Monday, September 23, 2024

The Monroe Journal's News Flashback for Sept. 23, 2024

Congressman Jack Edwards
SEPT. 27, 2007

Firefighters honored: The Monroe County Fire Association held their annual banquet last Thursday night at the Frisco City United Methodist Church. President Eddie James presented the awards to Excel Chief Tim Casey, Chief of the Year; Monroeville firefighter Jerry Knight, Firefighter of the Year; Rathan Owens, EMT of the Year; J.J. Burgess, Rookie of the Year; and Sue Starr, Female Firefighter of the Year.

Excel rolls over Tigers 44-0: Excel rolled over Red Level Friday night with a 44-0 romp to move to 3-1 on the year and 2-1 in the region.
Marcus Anderson was 9-for-12 for 161 yards on the night and ran five times for 12 yards. Defensively Johnny Flores had six stops and six assists, and Brett Harris had three tackles and five assists.
(Other top Excel players in that game included Kiara Betts, Nick Booker, Britt Bowen, Steven Brown, Korey Hall, Greg Hollinger, Nathan Hooks, Shelby Jordan, Josh Mack, Drew Pierce and Michael Watson. Andy Lambert was Excel’s head coach.)

Crowds of well-wishers, local dignitaries, customers and friends shared in celebrating the 100th birthday of People Exchange Bank of Monroe County. Amid an atmosphere of jubilation, they feasted on lunch prepared by Cherry Street BBQ, and were entertained by Crossroads Band.
Headed by S.D. Andress, Peoples Exchange Bank opened its doors for business in Beatrice on Sept. 18, 1907 and on that opening day, it recorded deposits of $77 and a 10-percent profit. The bank’s total capital was $15,077, and on the second week of business, the bank’s first loan was for $183.

SEPT. 30, 1982

Replacement of Claiborne-Murphy Bridge is one of five projects given priority in an $11.2-billion transportation appropriations bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives.
Congressman Jack Edwards said the bill, passed by the House last week, designates the bridge on U.S. Highway 84 over the Alabama River as a priority project.
The cost of a new bridge was once estimated to be $21 million, but that figure has been readjusted to $14 million.

FC Whippets defeat Blacksher 20-10: A patient Frisco City High School football team took advantage of three errors by J.U. Blacksher Friday night in Uriah to take a 20-10 win.
Blacksher fumbled a punt and a pitchout and failed to cover a Whippet pass receiver to set up the Whippets’ three touchdown.
(Top Frisco City players in that game included Foster Agee, Kenneth Agee, Walter Banks, Al Bowen, Kenny Cross, Frank Files, Russell Gulley, Rusty Hultz, Chris King, Sterling Lee and Jesse Stanley. Top Blacksher players included Terry Dailey, Alan Gunn, Craig Gregson, Richard Morris, David Peavy, Clifton Shoemo, Nick Tatum, Curtis Williams and Jimmy Woods. Vance McCrory was Frisco City’s head coach, and Keith Cardwell was Blacksher’s head coach.)

An open house for Frisco City First Baptist Church’s new recreation center will be held Saturday starting at 6:30 p.m. The dedication service for the new facility will be held on Sunday at 2:30 p.m. with Jim Bethea, consultant to the state Brotherhood Department of the Alabama Baptist Association, speaking.

SEPT. 26, 1957

Personnel Needed By Monroe Mills: To support an expanded program, Monroe Mills in Monroeville is in need of 50 or more women sewing machine operators.
Lee R. Duvall, personnel manager, said operations at the local mill have almost doubled in size during the last three years.
The new operators are needed between now and the end of the year, Mr. Duvall stated, and they need not have had any previous sewing experience.

Flu Cases Cancel Uriah Football Game: The Uriah-Walnut Hill, Fla. football game, originally scheduled for tonight (Thursday) in Walnut Hill, has been definitely postponed because of illness. Coach Jack Akins said the Uriah squad would be unable to play since nine of his players are out of school with the flu. He stated the future date for the game has not yet been decided.

Kiwanians To Hear Forest Ranger Speak: John Adams of Vredenburgh, forest ranger, will be guest speaker at the Friday luncheon meeting of the Monroeville Kiwanis Club at the Hi-Ho Restaurant.
Mr. Adams is scheduled to present a program on the progress of forest fire prevention in Monroe County and discuss the outstanding accomplishments of the “Keep Monroe County Green” program.
C.H. Harper, county Soil Conservation agent, is in charge of the program.

Miss Barbara Binion, 19, of Monroeville, Monroe County’s attractive “Maid of Cotton,” will be among representatives from over the state competing for the state “Maid of Cotton” title in Birmingham next week.

SEPT. 29, 1932

The M. Katz Dry Goods Store will be closed all day Sat., Oct. 1, on account of Jewish holiday. The store will be open for business on the following Monday morning.

Monroeville Team Defeats Uriah 12-0: The Monroe County High School opened its football season Friday afternoon by defeating Uriah High on the local athletic field by a score of 12 to 0. The first score came early in the game as a result of a high pass from the Uriah center which went over the head of the man attempting to punt and rolled behind the goal line where Monroeville recovered for a touchdown. Monroeville scored again in the last half on line plays. Both teams showed lack of teamwork due to the short period of training before the first game, but each team showed good material and promised plenty of opposition for their opponents before the season closes.

COTTON GINNINGS SHOW BIG DECREASE: According to the report of the census directors, there were 4,769 bales of cotton ginned in Monroe County from the crop of 1932, prior to Sept. 16, 1932, as compared with 5,914 bales to the same date last year.

Misses Mary Urquhart and Elon Kendall and Messrs. W.H. Simmons and Merrill Barrineau went to Pensacola to see the Ringling Circus Tuesday night.

Miss Etta Murphy of Peterman has accepted a position as elementary supervisor in Clarke County. – Clarke County Democrat.

SEPT. 26, 1907

Elsewhere in this issue appears the announcement of the Peoples Exchange Bank of Beatrice, which institution opened its doors for business on the 18th inst., with a strong board of local directors and a corps of officers composed of some of the best and most substantial businessmen in that section of the county. The bank is capitalized at $25,000 and is situated in one of the richest and most prosperous agricultural sections of North Monroe. There is no good reason why the new bank should not meet every requirement of the commercial and business community. The Journal wishes the new enterprise a prosperous and useful career.

In two hotly contested games of amateur baseball, the Scotland-Franklin boys defeated the strong Nellie team (in Franklin) today. The feature of the game was the magnificent work of Capell Smith, Scotland-Franklin’s star player, who had the heavy Nellie batters at his mercy. Also the catching and batting of Simmons Kearley, who led the team in hitting the ball. Reeves, the mighty Nellie pitcher, was hit regular and hard especially at the important time.

Miss Ida McNiel returned to her home at Axle last Sunday after spending some time with Monroeville friends, the guest of Misses Jennie and Callie Faulk.

The Fall term of the Monroe Circuit Court will convene in Monroeville on Mon., Oct. 7. The dockets are, we learn, about the average size.

E.R. Green, the photographer, of Peterman, will be in Monroeville during court prepared to do all kinds of photographic work, especially postcard photos, which are now so popular. He invites all desiring work of this character to call on him.

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