Alexandre Dumas |
NOV. 17, 1988
Frisco City to place time capsule, to be opened in
bicentennial year: A time capsule, containing assorted memorabilia mostly about
Frisco City’s centennial celebration, will be encased next month at the town’s
Jones Park.
A spot in Jones Park, which displays the Frisco City
caboose, has been designated to encase the capsule. A brief ceremony is
tentatively set for Dec. 17 at 2 p.m. The capsule will be encased and covered
by a plaque noting it should not be opened until October 2088.
Perfect season: Excel High School’s junior varsity football
team recorded a 5-0 record this season. The Panthers defeated J.U. Blacksher
36-6 and 32-0, pounded Frisco City 34-0 and 16-0, and dumped Sweet Water 28-0.
(Members of the team were Brian Luker, Trey Harris, Steve Goodman, Scott Baker,
Brady Wright, Shawn Manning, Chad Addison, Shannon Kelly, Ray Pharr, Lamar
Andrews, Jason Bell, Steven Ledkins, Mike Cole, Chris Casey, Larue Spears and
Gene McMillian. Coaches were Jack Booth and Bubba Nall.)
Cutting ribbon: A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held Tuesday
for a new motel at the intersection of Highway 84 and 21 at Ollie. Present for
the grand opening of the Western Motel were Frisco City Mayor Billy McCrory;
motel manager Roger Leva; Monroeville Mayor Pro Tem Jim Davis, who represented
Monroeville Mayor B.C. Hornady; and Mr. and Mrs. I.J. Leva, motel owners. Leva,
who also owns a motel in Columbia, Miss., announced his son, Roger, will manage
the local motel.
NOV. 21, 1963
David M. Nettles Is Appointed Probate Judge By Gov. Wallace:
David Miller Nettles, Monroeville attorney, has been appointed by Gov. George
C. Wallace as probate judge of Monroe County to fill the unexpired term of Judge
E.T. Millsap, who died a few weeks ago. The appointment was made public
Mr. Nettles will take over the office immediately and will
serve until the new term begins in January 1965. A judge will be elected in the
1964 primaries to begin a regular six-year term in 1965.
Judge Nettles, age 33, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lee
Nettles of Monroeville. He is a graduate of Monroe County High School. He
studied pre-law at Auburn and obtained his law degree from the University of
SENIORS AND STILL CHAMPS – Most of the Monroe County High
School seniors pictured above have high school memories that probably few
football players will have. The MCHS Tigers have won the Pine Belt Championship
and the Monroe County championship every year they were in senior high school.
The team has won both titles for the past four years. Pictured with their
coaches are Billy Sellers, Richard Otterberg, Tim Jones, Paul Griffin, Robin
Sanderson, Don Cox, Larry Godwin, Louie Hayles, Lloyd Sturtevant, Eugene Wilson,
Ray Owens and James R. Allen, head coach, and Ronald Dees, assistant coach.
NAMED SENATOR: Kay Ellen Ivey, Camden, the granddaughter of
Mrs. Earl Nettles of Tunnel Springs, has been named freshman senator at Auburn.
Miss Ivey is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nettles Ivey, former residents of
Monroe County.
NOV. 17, 1938
While hunting one day last week, Mr. John Alexander of
Uriah, killed a pure white squirrel. White squirrels have been reported in the
county, but this is the first one killed by a hunter in many years.
Monroeville Defeats Beatrice, 39 to 0: The Monroeville High
School football eleven added another team to their string of victims last
Friday night when they defeated Beatrice High in a one-sided contest on the
local field. The final score was 39 to 0.
Both teams showed good coaching and played fine, clean
football, but Monroeville was too powerful for the visitors.
This was the seventh consecutive victory for Monroeville,
having defeated all the High School teams in the county and three other teams
out of the county.
The games played to date, together with the scores, are as
follows: Monroeville 13, Pine Apple 0; Monroeville 48, Uriah 0; Monroeville 37,
Excel 0; Monroeville 7, Jackson 6; Monroeville 6, Frisco City 0; Monroeville
33, Camden 13; Monroeville 39, Beatrice 0. Total points scored: Monroeville
183; Opponents, 19.
The next and last game of the season will be played on
Wednesday night before Thanksgiving when Monroeville plays Brewton High.
Faulk-Ingram: Miss Jennie Faulk announces the marriage of
her niece, Miss Lucille Faulk, to Mr. James Gilbert Ingram of Tuscaloosa on
Fri., Nov. 4, in Tuscaloosa.
Mr. J.W. Barganier of Frisco City brought a stalk of cane to
The Journal office Tuesday morning. The stalk had four well-developed joints
and above these joints grew two perfect stalks.
NOV. 20, 1913
Mrs. A.C. Lee and little daughter returned Monday from a
visit with relatives at Finchburg.
Mr. S.M. Roberts, who was recently appointed postmaster at
Monroeville, has entered upon the discharge of his official duties. The formal
transfer was made on Tuesday.
Jeptha Langham Shot by James Mixon: Jeptha Langham was shot
and fatally injured by his son-in-law, James Mixon, near Midway, this county,
last Saturday night. Particulars have not been learned further than that the
trouble occurred at Mixon’s home. Langham was taken to a hospital in Selma
where he died Sunday night. Langham was the same man who was held in jail here
a few weeks ago on the serious charge of having administered poison to his
wife, but who was discharged on the certificate of the state chemist who failed
to discover any traces of poison in the contents of the stomach submitted to
Mixon came to town Monday and voluntarily surrendered to the
sheriff and is now in jail awaiting the action of the grand jury.
HIGH SCHOOL NOTES: The Brewton Collegiate Institute
basketball team played the Monroe County High School Friday afternoon. The
result was a score of 18 to 0 in favor of Monroeville. The visitors were a fine
set of young athletes, but our boys were too much for them. Prof. Harris wore
the smile that wouldn’t come off when the game was over.
NOV. 16, 1888
Monroeville Lodge No. 153 – Regular communication, Saturday
before third Sunday in each month. – F.M. Jones, Secretary.
The County Farmers Alliance organized Monday. A large number
of delegates were present, 12 out of the 14 Primary Alliances in the county
being represented, and the following officers elected and installed: President,
W.J. Mason; Vice President, G.W. Salter; Secretary, Q. Salter; Treasurer, D.C.
Mims; Chaplain, A. Holloman; Lecturer, G.W. Burns; Assistant Lecturer, -
Chapman; Sergeant-at-Arms, - Higdon; Doorkeeper, J.T. Salter; Assistant Doorkeeper,
W.T. Ryland; Executive Committee, W.B. Kemp, N.J. Stallworth, W.M. Hestle.
The Journal introduces a new feature of interest this week
in the way of a serial story, which it hopes will be appreciated by its
readers. The story (“The Fisherman of Naples” by Alexandre Dumas) is fully
illustrated, intensely interesting and will run for several months.
MAIL SCHEDULE: Evergreen to Claiborne, daily, arrives at
Monroeville from Claiborne, 8 a.m., arrives from Evergreen, 3 p.m.;
Monroeville to Repton, leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
3:30 p.m., arrives 10 p.m.
Pineapple to Monroeville, arrives Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, 8 p.m., leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a.m.
Monroeville to Bells Landing, leaves Monday and Friday at 6
a.m., arrives Tuesday and Saturday, 3 p.m. – F.A. Seymour, postmaster.
The weather has been very disagreeable for several days. It
has been neither warm nor cold, wet or dry.