That incident took place around 11 p.m. on Mon., Feb. 26, in
Coker, a small town in Tuscaloosa County. According to the report filed about
the incident, the witness was walking his dog when he noticed a “very bright,
pulsating, disk-shaped object” low in the southwestern sky and traveling slowly
in his direction.
“As it got closer, it became more bright and was pulsating
light from around the rim of the object,” the witness said. “It stopped over a
pasture beside my house where it hovered a minute then changed direction and
went south.”
The witness said that the object was disk-shaped and
slightly larger than a private jet. The witness said he couldn’t hear any sound
coming from the object, but it “pulsated vibrant colors.”
“It seemed to fall in altitude as it got closer to me, and
after it hovered near my house it looked as if it floated right up and went
over the foothill over my house and then I lost sight of it,” the witness said.
“I did not know what the object could have been. It was fascinating.”
The witness said he attempted to record the object on video,
but only managed to get a couple of seconds of the object because he wasn’t
watching it through the camera’s view finder.
“About one minute into the video, the object is the higher
object and when the video is paused you can clearly see its shape and color,”
the witness said.
The witness included a one-minute and 20-second video with
his report, and when I reviewed it I could see that it definitely contained
something unusual. The video was shaky, but more than once in the footage, you
could see what the witness was talking about. Most unusual were multiple white
lights that seemed to wink on and off in what I suspect was the “pulsating” of
lights that the witness reported.
Playing the role of the skeptic, I wonder if perhaps the
witness was seeing some sort of drone. In the dark, distances are hard to
judge, and I wonder if he perceived it to be “slightly larger than a private
jet” because the object appeared to be larger than it actually was. In the end,
it’s hard to say for sure without having actually been there to see it for
myself. Nonetheless, it is an interesting incident.
Before closing out this week, I just want to put it out
there again that I would be very interested to hear from anyone who has
witnessed a UFO, especially in Conecuh County. I think a lot of other people
would be interested in hearing your story too, and I’m willing to accept your
report anonymously.
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