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Benjamin Meek Miller |
AUG. 25, 1949
Council Govt. Retained By Camden Voters: Voters of the Town
of Camden Monday cast 187 votes to keep the present Mayor-and-Council system of
municipal government against 132 votes to change to a commission government.
The total of 319 votes cast in the largest ever recorded in a city election
Vote in the single Camden box was 135 noes to 120 yes votes,
on the question of changing the form of governing body of the town. Absentee
ballots cast recorded 52 “No” votes to 12 “Yes” votes.
The election came about on petition of a group of merchants
and citizens who opposed the City Sales Tax which went into effect here on July
1. Arguments during the campaign were heated, centering around the sales tax
question and other issues.
Members of both groups expressed the hope after the election
that bad feeling engendered by the contest would end with Monday’s vote.
Perry To Lead State Legion To Philadelphia: W.S. Perry of Camden, past commander of the Alabama Department of the American Legion, is performing his last official act next week as recent head of the State Legionnaires. He will lead the Alabama delegation to the National Convention in Philadelphia. The convention begins on Mon., Aug. 29, and continues through Sept. 2. A special train is to carry Alabama’s delegation, leaving Alabama Saturday of this week.
Friends of Mrs. Mamie Curtis of Lower Peach Tree regret to learn of her death. Deepest sympathy is extended to the bereaved family.
AUG. 31, 1939
Dr. Emmett Kilpatrick, Professor of French at the Troy Teachers College at Troy, Ala., was in Camden several days attending to business and visiting friends.
MASONIC MEETING: Regular meeting of Dale Lodge, No. 25, Monday night, Sept. 4. Time, eight o’clock. Work in First Degree. Will L. Albritton, Secretary.
John Braxton McClurkin, who is employed at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. McClurkin. He attended the last term of summer school at the University of Alabama, where he was graduated with the Master of Arts degree. Sara White McClurkin, who attended summer school at the University also, is at home until the opening of the winter term when she will be a junior.
Parris Island, S.C. – I take pleasure in reporting the presence of Private Glen Wright, USMC, at this station and welcome him into the U.S. Marine Corps. Glen W. Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, Camden, Ala., Wilcox County. You and your county are to be congratulated on being able to contribute such a fine young man into the Marine Corps, and I feel sure you will be proud to do your utmost to support this young man in his newly chosen career. May he bless you in his service. – C.A. DITTMAR (CHC) U.S. Navy, Lt. Comdr., Post Chaplain.
AUG. 28, 1930
Judge B.M. Miller Honored at Reception: On last Friday
evening the largest crowd of Wilcox people that has ever assembled gathered in
Camden to do honor to Judge B. M. Miller, the Democratic nominee for Governor
of Alabama.
The old and historic Masonic Hall was a fitting and
beautiful place for this long to be remembered occasion. At the invitation of
the club women of Camden, people from every section of Wilcox County responded.
By the inspiration of their presence and the enthusiasm which was created by
the friendly handshake and the contact of neighbor with neighbor made this
date, Aug. 28, 1930, one that will live on in the future history of town and
BOY SCOUT TROOP 26: We had our weekly meeting Aug. 22. We meet at the courthouse. The scout from New Orleans showed us a lot of scout things. Our Scoutmaster talked to us some and we did some signaling. We discussed about going on a hike but we decided to wait later to decide. We were dismissed by silent prayer. Some of the boys went in swimming. We adjourned to meet Aug. 29. – Edward Morris, Scribe.
Moore Academy Will Open Its 48th Session on Tues., Sept. 2: Prospects for a great year look better than ever before. The addition of our expression department will complete an all-around program and we are expecting untold value to come from this work. New pupils entering this school for high school work and have not met all requirements, will be classified according to the results of the entrance tests up through the Senior I grade.
AUG. 26, 1920
Notice is hereby given that we will make application at the next term of the Court of County Commissioners of Wilcox County, Alabama, for a license for a ferry at Holleys Landing and West Holleys Landing on the Alabama River. – Metcalfe & Hollinger.
The building fever is on in Camden, numbers of contracts have been or will be let in the near future for new buildings both residence and business.
The Board of Education was in session on Monday with Messrs. Clay Sheffield of Pine Hill, E.E. Morris of Catherine, J.T. Adams of Pine Apple, and Drs. Speir of Furman and Bonner of Camden in attendance.
A new Model 14 Linotype, the largest machine in the type line, has arrived and will be shortly installed by the Progressive Era. This machine was ordered over a year ago but owing to labor conditions only arrived during the past week.
Prof. W.J. Walker of Cameron, Texas arrived last Thursday to take charge of the County High school interests for another year. Prof. Walker is a native Alabamian and for the past 12 years has taught in the Cameron schools. For the past two summers, he has held down the position of teacher of Mathematics in Taylor University of Waco, Texas. Prof. Walker has not yet brought his family, but they will follow as soon as suitable housing can be secured.
The advent of a tinge of fall weather after the rains makes a fellow glad he is alive.
AUG. 25, 1910
The business and editorial office of The Wilcox Progressive Era is now at the office of Mr. S.D. Bloch. We will be pleased to have our county and town friends call to see us on business and also to give us the county news.
City Marshal Joe R. Harper is giving the Camden Streets a splendid and much needed working and repairing.
Our genial Tax Assessor, Mr. James A. McClurkin of Caledonia, was in the city the past week on official business.
The Sixth Pythian District Convention, in which are located the Wilcox County lodges, will meet in semi-annual convention at Selma today.
A neighborhood picnic was given last Friday at the residence of Mr. R.L. Hall, which was enjoyed by all. It was expected that Caledonia and Shawnee would cross bats in a game of ball, but Caledonia failed to appear.
Capt. Owen Fennigan Burl, named for his jovial and beloved grandfather, was in Camden recently and says that he and Capt. Rob Morisette will have a new steamboat on the Alabama River in September. They deserve our people’s patronage, and we hope will get it.
The rains of last Saturday night may have injured the cotton crop a little, but were very beneficial to the growing sugar cane, peas, hay, corn, sorghum and millet and turnip crops, besides helping an already big hay crop.