SEPT. 2, 1915
Dr. B.F. Riley of Birmingham was a visitor to the city
Miss Jennie Faulk is at home from market and will announce
her millinery opening in a few days.
The store of M. Katz will be closed on Sept. 9 in observance
of Rosh Hashanah or Jewish New Year.
Mr. L.W. Locklin was transacting business at the county
capital yesterday. Mr. Locklin has recently sold his home and entire real
estate holdings at Perdue Hill to a northern party who it is understood will
locate a Polish colony in that vicinity. Mr. Locklin informed us that an agent
of the purchaser is now at Perdue Hill superintending the erection of buildings
and making other improvements on the property.
Mr. J.P. Farish of Beatrice, the well known “knight of the
grip,” was here Tuesday morning booking orders.
Mr. G.S. Lazenby of Forest Home, one of Butler County’s able
representatives in the legislature, spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. J.E.
Mr. F.M. Arnold of Uriah was here Tuesday. Mr. Arnold left
with The Journal some fine specimens of sugar cane of which he is a successful
Dr. G.W. Gaillard of Perdue Hill was among Monroeville
friends Friday.
Dr. J.M. Johnson of Franklin was circulating among
Monroeville friends Monday.
SEPT. 9, 1915
NO TYPHOID HERE: The Journal learns that the impression is
widespread that Monroeville is a hotbed of typhoid fever, and as a result of
such impression many prospective students of the High School may be kept away.
How such erroneous reports gained currency we are at a loss to understand. As a
matter of fact, the health record of Monroeville will be found to bear
favorable comparison with that of any other town or community in Alabama.
Track has been laid on the G.F.&A. railroad to Limestone
Creek, and the first special passenger train was run to that point on Aug. 29.
Regular passenger service will probably not be established until connection is
made with the Southern railway at Pine Hill.
Both the High School and Grammar school will open next
Monday. Indications point to a prosperous session for each school.
Capt. John McDuffie is at home from the encampment of the
second regiment Alabama National Guard.
Rev. W.H. Hasty of Excel, Ala. will preach a sermon in
memory of Mrs. Amanda Hobbs Filmore at the Johnson graveyard, three miles west
of Deer Range, Ala., on Sun., Oct. 3, 1915 at 10 o’clock a.m. The friends and
relatives are cordially invited to attend.
L.J. Bugg, Esq., was a business visitor to the state capital
last week.
Prof. W.S. Nash was down from Tunnel Springs Tuesday.
SEPT. 16, 1915
Rev. N.H. Gibson and Mrs. Gibson were called to Columbus,
Ga. Sunday night by a telegram announcing the death of their son, N.H. Gibson
Jr., who was fatally shot in the discharge of his duties as a police officer in
that city.
Friends in Alabama learn with regret of the death of Mr.
Abram Shiff in Cincinnati, Ohio on Sept. 7 at the age of 82 years. Mr. Shiff
was for many years a valued citizen of Monroe, being engaged in the mercantile
business at Claiborne.
The foundation is being laid for the erection of Mrs. L.A.
Hixon’s new dwelling in the western part of town.
A new dwelling is being erected by Mr. F.E. Marshall in
Monvil Park addition. Mr. J.M. Daniel has the contract.
Capt. A.H. Johnson and his son, Dr. J.M. Johnson, of Franklin
were here Tuesday greeting their numerous friends.
Monday marked the opening of the fourth and most promising
session of the Monroe County High School. The enrollment was 95 compared with
74 last year, showing an increase of 20 percent with a still further increase
assured within a few weeks. All together, there are 56 out of town students.
The opening exercises in the auditorium on Monday morning
were attended by a large number of patrons and friends of the school. The
invocation was offered by Rev. C.W. Henson and short addresses were made by Mr.
Henson, A.C. Lee, Esq., L.S. Biggs, Esq., Superintendent Barnes, Mr. C.W.
Jackson, chairman of the county board of education, and Prof. Harris.
SEPT. 23, 1915
A mass meeting of citizens of various sections of the county
was held at the courthouse on Wednesday of last week for the purpose of
recommending persons for appointment as members of the new board of revenue
recently created by the legislature for Monroe County.
The number present was variously estimated at 250 to 500,
and many of those present did not participate in the proceedings, 134 being the
highest number of votes registered for any candidate placed in nomination.
The following gentlemen were recommended to the governor for
appointment as members of the new board: First district, W.S. Bowden; second
district, T.E. Dennis Sr.; third district, G.A. Fountain; fourth district, W.L.
D.L. Neville has been appointed game warden for Monroe
County. He announces that he will endeavor to see that the game laws are
strictly observed.
Mr. C.R. Crooks will take charge of the Wiggins Hotel on
Oct. 1
Mr. J.W. Rikard of Gulfport, Miss. spent a few days last
week with relatives here. Mr. Rikard is just recovering from an attack of
typhoid fever.
Get your Lyceum tickets now and save money. Reserved seats
are being rapidly taken. Our first attraction, “The Musical Entertainers,” will
appear Oct. 23 at 8 p.m. Secure your seats now. Write or see J.O. SIMMONS,
Monroeville, Ala.
SEPT. 30, 1915
Gov. Henderson has appointed Messrs. G.B. Barnett of
Monroeville, J.U. Blacksher of Uriah, C.J. Jackson of Tunnel Springs and T.T.
Ivey of Beatrice to compose the County Board of Revenue created by act of the
late legislature for Monroe County.
The new board will take over all authority and discharge all
duties formerly imposed upon both the Commissioners Court and the County
Highway Commission.
The enrollment of the Monroe County High School being 101
ranks it as third among the high schools in the state.
The students have started their work with enthusiasm, but
they have not organized any clubs yet, having to take up the general routine of
The boys have organized an indoor baseball team but haven’t
played any yet. The girls have organized a regular baseball team and played
their first game Tuesday afternoon against the town girls, the score being 7 to
8 in favor of the high school.
There were 251 bales of cotton ginned in Monroe County from
the crop of 1915 prior to Sept. 1, 1915 as compared with 1,094 bales ginned
prior to Sept. 1, 1914. – S.D. Nettles, Special Agent.
MOTOR CAR WRECKED: One Man Instantly Killed and Another
Painfully Injured: A most lamentable accident occurred on the Manistee &
Repton railroad early Monday morning when the motor car used by the section
crew was thrown from the track, resulting in the death of Mr. George Moore and
painful injury to his brother, Mr. William Moore, the section foreman. The
accident occurred on the grade about two miles from town.
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