AUG. 2 1906
Mr. V.J. Herlong, president of the Manistee Mill Co., was in
Monroeville Saturday on business.
The annual session of the Monroe County Masonic Conference
will convene at Tunnel Springs next Tuesday, Aug. 7, and continue in session
three days.
Mr. G.W. Broughton had the misfortune to lose his dwelling
and part of its contents by fire at Tekoa last Saturday morning. The fire was
discovered about 10 o’clock a.m. and is supposed to have originated from a
faulty flue.
Southwest Alabama Agricultural School, Evergreen, Ala.: The
next session of this school will open on Sept. 3. The faculty consists of nine
experienced teachers. Full literary, scientific and music courses offered.
Tuition free. Board $10 per month. Catalog free on request. Address J.A. Liner,
Poplar Springs: Prof. Barnes is teaching our school this
summer. We are proud to have him with our boys and girls.
Miss Clara Mims from Wilcox is teaching a flourishing school
at Nero now.
Buena Vista: Mr. Davis from the neighborhood of Fatama is
superintending the blacksmith shop of J.J. Finklea & Sons.
Pineville: Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders went to Selma last
week. Mrs. Sanders underwent an operation at Dr. King’s sanitarium Saturday
AUG. 9, 1906
Mr. J.W. Wilkerson was up from Manistee the first of the week.
Our genial and generous sheriff Mr. M.M. Fountain will
accept the thanks of The Journal for two fine watermelons.
Mr. D.C. Mims of McGill stopped over in Monroeville Monday
on his way to attend the County Masonic Conference at Tunnel Springs.
Cotton is beginning to open, reminding us of the approach of
fall. The first open bolls of the season were reported to The Journal by Mr.
Russell Broughton of Monroeville and Hixon Bros. of Hixon on the 29th
The Monroe County Masonic Conference is in session at Tunnel
Springs this week. Dr. T.M. McMillan, O.O. Bayley, T.S. Wiggins, I.B.
Slaughter, J.M. Sowell and Q. Salter are among those in attendance from this
Masonic Officers: The following officers of Blacksher Lodge
No. 593 were elected for the ensuing year: D.C. Mims, Worshipful Master; J.F.
Lambert, Senior Warden; T. Lomax, Junior Warden; L.B. Farish, Chaplain; J.H.
Brown, Treasurer; Wm. Grimes, Secretary; A.T. Ellis, Senior Deacon; R. Seals,
Junior Deacon; W.M. Seals, Tyler.
Manistee: New life has sprung up in the Masonic Fraternity
at this place. The brotherhood of various lodges have united and will endeavor
to establish a lodge some time in the near future. We will be pleased to have
any brother who would like to become a charter member to meet at Manistee on
Saturday night, Aug. 11, at seven o’clock.
AUG. 16, 1906
Mr. J.R. Montgomery of Eliska passed through town last week
on his return from the Masonic Conference at Tunnel Springs.
Pineville: The storm of wind, hail and rain last Thursday
injured the corn and cotton very much and tore up the trees in a belt of
country just beyond our neighborhood.
Jones Mill: Mr. W.L. Middleton is rearing up a fine,
two-story dwelling at this place which will be quite a handsome building when
Excel protracted meeting closed with several accessions to
the church, and am sure they had a good revival; but there seems to be a few of
very little, dingy rogues around there yet, that needs the religion of the Lord
Jesus Christ, as there was several good buggy whips and pistols stolen from
buggies during the night preaching. Such rogues are very, very cheap, but few
people want to keep them up.
Conference closed a most pleasant and profitable three days session at Tunnel
Springs last Thursday. The conference convened on Tuesday with representatives
present from all chartered lodges in the county and a number of visitors from
adjoining counties.
The following officers were elected: D.C. Mims, Worshipful
Master; S.H. Dailey, Senior Warden; J.W. Hadley, Junior Warden; R.E. Barnes,
Secretary-Treasurer. The next session of the Conference will be held at
Blacksher Lodge, Maros, Ala.
AUG. 23, 1906
Special Term Commissioners Court: It is ordered that a special
term of the Commissioners’ Court of Monroe County be held at the courthouse
thereof on the 10th day of Sept. 1906, for the purpose of
considering the advisability of selling the old courthouse building of said
county. – I.B. Slaughter, Judge of Probate.
Prof. L.K. Benson, the new principal of our school, has
arrived and is at work in its behalf.
Miss Jennie Faulk left a few days ago for St. Louis to
purchase her fall stock of hats, millinery and ladies goods.
Messrs. Barnett & Jackson have unloaded three solid
carloads of furniture and stoves within the last few days, the first carloads
that have been actually shipped into the town. These came over the Monroeville
branch of the Manistee & Repton railway.
Perdue Hill: Dr. G.H. Harper and W.M. Florey were up from
Mainstee this week.
Buena Vista: Mr. M.V. Middleton is having his store repaired
and has put in a nice lot of furniture. Mr. J.J. Finklea has put a pretty new
face on his nicely furnished store.
Pineville: Mr. Julius Farish’s little boy was playing in the
yard at home, a few days ago, and was badly bitten by an angry dog. His cheek
was mangled and his eyelid bitten, but he is recovering. They shot the dog.
There is a new store opened up in Beatrice, by Messrs. Fox
and Wasden.
Mr. A.R. Boulware went to Mobile Tuesday on business.
AUG. 30, 1906
Miss Callie Faulk, who has a prosperous school at Franklin,
is with home folks this week.
Miss Jennie Faulk has returned from St. Louis where she went
to purchase her line of fall hats and millinery.
The Hudson ginnery started up last week and will probably be
kept constantly busy from now until the close of the cotton season. The first
bale was turned out for Mr. C.E. Broughton whose farm is near town.
Pineapple R.F.D. No. 1: Miss Ella Norred of Pineapple closed
her school last Friday evening at the Owens school house and returned home.
Death of Mrs. F.M. Jones: Mrs. Maria E., wife of Capt. F.M.
Jones, died at Tuscaloosa, Ala., on Tuesday morning, Aug. 28, aged 63 years.
Mrs. Jones had been an inmate of the hospital at Tuscaloosa for a number of
years. The remains are expected to arrive on this afternoon’s train and will be
interred in the Methodist cemetery on arrival.
Prof. L.K. Benson spent Sunday and Monday with his brother
at Camden.
Mr. John McDuffie was over from River Ridge Wednesday
circulating among his many friends.
Capt. Thos. S. Wiggins has returned from a few days sojourn
at the Wilcox Mineral Springs.
Just found this. So awesome. DC Mims was my great great grandfather.And Mr and Mrs Sanders was his sister and brother in law...