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Alabama Gov. Bibb Graves |
JUNE 26, 1997
Frisco appoints new postmaster: Frisco City’s new
postmaster, Betty Coker, said the job is a wish come true for her.
About 11 years ago, Ms. Coker began her postal career with
the hope of one day being in charge of a small post office. After 8-1/2 years
delivering mail in Mobile and a little more than three years as a supervisor in
Atmore, she got her wish.
May 8, Ms. Coker began her duties as postmaster in Frisco
City. She arrived to find not only the small post office she’d envisioned, but
a veteran staff to help her feel at home and learn her way around her new
Excel Blue collected first place in the South Monroe Babe
Ruth Baseball League for players ages 13-15 this season, finishing the year
with an 8-2 record. (Members of the team were Alan Foley, Kyle Thomas, Adam
Conway, Josh Deese, Lee Thomasen, Michael Baggett, Keith McKinley, Josh Fails,
Russell Fountain, Wesley Qualls, Nathan Mixon, Justin Deese and Cal Lambert.
Levon McKinley served as coach and Michael Mixon was manager.)
Receives scholarship: Brent Ray of Frisco City was awarded
the Michele Norris Scholarship in amount of $200 from the Frisco City
Mid-Century Club during Monroe Academy’s graduation ceremonies May 23. Ray is
the son of Ronnie and Ann Ray. Michele Norris was a lifetime resident of Frisco
City. She was the daughter of Burrell and Lavada Norris and a 1984 graduate of
Monroe Academy. While attending Auburn University to major in math education,
she was killed in an auto accident May 17, 1987.
JUNE 29, 1972
Rains, winds lash county: Rain and windstorms lashed out
over Monroe County last Sunday afternoon between 2:30 and 4:30, blowing down
trees and power lines and wreaking havoc on buildings in isolated spots in the
Most of the damage appeared to be in the northeastern
portion of the county but scattered damage was reported elsewhere. The Monroe
County Rescue Squad answered two calls during the afternoon – one to remove
three trees from across Highway 21 on Falkenberry Hill above Tunnel Springs and
another to remove a tree from across Highway 136 between U.S. 84 and Excel.
Babe Ruth Tigers: The Tigers of the Monroeville Babe Ruth
League won three games last week to tie up the Pirates for the league’s lead.
(Members of the Tigers included Leon Black, Allen Finlayson, Sam Bowden, Terry
Hardin, David Nall, Wayne Watkins, Tony Simmons, Ed Floyd, Eddie Marshall,
Rhondal Brown, Dan Mohn, Mark Dawson, Sonny Wasden, Rhett Barnes, David Lazenby,
Steve Anthony, Hiram Hyde and Fella Owens. Joe Hyde was the team’s coach.)
Eliott Hendrix was re-elected Worshipful Master of Frisco
City Masonic Lodge No. 702 Monday night when the annual election of officers
was held.
Others elected were: Harold Barnes, senior warden; Clayton
Barnes, junior warden; W.P. Albritton, treasurer; Jeffie Jones, secretary;
Morton Carpenter, senior deacon; John Youngblood, junior deacon; and Bill Cobb,
JUNE 26, 1947
ANNOUNCEMENT: With this issue of the paper the present
ownership bows out of the newspaper field.
This paper has been sold to Mr. J.H. Faulkner and Mr. Bill
Stewart of Bay Minette, Ala., who will take over after this issue is mailed
out. These purchasers are experienced in the newspaper field, are men of
recognized ability and integrity and will bring to this paper something of the
enthusiasm of youth.
Alabama Lodge No. 3 Elects New Officers: At a regular
meeting of Alabama Lodge No. 3, the following officers were elected for the
ensuing year: A.M. Thompson, worshipful master; F.M. Harper, senior warden;
W.D. Pickens, junior warden; W.N. Wiggins, treasurer; W.S. Nash, secretary;
J.L. Crutchfield, senior deacon; W.F. Wiggins, junior deacon; N.I. Fore, tyler.
Friday of this week, Monroe Mills will have their annual
picnic at the State Park, according to an invitation received a few days ago.
We have had several experiences at numerous silk mill picnics, and if the
weather is any way near favorable, we will be found somewhere near the center
of the crowd at the State Park on Friday. We are happy to see that Roger Morton
is in Monroeville to be with us again at this picnic.
MASONIC CONFERENCE: The annual meeting of the Monroe County
Masonic Conference will be held with Tunnel Springs Lodge No. 578 on Thurs.,
July 10. All Masons in the county are invited to attend.
District Lecturer R.F. Dickson, S.H. Hendrix of Mobile, and
other prominent Masons will be present.
JUNE 29, 1922
Hon. Bibb Graves of Montgomery will be the orator of the day
on the occasion of the barbecue and Fourth of July celebration at Jones Mill
next Tuesday.
MASONIC OFFICERS: Beatrice Lodge No. 691, A.F.&A.M.,
held its annual election of officers for the ensuing Masonic year on June 14.
The following officers were elected: J.M. Holloway, worshipful master; J.R.
Carter Jr., senior warden; L.J. Robbins, junior warden; H.B. Mims, treasurer;
D.A. Steele, secretary; W.A. Marshall, senior deacon; W.M. McPherson, junior
deacon; W.H. Chase, tyler; Rev. A.T. Sims, chaplain; H.H. Newton, senior
steward; J.J. McMillan, junior steward; Lee Fountain, marshal.
Mr. I.B. Rutledge spent Sunday and Monday among Monroeville
friends. Mr. Rutledge is engaged in making a survey of a road from Bay Minette
to Little River connecting with the state highway now under construction in
this county.
Mr. Johnson of Atlanta, connected with the Buick company, is
here assisting the Morrissette Motor Car Co. in putting on a special sale of
used cars.
L.J. Bugg, Esq., made a business trip to Cincinnati last
week looking after the interests of the Monroe County Growers Exchange.
The 16th annual session of the Monroe County
Masonic Conference will be held with Blacksher Lodge No. 593, Uriah, Ala., on
July 12-13. Bro. J.W. Thurmond of Castleberry will be the lecturer. A public
Masonic address will be delivered by Rev. A.E. Shafer at 11 a.m. Thursday, the
JUNE 25, 1870
REMOVAL – The post office at Monroeville has been removed to
the drug store of Dr. J. Russell & Co.
BRIDGE BROKEN – Leatherwood’s bridge, on the Big Escambia
Creek, was broken by a timber raft last week.
COTTON BLOOMS – We have seen cotton blooms from the field of
Mr. J.W. Perrin, near this place, on the 20th inst. The Monroe Eagle
reports blooms at Claiborne, on the 15th. This is some days later
than last year, when the first blooms appeared on the 11th of June.
MONROE INSTITUTE – Male and Female – M. McCorvey, Principal
– The second term of this school will commence Monday, the 6th of
September next.
Hoping from his long experience in teaching, to give entire
satisfaction, and to merit the confidence and patronage of the community at
large, the Principal is determined that this school shall be of the highest
grade, and second to none in this country.
Board can be had in the neighborhood at $12.50 per month,
exclusive of washing.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry! If you wish your watches and
clocks to keep correct time have them repaired by A. Picken, Practical
Watchmaker and Jeweler (Successor to the late Col. Steele) – All work
guaranteed for 12 months and the finest materials only used. – Claiborne, Ala.
G.G. STALLWORTH, D.D.S., PINEVILLE, ALA. - Having attended
lectures at the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, I offer my Professional
Services to the people of Monroeville and surrounding country.