Sunday, April 9, 2017

110-year-old news highlights from The Monroe Journal from April 1907

John McDuffie
The Monroe Journal newspaper in Monroeville, Ala., under the direction of editor and proprietor Q. Salter, published four editions 110 years ago during the month of April 1907. Those issues, which were dated April 4, April 11, April 18 and April 25, can be found on microfilm at the Monroe County Library in Monroeville, Ala. What follows are a few news highlights from those editions. Enjoy.

APRIL 4, 1907

Messrs. V.H. and J.H. Herlong of Manistee are here this week.

The spring term of the Monroe County Circuit Court convened on Monday, Judge John T. Lackland presiding and Solicitor Gray representing the State. The afternoon was devoted to the organization of the grand and petit juries and the docket civil taken up Tuesday morning. Mr. T.W. Russell was made foreman and Mr. S.M. Roberts bailiff of the grand jury.

Mr. S.H. Dailey of Tunnel Springs is occupying his accustomed position as court bailiff this week. Mr. Dailey wears his good right arm in a sling in consequence of a recent accident which resulted in a broken arm.

Mr. Woodford Mabry, the noted lecturer and orator, delivered his celebrated lecture “Thoughts on Life” at the courthouse on Monday night to a large and appreciative audience. Those who heard it pronounced it a superb effort.

The Monroe County Medical Society held its annual session in Monroeville on Wednesday, Dr. F.S. Dailey, president, presiding and an unusually large number of the members in attendance, among whom were the following: Drs. John Dailey, W.A. Stallworth, J.F. Busey, S.B. McMillan, G.H. Harper, D.R. Nettles, - Hailes, W.M. Hestle, T.M. McMillan and W.T. Bayles. Drs. F.S. Dailey and W.M. Hestle were elected delegates to the State Medical Association which meets in Mobile on the 16th inst. Drs. Nettles and Harper were named as alternates.

APRIL 11, 1907

B.H. Stallworth, Esq., of Beatrice is assisting Sheriff Fountain during this term of circuit court.

The commissioners court held a two days session here this week with a full board in attendance.

Hon. John McDuffie, Monroe’s distinguished young representative in the legislature, was down from his plantation for a few days last week, exchanging cordial greetings with his many friends.

Memorial services will be held at the Philadelphia Baptist Church on Sat., April 20. Dinner will be served on the ground and the people of the community expect to make it a great occasion. Mr. W.R. Sawyer of Montgomery, who was born in the county and whose parents worshipped in the old church, will deliver the memorial address. This church was constituted in April 1840 with John H. Dailey and William Helton as its first deacons and Drury A. Randalson as clerk. The late Rev. John McWilliams was the pastor from its organization until 1870, a period of 30 years. Rev. S.P. Lindsey is the present pastor.

Drs. McMillan and Bayles have removed their office from the old courthouse to the offices adjoining the drug store.

CHESTNUT: Mr. H.L. Dailey returned home from Selma Sunday accompanied by Miss Maggie Dailey, who was placed in the Insanitarium at Tuscaloosa for treatment some months ago.

APRIL 18, 1907

Hon. J.N. Miller of Camden was at the capital of Monroe the first of the week.

Dr. C.F. McKinley of River Ridge, this county, was graduated from the Alabama Medical College at the recent commencement at Mobile.

Rev. Mr. Gilmore, the new pastor of the Baptist Church at this place, filled his first regular appointment here last Sunday.

Mr. Marion Mixon, whose parents reside at Burnt Corn, this county, was killed by a falling smokestack during the fire which destroyed the big lumber plant at River Falls last Saturday. The body was taken to Burnt Corn for burial.

Closing Exercises of the Monroe Institute, May 12 to May 16: Following is in brief the program for the closing exercises of the Monroe Institute:
Sun., May 12, at the 11 o’clock service at the Baptist church, Rev. Mr. Gilmore will deliver a special sermon to the patrons and friends of the school.
Monday evening, May 13, at 7:30 o’clock at the courthouse, Hon. Robert H. Mangum of Selma will deliver an address.
Tuesday evening, May 14 at 7:30 o’clock, contest for the L.J. Bugg Medal for Declamation by six boys. Contest for Trustees Medal for Elocution by six girls.
Wednesday evening 7:30 o’clock, concert and exercises by primary and music pupils.
Thursday evening 7:30 o’clock, concert and exercises by the high school. Delivery of medals. Announcements.

ELECTION NOTICE: Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the courthouse in Monroeville, Ala. on Monday the 6th day of May 1907, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and five Councilmen for the town of Monroeville for the ensuing year. – J.B. Barnett, Mayor.

APRIL 25, 1907

Owing to the insufficient supply of gasoline on hand The Journal is somewhat late this week.

Mr. W.B. Jones is now serving in the important capacity as Deputy Sheriff for Mr. M.M. Fountain.

Messrs. M.M. Fountain, W.G. McCorvey, T.M. McMillan, Q. Salter, D.K. Smith, J.B. Barnett and I.B. Slaughter attended a meeting of the Masonic Lodge at Mobile the first of the week.

ATTACKS PREACHER: Mr. Talley of Evergreen Assaulted in Florida by Superintendent of Education: Rev. C.S. Talley, pastor of the Methodist Church of Evergreen, who has just returned from Milton, Fla., where he assisted the pastor of the Milton church in a series of revival services, says he was assaulted Monday night, April 15th, by a prominent citizen of Milton.
Saturday night he states he preached a sermon on the subject of morality, and in the course of his remarks he made the statement that the county superintendent of education, Mr. McDaniel, who is a resident of Milton, and a well known and prominent citizen, had refused to sign a petition requesting the commissioners court to call an election for the purpose of giving the citizens the privilege of voting on the question of the sale of liquor, alleging that it would injure him in his candidacy for re-election.
Mr. Talley said he declared that a public official who possessed no more moral stamina ought to be defeated, or words to that effect. Mr. McDaniel took exception to these remarks. Monday night after the usual service was over, and the congregation had dispersed, Mr. Talley says he emerged from the church at the rear to go to his apartments at the parsonage in the darkness alone, he was met by Mr. McDaniel, who dealt him a terrible blow, supposedly by his naked fist, behind the left ear, producing a wound which will require several days to heal. Mr. Talley says he was utterly surprised at the assault, and before he could gain his equilibrium there were several other friends of Mr. McDaniel at his side ready to assist him.
Mr. Talley was at once taken inside the church and from there to the parsonage, which was not over 100 feet from the church, where he was given medial attention.
It is said that all efforts to get the sheriff of the county or marshal of the town to arrest Mr. McDaniel were fruitless. In fact, it is said that not only the sheriff and marshal but the mayor of the town and judge of probate of the county said publicly that Mr. McDaniel acted right, and refused to take any action in the matter whatever.
The membership of the Methodist church of this place, as well as the citizens generally of the town, express indignation over this assault on one of Evergreen’s citizens. They will ask the Governor of Florida to use his power to prosecute Mr. McDaniel. – Montgomery Advertiser.

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