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Lavaughn Hanks |
DEC. 17, 2020
Longtime Monroe County physician Jack Meadow Whetstone
passed away at his home on Sun., Dec. 13, following a long, well-lived life and
a year-long battle with cancer. He was 89.
Dr. Whetstone came to Monroeville in August 1961 to practice
family medicine and general surgery with Dr. Francis Nicholas. Their
partnership lasted 35 years and their friendship, a lifetime. Dr. Hardy Downing
and Dr. Charles Eddins became partners and friends as well.
Dr. Whetstone is survived by the love of his life, his wife
of 66 years, Mary Elise Jones Whetstone.
MCHS blasts Blacksher: Monroe County High School (MCHS) went
2-2 last week, defeating J.U. Blacksher High School (JUB) 79-37 in Uriah and
going 1-2 in the Andalusia High School Invitational Basketball Tournament.
In the victory over JUB…T.J. Wiggins led the team with 26
points and two rebounds. Akel Gibbs had 23 points and a rebound.
(Other top MCHS players in that game included Jekelvon
Booker, Nick Childs, Devonte Diggs, Javis Dortch, Justin Hollinger, Arthur
Johnson, Conor McPhearson, Admyian Parker and Amadeus Rivers.)
Outlet’s last day is Dec. 24: Vanity Fair (VF) Outlet in
Monroeville will close Dec. 24, according to flyers posted at the store on
Mayfield Street and on social media.
VF Outlet is owned by Kontoor Brands of Greensboro, N.C.,
which specializes in the Wrangler and Lee brands. The Monroeville store is
managed by Kathy Johnson.
DEC. 21, 1995
Kenny Cross named EMT of the Year: Kenny Cross, 31, of Excel
has been named Emergency Medical Technician of the Year.
The Excel man is employed by Simmons Ambulance Service. He
received his 1995 award from Southwest Alabama Emergency Medical Service
System, Inc. during a Dec. 8 symposium in Mobile.
Blacksher girls unbeaten: J.U. Blacksher High School’s
varsity girls remained unbeaten and took an early lead in the 1A Area 1
standings last week when the Bulldogs defeated Frisco City and Fruitdale high
After trailing through the first half, Blacksher rallied
Tuesday of last week at Uriah to pound Frisco’s Whippets 55-33. The Bulldogs
followed it with a 57-38 victory over Fruitdale’s Pirates Friday in Fruitdale.
(Top Blacksher players in those games included Latoya
Chilsom, Tanjai English, Kristy Flowers, Roxanne Gregson, Summer Harrison,
Jennifer Johnson, Katrinka Johnson, Latasha King and Melissa White. Eugene
Garrett was Blacksher’s head coach.)
Claiborne focus of museum magazine: Monroe County Heritage
Museums bi-annual magazine, “Legacy,” focuses on historic Claiborne in its
current edition.
The 30-page magazine features photographs, drawings and
articles about various aspects of the 19th century boom town.
Museums director Kathy McCoy describes Claiborne as “one of the most important
cities in Alabama at one time” and “an important outpost during frontier days.”
DEC. 17, 1970
Patsy Mattmuller Named 1971 County Junior Miss:
Seventeen-year-old Miss Patsy Mattmuller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Mattmuller, is Monroe County’s Junior Miss for 1971.
Selection of the pretty member of the senior class at Monroe
County High School came last Saturday night at the annual pageant held at Greer
Auditorium here under the sponsorship of the Monroeville Jaycees.
Crowned by Miss Debra Wiggins, 1970 Junior Miss, Miss
Mattmuller also won awards for poise and appearance and for physical fitness.
Tigers Defend Crown: The MCHS Basketball Tigers are hosts
and defending champions in the annual area Christmas basketball tournament. The
first game will be played at 6:30 tonight (Thursday) when Georgiana meets MCHS.
All tournament games will be played in the Monroeville Coliseum on Drewry Road.
(Players for MCHS that season included Mark Adams, Pete
Black, Randy Booker, Curtis Hill, Leon Hollinger, Kenneth Kidd, Robert Rankin,
J.W. Rowell, Philip Shirley, Larry Snowden, David Stallworth and Joe Whatley.)
Stewart Becomes Editor of U. of Georgia Paper: Steve Stewart
of Monroeville has been chosen editor of the University of Georgia’s bi-weekly
student newspaper, the Red and Black, for the winter quarter.
A senior journalism major, Stewart previously served as
managing editor. He is currently campus correspondent for the Associated Press
and has worked as a reporter for the Augusta Herald and interned with the
public relations office of Southern Bell Telephone Co.
He is a member of the University Leadership Board and Sigma
Delta Chi professional journalism society.
DEC. 20, 1945
Capt. Edwin C. Lee reached home last Thursday after spending more than two years in the European Theater of Operations. He has been returned to inactive status.
Jesse R. Harrison, radio technician, first class, of Frisco City, is getting ready to rejoin the ranks of civilians, together with thousands of others going through the Naval staging center at Pearl Harbor, according to news received from the fleet hometown news center.
MONROEVILLE DEFEATS FRISCO CITY 20 TO 11: Monroeville played their second basketball game Friday night, Dec. 14, in the High School Auditorium. Bubber and Skipper were high point men, Bubber making 10 points and Skipper making six points. The boys played a good game and at the end the score was 20 to 11.
Nolvin Andrews is at home with his family at Drewry, having recently been discharged from the Army. Most of his service was in the South Pacific.
Phillip Turberville of Uriah has been discharged from the Army after serving three years. He wears the good conduct medal and American theater ribbon.
Edison Jay returned from the Pacific last week and received his discharge from the Navy after three years of service. For the present, he is visiting relatives at Tunnel Springs and Uriah.
Mr. Lavaughn Hanks of Frisco City has accepted the position of sixth grade teacher in the Monroeville Middle School.
DEC. 16, 1920
LOST – Dec. 6, one pointer bird dog, two and one-half years old, liver and white color, compactly made, rather large heavy neck, named Joe. Communicate with J.U. Blacksher, Uriah, Ala.
Potato Growers Meeting: A special meeting of the Potato Growers Association is hereby called for 10 o’clock Saturday morning, Dec. 18, at the courthouse in Monroeville. All who have indicated that they wish to plant Irish and Sweet Potatoes should be present, as matters will be finally closed at this meeting. – L.J. Bugg, President; Q. Salter, Secretary-Treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Hendrix were called to New Orleans Saturday on account of a serious injury sustained by their son Robert in an accident on the Texas & Pacific Railroad on Tuesday. The young man was thrown from a moving train and one leg so badly crushed as to necessitate amputation. He was removed to one of the city hospitals, where the operation was successfully performed.
DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT JONES MILL FRIDAY: A destructive fire occurred at Jones Mill at an early hour on Friday morning of last week, which for a time threatened the entire business district, but was finally brought under control after four business houses were abandoned to the flames. The fire broke out in the millinery establishment of Mrs. Lambert and spread rapidly to the adjacent buildings. Owing to the early hour, the fire had gained considerable headway before it was discovered and little could be done beyond confining it to the doomed area.
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