AUG. 21, 2003
“Evergreen Aggies Parents Meeting: There will be an Evergreen Aggies parents meeting on Thurs., Aug. 21, at 6:30 p.m. at Zack’s Restaurant. Parents are urged to attend this meeting.”
“Case Brundage, 5-year-old son of Jeff and Cassie Brundage of Evergreen, shows off his catch of the day. Case reeled in five of the 10 catfish caught, which totaled 16 pounds.”
“Keith Pugh was in charge of the program for last week’s meeting of the Evergreen Kiwanis Club and he talked to the club about his vacation. Keith has been going to St. Johns, Fla. every year for the past 10 years to fish, and he gave the club a very interesting program about his many adventures over the years.”
“2003-2004 Alabama waterfowl seasons set: Seasons and bag limits for the 2003-2004 waterfowl season are announced by the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, following receipt of the federal guidelines which govern the way states can set their season.
“The Special Canada Goose Season beings Sept. 1 and runs through Sept. 15 with limits of five per day and 10 in possession. The Special Teal Season is Sept. 6-21 with limits of four per day and eight in possession.
“The season for ducks (except canvasback and pintail), coot and merganser is Nov. 27-Jan. 25. The canvasback and pintail season is limited to Dec. 27-Jan. 25.”
AUG. 18, 1988
“This is the wrecked car in which Mrs. Lillian M. Sutton, 59, of Molino, Fla. was killed in a tragic accident Friday afternoon on I-65, about three miles north of the Repton-Brewton exit. The care, driven by Mrs. Sutton’s husband, Charlie H. Sutton, 62, went out of control, skidded about 45 feet before striking a guard rail, then overturned several times before flipping over the bridge and into a ravine approximately 30 feet below the highway. The vehicle landed upside down. Mrs. Sutton, mother of major league pitcher Don Sutton, the winningest active pitcher in major league baseball and 12th on the all time list with 324 wins, was pronounced dead at the scene by Conecuh County Coroner Danny Garnett.”
“Sparta plays EA Friday nite there: Sparta Academy will play a pre-season football game with Escambia Academy Friday night at 7:30 p.m. The game will be played in Canoe.”
“Sparta Academy plans pep rally and bonfire: Sparta Academy will have a bon fire pep rally Thursday night, Aug. 25. They will serve hamburgers starting at 6:00, with the pep rally to follow shortly thereafter. It will be held at Sparta.”
“SPARTA ACADEMY: 1988 Football Schedule: Aug. 26, v. Escambia; Sept. 2, at Springwood; Sept. 9, v. South Montgomery; Sept. 16, at Lee-Scott; Sept. 23, v. Ashford; Sept. 30, at Crenshaw; Oct. 7, at Stokes; Oct. 14, v. Lakeside; Oct. 21, v. Abbeville; Oct. 28, at Greenville.”
AUG. 16, 1973
“Jeff Kimbro holds the trophy he won as Most Valuable Player in the American League of the Evergreen Jr. Baseball League. Jeff, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kimbro, was elected by the players for this honor.”
“Ronald Williams receives degree: Ronald E. Williams of Brewton is a summer graduate of the University of West Florida, Pensacola with a BS degree and a major in physical education.
“Williams is a graduate of Conecuh County High School where he earned several honors in basketball. He has been employed by the Conecuh County Board of Education as assistant football coach and varsity basketball coach at Lyeffion High School.”
“Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Baggett and Angie have moved to Tallassee, Ala. where he has accepted a position as coach of Tallassee High School.”
“These players were chosen from the Chicks and Pelicans to form an All-Star Team which played the champion Orioles in the American League All-Star Game Friday night. The game concluded the season.”
“These Orioles were champions of the American League of the Evergreen Jr. Baseball League this summer. They played an All-Star Team in a game Friday night to conclude the season.”
AUG. 21, 1958
“Aggies Open Drills Play Atmore Sept. 12: The Evergreen Aggies started fall football practice this morning at five o’clock. Twenty-five boys reported for the first session under Coaches Wendell Hart and Jeff Moorer.
“Eight lettermen are back from last year’s team and will form the nucleus for this year’s eleven. Lettermen are Robert Ellington, Robbie Boykin, Jimmy Bell, Elvin Higgins, Ken Tucker, Wayne Peacock, George Bolton, Byron Warren and Paul Pace.
“Other Aggies reporting for duty were Billy Melton, Leon McKenzie, Leon Stinson, Ceylon Strong, Bobby Smith, Shannon Griggers, H.W. Ward, Connie Rigsby, Wayne Stinson, Cleveland Brown, Paul Hardin, Bonner Ridgeway, Brown Boykin, Robert Brooks, David Hyde, Duncan Roberts and Billy Hammonds.
“Fans will have the opportunity of seeing the Aggies in action Sept. 12 when they tackle the Atmore Blue Devils at Brooks Stadium.”
“Swimming Contest Closes Summer Swim Classes: The swimming classes at The Evergreen Swimming Pool ended their summer instruction with a swimming and diving contest Tuesday.
“Phillip Camp and Knud Nielsen tied for first place in the diving contest. The Short Distance Swimming race was won by Larry Yeargan and Larry tied with Sally Anderson for first place in the long distance swimming match.
“The final event was a relay affair and the team headed by Sally Anderson won the first place honor. The other members of the team were Phillip Camp, Elinor Stallworth, Larry Griffin and Bobbie Helen Herlong.”
AUG. 19, 1943
“New Conservation Chief: Alabama’s new Director of Conservation, Ben C. Morgan, is shown at the state game farm near Prattville with a pair of feathered friends dear to the hearts of all Alabamians - Colinus virginianus to the scientific chaps, quail to the average sportsman, partridge to the unreconstructed. Quail are bred at the state farm for restocking purposes, as part of a constructive conservation program.”
Compiled by Sports Reporter Lee Peacock from past issues of The Evergreen Courant. To read The Courant’s weekly Sports Flashback feature online, visit leepeacock2010.blogspot.com.
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