Blake
Masingill, Joey Langham, Jeff Gandy, Mark Nettles, Tim Chunn, Craig Cave,
Rickey Sanchez and Patrick Munday.
Jan. 13, 1983 - Weather observer Earl Windham reported a low
of 23 degrees in Evergreen, Ala.
Jan. 13, 1986 - "The Wall Street Journal" printed
a real picture on its front page. The Journal had not done this in nearly 10
years. The story was about artist, O. Winston Link and featured one of his
Jan. 13, 1995 – Greenville Academy’s varsity boys basketball
team beat Sparta Academy, 53-52, in Evergreen. Adrian Mitchell led Sparta with
13 points, and Larry Wright followed with 11 points. Other standout Sparta
players in that game included Brent Worrell, Michael Pate, Jason Miller,
Nicholas Jones and James Johnson.
Jan. 13, 1995 – Greenville Academy’s varsity girls
basketball team beat Sparta Academy, 64-27, in Evergreen. Nikki Jones led
Sparta with 14 points. Other outstanding Sparta players in that game included
Carrie Lambert, Janet Kendrick, Aundria Griffin and Missy Westwood.
Jan. 13, 2005 - Major League Baseball adopted a
steroid-testing program that suspended first-time offenders for 10 days and
randomly tested players year-round.
Jan. 13, 2005 - Concert and operatic star Nell Rankin died
in New York at age 81. The Montgomery, Ala. native made her stage debut in
Wagner's Lohengrin in Zurich, Switzerland in 1949.
Jan. 13, 2005 - The NFL fined Randy Moss of the Minnesota
Vikings $10,000 for pretending to pull down his pants and moon the Green Bay
Packer crowd during a playoff win the previous weekend.
Jan. 13, 2006 – A tornado destroyed the Belleville, Ala.
fire station and left a path of debris and structural damage a half-mile wide
and a mile long along U.S. 84. One death occurred, three homes were destroyed,
and 15 structures were damaged.
Jan. 13, 2010 – Evergreen’s Chris Hines, a 6-8, 220-pound
forward at the University of Alabama, played 17 minutes in a 65-64 loss to
Vanderbilt in Tuscaloosa. Hines played 17 minutes and finished the game with
six points, three rebounds and an assist. After the loss, UA head coach Anthony
Grant praised Hines, saying in the post-game press conference that “Chris Hines
came in and gave us some good energy, as did (Alabama forward) Tony Mitchell
and the other guys that came in.”
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