FEB. 3, 2005
Addressing for the E911
system officially began this week by LAS Systems Mike Simmers doing the initial
work. He will be joined by E911 Director Heather Walton and Elaine Sims when a
temporary receptionist is hired to answer the phones at the office.
The Conecuh County Commission
will discuss moving several of the offices from the old courthouse into the old
Flexible Southern building that is currently being renovated by Marc McIntyre
at their meeting Monday. The commission has the undaunted task of finding
facilities adequate to hold all of the court offices and also several other
offices for the period of time it will take to build the new courthouse over
the coming years.
EMC Physical Therapy Director
Chad McAmmon and Skipper General Contractor’s Project Foreman Kevin Reeves go
over the plans for the new Evergreen Medical Center Wellness Center that is
being constructed in the vacant building on Court Street.
On Wed., Jan. 19, Heather
Walton received her Basic Level EMA certificate at the Alabama Association of
Emergency Managers Conference in Huntsville, Ala. Recipients of this award must
have 300 total training hours and pass all final exams.
Total rainfall for the month
of January was 3.05 inches.
FEB. 1, 1990
Harry Ellis reports two nice
showers, .60 of an inch on Jan. 24 and .85 on Jan. 25.
Roy Lee Moorer, 99, of 305
Magnolia Ave., Evergreen, died Sat., Jan. 27. A retired businessman, he was one
of this city’s most senior citizens and a resident since 1895.
Moving to Evergreen at the
age of five, he was educated in the local schools, graduating in 1908 from the
State Secondary Agricultural School for the Second Congressional District,
afterwards attending the University of Alabama in the class of 1915. At the
time of his death, he was the University’s third oldest living alumnus.
A veteran of World War I, he
served as a first sergeant, Co. C, 517th Engineers, 42nd ‘Rainbow’ Division,
AEF, and took part in all combat operations of this division in France in
For many years until his
retirement in 1960, he was engaged in business, first with Claude Brantley and
Claude Gantt, both now deceased, and later as sole owner of what is now known
as Evergreen Grocery at the corner of East Front and Cary Streets.
Congressman Bill Dickinson
will be the featured speaker at the Evergreen Chamber of Commerce’s annual
Promotion-Membership Banquet on Tuesday night, Feb. 13, at seven o’clock at the
Quality Inn, it has been announced.
Evergreen Mayor Lee F. Smith
proclaims February ‘American History Month,’ which is sponsored nationally by
the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution.
FEB. 6, 1975
Earl Windham reports rainfall of .7 of an inch on Feb. 2.
Total rainfall for the month of January was 7.1 inches.
W.J. “Dud” Reed succeeded William W. Ward as president of
the Conecuh County Cattlemen’s Association at the annual banquet. Harold Hanks
is the new vice president and veteran treasurer Morgan S. Holley was
Coy L. Harper, local businessman and former mayor, today
expressed his appreciation to the Evergreen Volunteer Fire Department and
credited the firemen’s prompt and efficient efforts for saving his home when it
caught fire recently.
Harper said that within four minutes after the alarm had
been turned in the firemen were on the scene fighting the blaze and kept it
from spreading from the den to the rest of the house.
Rachel E. Ellis of Evergreen and Allison L. Nettles of
Castleberry were among the 255 students named to the fall quarter Dean’s List
at Troy State University.
Wholesale distributors purchased less beer tax decals the
first of this month than they did for January, according to County Treasurer
Wayne E. Johnston.
Mrs. Vivian Reed is the new president of the Conecuh
County Cowbelles, taking the gavel from Mrs. Betty Ward. Other officers are
Mrs. Margie Stacey, Mrs. Carolyn Ward and Mrs. Ethel Hanks.
FEB. 4, 1960
A driver attempting to
prevent his grandson from falling from the front seat of the car, lost control
of the vehicle and crashed into the abutment of the Murder Creek Bridge,
three-fourths of a mile from Castleberry, causing himself and three passengers
to be rushed to the hospital with serious injuries. The accident occurred
Sunday at 2:52 p.m.
A fire, started by sparks
from an open fireplace, burned a six-room house to the ground on Highway 31
South of Evergreen, near Persons Service Station.
A crowd estimated at about
400 attended the grand opening of the Owens Truck and Tractor Co. in Evergreen
this past Saturday.
R.G. Bozeman Sr. Appears In
History of ‘Bama Press Ass’n: Forty-nine Alabama newspapers have furnished
presidents of the Alabama Press Association since it was organized in 1871.
R.G. Bozeman Sr., publisher
emeritus of The Evergreen Courant, served a two-year term as president of the
These and other facts are
found in the History of the Alabama Press Association, a copy of which will be
presented to each member attending the association’s annual meeting in
Montgomery, Feb. 4-6.
FEB. 1, 1945
Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Pierce this
week received the purple heart award which was recently bestowed upon their
son, Staff Sgt. Winston Pierce, who was wounded while in action last fall in
France. Sgt. Pierce is now well on the road to recovery and expects to go back
to the front before long.
15th AAF in Italy – 2nd Lt.
William E. Stinson, 26, pilot of a 15th AAF B-24 Liberator Bomber in a heavy
bombardment group based in Southern Italy, has been awarded the Air Medal for
Meritorious Achievement in aerial combat.
With eight missions chalked
up to his credit, he has flown attacks against oil refineries and communication
centers at Vienna, Austria and railroad centers at Salzburg and Innsbruck,
Southern Germany, the disruption of which limited lanes for the movement of
German troops and supplies.
A 1936 graduate of Evergreen
High School, Evergreen, Ala., he was employed in civil service work at Eglin
Field until his enlistment as an aviation cadet in October 1942.
He is the son of Mrs. Mary E.
Stinson, Evergreen, Ala.
Local Man’s Outfit Gets Croix
De Guerre: With the Fifth Army, Italy – Sgt. Willie B. Johns, Evergreen, Route
C, is a member of the 89th Tank Destroyer Battalion, recently awarded the Croix
de Guerre avec Etoile de Vermeil in recognition of support given French troops
fighting on the Italian front.
The 89th supported the French
Expeditionary Corps with the Fifth Army in the capture of Poggibonsi, San
Gimignano, Castelfiorentino and Siena.
The TDs are largely credited
with having saved the medieval center of culture, Siena, from destruction.
Rapidly outflanking the city, they forced the Germans to evacuate Siena before
a shot had been fired into it.
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