Henry Alonzo Baggett |
JUNE 26, 1986Andress, Adams two new city policemen: Two new police
officers – Ronald Andress and William Adams – were hired by the city of
Monroeville during May, according to Charles Colbert, chief of police.
Andress, 35, formerly of the York Police Department, is a
graduate of Southwest Alabama Police Academy at Faulkner Junior College in Bay
Minette. He is a certified Intoxilyzer 5000 technician.
Adams, 38, of Excel, is a former employee of Container Corp.
in Monroeville and has been a member of the Monroe County Sheriff’s Auxiliary
for 10 years. Adams plans on attending the Police Academy at Faulker in
The South Monroe Babe Ruth Baseball League Saturday named
its 1986 all-star team, which is scheduled to compete in the tournament for
13-year-olds Saturday in Atmore at 6 p.m. The team will be playing the
all-stars from Brewton. The members of the South Monroe team are John Bradley,
Willie Anderson, Mack Ross, Drexel Lambert, Mike Dailey, Tim Salter, Brian
Waters, Shane Stafford, Byron Kemp, Bo Minchew, Keith Montgomery, Jerry Lee,
John Gulley, Shawn Till and Craig Ivey. Coaches were Tom Bradley and Julius
First cotton: Jeffrey Wilkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Micky
Wilkins of Goodway Junction, holds the first reported cotton bloom of the
season, which came from his father’s cotton field at Goodway Junction. Jeffrey
is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Saucer of Goodway Junction and Mrs. Irene
Wilkins and the late J.B. Wilkins of Huxford.
JUNE 22, 1961
Members Of Rescue Squad Join Search For Missing Plane: The
Monroe County Rescue Squad joined in the search Wednesday for Gene McGill of
Mobile and John Leu of Nashville, who have been missing in a private plane
since Saturday night.
Claude Wilkerson reported that the Monroe County Rescue
Squad is making an intensive search in the Barlow Bend section.
The plane, owned by the Security Life Investment Co. of
Nashville, Tenn., was reportedly piloted by Mr. McGill, who worked for the
firm. Mr. Leu is treasurer and his father is president of the Nashville
company. The plane is a Cessna 182.
Hendrix Is Elected Worshipful Master: G.E. Hendrix was
elevated to the office of Worshipful Master of the Frisco City Masonic Lodge
No. 702 Thursday evening when the election of officers was held.
Other officers elected at this time to serve with Mr.
Hendrix were: Claude Wilkerson, senior warden; Harold Hendrix, junior warden;
Rayford Sawyer, senior deacon; Wilbur Brooks, junior deacon; John C. Ikner,
tyler; George Burns, treasurer; Morton Carpenter, secretary; Grady Barnes,
chaplain; Erple Wilson, senior steward; Wally Byrd, junior steward; and W.C.
Majors, marshal.
in Monroe County reported to The Journal office came from the farm of Jim and
Charles Williams, who live near Uriah. Their bloom was reported to A.V.
Culpepper, county agent, on Fri., June 16. Raymond Ward of the Megargel
community brought the second bloom reported in the county to The Journal office
Monday morning. This bloom was discovered Sun., June 18.
JUNE 25, 1936
Prominent Citizen Is Claimed By Death: People of Monroeville
were grieved to learn of the passing of Henry Alonzo Baggett, which occurred
about 10 o’clock last Saturday evening. Few people ever in a lifetime make more
friends than did Mr. Baggett, who had filled the office of tax collector in
Monroe County for nearly 20 years.
Jitney-Jungle In New Location: The Jitney-Jungle is now
located in its new home on the west side of the square in the building formerly
used as a show room by B.H. Stallworth Jr. The building has been remodeled and
many improvements made before the stock of the “Red and Green front” grocery
store was moved in. In its new location, the Jitney-Jungle, operated by E.S.
Gardner, will include a market. The Stallworth showroom has been moved to the
location of the Stallworth Implement Co.
Large Catfish Landed At Davis Ferry: The largest catfish
ever caught at the Davis Ferry, about four miles from Franklin, was landed on
Sat., June 20, by Leo Dees and Roy McKinley. The fish measured four and
one-half feet in length and was 14 inches across the head. It was caught on a
short 10-hook line.
The Alabama Lodge No. 3 at a regular meeting held last week
elected the following officers to serve during the ensuing year: M.R. Sowell,
worshipful master; J.M. Johnson, senior warden; A.L. Nettles, junior warden;
L.L. Hendrix, treasurer; L.L. Dees, secretary; E.M. Salter, senior deacon; J.A.
Jackson, junior deacon; and John Lamb, tyler.
JUNE 23, 1910
Monroeville is now enjoying the privilege of Sunday mail
service, the new departure having been inaugurated last Sunday.
There will be a public installation of the officers of
Alabama Lodge No. 3, Perdue Hill, at 6 o’clock p.m. on Fri., June 24. An address
will be delivered by Hon. John McDuffie. The public is cordially invited.
Dr. J.F. Busey of Jones Mill was in to see us Tuesday. Dr.
Busey reports a case of pellagra in the vicinity of Jones Mill, the victim
being a four-year-old child, the first case that has come under his observation
in that section. He is arranging to take the patient to Mobile for transfusion
There will be an ice cream supper at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Marion Brown, Excel, Wednesday night, June 29, for the benefit of Excel
school building. Everybody is cordially invited.
BRIDGE LETTING: I will attend at Little Escambia Creek on
the Excel and Repton road Sat., June 25, 1910, for the purpose of contracting
for the building of a bridge at said place. Specifications will be furnished on
the ground. – W.R. Blackwell, Commissioner.
Mr. A.J. Petty of Monroeville RFD No. 1 sent to The Journal
office Tuesday, a five-pound beet that beats any beet that has yet come under
our observation. Who can beat this beet? The beet was grown this spring without
any special cultivation or fertilization.
JUNE 24, 1886
Sheriff Johnson of Santa Rosa County, Fla. and Deputy Dawe
of Conecuh passed through town last Friday in pursuit of one McDonald, a white
man charged with murder in Santa Rosa County. McDonald was last seen near
Evergreen, and was making his way toward the Alabama River, intending to cross
at or near Claiborne.
Masonic Notice – The Masonic Fraternity are invited to
attend the funeral of Bro. Nathan Bell on second Sunday of July at 10 o’clock
a.m. from Masonic Hall at Monroeville. – F.M. Jones, Secretary.
Killed – A little boy was killed near town last Wednesday by
a falling tree.
Masonic – The following are the officers elected for
Monroeville Lodge No. 153 for the ensuring year: S.H. Daily, Worshipful Master;
T.L. Sowell, Senior Warden; W.W. McMillan, Junior Warden; D.J. Hatter,
Treasurer; A.M. Leslie, Secretary; J.F. Fore, Senior Deacon; G.W. Salter,
Junior Deacon; and Isaac Andress, Tyler.
Public Installation – There will be a public installation of
officers of the Monroeville Lodge No. 153 on Saturday before the third Sunday
in July 1886, at 10 o’clock a.m. The Fraternity and public are invited to
attend. – F.M. Jones, Secretary.
Died – At his home near Monroeville, on Monday night 21st
inst. after a lingering illness, Mr. George W. Metts, a brother of our townsman
Mr. F. Metts, in the 50th year of his age.
Cadet B.F. Wiggins, who has been attending Howard College,
returned home last week to spend vacation.