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Judge David Clopton |
FEB. 13, 1992
Local weather observer Harry
Ellis reported .73 inches of rain on Feb. 4, .40 inches on Feb. 5 and .05
inches on Feb. 6. He also reported a high of 68 degrees on Feb. 3 and lows of
30 on Feb. 8 and Feb. 9.
Two members of the Hillcrest
High School Band were selected as members of the All-State Band recently.
Shannon Morgan and Heather Watson competed with band students from across the
state for a seat in the band. Shannon, a sophomore, is the granddaughter of
J.W. and Rosalee Morgan. Heather, a ninth grader, is the daughter of H.L. and
Anita Watson.
Efforts to rescue resident
are in vain as fire claims one life: A Conecuh County man died Sunday night in
a house fire. State forensic science officers are investigating the cause of
the fire that took the life of 61-year-old Hubert Thompson.
Conecuh County Fire Control
received a report of the fire at 8:36 p.m. Sunday. The burning home was located
off County Road 20 and North Road, near Belleville.
Shortly after 1 a.m., Mr.
Thompson’s remains were found in what remained of the kitchen area of the
Assistant Fire Marshall
(Billy) Mims stated the blaze was believed to have started in the kitchen area.
Mims stated fire officials on the scene first reported that area of the
wood-framed home was burning at the fastest rate and floor joists in that area
sustained the most burn damage.
FEB. 9, 1967
History was made here Monday
when women reported for the first time for jury duty. To the women pictured
above went the honor of being the first of their sex to ever sit as members of
a grand jury, their names having been drawn for the grand jury of the spring
term of circuit court. The ladies are Mrs. Inez Brown, Mrs. Ruby Fay Powell,
Mrs. Billie Pugh, Mrs. Betty Brooks and Mrs. Betty Rabun. Seated behind them
are Circuit Judge Robert E.L. Key and District Attorney Ralph L. Jones of
Final rites held for C.A.
Robinson: Funeral rites were held Sat., Feb. 4, at 3 p.m. at the Evergreen Methodist
Church for Cheslie A. Robinson, 74, who died early Friday morning at Mobile
Infirmary after a two months illness.
“Mr. Cheslie,” as he was
often called, was born and reared in Conecuh County, leaving the county only to
attend business school in Birmingham in his youth and to serve in World War I
and spend some time in France during the way.
After the war, he married the
former Louie Belle Ivey, and they made their home in Range for 30 years, where
Mr. Robinson served 27 years as postmaster.
Airman Thomas D. Hartley, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Hartley of Rural Street, Evergreen, has been selected
for technical training at Sheppard AFB, Texas, as a U.S. Air Force aircraft
maintenance specialist.
The airman recently completed
basic training at Lackland AFB, Texas. Airman Hartley, a 1966 graduate of
Evergreen High School, attending Jefferson Davis Junior College, Brewton.
FEB. 12, 1942
Rev. W.F. Cann Dies Suddenly: This entire community was
shocked and grieved to learn early Friday morning of the sudden passing of Rev.
William Frederick Cann, beloved pastor of the local Methodist church. Death
came at 6:45 after only a few minutes illness from heart attack. He was 75
years of age and was beginning his fifth year as pastor of the local M.E.
Chief of Police H.L. Riley is reported to be recovering
from a major operation which he underwent at a Mobile hospital Monday of this
week. Chief Riley was seriously ill early in January from an attack of an old
stomach ailment. Physicians advised an operation as soon as he recovered
sufficiently from this attack.
John A. Feagin Promoted To Lieutenant Colonel: Mrs.
Nannie Feagin has received information that her son, John A. Feagin, was
recently promoted from major to lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Air Corps.
He is stationed at Langley Field, Va.
Liet. Col. Feagin graduated from West Point in 1931 and
has made rapid advancement in rank. He is still in his early thirties.
Scouts, Fathers Enjoy Banquet: One of the outstanding
annual events held here occurred last evening (Wednesday) at the Evergreen High
School auditorium when some 60 Boy Scouts with their fathers and other friends
participated in a father-son banquet. This event is staged annually by the
local scout troop during Boy Scout Week.
FEB. 14, 1917
Supreme Court Affirms David Price Will Case: The Supreme
Court of Alabama, Justice Gardner writing the opinion, has affirmed the
decision of the Conecuh County Probate Court in the John T. Price vs. C.W.F.
Price case and the will alleged to have been left by David Price, who lived
near Castleberry, has been broken.
David Price was found dead in his bed last year and
shortly afterwards a will was found in the pocket of his trousers, bequeathing
his estate, except small monetary gifts to other relatives, to his brother
C.W.F. Price of Brewton. A contest was instituted by John T. Price and other
nephews of the deceased and Judge Dean decided the case in their favor, which
has been upheld by the high court. They will therefore come in for a larger
share of the estate than under the will, and C.W.F. Price will not receive as
large an amount as given him under the terms of the will.
Coming All Next Week: The coming of the Ed. C. Nutt
Comedy Players to Evergreen next week will be a treat in the way of dramatic
This company comes well recommended by both press and
public as being one of the best tented organizations traveling today, carrying
a company of ladies and gentlemen in every respect, and presenting plays that
are new and up to date.
The opening play for this company will be a comedy drama
entitled “The Cowboy, Serpent and the Dove,” a play dealing with the Mexican
situation of today.
FEB. 11, 1892
HON. G.R. FARNHAM: The death
of Mr. Justice Clopton makes a vacancy on the supreme bench of the state that
the governor will have to fill. This will make the third appointment of the
present executive. When Justice Walker was named for the position he now
occupies, Hon. G.R. Farnham, of this place, was being highly recommended for it
by his friends throughout the state. Mr. Farnham’s supporters are again
actively engaged in endeavoring to secure his appointment, with what success
the future must show.
Mr. Farnham is certainly an able
lawyer, and has, during the whole of his professional career been a close and
able student.
We learn that Mr. P.N.
Skipper killed a mad dog recently near the residence of Mr. William Benson of
this county. Before the beast was slain, he had killed several geese and bitten
a pig belonging to Mr. Benson. In about 11 days, the pig went mad and it was
The Avoirdupois Party: An
avoirdupois party and supper will be given at Hotel Whitcomb Friday evening,
the 12th, under the management of committee No. 3, of the Conecuh
Guards, and for the benefit of the company. The company has given many free
entertainments, and their friends, who have been the recipients of their
hospitality ought, and certainly will give their assistance when it is
solicited. Admission 25 cents.
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