Union General Alfred Terry |
Aug. 28, 1565
– Pedro Menéndez de Avilés sighted land near St. Augustine, Florida and founded
the oldest continuously occupied European-established city in the continental
United States.
Aug. 28, 1609 - Delaware Bay was discovered by Henry Hudson.
Aug. 28, 1749 – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the father of
German literature and the author of the epic drama “Faust,” was born in
Aug. 28, 1774 - Elizabeth Ann
Bayley was born in New York City. She went on to found the first Catholic
school and the first female apostolic community in the United States. She was
also the first American-born saint beatified by the Roman Catholic Church.
Aug. 28, 1776 - General George Washington ordered 1,200 more
men from Manhattan to Brooklyn.
Aug. 28, 1833 – The Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 received
Royal Assent, abolishing slavery through most of the British Empire.
Aug. 28, 1845 – The first issue of Scientific American
magazine was published. It’s the oldest continuously published magazine in the
United States, and it started as a four-page weekly newsletter.
Aug. 28, 1859 – The Carrington event disrupted electrical
telegraph services and caused aurora to shine so brightly that they are seen
clearly over the Earth's middle latitudes.
Aug. 28, 1861 – During the Civil War, Union forces attacked
Cape Hatteras, North Carolina in the Battle of Hatteras Inlet Batteries, which
lasted for two days. This closed an important outlet from Pamlico Sound for
Confederate blockade runners. Its propaganda value was vastly greater. It was
the first Federal incursion of Confederate soil in the Carolinas since
secession, and caused rejoicing in the North, and corresponding despondency in
the South, all out of proportion to its true value.
Aug. 28, 1861 – During the Civil
War, a skirmish was fought at Ball's Mill, Mo.
Aug. 28, 1861 – During the Civil
War, a skirmish was fought at Ball's Cross Roads and near Baily's Cross Roads,
Aug. 28-30, 1862 – The Second Battle of Manassas (Second
Bull Run) took place in Prince William County, Va. and four members of the
Conecuh Guards were killed there - Thomas Robertson, Joseph Stallworth, James
H. Thomas (who’d been wounded earlier at Seven Pines on May, 31, 1862) and
Jasper Newton Stinson (who’d been promoted to color sergeant of the Fourth
Alabama Regiment about a month before). Five other members of the Conecuh
Guards were wounded - 1st Lt. Alfred Christian, 1st Lt. John G. Guice (who was
wounded in two places, lost a leg and was honorably discharged), William Morrow
(who was later wounded at Spotsylvania Court House in May 1864 and returned to
live in Mobile County after war), Buck Stuckey (who would be killed at the
Battle of Darbytown Road in September 1864) and Francis M. Sampey (who would be
wounded later near Farmville, Va. in April 1865 and die in Selma in 1874).
Aug. 28, 1862 - Confederate General Braxton Bragg captured a
Union garrison at Mumfordsvilled, Ky.
Aug. 28, 1862 – During the Civil War, skirmishes were fought at Thoroughfare
Gap, near Gainesville, Lewis' Ford, Centreville and Hay Market in Virginia; at
Ashley, Missouri; and near Corinth, Mississippi.
Aug. 28, 1862 – During the Civil War, not far from Groveton, Va., was a farm
owned by a man named Brawner. It was on this unfortunate fellow’s land that the
equally unfortunate Gen. John “Headquarters in the Saddle” Pope ventured on
this day, under the impression that he was chasing the fleeing forces of Gen.
Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson. When Rufus King’s men ran into Jackson’s, a
fierce battle broke out at the Brawner place. Pope, hearing of this, ordered
the rest of his men to move there. He had no idea that Lee and Longstreet had
arrived, conferred with Stonewall, and were now moving around the entire battle
into Pope’s rear. The following day would not be a good day for Pope.
Aug. 28, 1863 - Confederate Naval Lt. George W. Gift paid a
visit to the shipyard above Mobile Bay, Ala. to observe the progress in
construction of the two vessels, the Tennessee and Nashville. The Tennessee was
nice enough, but Gift was in awe of the immense Nashville. “She is tremendous!”
he wrote. “The wardroom...is six staterooms and a pantry long, and about as broad
between the rooms as the whole Chattahoochee. Her engines are tremendous, and
it requires all her width, fifty feet, to place her boilers. The Tennessee is
insignificant alongside her.”
Aug. 28, 1863 – During the Civil War, skirmishes were fought in Callaway
County, Missouri; and at Hartwood Church, Virginia.
Aug. 28, 1864 - Union General Alfred Terry was promoted from
brigadier general to major general in the United States Volunteers.
Aug. 28, 1864 – During the Civil War, skirmishes were fought near Rocheport,
Missouri; near Holly Springs, Mississippi; and at Leetown and Smithfield, West
Aug. 28, 1869 - Convinced they
would have a better chance surviving the desert than the raging rapids that lay
ahead, three men (Seneca Howland, O.G. Howland and William H. Dunn) left John
Wesley Powell’s expedition through the Grand Canyon and scaled the cliffs to
the plateau above. When Powell reached the nearest settlement, he learned that
the three men who left had encountered a war party of Shivwit Indians and were
Aug. 28, 1895 – Monroe Masonic Lodge, No. 485, was scheduled
to hold its regular communication at 10 a.m. at River Ridge, Ala. A.H. Johnson
was the lodge’s secretary.
Aug. 28, 1895 – Col. B.L. Hibbard left on this Wednesday for
Birmingham, Ala. to attend the Midsummer Carnival of United Confederate
Veterans, given under the auspices of Camp Hardee, of which he was a member.
Hibbard was on the program for an address on the theme, “Fraternal Patriotism.”
Aug. 28, 1898 – Caleb Bradham invented the carbonated soft
drink that will later be called "Pepsi-Cola."
Aug. 28, 1906 – British poet laureate John Betjeman was born
in the Highgate section of London.
Aug. 28, 1906 - Mrs. Maria E. Jones, the wife of Capt. F.M.
Jones, died at Tuscaloosa, Ala., on this Tuesday morning, aged 63 years. She
had been an inmate of the hospital at Tuscaloosa for a number of years. Her
remains were expected to arrive in Monroeville, Ala. on the Aug. 30 afternoon
train and were to be interred in the Methodist cemetery on arrival.
Aug. 28, 1914 – N.B. Jones, a “well known and highly
esteemed citizen of Evergreen,” passed away at his home on Pecan Street at the
age of 73. (Some sources say he died on Aug. 26.) A former Evergreen
postmaster, merchant and farmer, he was also a Confederate veteran and a member
of Camp Capt. Wm. Lee, U.C.V. and of Armor Lodge, No. 31, Knights of Pythias.
Born at Fort Decatur, Macon County, Ala. on Nov. 21, 1841. Moved to Butler
County with his family in 1858 and joined the Confederate Army in 1862, serving
with Capt. Isbell’s company from Talladega County, which was part of the 1st
Alabama Infantry Regiment. He served in Tennessee, Mississippi and Louisiana,
and was taken prisoner during the battle and siege at Port Hudson. He was later
exchanged and was sent with his regiment to Georgia. He was later severly
wounded in the Battle at New Hope Church, which closed his active service, but
he served on detail duty until the end of the war. He and his family moved to
Conecuh County in 1865.
Aug. 28, 1915 – While hunting on Cedar Creek on this Saturday
morning, Ernest Frazier accidentally shot and killed his friend, L.A. Palmer.
Frazier mistakenly thought that Palmer was a turkey in the underbrush.
Aug. 28, 1915 – American illustrator Tasha Tudor was born
Starling Burgess in Boston.
Aug. 28, 1934 – Welsh-Australian geologist and explorer
Edgeworth David passed away at the age of 76 in Sydney, Australia. A household
name in his lifetime, David's most significant achievements were discovering
the major Hunter Valley coalfield in New South Wales and leading the first
expedition to reach the South Magnetic Pole. He also served with distinction in
World War I.
Aug. 28, 1941 - The Football Writers Association of America
was organized.
Aug. 28, 1943
– During World War II, in Denmark, a general strike against the Nazi occupation
Aug. 28, 1947 – The Evergreen Courant reported that
Robert Gaston Bozeman Jr. was doing nicely after undergoing an appendectomy at
Carter’s Hospital in Repton during the week.
Aug. 28, 1947 – The Evergreen Courant reported that Mrs.
F.L. Cardwell, who was bitten on the ankle by a rattlesnake on Sat., Aug. 23,
was reported to be fast recovering.
Aug. 28, 1947 – The Evergreen Courant reported that
Superintendent of Schools, Harvey G. Pate, wished to remind all patrons of
Conecuh County Schools that the old law, providing that children may enter schools
in the Fall if they reached their sixth birthday before Oct. 1, still remained
in effect. The Legislature at that time passed an act providing for the
admission of children who would reach their sixth birthday on or before Jan.
15. This new law was held invalid by the Attorney General in a recent ruling.
Since the Attorney General’s decision was legally binding, the Board of
Education had made its plans to operate under the old law. All parents asking
for entrance for beginners were requested to show proof of birth date of the
children. All schools in Conecuh County were to open on Sept. 8, 1947.
Aug. 28, 1947 – The Evergreen Courant reported that a
series of burglaries had been reported during the previous week or so by
citizens living in various sections of the city. In most instances reported,
cash was taken from pockets and billfolds of the victims. A number of other
instances of prowling had been reported at several different homes.
Aug. 28, 1947 – The Evergreen Courant reported that the
Evergreen Greenies won the honor of playing the winner of the McCullough-Atmore
series by defeating Flomaton two straight games in the elimination playoff. The
first game of the championship playoff was to be played in Brooks Stadium on
Sun., Aug. 31, at three o’clock. This was to be the final game to be played in
Evergreen that season. Wade Nobles, a fastball-throwing right-hander, came
through with an 8-3 win on Thurs., Aug. 21, to solve acting-manager Zell
Murphy’s pre-game pitching worries. Making his debut as a pitcher, Nobles gave
up only nine scattered hits and allowed only one earned run to cross the plate.
Harry Brooks, Flomaton pitcher, held Evergreen to only six hits, but was given
very little support by his teammates who made eight costly errors. Eben Moorer
and Joe McDonald collected two blows each to pace the Greenies to their 8-3
victory. Manager Hart opened on the mound for Evergreen on Sun., Aug. 24, but
had to call on Edsel Johnson to take over in the ninth when he ran into some
trouble. The Greenies drove out a total of 12 base hits off two Flomaton
pitchers, one of which was a 365-foot home with two men aboard by Nobles in the
third inning. White had three singles to his credit to gain batting honors for
the winners.
Aug. 28, 1947 – The Evegreen Courant reported that Evergreen
High School’s 1947 Football Schedule was as follows: Sept. 19, v. Repton; Sept.
26, v. Pine Hill; Oct. 3, at Greenville; Oct. 10, at Frisco City; Oct. 16, v.
W.S. Neal; Oct. 31, v. Monroeville; Nov. 7, v. Uriah; Nov. 14, v. Camden; Nov.
21, v. T.R. Miller.
Aug. 28, 1952 – Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and novelist
Rita Dove was born in Akron, Ohio.
Aug. 28, 1955 – In Sunday afternoon baseball action,
McKenzie beat Paul, 9-3.
Aug. 28, 1963 – In a disappearance attributed to the
“Bermuda Triangle,” two new KC-135, four-engine jet Stratotankers, on a
refueling mission out of Homestead Air Force Base, Fla. on their way to a
classified refueling range in the Atlantic, disappeared shortly after giving
their position as 300 miles southwest of Bermuda.
Aug. 28, 1963 - Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his "I
Have a Dream" speech in Washington, D.C.
Aug. 28, 1966 - It was reported in three Soviet newspapers that North
Vietnamese pilots were undergoing training in a secret Soviet air base to fly
supersonic interceptors against U.S. aircraft. This only confirmed earlier
reports that the Soviets had initiated close relations with North Vietnam after
a visit by Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin to Hanoi in February 1965 during
which he signed economic and military treaties with the North, pledging full
support for their war effort. The Soviets and North Vietnamese leadership
planned military strategy and discussed North Vietnam’s needs to prosecute such
a strategy. The Soviets agreed to supply the necessary war materials, to
include air defense weapons for the North and offensive weapons to be employed
in the South. At one point in the war, the Soviets would supply 80 percent of
all supplies reaching North Vietnam.
Aug. 28, 1967 - Reverend Thomas Lee Hayes, speaking for the National Mobilization
Committee, announced that there would be a massive protest march on October 21
in Washington. In the Senate, Mike Mansfield (D-Montana) made a proposal
endorsed by 10 other senators to bring a peace plan before the United Nations.
Aug. 28, 1968 - The Democratic National Convention in Chicago endorsed the
Johnson administration’s platform on the war in Vietnam and chose Vice
President Hubert Humphrey as the party’s nominee for president. The decision on
the party platform resulted in a contentious three-hour debate inside the
convention hall.
Aug. 28, 1972 - The U.S. Air Force got its first ace (a designation
traditionally awarded for five enemy aircraft confirmed shot down) since the
Korean War. Captain Richard S. Ritchie, flying with his “backseater” (radar
intercept officer), Captain Charles B. DeBellevue, in an F-4 out of Udorn Air
Base in Thailand, shot down his fifth MiG near Hanoi. Two weeks later, Captain
DeBellvue, flying with Captain John A. Madden Jr., shot down his fifth and
sixth MiGs. The U.S. Navy already had two aces, Lieutenants Randall Cunningham
and Bill Driscoll. By this time in the war, there was only one U.S.
fighter-bomber base left in South Vietnam at Bien Hoa. The rest of the air
support was provided by aircraft flying from aircraft carriers or U.S. bases in
Aug. 28, 1972 - President Nixon announced that the military draft would end
by July 1973
Aug. 28, 1981 – Leroy, Ala. native Kelvin Moore made his
Major League Baseball debut, playing first base for the Oakland A’s against the
Boston Red Sox at Fenway Park in Boston. Oakland lost, 12-5. Batting fifth,
Moore went 1-for-4, his hit coming on a single to center field in the top of
the eighth.
Aug. 28, 1981 - "The New York Daily News" published
its final afternoon edition.
Aug. 28, 1981 - John Hinckley, Jr. pled innocent to the
charge of attempting to kill U.S. President Ronald Reagan. Hinckley was later
acquitted by reason of insanity.
Aug. 28, 1985 – Hurricane Elena, which destroyed about 300
coastal Alabama homes, formed in the Atlantic. The hurricane did very little
damage in Conecuh County, Ala., but did knock out power to a number of homes.
Aug. 28, 1985 – ABC Agent Dennis Farr, Conecuh County
Sheriff’s Deputy Jimmy Lambert and Conversation Officer Glenn McDaniel
destroyed an illegal liquor still in the Lenox community. No arrests were made
in connection with the still, which was capable of making between 20 and 25
gallons of moonshine at a time.
Aug. 28, 1986 – Six historic districts in Greenville, Ala.
were added to the National Register of Historic Places. Those districts
included the Commerce Street Residential Historic District, the Fort
Dale-College Street Historic District, the King Street Historic District, the
South Greenville Historic District, the South Street Historic District and the
West Commerce Street Historic District.
Aug. 28, 1987 – Evergreen High School was scheduled to open
the season against J.F. Shields at Brooks Memorial Stadium in Evergreen, Ala.
at 7:30 p.m. Projected offensive starters for Evergreen included Travis
Stallworth, tight end; Patrick Atkins, tackle; James Gross, guard; Craig
Blackburn, center; Russell Meeks, guard; Scott Jones, tackle; Marvin
Cunningham, split end; Tony Simpson, tailback; Steve Cunningham, fullback; Jack
Harvey, quarterback; and Greg Stanton, tailback. Projected defensive starters
for Evergreen included Craig Palmer, James Gross, Patrick Atkins, James Grace,
Travis Stallworth, Greg Stanton, Tony Simpson, Russell Meeks, Earl Johnson, Steve
Cunningham and Marvin Cunningham.
Aug. 28, 1988 - Sixty-nine spectators were killed when three
jets collided at an air show in Germany. The carnage from the accident was
horrific, as debris and jet fuel covered the crowd below. It would be three
years before Germany allowed another air show to be held, this time with more
stringent safety precautions.
Aug. 28, 1990 - Iraq declared Kuwait to be its 19th province
and renamed Kuwait City al-Kadhima.
Aug. 28, 1992 - The 1992 Sparta Academy Warrior Cheerleading
Squad cheering on their Warriors on this Friday night in Luverne to open the
1992 gridiron season against the Crenshaw Christian Academy Cougars included
co-captains Stephanie Booth and Julie Brundage, Rachel Bohannon, Regina Hawsey,
Kelly Booker, Nann Castleberry, captain Kelly Booker and Carla Grimes.
Aug. 28, 2005 - Hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast of the
United States. At least 1,200 people were killed in Louisiana and Mississippi.
Aug. 28, 2008 – The Beda Cemetery and Butler Cemetery in Covington
County, Ala. were added to the Alabama Historic Cemetery Register.