Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Wilcox County, Alabama News Flashback for April 5, 2023

Sam Davis of Tennessee
APRIL 1, 1943

NOTICE: Dale Lodge No. 25, A.F.&A.M., will hold its regular meeting Monday night, April 5, 1943. All members are urged to attend. – W.L. Albritton, Secretary.

The hunters are after the gobblers like the U.S. soldiers are chasing the Desert Fox in Tunesia. Judge Ervin Dunn, Pat Nettles, S.J. Ervin, Bill Dannelly, Tip Martin, Beck Kennedy and J.W. Curry were credited with outsmarting the “Old bird” during the week. One big Tom pecked the sight from the gun of W.E.B. (Edwin) Riggs and went on his way rejoicing.

Dr. K.A. Mayer of Lower Peach Tree was a visitor here on Monday. He had with him a large, 19-pound wild turkey gobbler that he had killed that morning. Dr. Mayer is considered one of the finest turkey hunters in this section.

PINE APPLE: The marriage of Miss Mabelle Hale, daughter of Mrs. B.F. Hale of Pine Apple, and Harris D. Huggins of McKenzie, Alabama, stationed with the Army Air Corps at Williams Field, Arizona, took place at the home of the bride, March 22, with the Rev. J.B. Jackson, pastor of the Baptist Church, officiating. Relatives and close friends witnessed the ceremony.

Arlington: Lt. Cecil Agee, who has been stationed at Muskogee, Okla., left Friday for Fort Benning, where he has been transferred. His wife will remain here for several months.

Senator O.D. Carlton of Thomaston visited Camden friends on Sunday.

APRIL 6, 1933

There will be an Easter Egg hunt Thursday the 13th on the Beck lawn for the benefit of the Auxiliary of the Irby Savage Post No. 84, American Legion. Admission with permission to hunt, five cents; cones, five cents. Candy and peanuts will be sold too. Come and bring all your children.

Joe Miller Bonner Admitted To Bar: Joe Miller Bonner of Camden, Ala. was one of the successful applicants to pass the State Bar Examination.
Mr. Bonner is a graduate of Erskine College and attended Cumberland University Law School.
We congratulate Joe on behalf of his many friends and wish for him a successful career in his chosen profession.

CHILDHOOD MEMORIES OF PROMINENT CITIZENS OF HALF A CENTURY AND MORE AGO – Walter Tate – Walter Tate – Walter Tait was a tall slender man with dark hair and a long flowing black beard. As we remember he sold life insurance and married the accomplished Sallie Sterritt who was the daughter of Judge Sterritt who built and lived at the place that was the home of the late Richard McWilliams. He was a man of gentle manners and a kindly heart and was good to the little folks. For some time we think he held some clerical position probably clerk in the Probate Office. While he had several children we think that his wife died early in life and Mr. Tate left here and went to Pensacola, Fla., where he lived to a very old age and was judge of the Probate court there for many years. – “SIXTY”

APRIL 5, 1923

BASEBALL SCHEDULE FOR WILCOX COUNTY HI TEAM: The following is the schedule for the High School team, Camden, Alabama: April 5, here, Pine Hill; April 6, here, Selma; April 13-14, here, Thomasville; April 20-21, here, Grove Hill; April 27, Selma (at Selma); May 4, pending; May 18-19, Grove Hill (at Grove Hill); May 25-26, Thomasville (at Thomasville); June 1-2, pending.

The Friday Afternoon Club has elected its officers for next year, which are as follows: Mrs. John Miller, president; Mrs. R.L. Spurlin, vice president; Mrs. Hayden Jones, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Earlie Barrett, corresponding secretary; Mrs. J.M. Bonner, librarian; Mrs. Alice Foster, critic.

FOR SALE: Store House and lot, 60x120 feet, on Union Street. Upstairs now occupied by me as dwelling. – F.G. BOYD

The Grammar School closed its public session on March 30. The children had two days holiday before the private school opened. The private school opened April 4 with the same teachers and under the management of the same trustees.

The town was enlivened by the presence of the college girls and boys for Easter. Misses Eleanor and Francis Stucky, Helen Burford, Addie Lee Farish, Helen Boykin and others.

Mr. C.A. Skinner has purchased the Camden Shoe Surgery from Julius Alford and will take immediate possession of same.

APRIL 3, 1913

Rev. Charles M. Beckwith, Bishop of Alabama Diocese, delivery a very able discourse on Infant Baptism on his annual visit here Monday night. Franklin King Beck, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Beck, received baptism.

At the recent depot fire, a great deal of win and beer, as well as some John Barley corn, disappeared before or after the flames.

The Sam Davis Charter Chapter of the Children of the Confederacy will meet with the Secretary James T. Beck Friday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Each member is to bring a short sketch of the life of Sam Davis for whom the Chapter is named and competent judges will decide which is the best. Those who failed to pay their dues at the previous meeting must do so at the one.

Major E.N. Jones Jr., who has been stationed at Fort McPherson, Ga., has been appointed on the General Staff of officers and ordered to report for duty at once in Washington. This appointment is a distinct honor to this young Wilcoxian and shows in what esteem he is held.

Mr. R.L. Spurlin has been appointed on the county board of education by State Supt. Willingham to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr. E.S. Farish. The appointment is for the unexpired term and ends in August 1916. Mr. Spurlin is interested in education and will make a useful member of the board.

Dewberries are blooming plentifully and the prospects for a large crop is good.

APRIL 3, 1902

The L.T.C.’s gave a dance last Monday evening which was very much enjoyed. Besides being largely locally attended there were also present Misses Atkinson and Bryant of Canton Bend, Dr. and Mrs. R.O. Semmes of Rock West and the Misses Stallworth and Messrs. Fox and Lambert of Beatrice, Monroe County.

The new Pine Hill Lumber Co., which had just gotten under good headway cutting 40,000 or 50,000 feet of lumber per day, was destroyed by fire last week.

On Saturday afternoon the ladies of the Methodists Church gave a successful egg hunt in which most of the little people of the town participated. Ice cream was served and sold rapidly.

Messrs. Burney of Thomasville and Boltz of this place are actively at work getting ready to make brick here. There is nothing Camden is more in need of than some good brick buildings, and now that good brick can be had at a very reasonable price, we hope to see the town take on new life. Mr. Burney, who is also a contractor, seems to be a straight-forward, most estimable man, and we are glad to note that he contemplates making this his home.

A beautiful Easter service was held in the Episcopal Church on Sabbath morning. The pastor, Mr. Cassell, conducted the worship. The music was unusually sweet and appropriate, and the decorations would be hard to surpass, in taste and beauty. A large congregation was present.

Mrs. J.N. Miller will give an “At Home” Friday evening from four to six in honor of Mrs. Bell Packer, which will be the social event of the season.

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