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Capt. Timothy Meaher |
March 25, 1306 – Robert the Bruce
became king of Scotland.
March 25, 1558 – French friar and
explorer Marcos de Niza passed away around age 63 in Mexico.
March 25, 1584 – Sir Walter Raleigh
was granted a patent to colonize Virginia.
March 25, 1609 - Henry Hudson left
on an exploration for the Dutch East India Co.
March 25, 1634 – The first settlers
arrived in Maryland, which Lord Baltimore founded as a Catholic colony.
March 25, 1655 - Dutch astronomer
Christiaan Huygens discovered Titan, the largest moon of Saturn.
March 25, 1774 - The British
Parliament passed the Boston Port Act, which closed the port of Boston and
demanded funds to pay for the tea that had been dumped into Boston Harbor
during the Boston Tea Party on Dec. 16, 1773.
March 25, 1776 - The Continental
Congress authorized a medal for General George Washington.
March 25, 1807 – The Slave Trade
Act, which was passed by the British Parliament, became law, abolishing the
slave trade in the British Empire.
March 25, 1811 – The Great Comet of 1811 was discovered by
Honoré Flaugergues at 2.7 AU from the sun in the now-defunct constellation of
Argo Navis. After being obscured for several days by moonlight, it was also
found by Jean-Louis Pons on April 11, while Franz Xaver, Baron Von Zach was
able to confirm Flaugergues' discovery the same night.
March 25, 1850 – By this date, at least 39 bodies from the
Orline St. John disaster had been recovered and other passengers were still
missing. Capt. Tim Meaher and his brother were among those who escaped, but at
least 13 members of the crew were lost, including the second mate. The
remaining 26 dead were passengers, including everyone woman and child on board.
March 25, 1862 – During the Civil
War, a four-day Federal operation in Moniteau County, Mo. began. Federal
reconnaissance was conducted to Agnew’s Ferry, Tenn. A four-day Federal
operation involving Murfreesborough, Shelbyville, Tullahoma, Manchester and
McMinnville in Tennessee began. A skirmish was fought at Mount Jackson, Va.
March 25, 1863 – During the Civil War, a skirmish was fought
at Florence, Ala.
March 25, 1863 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought at Jacksonville, Fla.; in the vicinity of Louisa,
Ky.; at Brentwood and at Franklin in Tennessee on the Little Harpeth River,
Tenn.; and at Norfolk, Va.
March 25, 1863 – During the Civil
War, a seven-day Federal operation in the Booneville, Miss. area began. The
ironclad, Switzerland, successfully ran past the Vicksburg, Miss. batteries.
The Lancaster was destroyed during the attempt. A four-day Federal operation in
Westmoreland County, Va. began.
March 25, 1864 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought at Dover, Rockport, in VanBuren County and along
the White River, all in Arkansas; at Paducah, Ky.; and at McClellansville, S.C.
A two-day Federal operation between Batesville and Fairview in Arkansas began.
A two-day Federal operation in and around Beaufort, S.C. began.
March 25, 1864 - Several days
before President Abraham Lincoln had issued a proclamation declaring that U.S.
military personnel who were absent without leave would be permitted to return
to their units without penalty so long as they arrived by April 1. He was
obliged to issue a second proclamation on the subject on this day to clarify that
the amnesty did not apply to Federal deserters who had already been apprehended
and placed in confinement.
March 25, 1865 – 59TH ALABAMA: Battle of
Hatcher’s Run. The 59th was fully entangled in battle with the 60th
and 43rd Alabama regiments at their sides. The Rebels were greatly
outnumbered, and the 124th New York Volunteers captured the 59th’s
battle flag.
March 25, 1865 – Spurling’s Raid into Conecuh County, Ala.
ended as his troops moved through Brooklyn and on to Pollard.
March 25, 1865 – During the Civil War, a skirmish was fought
on Deer Park Road, Ala. A community named Deer Park is shown as being located
in the general area of Montrose, Ala. on a period map.
March 25, 1865 – During the Civil War, there were skirmishes
at the following Florida locations: Canoe Creek (or Bluff Springs,) Escambia
River and Mitchell’s Creek. Canoe Creek and Mitchell’s Creek are tributaries of
the Escambia River. These two creeks join the Escambia River just south of the
community of Bluff Springs, Fla. This is closer to Pollard, Ala. than it is to
Pensacola, Fla.
March 25, 1865 – One of two Federal columns directly
involved in the Mobile Campaign came ashore on the Fish River in the Bon Secour
area, off the eastern shore of Mobile Bay in boggy ground.
March 25, 1865 – The Civil War Siege of Petersburg, Va.,
which began on June 9, 1864, ended. Third Sgt. Louis Stahl of the Conecuh
Guards was wounded (Oct. 1864) at Petersburg, Va. (arm resected), and he
survived war and moved to Marlin, Texas. Lewis Lavon Peacock also claimed to
have been wounded at Petersburg. William Haskins of Conecuh Guards was killed
at Petersburg.
March 25, 1865 - During the Civil War, Confederate General
Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia enacted its last offensive by
attacking Fort Stedman in Petersburg, Virginia, in a desperate attempt to split
the Union lines so Lee’s Army could break out of Petersburg. The attack failed,
and within a week Lee was evacuating his positions around Petersburg. Two weeks
after the Battle of Fort Stedman, Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court
House, Virginia.
March 25, 1865 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought near Glasgow, Ky.; at Indian Bend, La.; at Brawley
Forks, Tenn.; at Fort Fisher and at the Watkin’s House in Virginia. A four-day
Federal operation between Brashear City and Oyster Bayou in Louisiana began.
March 25, 1879 - Little Wolf, often
called “the greatest of the fighting Cheyenne,” surrendered to his friend
Lieutenant W. P. Clark.
March 25, 1881 - Hungarian
composer, ethnomusicologist and teacher Béla Bartók was born in Sânnicolau Mare,
March 25, 1896 – Monroe County Deputy Sheriff Harrengton
returned to Monroeville, Ala. on this Wednesday from Hillsboro, Texas with his
prisoner, James Nettles, charged with murder.
March 25, 1903 – The Evergreen Courant reported that Butler
County was planned to build a new courthouse. The Greenville Advocate said that
the contract had been let and the old building was being torn down at that
March 25, 1903 – The Evergreen Courant reported that Pettus
Day returned the previous week from Nashville, where he had been attending
medical lectures in Vanderbilt University. He planned to spend his vacation at
March 25, 1903 – The Evergreen Courant reported that poles
were being put up for a telephone line from Mt. Union and Herbert to Evergreen
and those two little towns would in a short while have telephone connection
with the outside world. The new line would be connected with the local exchange
in Evergreen. It was hoped that the citizens of Brooklyn would at once build a
line from that place to Evergreen. This done, nearly all the principal
communities in Conecuh County would be connected by telephone or telegraph with
March 25, 1905 - Rebel battle flags that were captured
during the American Civil War were returned to the South.
March 25, 1911 – New York’s Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
burned down, and 146 workers - most of them immigrant women and girls - died in
the fire or shortly afterward. It remained the deadliest workplace disaster in
New York City until the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
March 25, 1914 - Agricultural scientist and Nobel Peace
Prize winner Norman Borlaug was born in Cresco, Iowa.
March 25, 1916 - Ishi, the last surviving member of the Yahi
tribe of American Indians, died from tuberculosis.
March 25, 1916 – A “terrifying rainstorm” occurred on this
Saturday night and destroyed several mill dams in Conecuh County, Ala., the
outlets of which were tributaries to Murder Creek. “When the contents of these
mill ponds reached the creek, together with the great rise caused by the heavy
rains, it swept away road fills and bridges like chaff,” The Conecuh Record
reported. “The Conecuh Naval Stores Co. and the Alger-Sullivan Lumber Co.
sustained very expensive damages.” The Record also reported that high water prevented
the Rev. H.S. Ellisor from filling his preaching appointment in the Kindig
neighborhood on the afternoon of Sun., March 26.
March 25, 1916 - The “heaviest rainfall of which there is
any record in this section visited practically all parts” of Monroe County,
Ala. on this Saturday night, according to The Monroe Journal. “All streams were
swollen beyond previous high water marks and nearly all bridges were damaged.
Recently built roads stood the strain much better than was expected but they
were also damaged. Plowed land suffered badly from erosion. The wasteway of
Hatter’s mill, four miles from town, was blown out occasioning a loss of
several hundred dollars, while the Chandler mill near Peterman was practically
wrecked. Reports from various neighborhoods indicate that hundreds of cattle
were caught by the backwater and drowned.”
March 25, 1918- Less than three weeks after the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk formally brought an end to Russia’s participation in the First World War, the former Russian province of Belarus declared itself an independent, democratic republic on this day.
March 25, 1921 - Alabama author Max Weatherly is born in
Alco, La.
March 25, 1923 - Fire did “slight damage” to the roof of the
Methodist parsonage in Evergreen, Ala. on this Sunday morning. Sparks from a
chimney ignited the shingles, but the blaze was soon discovered and
extinguished before any serious damage was done.
March 25, 1925 - Novelist and short-story writer Flannery
O’Connor was born Mary Flannery O’Connor in Savannah, Georgia. Her first novel
was “Wise Blood” (1952).
March 25, 1925 – In Lovecraftian fiction, a group of sailors
had the misfortune to land up the island of R’lyeh and encountered Cthulhu
March 25, 1929 - Concluding a 10-day stay in the
Brewton-Flomaton flood zone, members of Evergreen’s national guard company,
Troop C, 55th Machine Gun squadron, returned home late on this
Monday to receive the praises of the commander, Capt. W.D. Lewis, for duty well
performed. The company left Evergreen Sat., March 16, arrived in Brewton that
afternoon where headquarters was maintained until Tues., March 19, then moved
on to Flomaton where they remained until Mon., March 25. During the stay in the
area, the major tasks of the troop were feeding 3,334 people, guard and patrol
duty to prevent pilfering and looting, establishing contact with the outside
world, dispatching emergency cases for the Red Cross and doing needful buying.
March 25, 1930 – John Keel, the author of “The Mothman
Prophecies,” was born in Hornell, N.Y.
March 25, 1930 – Italian mountaineer and explorer Carlo
Mauri was born in Lecco, Italy.
March 25, 1931 - Nine black youths, soon to be known as the
Scottsboro Boys, were arrested in Paint Rock, Ala. and jailed in Scottsboro,
the Jackson County seat. Charged with raping two white women on a freight train
from Chattanooga, the sheriff had to protect them from mob violence that night.
Within a month, eight of the nine were sentenced to death. Based on
questionable evidence, the convictions by an all-white jury generated
international outrage.
March 25, 1932 - The Supreme Court handed down its decision
in the case of Powell v. Alabama. The case arose out of the infamous Scottsboro
case. Nine young black men were arrested and accused of raping two white women
on train in Alabama. The boys were fortunate to barely escape a lynch mob sent
to kill them but were railroaded into convictions and death sentences. The
Supreme Court overturned the convictions on the basis that they did not have
effective representation.
March 25, 1934 - Feminist writer and activist Gloria Steinem
was born in Toledo, Ohio.
March 25, 1936 – Confederate soldier Arthur Bagby Hale, who
served with Co. F of the 36th Alabama Infantry, passed away at the age of 96. Born
on March 9, 1840, he was buried in the Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Cemetery
off Shiloh Road in Monroe County.
March 25, 1944 - Dr. Hilary Herbert Kendrick, former
citizen of Evergreen, Ala., died suddenly at his home in Montgomery, Ala. on
this Saturday evening about 7 p.m. His death was said to have been caused from
a heart ailment. He had worked all day at his office and was taken ill shortly
after arriving home, the end coming soon after he was stricken. Kendrick
practiced dentistry in Evergreen for a number of years before going to
Montgomery more than 20 years before his death. Prior to his residence in
Evergreen, he lived in Greenville for a time. Born in 1880, Kendrick, a
Freemason, was buried in the Magnolia Cemetery in Greenville.
March 25, 1951 – National Baseball Hall of Fame second
baseman Eddie Collins passed away at the age of 63 in Boston, Mass. During his
career, he played for the Philadelphia Athletics and the Chicago White Sox. He
was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1939.
March 25, 1953 - J.U. Blacksher High School’s football team
ended almost three weeks of spring practice on this Wednesday. Coach Robert
Riley said he was generally pleased with the showing that all candidates had
made during drills and gave a conclusive preview of starters for the Uriah 11
next season. Blacksher players going through spring training that year included
Robert Brantley, Frank Hadley, Clark Hayes, Al Gene Hines, Eugene Madison,
Lenwood Sager, Nelson Smith, O’Neil Smith, Jimmy Williams and Mason Woods.
March 25, 1954 – The Evergreen Courant reported that the
Conecuh County Training School girls basketball team improved to 39-0 by
beating Westfield High School of Birmingham, 34-25, in the state basketball
finals at Alabama State College in Montgomery. Mike Cheatham was CCTS’s head
coach. Clementine Dukes, Ellen Stallworth, Etta Avant and Betty Jones were
selected on the All State Girls Basketball Team.
March 25, 1954 – The Evergreen Courant reported that Alabama
Public Service Commission had granted the L&N Railroad Co. permission to
retire and dismantle its combination passenger and freight station building at
Deer Range in Conecuh County, Ala.
March 25, 1957 – United States Customs seized copies of
Allen Ginsberg's poem “Howl” on obscenity grounds.
March 25, 1965 – Civil rights activists led by Martin Luther
King Jr. successfully completed their 4-day 50-mile march from Selma to the
capitol in Montgomery, Ala.
March 25, 1966 – National Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher Tom
Glavine was born in Concord, Mass. He would go on to play for the Atlanta
Braves and the New York Mets. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2014.
March 25, 1967 – During the Vietnam
War, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. led a march of 5,000 antiwar demonstrators
in Chicago.
March 25, 1967 - Lyeffion Principal Roy M. Davis crowned
Ollie Mae Ward as Miss Lyeffion at the annual pageant on this Saturday night,
sponsored by the Lyeffion FHA.
March 25, 1968 - After being told
by Defense Secretary Clark Clifford that the Vietnam War was a “real loser,”
President Johnson, still uncertain about his course of action, decided to
convene a nine-man panel of retired presidential advisors, which became known
as the “Wise Men.”
March 25, 1968 - A Harris Poll
reported that in the past six weeks “basic” support for the Vietnam War among
Americans declined from 74 percent to 54 percent.
March 25, 1971 - The Boston Patriots became the New England
March 25, 1971
– The Army of the Republic of Vietnam abandoned an attempt to cut off the Ho
Chi Minh trail in Laos.
March 25, 1976 – White Columns (Tait-Starr Plantation) near
Camden, Ala. was added to the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage.
March 25, 1976 – The Evergreen Courant reported that three
Conecuh County young women were among the 13 contestants in a preliminary Miss
America pageant scheduled for April 2-3 at Patrick Henry Junior College in
Monroeville. Contestants from the Conecuh County area were Ernestine Garrett,
23, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Garrett of Evergreen; Patsy Watson, 18,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Watson of Repton; and Tammy Barlow, 18, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Barlow, Rt. 1, McKenzie.
March 25, 1976 – The Evergreen Courant reported that George
W. Saxton of Evergreen had qualified for the Democratic nomination for the
office of Constable, Beat 11, in the primary election of May 4.
March 25, 1976 – The Monroe Journal reported that Cecil L.
(Corky) Newman, head football coach for the past two years at Frisco City High
School, had resigned. His resignation was accepted by the Monroe County Board
of Education in their regular meeting Wednesday morning, March 17. Newman, who
had accepted a coaching job at a Florida school, planned to remain at Frisco
City until the end of March.
March 25, 1977 - Monroe County High School’s baseball team
was scheduled to open a bid for its sixth straight area championship on this
Friday when they took on T.R. Miller in Brewton. The Tigers were set to meet
another area opponent on Tues., March 30, in Atmore. Members of that year’s
MCHS team were Bill Rainey, Richard Anderson, Clent Hollinger, Brent Hollinger,
George Watson, Jeff Harden, Tony Wearren, Wymus Clausell, Barry Westbrook,
Clarence McCarthy, Yewell Cunningham, Tony McCants, Billy Singleton, Chris
Black and Eddie Lindsey.
March 25, 1980 – In Lovecraftian fiction, the Wilmarth
Foundation instituted Project Cthylla.
March 25, 1983 – Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback Bob
Waterfield died at the age of 62 in Burbank, Calif. During his career, he
played for UCLA and the Cleveland/Los Angeles Rams. He also coached the Rams
from 1960 to 1962. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1965.
March 25, 1982 – St. Luke’s Episcopal Church at Cahaba, Ala.
was added to the National Register of Historic Places.
March 25, 2002 – A witness reported seeing a blue, disc-like
object outside his Pell City home around 11 p.m. A few seconds before, he’d
seen a plane fly over, and he initially thought that the disc-like object was
another plane. However, the disc-shaped object was flying in the opposite
direction and eventually stopped and began to hover, the witness said. The
witness said this strange object had “pulsating lights” and even remained
visible after another plane flew by overhead. Eventually, the disc-shaped
object “just vanished in thin air,” the witness reported.
March 25, 2003 – Evergreen Kiwanis Club President
Patricia Flower welcomed Johnny Mack Grace to this Tuesday’s club meeting.
Grace was the guest speaker and was a Vietnam veteran. He told the club about
his time in Vietnam and how he was injured.
March 25, 2004 – The Milner-Boone House in Georgiana, Ala.
was added to the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage.
March 25, 2005 – The
Coleman-Crenshaw House near Greenville, Ala. was added to the Alabama Register
of Landmarks and History.
March 25, 2006 - Shortly before leaving the Natalee Holloway
disappearance case, Police Commissioner Gerald Dompig gave an interview to CBS
correspondent Troy Roberts, which was broadcast on this day. In that interview,
Dompig stated that he believed Holloway probably died from self-consumed
alcohol and/or drug poisoning, was not murdered, and that someone later hid her
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