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Louis Hayles of Eliska, Ala. |
April 25, 1599 – English military and political leader
Oliver Cromwell was born in Huntingdonshire, England.
April 25, 1777 – Nicholas Stallworth Sr., one of the original
settlers of Conecuh County, Ala., was born in Edgefield District, South
Carolina. He died at the age of 59 on Dec. 6, 1836 and is buried in the Old
Evergreen Cemetery.
April 25, 1781 - British General Lord Charles Cornwallis
retreated to Wilmington, North Carolina from Guilford Courthouse after having
been defeated by a militia under the command of American Major General
Nathanael Greene.
April 25, 1792 - The guillotine was first used to execute
highwayman Nicolas J. Pelletier.
April 25, 1831 – The New York and Harlem Railroad Co. was
incorporated as one of the first railroads in the country, and was the first
streetcar railway in the world.
April 25, 1846 - The Mexican-American War ignited as a
result of disputes over claims to Texas boundaries. The outcome of the war
fixed Texas' southern boundary at the Rio Grande River.
April 25, 1861 – Store clerk Alfred Christian of Evergreen,
Ala., a native of Virginia, enlisted in the Confederate army at Sparta in
Conecuh County, Ala. Christian was elected Brevet
2nd Lt., and his commission expired on Oct. 9, 1862 at Raccoon Ford, Va. He was
appointed second lieutenant, and his commission expired on July 3, 1863 at
Gettysburg. He was named orderly sergeant and was appointed first lieutenant on
Feb. 6, 1864. Christian survived the war and moved to Texas. At the time
of his enlistment, Alfred lived with his brother, George Christian, who briefly
served as Evergreen’s postmaster in 1856-57. When the Civil War began, George
was exempted from service because he was a Justice of the Peace. George
Christian is buried in the Burford Cemetery, but has no grave marker.
April 25, 1861 – During the Civil
War, 12,500 muskets from the St. Louis Arsenal were removed to keep them out of
Confederate hands. Missouri was on the verge of secession, and St. Louis held
one of the largest Federal arsenals west of the Appalachians. The Union needed
those guns to equip the troops who would soon be flooding into Cairo. Captain
Stokes, with a few soldiers, were given orders and a steamship and set forth.
The party landed in the middle of the night and started hauling guns.
April 25, 1861 – During the Civil
War, Fort Stockton, Texas was abandoned by Federal forces, and Federal troops
were captured in Saluria, Texas.
April 25, 1861 – During the Civil
War, the 7th New York Infantry arrived in Washington, D.C. for its defense.
April 25, 1862 – During the Civil War, forces under Union
Admiral David Farragut demanded the surrender of the Confederate city of New
Orleans, Louisiana. Union troops officially took possession on April 29.
April 25, 1862 – During the Civil War,
skirmishes were fought along the Corinth Road in Mississippi; near Monagan
Springs, Mo.; and at Socorro in the New Mexico Territory. Federal forces
captured Fort Macon, N.C.
April 25, 1863 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought near Fort Bowie with Apache Indians in the Arizona
Territory; at Webber’s Fall in the Indian Territory with the Pro-South Cherokee
Indians under Colonel Stand Watie; with Apache Indians at Apache Pass in the
New Mexico Territory; at Greenland Gap, West Virginia. Major General Grants’
forces began a movement through Louisiana to Hard Times. Skirmishes also occur
at Phelp’s Bayou, Clark’s Bayou, and Lake Bruin, La.
April 25, 1864 – During the Civil War, the Battle of Marks'
Mills took place in Cleveland County, Ark. During the battle, Confederate
forces under General James Fagan captured a Union wagon train attempting to
supply Federal forces at Camden, Ark. Union General Frederick Steele was forced
to withdraw back to Little Rock.
April 25, 1864 - After facing defeat in the Red River
Campaign, Union General Nathaniel Banks returned to Alexandria, La.
April 25, 1864 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought at Moro Bottom, Ark.; at Cotile Landing, La.; and
out from Natchez, Miss. A three-day Federal operation between Bull’s Cap and
the Watauga River in Tennessee also began.
April 25, 1865 – Having departed the battlefield at Blakely
near Mobile, Ala. on April 14, the Federal 16th Corps under Major General A.J.
Smith arrived in Montgomery, formally beginning the Union occupation of the
city of Montgomery.
April 25, 1865 – During the Civil
War, Federal reconnaissance was conducted from Pine Bluff to Rodger’s
Plantation, Ark. Skirmishes were fought at Linn Creek, Mo. and in Fairfax
County, Va. in the vicinity of Hunter’s Mills.
April 25, 1873 – Writer Howard R. Garis was born in
Binghamton, N.Y.
April 25, 1882
– During the Tonkin Campaign, French and Vietnamese troops clashed in Tonkin,
when Commandant Henri Rivière seized the citadel of Hanoi with a small force of
marine infantry.
April 25, 1884 – At the Calhoun House in downtown
Huntsville, Ala., which was used as a federal courthouse, desperado Frank James
was tried and found not guilty for the robbery of a government payroll near
Muscle Shoals, Ala. on May 11, 1881. One of his defense attorneys was
Huntsville’s LeRoy Pope Walker, first secretary of war of the Confederate
States of America.
April 25, 1886 - Miss Ella Tucker, who had been visiting
relatives in Mobile, returned home on this Sunday, according to The Monroe
April 25, 1891 – Army Pvt. Louis Hayles of Eliska, Ala. was
born. Hayles was killed in action at the age of 27 during World War I on Nov.
11, 1918 - one day before the war ended. He was a member of the 321st
Infantry S.F. Division at the time of his death. He is buried in the Mount
Pleasant Methodist Church Cemetery in Monroe County.
April, 25, 1892 – French explorer of the Sahara, Henri
Duveyrier, passed away at the age of 52 in Sevres, a suburb of Paris.
April 25, 1892 – Estonian-German geologist and explorer Karl
von Ditmar passed away at the age of 69 in Tartu, Livonia.
April 25, 1895 – The Monroe Journal reported that “the white
cap fever is not raging quite so high as for some time past (in the Jones Mill
community). We have heard of several parties receiving written notice to leave
the community. We presume, the grand jury will put a quietus on this kind of
April 25, 1898 - The United States declared war on Spain one
day after Spain had declared war on the U.S., marking the start of the
Spanish-American War.
April 25, 1901 - The American League debuted at the Chicago
Cricket Club. Chicago defeated Cleveland, 8-2.
April 25, 1905 - Dr. R.A. Smith of Monroeville, Ala. left
for New York to accompany a patient who was to be operated upon.
April 25, 1907 - Alabama author Sara Elizabeth Mason was
April 25, 1909 – National Baseball Hall of Fame third
baseman John Franklin "Home Run" Baker hit his first and only grand slam.
April 25, 1915
– During World War I, the Battle of Gallipoli began. The invasion of the
Turkish Gallipoli Peninsula by British, French, Indian, Newfoundland, Australian
and New Zealand troops, began with landings at Anzac Cove and Cape Helles.
April 25, 1917 – Ella Fitzgerald, the “First Lady of Song,”
was born in Newport News, Va.
April 25, 1917 - Dr. R.I. Kearley and Dr. G.H. Bruns,
Veterinary Inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, were in Monroeville from
Andalusia on this Wednesday.
April 25, 1917 – The Evergreen Courant reported that
merchants and businessmen of Evergreen had signed the usual agreement to close
their places at 6 p.m., Saturdays excepted, from May 1 to Sept. 1.
April 25, 1920 – At the San Remo conference, the principal Allied
Powers of World War I adopted a resolution to determine the allocation of Class
"A" League of Nations mandates for administration of the former Ottoman-ruled
lands of the Middle East.
April 25, 1928 – Buddy, the first Seeing Eye dog, was
presented to Morris S. Frank.
April 25, 1933 – The organizational meeting of the Central
Alabama Baseball League was held in Greenville, Ala. on this Tuesday with four
clubs as members – Evergreen, Greenville, Ft. Deposit and Luverne. League
officers included Lucian Glass of Ft. Deposit, president, and Loyce Hyde of
Evergreen, Merrit McLendon of Luverne, Carl Golson of Ft. Deposit and Floyd
Ziegler of Greenville, league directors.
April 25, 1939 – Former U.S. Poet Laureate Ted Kooser was
born in Ames, Iowa.
April 25, 1940 – The Evergreen Courant reported that
Tallassee won the opening baseball game of the season in Brewton by a score of
4-3 over the Millers. Knatzer pitched a steady game and the Brewton club
rallied in the ninth inning to score one run and put the tying run on base.
April 25, 1942 – Judge Chauncey Sparks, who was running for
Alabama governor, was scheduled to speak from a band stand in Evergreen’s
business section on this Saturday at 4 p.m. Sparks went on to serve as governor
form Jan. 19, 1943 to Jan. 20, 1947.
April 25, 1944 - The United Negro
College Fund was established by Tuskegee president F. D. Patterson after
convincing 26 other black colleges to "pool their small monies and make a
united appeal to the national conscience."
April 25, 1945 - Albert B. "Happy" Chandler was
unanimously elected Major League Baseball’s commissioner.
April 25, 1945
– On what is now known as Elbe Day, United States and Soviet troops met in
Torgau along the River Elbe, cutting the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany in
two, a milestone in the approaching end of World War II in Europe.
April 25, 1945
– The Nazi occupation army surrendered and left Northern Italy after a general
partisan insurrection by the Italian resistance movement; the puppet fascist
regime dissolved and Benito Mussolini was captured after trying to escape. This
day was set as a public holiday to celebrate the Liberation of Italy.
April 25, 1949 – Poet and journalist James Fenton was born
in Lincoln, England.
April 25, 1951 – Army Cpl. Terry Stiggins McCall, 19, of
Escambia County, Ala. was killed in action in Korea. He was awarded the Bronze
Star Medal and Purple Heart. He was a member of Co. H, 7th Infantry,
3rd Armored Division. Born on April 24, 1932, he is buried in
Barrancas National Cemetery in Pensacola, Fla.
April 25, 1951 – A large stone marker was erected by the
United Daughters of the Confederacy at the grave of Gen. John Herbert Kelly of
Wilcox County in Magnolia Cemetery in Mobile.
April 25, 1952 – Novelist Padgett Powell was born in Gainesville,
April 25, 1954 - A television version of Alabama author
Ambrose Bierce's story "Vengeance" was broadcast as part of the “Your
Favorite Story” series.
April 25, 1955 - The City of Monroeville began the task on
this Monday of putting up new street markers at all intersections within the
corporate limits of the town. Chief of Police Alex Stevens supervised the job
which was expected to take about two weeks. The marking of the streets was one
of the steps necessary before Monroeville could obtain city mail delivery.
April 25-27, 1955 - Approximately 80 percent of Monroe
County, Alabama’s first and second graders took the Salk Polio vaccinations on
this Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, according to the County Health Department.
County health nurses Mrs. Virginia Owens and Mrs. Louise Kimbrell administered
the vaccine, which was furnished by the National Foundation for Infantile
Paralysis, free of charge. There are 540 white and 1,043 colored first and
second graders in Monroe County.
April 25, 1957 – The Evergreen Courant reported that, just
as they were going to press, they learned that a woman had been killed and a
man and child were injured in a one-car accident two miles north of the Ray
Brothers Store on Highway 31 North of Evergreen, Ala. An ID card on the man
identified him as James Cannon of 809 North M St., Pensacola, Fla. The woman
and child were not identified in the story.
April 25, 1959 – The Saint Lawrence Seaway, a waterway
system of locks, canals and channels that connects the Great Lakes to the
Atlantic Ocean, opened. The first ship to navigate the seaway was an
icebreaker, the D'Iberville.
April 25, 1960 – The United States Navy submarine
USS Triton completed the first submerged circumnavigation of the globe.
April 25, 1961 - A television version of Alabama author Mary
Elizabeth Counselman's story "Parasite Mansion" was broadcast as part
of the “Thriller” series.
April 25, 1963 – The Evergreen Courant reported that an
article titled “County Organized for Farm-to-Market Roadwork,” written by
Conecuh County Engineer Marion Wilkins, had been published in the April 1963
issue of “Rural Roads,” a nationally circulated magazine concerned with the
building of federal, state, county and township roads.
April 25, 1964 - President Lyndon B.
Johnson announced that General William Westmoreland, one of the war’s most
controversial figures, would replace General Paul Harkins as head of U.S.
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV) as of June 20, effectively putting
Westmoreland in charge of all American military forces in Vietnam.
April 25, 1966 – Monroe County High
School’s baseball team beat Frisco City, 5-1. Gary Downs at the winning pitcher
for MCHS, allowing five hits with Frisco getting its only run in the sixth
inning. Jim Kelly was the losing pitcher for Frisco City. The loss dropped FCHS
to 3-4 on the season.
April 25, 1969 – Zilda Lee Kendall, the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Kendall Jr. of Evergreen, Ala., married Carl Joseph Christopher in
Ankara, Turkey. The couple had been employed with the Overseas Dependent School
of the United States Department of Defense for the past three years.
April 25, 1972 - Hanoi’s 320th
Division drove 5,000 South Vietnamese troops into retreat and trapped about
2,500 others in a border outpost northwest of Kontum in the Central Highlands as
part of the ongoing North Vietnamese Nguyen Hue Offensive, also known as the
“Easter Offensive,” which included an invasion by 120,000 North Vietnamese
April 25, 1974 - Pam Morrison, Jim Morrison's widow, died of
a heroin overdose at the age of 27.
April 25, 1974 - Tampa Bay was awarded the NFL's 27th franchise.
April 25, 1975
– As North Vietnamese forces closed in on the South Vietnamese capital Saigon,
the Australian Embassy was closed and evacuated, almost 10 years to the day
since the first Australian troop commitment to South Vietnam.
April 25, 1976
– NBA power forward and center Tim Duncan was born in Christiansted, U.S.
Virgin Islands. He went on to play for Wake Forest and the San Antonio Spurs.
April 25, 1981 – NFL running back Dwone Hicks was born in
Huntsville, Ala. He went on to play for Lee High School in Huntsville, Middle
Tennessee State and the Tennessee Titans.
April 25, 1985 – The Evergreen Courant reported that Darrin
Bradley of Evergreen High School had signed an athletic grant-in-aid basketball
scholarship with Alcorn State University in Lorman, Miss. Coach Dero Wise
played a big role in getting the college scouts to come to Evergreen and look
at Darrin. He was the son of Miss Jeanette Bradley of Evergreen. Darrin, a
six-foot, three-inch senior guard, led the EHS basketball team to a 22-5 record
during the 1984-85 season.
April 25, 1985 – The Evergreen Courant reported that a
delegation of the Alabama Farm Bureau Federation recently visited Washington,
D.C. and Congressman Bill Dickinson. The delegation included John Cook and
James Cook of Conecuh County, Ala. Dickinson talked to the members of the
Bureau about the 1985 Farm Bill, which was up for renewal that year, and major
agriculture concerns in the Second Congressional District.
April 25, 1985 – In this day’s edition of The Evergreen
Courant, Paul M. Harden, Attorney at Law, announced the opening of a branch
office in Evergreen on Tuesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Court Square.
April 25, 1985 – The Monroe Journal reported that Monroe
Academy’s baseball team had won four of its last five games with help from
excellent pitching by Steve Lambert to post an 11-4 overall mark as of Tues.,
April 23. Lambert, a senior right-handed hurler, captured decisions over South
Choctaw, Jackson Academy and Sparta Academy during this stretch to bring his
pitching record to 6-1 on the season. Junior Patrick Brown picked up the
Volunteers’ other win during that week with a decision over Glenwood Academy.
Other players on MA’s team that year included Rob Carter, Donald Foster, Ricky
Horton, Michael McCrory, Sean Sawyer, Shane Sawyer, Stephen Simmons and Robert
Thames. MA’s head coach was Jeff Myers.
April 25, 1990 - The crew of space shuttle Discovery placed
the Hubble Space Telescope into a Low Earth Orbit. Initially, Hubble's
operators suffered a setback when a lens aberration was discovered, but a
repair mission by space-walking astronauts in December 1993 successfully fixed
the problem, and Hubble began sending back its first breathtaking images of the
April 25, 1994 - The spring term of Conecuh County Civil
Jury Docket was scheduled to open on this Monday at 9 a.m. with Circuit Judge
Sam Welch presiding. Judge Welch had four cases set for trial next week.
April 25, 1995 - Darryl Strawberry was sentenced to three
years probation, six months of house confinement and a $350,000 fine.
Strawberry had avoided prison for tax evasion.
April 25, 1996 - The Minnesota Twins and the Detroit Tigers
combined for the most runs in 26 years. The Twins won with a final score of
April 25, 1997 – Walter Eugene “Gene” Garrett of Uriah, Ala.
passed away at the age of 68 in a Mobile hospital. He was a 1947 graduate of
Marion Institute and a 1953 graduate of the University of Alabama. He received
his law degree from Alabama in 1953 and went on to serve as a state legislator,
special judge and member of the Alabama Constitution Revision Committee. In
1963, he purchased the historic King Plantation House at Packer’s Bend and
moved it board by board to Uriah.
April 25, 2011 – Sweetwater Mansion in Florence, Ala. was
featured on an episode of A&E’s “Paranormal State.”
April 25-28, 2011 – The April 25–28, 2011 tornado outbreak
devastated parts of the Southeastern United States, especially the states of
Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and Tennessee. Two hundred and five tornadoes
touched down on April 27 alone, killing more than 300 and injuring hundreds
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