Thursday, November 28, 2019

'Backwoodsman' reader from British Columbia says 'Bigfoot does exist'

One magazine that I read from cover to cover every time it hits the newsstand is “The Backwoodsman.” Billed as the “Magazine for the 21st Century Frontiersman,” this magazine comes out every two months and is filled with articles about frontier living, hunting, fishing, survival and folklore. Each issue also includes articles on really cool how-to and do-it-yourself projects.

Each issue also includes a letters section in which readers write in to sound off on topics that were in earlier issues of the magazine. In the latest issue, one such letter caught my eye. Written by 65-year-old William Wallace Surrey of British Columbia, Canada, this letter was written by an outdoorsman who is convinced that Bigfoot is real.

“Bigfoot does exist,” Surrey wrote. “What few seem to pick up on is that they have a very well-developed sense of smell and very good night vision. The scent of oil or gunpowder tells them man is around, same for gas and processed foods.”

Surrey, a lifelong bowhunter, suggested that if you want to see a Bigfoot in the wild, you need to go into the woods wearing clothing made of undyed wool and carry a wooden bow with cedar arrows.

“Don’t wear any manmade scents,” he said. “Eat a diet of fish (vegan mostly) and no scent of manmade anything. If you light a fire, use old dead branches.”

Surrey noted that just because humans can’t smell plastic, paint or wax, that doesn’t mean that animals and Bigfoot can’t because of their heightened sense of smell.

“Now think how good a bear can detect scent,” Surrey wrote. “Bigfoot fears man because they shoot at them. Would you not be afraid?”

Surrey believes that these creatures are intelligent and hide to avoid encounters with humans, especially armed hunters.

“They are not stupid,” Surrey said. “Think how good a wolf avoids man. They are out there – but if every time you saw someone they were armed and aggressive, would you show yourself?”

Surrey makes an interesting point and reminds me of something someone told me a few months ago about the type of eyesight that these creatures might have. This man was telling me that many species of owls have vision that allows them to see outside the visible spectrum that humans can see. Humans can see all of the colors of the rainbow (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet), but owls can see into what is known as the ultraviolet spectrum.

This ability aids owls, who are nocturnal hunters, to find food at night. The example that was given to me was that an owl at night can sit in a tree and not only see the heat given off by small animals like mice, but they can also see the faint urine trails they leave behind. To humans, these trails are impossible to see, especially at night.

If Bigfoot has this type of eyesight, maybe they can see humans from great distances due to the heat our bodies and vehicles give off. Maybe this is also why they seem to avoid stationary game cameras, which is why they are seemingly never photographed by these high-tech devices. If you add in highly sensitive senses of smell and hearing, then it’s little wonder that Bigfoot is so elusive.

In the end, I highly recommend that you check out “The Backwoodsman” magazine. It’s full of all sorts of interesting articles, and I always look forward to the next issue. For more information about this publication, visit

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