A search for UFO reports in Alabama between Oct. 1 and Aug.
31 on MUFON’s website, www.mufon.com, resulted in five reports from within our
state during that time, including a report from Atmore.
The incident in Atmore occurred on Sun., Oct. 5, around 8:14
a.m. The witness in this case said he was on his carport with a cup of coffee
when the neighborhood dogs began barking and howling. The man stepped into his
front yard, looked up and saw what he thought at first was a short jet
As he continued to watch, he noticed that the contrail had
“two glowing orbs” on each end of it. As the object drew closer, the witness
noticed that it was taking the shape of a circle with one orb moving around the
circle of the other orb. The entire circle then began to rotate, and as one orb
moved about a quarter of the way around the circle, the entire thing
The second incident occurred on Mon., Oct. 6, around 7:48
p.m. in Valley, a city of 9,500 in Chambers County in East Central Alabama. The
witness in this case reported seeing a “huge, star-like object.” The object
moved slowly to the northeast and was bigger than everything in the sky except
the moon, the witness said.
The third incident occurred on Tues., Oct. 7, around 7:36
p.m. in Chelsea, a city of 10,100 in Shelby County. The witness in this case
was outside watching the International Space Station pass overhead and as it
came into view out of the west, another light appeared just north of the space
station. The unidentified object crossed the space station’s path, but was
clearly above it and farther away, the witness said.
The new object traveled much faster than the space station,
almost like a shooting star. However, this unidentified light didn’t twinkle
like a shooting star and had no tail. Suddenly, it came to a dead stop and
disappeared, the witness said.
The fourth incident took place on Thurs., Oct. 9, around
1:30 a.m. in Daphne, a city in Baldwin County on the eastern shore of Mobile
Bay. The witness in this case was outdoors and saw what at first looked like a
“large, undefined black spot” emerging from a large cloud. As the object moved
closer, the witness could see that it was a “very large disc” about 100 feet
After emerging from the cloud, the disc made a wide arc,
turning to the left, then fully sideways before flattening back out as it moved
back to the right. It came to a brief stop and hovered for a moment about 200
feet from the witness. The disc eventually began to ascend in a spiral path
“directly into the brightness of the moon.” As it rose in the sky, the disc became
transparent and eventually disappeared.
The fifth and final incident occurred on Thurs., Oct. 16,
around 7:34 p.m. in Alexander City, which is in Tallapoosa County. The witness
in this case was taking his trash to the end of his driveway when he looked up
and saw a “very bright, white ball of light” traveling through the sky slowly.
The light didn’t blink and looked “much larger” than a star or airplane.
After watching the light for about 15 seconds, it “suddenly
brightened with a flash,” continued along its route and faded away about 15
seconds later. While watching the light, the witness said he was struck by the
“strange feeling that it wasn’t normal.”
Before closing out this week, I just want to put it out
there again that I would be very interested to hear from anyone who have
witnessed a UFO, especially in Conecuh County. I think a lot of other people
would be interested in hearing your story too, and I’m willing to accept your
report anonymously. You can contact me by e-mail at courantsports@earthlink.net
or by phone at 578-1492.
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