Sunday, August 21, 2016

120-year-old news highlights from The Monroe Journal from August 1896

Grave of Marion D. Lambert at Perdue Hill.
The Monroe Journal newspaper in Monroeville, Ala., under the direction of editor and proprietor Q. Salter, published eight editions 120 years ago during the month of August 1896. Those issues, which were dated Aug. 4, Aug. 7, Aug. 11, Aug. 14, Aug. 18, Aug. 21, Aug. 25 and Aug. 28, can be found on microfilm at the Monroe County Library in Monroeville, Ala. What follows are a few news highlights from those five editions. Enjoy.

AUG. 4, 1896

Prof. J.N. Ivey attended the meeting of the Board of Education on Saturday.

Capt. Geo. H. Gray of Perdue Hill was among his Monroeville friends last week.

Mr. H. Davis, principal of Mexia High School, was in town last week.

It is with regret that we are called upon to chronicle the death of Mr. Marion D. Lambert which occurred at his home near Perdue Hill on Friday night, July 31st after a protracted illness. Mr. Lambert was one of Monroe’s most estimable and useful citizens and the announcement of his death will cause universal sorrow.

Mr. J.F. Gardner had the misfortune to lose his steam sawmill and ginnery by fire on last Thursday afternoon. The fire is supposed to have originated from the furnace while the hands were at dinner, and had made such headway when discovered that it was impossible to quench the flames with the help available. The machinery was not seriously damaged but a quantity of lumber was destroyed.

Died at his home near Pineville Aug. 1st, 1896 of typhus fever Dr. T.B. Robbins aged 24 years.
He returned home from Furman, Ala. on July 12th and was taken to his bed that day, and after three weeks of terrible sickness, during which he was prayerfully and tenderly nursed by loving friends and relatives, grim Death touched his fevered brow with its icy wings and our son, brother and friend was no more.

AUG. 7, 1896

During several days last week the temperature hovered in the neighborhood of 100 degrees in the shade. Even then there were those so unfeeling as to inquire, “Is it hot enough for you?”

Messrs. C.W. Zimmerman and J.D. Shiver of Manistee were registered at the Watson House Wednesday.

Manistee: Mr. Arthur Sowell, the handsome clerk at the Bear Creek Co.’s store, was anticipating a trip to his home in Monroeville Sunday on his wheel.

Public Speaking: Hon. E.R. Morrisette, candidate for Congress from the first district, will address his fellow citizens at the following times and places:
River Ridge, Wed., Aug. 12, 10 o’clock a.m.
Bell’s Landing, Wed., Aug. 12, eight o’clock, p.m.
Buena Vista, Thurs., Aug. 13, 10 a.m.
Pineville, Thurs., Aug. 13, four o’clock p.m.
Kempville, Fri., Aug. 14, 10 o’clock a.m.
Burnt Corn, Fri., Aug. 14, four p.m.

Carlisle: Mr. Robert Smith killed a rattlesnake a few days ago measuring six feet, five inches in length.

Mr. Allan McConico returned home Saturday after spending several days with relatives and friends in Monroe.

By invitation of the county campaign committee, Hon. E.R. Morrisette spoke in the courthouse at 10 a.m. on Fri., July 31st, to a very good audience. Mr. Morrisette’s speeches here and at Perdue Hill were the only ones made in the county under the direction of the Democratic committee.

AUG. 11, 1896

Sheriff I.B. Slaughter was in the city yesterday.

Mr. Jas. K. Kyser, one of Burnt Corn’s leading merchants, was in town yesterday. Mr. Kyser informed us that the mail line from Repton to Bermuda will be extended to Burnt Corn shortly. This will prove a great convenience to the people of both communities.

Mr. N.G. Davis, one of Bell’s Landing’s most extensive farmers and merchants, was in town Monday. His report of crop conditions was not encouraging.

The official bonds of Messrs. C.W. McClure, County Superintendent of Education ($15,000); J.L. Smith, Tax Collector ($12,000); and J.F. Deer, County Treasurer ($33,400) have been filed and accepted. All the bonds are good and sufficient. That of Mr. Deer is the strongest of kind ever filed in the county, representing an aggregate value of over $100,000.

PERDUE HILL: Prof. R.E. Gordon, principal of Perdue Hill High School, has been in town for several days, working for the interest of his school.

POPLAR SPRINGS: Rev. Mr. Ray of Canoe, Ala. preached to quite a large congregation at Poplar Springs church on the first Sabbath in this month. The church there is not large enough to accommodate all the people that attended services there, very frequently a number of people are compelled to remain outside.

AUG. 14, 1896

Mr. Jno. I Watson, our newly elected Sheriff, on yesterday filed his official bond with the Judge of Probate, which was approved. On the arrival of his commission, he will assume the duties of his office.

Dr. F.S. Daily of Kempville attended Commissioner’s court Monday.

The extreme warm weather for the past few days has injured the cotton crop considerably, and is causing it to open very fast.

The Alabama River steamer Tinsie Moore has come off the docks where she has been thoroughly overhauled and repaired, inside and out, preparatory to beginning her fall trade. She will make her initial trip to Montgomery and all way landings, leaving this port on the afternoon of Aug. 15.

At the recent term of the commissioners court, the voting places known as Seigler’s Mill and Hunter’s Mill, in Beat 2, were abolished and a new one established at the school house in Section 14, Township 5, Range 6.

The regular term of the commissioners court convened on Monday, commissioners Burson, Fore and Richardson in attendance. This being the last term of the old board, the business transacted was unusually large.

Capt. Wiggins has had his new residence neatly painted, and it presents a most attractive appearance.

AUG. 18, 1896

The Mexia and Axel baseball nines crossed bats at the latter place on last Saturday afternoon. The score resulted in 17 to 7 in favor of Axle.

During a thunderstorm near River Ridge on last Friday, four children of Mr. W.A. Griffin were severely shocked by lightning. One of them, a young lady, sustained painful injuries.

Monroeville’s first bale of the new crop was received on last Thursday, the 14th. It was grown by Mr. J.J. Autrey of Bermuda and was sold to Messrs. Hudson & Roberts for 6.80 cents per pound.

The Masonic District Conference held at Perdue Hill last week is reported a most interesting and enjoyable occasion. About 20 lodges were represented. The conference was held under the joint direction of Mr. A.M. Scott, Member of the Committee on Work of the Grand Lodge, and Mr. W.W. Daffin, lecturer for the first district.

REPTON: Our weekly train arrived at 10:30 last p.m. and will leave about on schedule time this a.m.
Messrs. Ivey and Martin are speedily erecting a gin house in our town, with the expectation of a liberal patronage from surrounding community; arrival of new machinery expected.

Prof. J.A. Liner, principal of the Southwest Alabama Agricultural School at Evergreen, made a tour of Monroe last week in the interest of his school and gave The Journal a pleasant call while in town. He hopes to open on Sept. 1 with at least 400 pupils enrolled.

AUG. 21, 1896

Prof. J.N. Ivey spent a few hours in town on last Saturday. Prof. Ivey has been elected principal of the Furman Academy for the ensuing term.

Cotton picking is well underway. It is a common thing now to see bales of the fleecy staple on the streets.

Hon. Chas. L. Scott of Mount Pleasant and Mr. L.W. Locklin of Perdue Hill were among their many Monroeville friends on Saturday.

The Monroe Mill property has been leased to Messrs. Davis & Colvin, for a term of five years, and they have begun work repairing the mill and ditches, and will begin operations at an early date. Messrs. Davis and Colvin are experienced mill men and will doubtless make it a success.

Mrs. Margaret Hixon, relict of the late Richard Hixon, died at her home near Steadham, Ala. on Tues., 17th inst., aged about 63 years. Four sons and one daughter survive her.

Miss Annie Hobson of Greensboro has accepted the position of teacher of Music and Art in the Monroeville Academy. Prof. Powers and the community at large are to be congratulated upon securing the services of so talented and accomplished an assistant in the department named as Miss Hobson. The prospects for the opening on the first proximo are very flattering.

AUG. 25 1896

Work on the Methodist parsonage is progressing in a satisfactory manner.

The annual session of the Monroeville Academy will open on Tues., Sept. 1.

Mr. Geo. W. Salter Jr. of The Evergreen Courant paid a brief visit to relatives at Monroeville last week.

The change in the L&N schedule which gives Repton only one train per week renders it very inconvenient for shippers.

The heavens were obscured with clouds, hence a good observation of the partial lunar eclipse could not be secured on Saturday night.

The Bear Creek Mill Co. has extended its railroad to within four miles of the city. It is possible that they may extend it via Monroeville to a point several miles east of here, tapping the timber belt beyond the Limestone range. Mr. Louiselle, the capable manager of the company, is a hustler.

An Interesting Relic: There is in the possession of an aged negro, living a few miles west of Monroeville, a relic in the shape of a gun that has an interesting history.
All the readers of Alabama history are familiar with the incident recorded by both Col. Pickett and Gen. Claiborne, of the noted “Canoe fight” which occurred at Dale’s Ferry, in 1812, in which the famous Indian fighters, Sam Dale, and Jerry Austill, in a hand-to-hand combat on the broad bosom of the majestic Alabama killed nine Indians and put the tenth to flight. The gun used by Mr. Austill in this noted encounter was one that the borrowed from a neighbor Mr. Tommy Thompson Sr., but which was broken in the fight. Mr. Austill replaced the gun with one that he captured from his vanquished foes. This gun was kept by Mr. Thompson so long as he lived and prized by him no less, perhaps for its excellence as a firearm than for the noted exploit in which it bore a part. After the death of the old gentleman the gun passed out of the possession of the family and for many years its whereabouts was unknown to them. Recently however, Mr. Jack Thompson, grandson of the former owner of the gun, to whom were are indebted for this information, has succeeded in tracing the weapon to its present owner. Notwithstanding the 84 years that have transpired the gun is yet in good condition, having the same stock that it had when owned by the “noble red man.” Its owner refuses to part with the gun for a price much beyond its real value.

AUG. 28, 1896

Mr. N.A. McNeil of Hollinger, a newly elected member of the Board of County Commissioners, was in the city on Wednesday.

CLAIBORNE: The steamer Carrier left this town for Mobile last Friday morning with 357 bales of cotton, 54 bales being shipped from here.

PINEVILLE: Dr. L.J. Robbins left for Furman Wednesday where he will spend several days.

The Journal suggests that as a means of preserving order and improving the moral tone of the community that our citizens take immediate steps to incorporate the town, enact ordinances against the vices and evils most indulged and elect town officers who will have the courage to enforce them. Our town can never permanently improve, our school can never be built up nor our youth develop a character that will render them useful or respected so long as we live in so unwholesome an atmosphere as has existed here for sometime past, and which we grieve to say, has shown no signs of improvement, but rather the reverse.
The violations of the prohibition law have become so flagrant of late and the loathsome spectacle of public drunkenness so disgusting that forbearance has ceased to be a virtue, and the good citizens of the community are justly incensed. The Journal stands ready to aid in every needed reform.

Resolution of Respect: M.D. Lambert was born, lived and died at 49 in Monroe County, Ala. He was “born again” and joined Claiborne Baptist church in 1878, remaining there until two years ago when he became a member at Perdue Hill continuing faithful until God called him “home” July 31, 1896. He left a wife, seven children and many friends to mourn their loss.

Miss Ida Watson returned home on Wednesday from a pleasant visit of several weeks to friends at Pollard.

Died – At Mexia, on Thurs., Aug. 20, 1896 after a protracted illness, Mrs. Johnson, wife of W.Y. Johnson. She leaves a husband and one child and an extended circle of friends to lament her death.

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