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President Woodrow Wilson |
It’s that time of the month again, time to take a trip
down memory lane and review all of the interesting things that took place in
Conecuh County 100 years ago, way back in April 1917.
The April 4, 1917 edition of The Evergreen Courant is
missing from the microfilm archives at the local library, but there was plenty
of news in the April 11, 1917 edition to make up for it, including one of the
most important stories of the century.
In the April 11, 1917 edition of The Courant, editor and
owner George W. Salter Jr. reported, under the headline “War Declared,” that
the “Senate on Thursday, and the House of Representatives on Friday, passed the
Flood-Martin joint resolution declaring that a state of war exists between the
United States and Germany, and authorizing the President to bring into play the
army and navy and all other resources of the country in the vigorous
prosecution of the war.
“President (Woodrow) Wilson worked long and faithfully to keep this
country out of war, but it was impossible. The people will stand behind the
President with firmness and determination to protect America’s honor and to
bring the great world war to a successful termination.”
Also that week, readers learned that the “spring term of
Circuit Court convened on Monday last with Judge Gamble presiding and Solicitor
Dickey representing the state. The grand jury was organized with A.R. Knight of
Repton as foreman. Court adjourned at noon Tuesday and all petit jurors
discharged for the week. Most of the cases on the civil docket being continued.
The grand adjourned at noon today, returning 18 true bills.”
In the April 18, 1917 edition of The Courant, Salter
reported that the “criminal docket was completed today shortly after noon and
court adjourned for the week. A number of important cases were continued to the
next term.”
Also that week, readers learned that the “soldier boys
removed their quarters on Monday from the armory to a vacant space near the
home of W.H. Wild. One of the soldiers on duty at Sepulga River was brought in
today suffering with an attack of appendicitis and was promptly taken to
Montgomery for treatment.”
It was also reported that week that the “mass meeting of
farmers at the courthouse on Monday morning was the most largely attended of
any held in Evergreen in a long while. In fact, the courthouse was packed.
Strong and forceful speeches were made by Judge Gamble, Dr. Dickinson, Hon.
C.E. Hamilton, Miss Sara E. Luther and Hon. Michael Cody, a leading Montgomery
banker, who came by special invitation. All the speakers strongly urged upon
the farmers the great importance and need of an unusually large food and feed
crop this year. The large audience appeared to be thoroughly impressed with the
idea that a bumper food crop is more important at this time than undertaking to
make cotton and fighting the boll weevil.”
In the April 25, 1917 edition of The Courant, Salter
reported, under the headline “Evergreen Team Wins Double Bill,” that “the
baseball season was opened on the local diamond last Friday afternoon, when the
Second District Agricultural School of Evergreen shut out the Monroe County
High School of Monroeville in both games of a doubleheader. The feature of the
game were the fielding of Erwin of Evergreen and a home run by Dickerson of
Evergreen.” (Evergreen won the first game, 2-0, and won the second
game, 8-0.)
Readers that week also learned that “Capt. E. Downing of
the Conecuh Guards spent Friday here on business. His company is doing guard
duty at Mobile and Jackson. Capt. Downing is very proud of his company and says
the boys made the best showing of any company in the First Regiment on the
It was also reported that week that “members of the
military company stationed here were treated to a picnic dinner yesterday on the
lawn at the home of W.H. Wild by the ladies of Evergreen under the auspices of
the local chapter U.D.C. The boys devoured the splendid dinner with evident
relish and were deeply appreciative of the kindness of the good ladies.”
Readers that week also learned that “(Confederate)
memorial services will be conducted at the cemetery tomorrow afternoon. The
memorial address will be delivered by Rev. Chas. Lane of Macon, Ga. The program
arranged promises to be the most interesting of any yet held here.”
It was also reported that week that “commissioners court
was in session Monday and Tuesday transacting unfinished business left over at
the last meeting. All members of the board were present.”
Also that week, Salter reported that “merchants and
businessmen of Evergreen have signed the usual agreement to close their places
at six o’clock each afternoon, Saturdays excepted, from May 1 to Sept. 1.”
Readers that week also learned that “Mrs. Mary B. Jones,
mother of Chief J.C. Jones, died on Friday last, following a brief illness.
Deceased with 74 years old and besides her son is survived by one sister, Mrs.
Philyew, of this place; one brother, Allen Rhodes of Austin, Texas; and one
daughter, Mrs. Perdue of Greenville.”
Well, I guess that’s all that space will allow for this
month. Next month, I plan to take a look at the events of May 1917 in Conecuh
County. Until then, if you get the urge to research the county’s past yourself,
take advantage of the Evergreen-Conecuh County Public Library’s excellent
selection of old newspapers on microfilm and other resources. The library’s
friendly and courteous staff will be more than happy to get you started.
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