U.S. Marine PFC James Cecil Gaston |
DEC. 10, 1992Animal shelter will be started by Christmas: The Monroe
County Animal Shelter Committee hopes to spend only about $3,000 on the first
phase of the shelter building and have that part finished by Christmas.
The first phase includes all work up to and including the
laying of the cement slab and the plumbing.
The entire building should be completed by January and ready
to open in February, said (committee chairman Don) Taylor.
MA boys capture first place with victory over Greenville:
After opening last week’s schedule with a 65-45 loss to Sparta Academy, Monroe
Academy’s varsity boys bounced back to win a four-team tournament in
MA blasted Crenshaw Academy, 56-28, in the first round of
the Fort Dale-South Butler Academy tournament Wednesday of last week, then beat
Greenville Academy, 46-40, Thursday in the championship game.
(Top players for MA in those games included Jeff Fountain,
Justin Hart, Conan Ivey, Johnny Pickens, Landry Sawyer, John Shealy, Tom
Stallworth, Adam Till and Brian Walker. Hugh Wilson was MA’s head coach.)
Jaye is honored for service to professional law fraternity:
Vinson W. “Vince” Jaye, a native of Monroeville, was honored Nov. 21 in
Montgomery for his service as an officer in Sigma Delta Kappa, a professional
law fraternity at Jones School of Law at Faulkner University in Montgomery.
Jaye received a plaque for his service as the fraternity’s
reporter. A 1981 graduate of Frisco City High School, Jaye is in his third year
of law school.
DEC. 14, 1967
Thirteen Girls Seek Title In Junior Miss Pageant: A cash
scholarship of approximately $300 awaits the winner of the annual Monroe County
Junior Miss pageant Saturday night, Dec. 16. The eliminations will be held at
Greer Auditorium, Monroeville Elementary School, beginning at 7 p.m.
Thirteen girls have entered the competition and are expected
to appear in the pageant Saturday night. They are Gail Jay, Excel; Kathy Brown,
Monroeville; Vickie Pebbles, Monroeville; Hilda Ryder, Frisco City; Noel Peavy,
Frisco City; Marilyn Pearce, Monroeville; Charlotte Ferrell, Uriah; Anita
Manning, Frisco City; Gayle White, Uriah; Cherry Elaine Teague, Uriah; Debbie
Algood, Monroeville; Kay Marshall, Monroeville and Faith Bilbro, Monroeville.
Tigers Defeat Beatrice 61-41: The Monroe County High School
Tigers captured their second victory of the 1967-68 basketball season by
defeating the Beatrice High Eagles 61-41 at Beatrice Tuesday night, Dec. 5.
Mike Colquett led the Tigers with 17 points, followed by
Butch Andress with 11. Scruggs led Beatrice with 16.
Museum To Show Old Christmas Tree: A Christmas tree more
than 100 years old will be on display at the Monroe County Museum when it opens
from 1 to 3 p.m. Sat., Dec. 16. Other items on display Saturday and during the
Christmas season will be a variety of dolls, many over 50 years old, and toys
from years gone by. Members of the museum met Monday night and made plans for
the Christmas displays.
DEC. 10, 1942
received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Gaston of Loxley, that their son,
Cecil Gaston, a member of the Marine Corps, was killed in action recently. The
Gastons have numerous relatives in Monroe and Conecuh counties.
Mr. H.A. Lee of Marianna is visiting his brother, Mr. A.C.
Lee and family.
First Lt. Albert Nettles is stationed at Fort Sill, Okla.
and judging from a card received last week, Albert is as busy in the Army as he
was as cashier of the Peoples Exchange Bank and looking after various things
about the town up in Beatrice.
Thomas Black, who is serving in the Navy, spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Black at Uriah.
Mrs. Raymond Owens, who has been on The Journal force for
the past three years, left Saturday to join her husband who is an instructor in
the Army Air Service in Columbus, Miss.
Midshipman Sam Yarbrough Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. S.J.
Yarbrough, stood second in his class of 47 men taking cadet officers course and
with two of his class has sailed for an unknown port as cadet officers of the
U.S. Naval Reserve.
Howard Grantham, son of Mrs. Evie Grantham of Monroeville,
Route 1, is stationed at Camp Walters, Tenn., where he is in training as an
infantryman in the replacement training center.
DEC. 11, 1919
Work on the new Baptist church, which had been suspended for
several weeks for lack of material, will be resumed as soon as weather
conditions permit, three cars of brick having arrived during the last week. The
work will be pushed as rapidly as circumstances will allow.
A.C. Lee, Esq., went over to Demopolis Saturday to enjoy a
day at the Methodist annual conference.
Mr. J.W. Dozier of Lower Peach Tree was a business visitor
to Monroeville Thursday. Mr. Dozier is the popular postmaster of his town.
Dr. W.M. Hestle’s family joined him here Friday and have
apartments at Hotel Matheson until Dr. Bayles and family vacates the dwelling
recently sold to Dr. Hestle.
LOST – One pair of nickel-plated handcuffs. Return to T.W.
Russell and receive reward.
Taken Up – One black horse, weight about 700 pounds. Came to
my place Dec. 2. Owner can get same by proving property and paying expenses of
keeping. A.W. Blanton, Perdue Hill, Rt. 1, Ala.
At a called meeting of the Woodmen of the World Camp, a
resolution was adopted assessing a fine of 25 cents on all members who fail to
attend the regular meetings without satisfactory excuse, the fee to be
collected as dues. Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Saturday
nights in each month. – W.T. Bayles.
The Clerk of the Circuit Court has received dog tags and
requests that all owners of dogs promptly register them and get the necessary
DEC. 8, 1892
County court convened Monday. A number of cases were
disposed of.
Mr. Q. Salter is attending the annual meeting of the grand
lodge in Montgomery this week.
We learn that one night during last week unknown parties
took from Mr. D.J. Hatter’s stable his fine blooded horse and fled. The thief
at last accounts was heard of at Grove Hill but had not been captured.
There will be an Oyster Supper at the Masonic Hall at Perdue
Hill on Thursday night the 15th, inst., given by the Ladies Aid
Society for the benefit of the Presbyterian Church. There will also be a tree
laden with articles suitable for Christmas presents. The public are invited.
The Willing Workers of Perdue Hill will open a Bazar on
Saturday, the 17th, until Saturday night, the 24th, for
the benefit of the Baptist Church in the building adjoining the Locklin House.
Also an oyster supper on Wednesday night.
Mr. Carl Shiff of Claiborne was in town this week.
Sheriff Foster and W.G. McCorvey, Esq., are in Montgomery
this week.
SINGING CONVENTION: The next session of Shiloh Singing
Convention will meet with Ramah church six miles southeast of Repton on the
second Sunday and Saturday before in December. Everybody and especially singers
and lovers of vocal music is invited to attend. – J.W. Jones, Chairman; Sidney
M. Jones, Secretary.