Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Evergreen Courant's News Flashback for Aug. 27, 2024

AUG. 24, 2000

Evergreen weather observer Harry Ellis reported 0.11 inches on Aug. 20. He also reported highs of 103 degrees on Aug. 17 and Aug. 18 and a low of 62 degrees on Aug. 14.

New chamber director named Wednesday: The Conecuh County Economic Development Authority named a new managing director of the Conecuh-Evergreen Chamber of Commerce and CCEDA last Wednesday afternoon.
The authority picked Eric Basinger to take over the position from interim director John Raines.
Basinger received his Master’s degree in Public Administration from Auburn University and received his bachelor’s degree in History at the University of West Alabama.
Basinger is a long-time resident of Fultondale, which is approximately 173 miles from Evergreen.

Dr. Stanley Barnes was among the many who attended a special open house in honor of Dr. Maria R. Cumagun (Dr. Cherry) at Roberts Clinic last Thursday. Dr. Cherry recently joined the staff of Roberts Clinic in Evergreen.

A memorial service was held for the late Sgt. Harvey Salter on Sun., Aug. 20. Friends and family joined together in memory of Sgt. Salter for what would have been his 56th birthday and his 11th year with the Evergreen Police Department. Pictured are Officer Levi Kelley Sr., Sgt. Wayne Stewart, Cpl. Derek Gessner and Johnnie Ackron.  

AUG. 28, 1975

Local weather reporter Earl Windham reported 0.1 inches of rain on Aug. 22 and 1.5 inches on Aug. 23. He reported a high of 95 on Aug. 24 and a low of 71 on Aug. 22.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holcombe killed this big rattlesnake on the Brownville Road after running over him with a motorcycle. The snake was 55 inches long and had nine rattles and a button.

Rev. A.C. Joseph, Rt. C, found this unusual egg. It measured four inches in diameter and had another egg inside it.

Michael Brown and James C. Johnson of Johnson Roofing Construction Co. killed this monster rattlesnake on the Skinnerton-Lone Star Road. The snake was five feet, eight inches long and had 13 rattles and a button.

Cecil Andrews killed this big rattlesnake off the Brooklyn Road. The snake was 4-1/2 to five feet long and had nine rattles.

Red Level Lodge burns mortgage: The Fairmont Lodge No. 238, F.&A.M., and Chapter 450 Order of the Eastern Star of Red Level will have a mortgage burning Saturday night at seven o’clock. The public is invited and supper will be served.

Jones Mortuary, Inc., Conecuh County’s newest funeral home, will hold open house this Sunday afternoon from two until four o’clock. Jones Mortuary is located on Highway 31 South, at the Highway 84 intersection at Fairview. Robert Jones, widely known funeral home operator of Monroeville, is president of the new funeral home here.

AUG. 24, 1950

Susan Bozeman celebrated her tenth birthday Tuesday afternoon with a picture show party and to her home afterwards for refreshments.

Aubrey E. Burt, age 73, well known and highly respected citizen of this city, died at a Greenville hospital Aug. 16 after a brief illness. He suffered a fractured hip from a fall just one week prior to his death. The cause of his death was said to have been pneumonia.
Mr. Burt was born and reared at Belleville. He lived here and elsewhere in this county until about 15 years ago when he moved to Atmore where he resided until about one year ago when he moved back here.
Interment was in Magnolia Cemetery.

Evergreen Garment Co. To Hold Open House Friday: The people of Conecuh County are invited to inspect the new building of the Evergreen Garment Co. at a formal opening tomorrow, Friday, Aug. 25. The company has been in operation for several weeks, but the open house will mark the formal opening of the building.
Officials of the company invite the people of the county to come in and look over the building between the hours of 1 and 5 p.m.

THOMAS-KING: Mrs. J.M. King, a former resident of this county now residing in Phoenix, Arizona, announces the marriage of her youngest daughter, Carolyn Louise to Mr. Donald Wayne Thomas, also of Phoenix. The wedding occurred Aug. 12 at Las Vegas, Arizona.

AUG. 26, 1937

City Authorities Will Open New Street Soon: City officials announce that right-of-way has been secured for the opening of a new street connecting West Front and McMillan running along the L&N Railroad leading north. Work will start on this project in a few days. In order to open the street it will be necessary to move several small houses generally known to local citizens as the ‘Amos quarters’ and of course to grade and level up the ground.
Opening this street will eliminated the dead end on West Front Street caused by the building of the overhead bridge and at the same time give an outlet to McMillan Street leading toward town without crossing the railroad at a very dangerous crossing.

Postmaster Robert L. Stallworth states that Evergreen post office will shortly inaugurate the delivery of all parcel post addressed to patrons of this office living within the incorporated limits of the city, or in some cases slightly out of the limits or to the extent that patrons are now being served by city carriers with other classes of mail.

Burnt Corn Citizen Dies Saturday Night: Following a long illness of a year or more, Herbert Ellis, age 58, well known and beloved citizen of Burnt Corn died at his home Saturday night at nine o’clock.

A telegram from Senator Dixie Bibb Graves addressed to Mayor J.R. Brooks which was received on Tuesday of this week announced that federal authorities had approved the allocation of $11,928 to the City Evergreen for a street surfacing project to be set up under the Works Progress Administration on terms similar to those by which other paving projects have been done during the past two years.

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