Tonight, I give you one of my favorite book lists of all time: National Geographic’s 100 Best Adventure Books. Released in the May 2004 edition of National Georgraphic Adventure Magazine, this list features such classics as “Into Thin Air” by John Kraukauer, “Roughing It” by Mark Twain and “Seven Years in Tibet” by Heinrich Harrer.
Without further ado, here’s the complete list:
1. The Worst Journey in the World. By Apsley Cherry-Garrard (1922)
2. Journals. By Meriwether Lews and William Clark (1841)
3. Wind, Sand & Stars. By Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1940)
4. Exploration of the Colorado River. By John Wesley Powell (1875)
5. Anapurna. By Maurice Herzog. (1952)
6. Arabian Sands. By Wilfred Thesiger (1959)
7. Desert Solitare. By Edward Abbey (1968)
8. West With the Night. By Beryl Markham (1942)
9. Into Thin Air. By John Kraukauer (1997)
10. Travels. By Marco Polo (1298)
11. Farthest North. By Fridtjof Nansen (1987)
12. The Snow Leopard. By Peter Matthiessen (1978)
13. Roughing It. By Mark Twain (1872)
14. Two Years Before the Mast. By Richard Henry Dana (1840)
15. South. By Ernest Shackleton (1919)
16. A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush. By Eric Newby (1958)
17. Kon-Tiki. By Thor Heyerdahl (1950)
18. Travels in West Africa. By Mary Kingsley (1897)
19. The Spirit of St. Louis. By Charles Lindbergh (1953)
20. Seven Years in Tibet. By Heinrich Harrer (1953)
21. Journals. By James Cook (1768-1779)
22. Home of the Blizzard. By Douglas Mawson (1915)
23. The Voyage of the Beagle. By Charles Darwin (1839)
24. The Seven Pillars of Wisdom. By T.E. Lawrence (1926)
25. Travels to the Interior Districts of Africa. By Mungo Park (1799)
26. The Right Stuff. By Tom Wolfe (1979)
27. Sailing Alone Around the World. By Joshua Slocum (1900)
28. The Mountain of My Fear and Deborah: A Wilderness Narrative By David Roberts (1968,1970)
29. First Footsteps in East Africa. By Richard Burton (1856)
30. The Perfect Storm. By Sebastian Junger (1997)
31. The Oregon Trail. By Francis Parkman (1849)
32. Through the Dark Continent. By Henry M. Stanley (1878)
33. A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains. By Isabella Bird (1879)
34. In the Land of White Death. By Valerian Albanov (1817)
35. Endurance. By F. A. Worsley (1931)
36. Scrambles Amongst the Alps. By Edward Whymper (1871)
37. Out of Africa. By Isak Dinesen (1937)
38. Scott's Last Expedition: The Journals. By Robert Falcon Scott (1913)
39. Everest: The West Ridge. By Thomas Hornbein (1965)
40. Journey Without Maps. By Graham Greene (1936)
41. Starlight and Storm. By Gaston Rebuffat (1954)
42. My First Summer in the Sierra. By John Muir (1911)
43. My Life as an Explorer. By Sven Hedin (1925)
44. In Trouble Again. By Redmond O'Hanlon (1988)
45. The Man Who Walked Through Time. By Colin Fletcher (1968)
46. K2--The Savage Mountain. By Charles Houston and Robert Bates (1954)
47. Gipsy Moth Circles the World. By Francis Chichester (1967)
48. Man-Eaters of Kumaon. By Jim Corbett (1944)
49. Alone. By Richard Byrd (1938)
50. Stranger in the Forest. By Eric Hansen (1988)
51. Travels in Arabia Deserta. By Charles M. Doughty (1888)
52. The Royal Road to Romance. By Richard Halliburton (1925)
53. The Long Walk. By Slavomir Ravwicz (1956)
54. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. By Clarence King (1872)
55. My Journey to Lhasa. By Alexandra David-Neel (1927)
56. Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile. By John Hanning Speke (1863).
57. Running the Amazon. By Joe Kane (1989)
58. Alive. By Pier Paul Read (1974)
59. Principall Navigations. By Richard Hakiuyt (1589-90)
60. Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. By John Lloyd Stephens (1843)
61. Shipwreck of the Whaleship Essex. By Owen Chase (1821)
62. Life in the Far West. By George Fredrick Ruxton (1849)
63. My Life as an Explorer. By Roald Amundsen (1927)
64. News from Tartary. By Peter Fleming (1936)
65. Annapurna: A Woman's Place. By Arlene Blum (1980)
66. Bounty Mutiny. By William Bligh (1790)
67. Adrift: Seventy-six Days Lost at Sea. By Steven Callahan (1886)
68. Castaways. By Alvar Nunex Cabez de Vaca (1555)
69. Touching the Void. By Joe Simpson (1989)
70. Tracks. By Robyn Davidson (1980)
71. The Adventures of Captain Bonneville. By Washington Irving (1837)
72. Cooper's Creek. By Alan Moorehead (1963)
73. The Fearful Void: Across the Implacable Sahara. By Geoffrey Moorhouse (1974)
74. No Picnic on Mount Kenya. By Felice Benuzzi (1953)
75. Through the Brazilian Wilderness. By Theodore Roosevelt (1914)
76. The Road to Oxiana. By Robert Byron (1937)
77. Minus 148. By Art Davidson (1969)
78. Travels. By Ibn Battuta (1354)
79. Jaguars Ripped My Flesh. By Tim Cahill (1987)
80. Journal of a Trapper. By Osborne Russell (1914)
81. Full Tilt: Ireland to India with a Bicycle. By Dervla Murphy (1965)
82. Terra Incognita. By Sara Wheeler (1996)
83. We Die Alone. By David Howarth (1955)
84. Kabloona. By Gontran de Poncins (1941)
85. Conquistadors of the Useless. By Lionel Terray (1961)
86. Carrying the Fire. By Michael Collins (1974)
87. Adventures in the Wilderness. By William H. H. Murray (1869)
88. The Mountains of My Life. By Walter Bonatti (1998)
89. Great Heart. By James West Davidson and John Rugge (1988)
90. Journal of the Voyage to the Pacific. By Alexander Mackenzie (1801)
91. The Valleys of the Assassins. By Freya Stark (1934)
92. The Silent World. By Jacques Cousteau (1953)
93. Alaska Wilderness. By Robert Marshall (1956)
94. Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs and Conditions of the North American Indians. By George Catlin (1841)
95. I Married Adventure. By Osa Johnson (1940)
96. The Descent of Pierra Saint-Martin. By Norbert Casteret (1954)
97. The Crystal Horizon. By Reinhold Messner (1982)
98. Narrative of a Journey Across the Rocky Mountains to the Columbia River. By John Kirk Townsend (1839)
99. Grizzly Years. By Doug Peacock (1990)
100. One Man's Mountains. By Tom Patey (1971)
In the end, let me know if you’ve read any of these and what you thought about the list.