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Troy Jenkins. |
April 24, 1781 - British General William Phillips landed on
the banks of the James River at City Port, Va. He then combined forces with
British General Benedict Arnold to launch an attack on Petersburg, Va.
April 24, 1800 – The United States Library of Congress was
established when President John Adams signed legislation to appropriate $5,000
to purchase "such books as may be necessary for the use of Congress."
Congress ordered 740 books and three maps from London, and in just over a
decade, the library had more than 3,000 items. Today, the Library of Congress
has 650 miles of shelves, and 150 million items, including more than 35 million
April 24, 1815 – Victorian novelist Anthony Trollope was
born in London, England.
April 24, 1821 – Daniel Bozeman became postmaster at Burnt
Corn Spring, Ala.
April 24, 1827 – Israel Pickens, the third governor of
Alabama, passed away at the age of 47 in Matanzas, Cuba. He was originally
buried in a family graveyard but his remains were later moved to City Cemetery,
Greensboro, Ala.
April 24, 1844 - Alabama author Clifford Lanier was born in
Griffin, Ga.
April 24, 1861 – The Conecuh Guards mustered at Sparta, Ala.
and were presented a flag from the ladies of the community at the Sparta Depot
before departing by train for Lynchburg, Va.
April 24, 1861 - These were anxiety
filled days in the capital of the United States. Virginia had seceded on one
side. If Maryland did the same, the capital was defenseless. A gunboat kept
steam up at all times in case the President and Cabinet should need to flee.
April 24, 1862 - Seventeen ships under the command of Union
Admiral David Farragut moved up the Mississippi River past two Confederate
forts toward New Orleans. Only one ship was lost.
April 24, 1862 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought in the vicinity of Corinth, Miss.; at Lick Creek,
Tenn. in the vicinity of the Shiloh battlefield; on the Shelbyville Road in
Tennessee; and in the vicinity of Harrisonburg, Va.
April 24, 1862 - Union Admiral
David Farragut had been trying to shell the Confederates out of the two forts
below New Orleans, La. for a week now. On this night he set out to run past
them anyway. The barricades, chains stretched across the river, had been
damaged enough that ships could slip past. Moving at 2 a.m., all but three
small vessels of his flotilla managed to make their way above the forts. He
scattered some Confederate ships and sailed to New Orleans the next day,
capturing one of the Confederacy's major cities with barely a shot fired.
April 24, 1863 - Union Colonel Benjamin Grierson's troops
tore up tracks and destroyed two trainloads of ammunition headed for Vicksburg,
April 24, 1863 - The Union army issues General Orders No.
100, which provided a code of conduct for Federal soldiers and officers when
dealing with Confederate prisoners and civilians. The code was borrowed by many
European nations, and its influence can be seen on the Geneva Convention. The
orders were the brainchild of Francis Lieber, a Prussian immigrant whose three
sons had served during the Civil War.
April 24, 1863 – During the Civil
War, like all governments, that of the Confederate States of America was faced
with the obligation of raising funds to support its operations. When the
operations included fighting a war for independence, it became a case of
desperate times calling for desperate measures. On this day, a “tax in kind”
was enacted, requiring a one-tenth contribution of all produce of the land.
April 24, 1863 – During the Civil
war, a month-long Federal operation against Indians in the Owen’s River and
adjacent valleys began in California.
April 24, 1863 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought at Garlandville and Birmingham, Miss. as part of the
Grierson raid; out from St. Louis, Mo. along the Iron Mountain Railroad; on the
Edenton Road in the vicinity of Suffolk, Va.; in and around Gilmer County, West
Virginia; near Lake Saint Joseph, La.
April 24, 1864 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought near Decatur, Ala.; in the vicinity of Camden,
Ark.; near Pineville, La.; and in the vicinity of Middletown, Va. A two-day
Federal operation between Ringgold and La Fayette, Ga. began.
April 24, 1865 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought at Rodger’s Plantation, Ark. and at Linn Creek, Mo.
April 24, 1865 – U.S. General
William T. Sherman learned of President Johnson's rejection of his surrender
terms to Joe Johnston. General Grant, who personally delivered the message,
ordered Sherman to commence operations against Johnson within 48 hours. Sherman
was incensed but obeyed orders.
April 24, 1868 - Author William Garrott Brown was born in
Marion, Ala.
April 24, 1877 - Federal troops were ordered out of New
Orleans, bringing an end to the North's post-Civil War rule in the South.
April 24, 1886 – Monroe County (Ala.) Circuit Court
adjourned on this Saturday evening.
April 24, 1895 – Douglas Woolley “Dixie” Parker was born in
Forest Home in Butler County, Ala. He went on to play catcher for the Philadelphia
Phillies during the 1923 season. He also played parts of 16 minor league
seasons, spanning 1918–1941, while playing or managing for 17 teams in 13
different leagues. Parker died in Tuscaloosa at the age of 77 on May 15, 1972.
He is buried in the Green Pond Presbyterian Church Cemetery in Bibb County.
April 24, 1895 – Joshua Slocum, the first person to sail
single-handedly around the world, set sail from Boston, Mass. aboard the sloop
April 24, 1898 - Spain declared war on the U.S., rejecting
America's ultimatum for Spain to withdraw from Cuba.
April 24, 1905 – Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and novelist
Robert Penn Warren was born in Guthrie, Ky.
April 24, 1906
– American-born Irish-British Nazi propaganda broadcaster William Joyce was
born in Brooklyn, N.Y.
April 24, 1907 - The one-of-a-kind Hershey Park opened its
doors. However, unlike today, back then the amusement park was not for the
general public, instead it was meant to be a leisure center exclusively for
Hershey Candy Company employees.
April 24-25, 1908 - In Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and
Georgia, 310 people were killed by 18 tornadoes.
April 24, 1912 – The Evergreen Courant reported that Prof.
J.T. McKee of Cullman had been elected President of the Agricultural School in
Evergreen, Ala., succeeding Prof. H.T. Lile.
April 24, 1915 – On this Saturday afternoon, “quite a crowd
of boys and girls attended the baseball game” in the Brownville community of
Conecuh County, Ala.
April 24, 1916 – Ernest Shackleton and five men of the
Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition launched a lifeboat from uninhabited
Elephant Island in the Southern Ocean to organize a rescue for the ice-trapped
ship Endurance.
April 24, 1916 - Around noon on this
Easter Monday, some 1,600 Irish nationalists – members of the Irish Volunteers –
launched the so-called Easter Rising in Dublin, seizing a number of official
buildings and calling on all Irish patriots to resist the bonds of British
April 24, 1917 - Members of the military company stationed
in Evergreen were treated to a picnic dinner on this Wednesday on the lawn at
the home of W.H. Wild by the ladies of Evergreen under the auspices of the
local chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. The boys devoured the
splendid dinner with evident relish and were deeply appreciative of the
kindness of the good ladies, according to The Evergreen Courant.
April 24, 1918 – The Evergreen Courant reported that Eugene
Binion of Evergreen, Ala. and John Peagler of Conecuh County’s China community
had been wounded by Germans while fighting overseas in World War I.
April 24, 1922 - Alabama’s first radio station, WSY, began
broadcasting. The station was started by Alabama Power Company to help keep in
touch with line crews in isolated areas. In 1925, the station merged with
Auburn’s WMAV to become WAPI.
April 24, 1933 – The season’s shipment of Castleberry, Ala.
strawberries topped the 100-car mark on this day as 10 more cars of
strawberries were loaded. The total number of cars after April 25 stood at 111
cars, which was 78 less than in 1932.
April 24, 1933
– Nazi Germany began its persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses by shutting down
the Watch Tower Society office in Magdeburg.
April 24, 1934 - Acclaimed actress and paranormal enthusiast
Shirley MacLaine was born in Richmond, Va.
April 24, 1940 – Mystery novelist Sue Grafton was born in
Louisville, Ky.
April 24, 1947 – Evergreen High School’s baseball team
improved to 1-1 on the season with a 10-7 win over Monroe County High School.
James Carpenter got the pitching win. Ivey, Jones and Cunningham led
Evergreen’s offense with two hits each.
April 24, 1947
– German SS officer Hans Biebow was executed by hanging.
April 24, 1948 – Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. on
this Saturday for Sgt. John W. Morgan, who had been killed in Europe during
World War II, at Asbury Methodist Church in Conecuh County, Ala. Members of the
National Guard and American Legion acted as pallbearers. Morgan, age 25, was
killed on July 15, 1944. He was born on Oct. 24, 1918 and was serving with the
12th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division when killed.
April 24, 1948 – Novelist and journalist Clare Boylan was
born in Dublin.
April 24, 1955 - Mixonville, of the Conecuh Amateur Baseball
League, beat Lyeffion, 19-10, on this Sunday at Mixonville. Mixonville scored
seven runs in the first inning off Lyeffion right-hander Gene Davis.
Mixonville’s big righthander, Charlie Roberts, turned in a marvelous piece of
pitching until the eighth when he had to be relieved by southpaw Lavail
Robinson. Roberts struck out 11 batters and allowed only five hits during his
pitching stint. Stuckey, Mixon, Lane and H. Pugh led the batting for
April 24, 1955 - The Monroe County entry in the Dixie
Amateur Baseball League, unleashing a powerful 14-hit attack at the State Farm
on this Sunday afternoon, tallied four runs in the eighth inning to break a tie
and defeat the State Farm squad, 11-7. Leftfielder Les Prouty tripled after one
man was out and scored what proved to be the winning run on Forrest Watkins’
grounder to second base. Other players on the Monroe team included Al Clenner,
Ben Cooper, Reg Cooper, Paul Fowler, Frank Hadley and Curt Wideman.
April 24, 1961 - Sandy Koufax of the Los Angeles Dodgers
struck out 18 batters, becoming the first Major League pitcher to do so on two
different occasions.
April 24, 1967 - At a news
conference in Washington, General William Westmoreland, senior U.S. commander
in South Vietnam, caused controversy by saying that the enemy had “gained
support in the United States that gives him hope that he can win politically
that which he cannot win militarily.”
April 24, 1971 - North Vietnamese
troops hit Allied installations throughout South Vietnam.
April 24, 1972 – Major League Baseball third baseman and
left fielder Chipper Jones was born in DeLand, Fla. He would go on to play his
entire career for the Atlanta Braves.
April 24, 1973 – Novelist and short-story writer Judy
Budnitz was born in Atlanta, Ga.
April 24, 1985 - A $10-million manufacturers’ outlet retail
complex for Monroeville, Ala. was announced on this Wednesday, with
groundbreaking expected to take place within six weeks. Plans for Monroeville
Outlet Center were announced jointly by Monroe County Probate Judge Otha Lee
Biggs, Monroeville Mayor Pro Tempore Bill Owens and Gary Lyle, a partner in the
project developer, Manufacturers Retail Outlets, Inc. of Huntsville. The
announcement was made on this Wednesday morning at the office of Plaza Realty,
a Monroeville real-estate firm that had done the local legwork for the project.
Monroeville Outlet Center was to be built on 20 acres across Drewry Road from
the VF Outlet Store.
April 24, 1989
– Miss Alabama USA 2012 and model Katherine Webb was born in Montgomery, Ala.
April 24, 1990 - The Hubble Space Telescope, one of NASA's
longest lasting science missions, was launched. Funding for the mission to
build and launch a large space telescope was approved by Congress in 1977. NASA
chose Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama to manage the design,
development, and construction of telescope. The telescope was officially named
in honor of Edwin P. Hubble, one of America's foremost astronomers, in 1983.
Since its launch, Hubble has beamed hundreds of thousands of images back to
Earth and transformed the way scientists look at the universe.
April 24, 1996 - Monroe Academy wrapped up its
non-conference schedule on this Wednesday at Escambia Academy at Canoe, beating
the Cougars, 13-6. Keith Gohagin, a senior center fielder, went four-for-four
at the plate, slapping two doubles. Other players on MA’s baseball team that
season included Trey Andrews, Travis Black, Justin Brown, Bud Hare, Ashley
Hayward, Rob Hudson, Jake McCall. Joey Cameron was MA’s head baseball coach.
April 24, 1999 - The first Alabama Bound book fair was held
in Birmingham, Ala.
April 24, 1999 – Evergreen’s Little League was scheduled to
hold its opening day ceremonies on this Saturday at 10 a.m. at Evergreen City
April 24, 1999 – Monroe County High School was scheduled to
play Area 3 runner-up Andalusia High School in the opening round of the Class
5A state baseball playoffs. The game was scheduled to begin on this Saturday at
2 p.m. in Monroeville. MCHS entered the playoffs with a 20-10 record and a
third straight Area 2 championship under head coach Reid Utsey. Players on
MCHS’s team that year included Jonathan Black, Ben Busby, Trent Eager, Justin
Hawarah, P.J. Holley, Curt Hutcherson, Eric Johnson, Jason Moye and Jamie
April 24, 2000 – A ground-breaking ceremony was held at the
site of the EverFun playground site at Evergreen Municipal Park in Evergreen,
Ala. Mayor Lomax Cassady and Zebbie Nix unearthed the first two shovelfuls of
dirt and the work began.
April 24, 2003 – Army Sgt. Troy Jenkins, age 25, a graduate
of Hillcrest High School in Evergreen, Ala., died from wounds received as a
result of an explosion April 19, 2003 while on a dismounted patrol with other
soldiers in Iraq. He died at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany.
He was assigned to B Co., 3rd Bat., 187th Inf. Reg., Ft. Campbell, Ky. He was
buried in Riverside, Calif.
April 24, 2007 - The 35th Judicial Circuit Drug Task Force
executed a search warrant at a residence on Magnolia Avenue in Evergreen, Ala.
and seized 29 grams of methamphetamine ice, one of the purest forms of
methamphetamine. To qualify as ice, the meth must be at least 98 percent pure.
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