The story takes place after the Civil War and centers on former Confederate colonel, Morsman Carver, who’s out for revenge against a former Union captain named Gideon. Carver blames Gideon for the deaths of his wife and children and is out to make Gideon pay with his life.
This movie is remarkable for many reasons, especially its use of sweeping western landscapes. The movie begins in the snowy Rocky Mountains, moves into the plains and eventually ends in the scorching desert.
This movie was very entertaining, and it often left me wondering about who I should be pulling for. Both of the main characters were compelling, and, as a viewer, you’ll find yourself sympathizing with both.
There are a number of interesting bits of trivia about this movie that make for good conversation. The Seraphim Falls referred to in the title is a reference to Carver’s farm, where his family meets their end at the hands of Gideon’s men. Some of you will remember from Sunday School that a seraphim is a type of angel. One theory about the movie suggests that Carver and Gideon are actually a pair of fallen angels who are forced to battle each other from heaven (the Rocky Mountains) to hell (the desert).
Another interesting side note is the fact that neither of the lead actors, Neeson and Brosnan, is American. Despite their roles as American Civil War veterans, both of these actors were born and raised in Ireland.
In the end, if you like Westerns, you’ll enjoy this movie. There’s plenty of gunplay, horse riding’ and lots more for fans of the genre. Let me hear from those of you who have seen it. I’d like to hear your thoughts on this movie.