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Russell McWhortor Cunningham |
April 11, 1692 – In connection with the Salem witchcraft
trials, Sarah Cloyce and Elizabeth Proctor were examined before Deputy Governor
Thomas Danforth and members of the Governor's Council. On the same day
Elizabeth's husband, John Proctor, became the first man accused of witchcraft
and was jailed.
April 11, 1721 - Missionary David Zeisberger was born in
Zauchental, Moravia. His Native American converts were slaughtered by
Pennsylvania militiamen in the Gnaddenhuetten Massacre of 1781.
April 11, 1722 – Poet Christopher Smart was born in
Shipbourne, England.
April 11, 1783 - After receiving a copy of the provisional
treaty on March 13, the U.S. Congress proclaimed a formal end to hostilities
with Great Britain.
April 11, 1825 – During his tour of the United States, the
Marquis de Lafayette arrived in Chalmette, Louisiana (site of the 1815 Battle
of New Orleans). Remaining in New Orleans for several days of festivities, he
lodged in the Cabildo (the site of the Louisiana Purchase transfer ceremonies
in 1803).
April 11, 1846 – Nelson Plumb became postmaster at Burnt
Corn, Ala.
April 11, 1861 – During the Civil
War, Confederate forces demanded the evacuation of Fort Sumter, S.C.
April 11, 1862 – During the Civil War, Huntsville, Ala. was
occupied by Federal forces.
April 11, 1862 - Confederate Colonel Charles Olmstead
surrendered Fort Pulaski, which guarded the mouth of the Savannah River in
Georgia, after a two-day Union bombardment tore great holes in the massive
April 11, 1862 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought in the vicinity of Shiloh, Mo. and near Wartrace,
Tenn. Also, the CSS Virginia (Merrimac) captured three Federal merchant ships
in Hampton Roads, Va.
April 11, 1863 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought near Colorado City in the Colorado Territory; at
Webber’s Falls in the Indian Territory; near Pattersonville, La.; at Courtney’s
Plantation, Miss.; and at Suffolk, Williamsburg and near Blackwater, Va. A
12-day Federal operation between Camp Douglas and Spanish Fork Canon, in the
Utah Territory, began. An eight-day Federal operation between Beverly and
Franklin, West Virginia began. A Federal operation between La Grange and
Saulbury, Tenn. began. Federal cavalry forces departed Nashville for a raid
into Georgia.
April 11, 1864 – During the Civil War, skirmishes were
fought at Kelly’s Plantation and Caperton’s Ferry, Ala.
April 11, 1864 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought near Little Rock, Ark., and another at Richland
Creek, Ark.; near Columbus and another in Charlton County, Mo.; and in the
vicinity of Greenwich, Va., at Catlett’s Station. A three-day Federal
reconnaissance between Rossville and La Fayette, Ga. began.
April 11, 1864 - Alabama author Robert Loveman was born in
Cleveland, Ohio.
April 11, 1865 – During the Civil War, a skirmish was fought
at Mt. Pleasant in Monroe County, Ala. Union forces consisted of a brigade
strength cavalry detachment under the command of Brigadier General T.J. Lucas
that included the 2nd New York Veteran Cavalry Regiment, the 1st Louisiana
Cavalry Regiment, a detachment of the 2nd Illinois Cavalry regiment, and two
sections (four cannons) of the 2nd Massachusetts Light Artillery. Confederate
forces consisted of local militia from Monroe and Baldwin counties. Confederate
casualties from the battle were five killed and six slightly wounded. Federal
casualties were three killed and nine wounded, including one officer of the 1st
Louisiana Cavalry.
April 11, 1865 – During the Civil War, Confederate forces
evacuated Mobile, Ala. and begin a withdrawal toward Meridian, Miss.
April 11, 1865 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought at Saint Charles, Ark.; and near Beulah, Pikeville,
Mocksville, Shallow Ford, and Smithfield, N.C. A two-day Federal reconnaissance
from Winchester, Va. to Timber Ridge, West Virginia began.
April 11, 1876 – James Uriah Blacksher was born, the son of
David Wesley Blacksher and Maggie McGowin. He passed away on Aug. 3, 1934 and is buried in Magnolia Cemetery in Mobile, Ala.
April 11, 1878 – Prominent Monroe County, Ala. attorney Francis
William Hare was born at Oak Bowery in Chambers County, Ala. In 1898, he was manager
of Auburn’s football and baseball teams, later represented Monroe County in the
State House of Representatives. He passed away on April 18, 1952 and is buried in the Methodist Cemetery in Monroeville, Ala.
April 11, 1881 – Spelman College, originally known as the
Atlanta Baptist Female Seminary, was founded in the basement of Friendship
Baptist Church in Atlanta by two white teachers from New England, Sophia
Packard and Harriet Giles.
April 11, 1887 – Monroe County Commissioners Court was scheduled
to convene on this Monday.
April 11, 1890 – Joseph Merrick, also known as the “Elephant
Man,” passed away at the age of 27 in the London Hospital, Whitechapel, London,
April 11, 1895 – The Monroe Journal reported that the “White
Caps” had been operating recently in the neighborhood of Tekoa in Monroe
April 11, 1897 – Dr. J.S. Jenkins of Pineville, Ala. died at
the age of 78. Born on Dec. 27, 1818, he was buried in the Pineville Baptist
Cemetery in Monroe County, Ala.
April 11, 1899 - The treaty ending the Spanish-American War
was declared in effect.
April 11, 1906 - Lieutenant Governor Russell M. Cunningham,
who was a candidate for governor of Alabama, addressed a large crowd of Monroe
County citizens in the Monroe County Courthouse at 1:30 p.m. on this Wednesday,
“many coming from various portions of the county especially to hear him,” The
Monroe Journal reported.
April 11, 1907 - In New York, umpire Bill Klem called a
forfeit in favor of the Phillies when Giants fans disrupted play with
April 11, 1908 – Humorist Leo Rosten was born in Lodz,
April 11, 1909 – On this Saturday morning, Evergreen, Ala.
experienced a heavy frost with the thermometer dipping down to 35 degrees. No
damage to crops were reported.
April 11, 1914 - A special meeting of Confederate veterans
was scheduled to be held in Monroeville at 3 p.m. on this Saturday, for the
election of delegates to the general Reunion and payment of dues.
April 11, 1915 – On this Sunday night, Charles Cameron of
Midway, Ala., who’d just been released from a Selma hospital, was shot three
times and instantly killed in Selma by Heyward Melton of Pineapple. Melton, who
was “said to be under the influence of intoxicants,” said he was shooting at
McDuffie Stallworth, a prominent Wilcox County man “with whom he’d had previous
trouble.” Melton escaped before the Wilcox County Sheriff arrived.
April 11, 1916 - S.D. Nettles of Tunnel Springs, government
agent for the collection of ginning statistics, visited The Monroe Journal
office on this Tuesday and said he believed there was “a general disposition
among farmers to reduce cotton acreage this year and devote more attention to
the growing of food and feed crops.”
April 11, 1916 - General J.B. Stanley, editor of The
Greenville Advocate, and Edward Doty, senior editor of The Andalusia Star,
visited The Conecuh Record office in Evergreen, Ala. on this Tuesday.
April 11, 1917 - Mr. J.O. Taylor of Monroe, La. addressed a
number of interested citizens in the circuit court room on this Wednesday
evening on methods of dealing with boll weevil in the production of cotton in
his state and incidentally urging the necessity of growing abundant food crops.
April 11, 1919 - In Paris, France, the International Labor
Organization (ILO) was founded as an independent, affiliated agency of the
League of Nations.
April 11, 1920 - Dr. W.F. Betts left Evergreen, Ala. on
this Sunday for New Orleans to attend the session of the American Medical
April 11, 1921 - The first live sports event on radio took
place this day on KDKA Radio. The event was a boxing match between Johnny Ray
and Johnny Dundee.
April 11, 1921 – Evergreen, Ala. received 3-1/2 inches of
rain on this day, according to The Evergreen Courant.
April 11, 1934 – Poet Mark Strand was born in Summerside,
Prince Edward Island, Canada.
April 11, 1935 – The Evergreen Courant reported that Coach
E.L. McInnis was holding daily workouts with the players on Evergreen’s
baseball team, these practices having begun about a week before. Excellent
progress was reported with prospects for one of the best teams Evergreen had
had in several years. Virtually all of the players on the team last year were
going out each afternoon at three o’clock for practice at Gantt Field, as well
as a number of new players. Among those who had been going out who did not play
last season were: Mac English, pitcher; “Red” Hardin, catcher; “Mutt” Wilson,
third base; Chas. English, catcher.
April 11, 1935 – The Evergreen Courant reported that
engineers from the State Highway Department were engaged in making a survey
preparatory to the construction of an overhead crossing over the railroad at
Owassa. The work had been in progress for the previous week. The construction
of this crossing was scheduled to begin just as soon as funds became available
from the Federal government, a large amount of the $4,800,000,000 works measure
enacted by Congress having been set aside for this purpose.
April 11, 1935 – The Evergreen Courant reported that Mrs.
W.J. Donovan and Mrs. J.E. Jones attended the Alabama Federation of Music Clubs
in Selma during the previous week.
April 11, 1935 – The Evergreen Courant reported that Misses
Mildred Wild, Bess Yarbrough, Alice Croom, Nell Glenn and Ruth Moorer of the
Alabama College at Montevallo, were spending the Spring holidays at home.
April 11, 1935 – The Evergreen Courant reported that Mary
Louis Mixon left during the previous week for Nashville, Tenn., where she was
to enroll for training at the Davidson County Hospital.
April 11, 1941 – Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Ellen
Goodman was born Ellen Holtz in Newton, Mass.
April 11, 1944 – NFL defensive back Joe Beauchamp was born
in Chicago, Ill. He would go on to play for Iowa State and the San Diego
April 11, 1945 – The U.S. Army liberated the Buchenwald
concentration camp near Weimar, Germany, a camp that was judged second only to
Auschwitz in the horrors it imposed on its prisoners.
April 11, 1947 - Jackie Robinson became the first black
player in major-league history when he played in an exhibition game for the
Brooklyn Dodgers.
April 11, 1949 – Writer Dorothy Allison was born in
Greenville, S.C.
April 11, 1950 - The Evergreen High School Aggies opened the
1950 baseball season in Andalusia on this Tuesday afternoon, dropping a 5-1
decision to Andalusia High School. Jack Cunningham, senior southpaw hurler,
pitched for Evergreen and allowed five hits. At the plate, the Aggies collected
only three hits. Bertie Hassel led the Evergreen with two hits, and Bobby
“Pistol Pete” Wells got the team’s only other hit.
April 11, 1951 – Major League Baseball pitcher Sid Monge was
born in Auga Prieta, New Mexico. He would go on to pitch for the California
Angels, the Cleveland Indians, the Philadelphia Phillies, the San Diego Padres
and the Detroit Tigers.
April 11, 1951 – The Stone of Scone, the stone upon which
Scottish monarchs were traditionally crowned, was found on the site of the
altar of Arbroath Abbey. It had been taken by Scottish nationalist students
from its place in Westminster Abbey.
April 11, 1953 – National Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher Kid
Nichols passed away in Kansas City, Mo. at the age of 83. During his career, he
played for the Boston Beaneaters, the St. Louis Cardinals and the Philadelphia
Phillies. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1949.
April 11, 1961
– The trial of Adolf Eichmann began in Jerusalem.
April 11, 1963 – The crew of a Boeing 707 on a flight from
San Juan to New York reported seeing at 1:30 p.m., 20 minutes after takeoff,
the ocean “rising into a great round mound” that grew to a diameter of half a
mile to a mile with a height of about half its width. The incident occurred in
the Bermuda Triangle and over the Puerto Rico Trench, where the sea reaches a
depth of 5-1/2 miles.
April 11, 1963 - One hundred U.S.
troops of the Hawaiian-based 25th Infantry Division were ordered to temporary
duty with military units in South Vietnam to serve as machine gunners aboard
Army H-21 helicopters. This was the first commitment of American combat troops
to the war and represented a quiet escalation of the U.S. commitment to the war
in Vietnam.
April 11, 1964 – Evergreen High
School’s baseball team dropped to 1-2 on the season on this Saturday night when
they lost, 1-0, to T.R. Miller in Evergreen. Sam Schad four-hit the Aggies but
needed help from Bob Watson to get the last out. Bubba Faulkner pitched a
three-hitter but lost it on an unearned run. An infield error in the seventh
gave the victors their lone run.
April 11, 1968 – The Evergreen Golf Club planned to stag its
annual Invitational Golf Tournament on this Thursday.
April 11, 1972 – Major League Baseball catcher Jason Varitek
was born in Rochester, Michigan. He played his entire career for the Boston Red
April 11, 1972 - On this day, B-52
strikes against communist forces attacking South Vietnamese positions in the
Central Highlands near Kontum removed any immediate threat to that city. Also
on this day, the Pentagon ordered two more squadrons of B-52s to Thailand.
April 11, 1973 – Ellicott’s Stone in northern Mobile County
was added to the National Register of Historic Places.
April 11, 1973 – Magnolia Grove, a historic Greek Revival
mansion in Greensboro, Alabama, was added to the National Register of Historic
Places due to its architectural and historical significance.
April 11, 1976
– Major League Baseball pitcher Kelvim Escobar was born in La Guaira,
Venezuela. He would go on to play for the Toronto Blue Jays and the Anaheim
Angels/Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.
April 11, 1977 – Fire destroyed the Monroe Theater in
Monroeville, Ala.
April 11, 1980 – Major League Baseball first baseman and
designated hitter Mark Teixeira was born in Annapolis, Md.
April 11, 1983 - R.E.M.'s first album, "Murmur",
was released.
April 11, 1984 – The Commercial Hotel (later known as the
Hart Hotel and Flomaton Hotel) in Flomaton, Ala. was added to the Alabama
Register of Landmarks and Heritage.
April 11, 1985 - The 100th episode of "Hill Street
Blues" aired.
April 11, 1990 – Customs officers in Middlesbrough, England,
United Kingdom, said they had seized what they believed to be the barrel of a
massive gun on a ship bound for Iraq.
April 11, 1994 - A Seattle, Wash. coroner ruled that Kurt
Cobain's death was a suicide.
April 11, 1994 - Nirvana's album "In Utero" was
certified double-platinum.
April 11, 2003 - U.S. President George W. Bush announced
that Saddam Hussein's regime was out of power in Iraq.
April 11, 2006 - Dave Holloway published his book recounting
the search for his daughter, co-authored with R. Stephanie Good and Larry
Garrison, “Aruba: The Tragic Untold Story of Natalee Holloway and Corruption in
April 11, 2014 – The horror film, “Oculus,” which was filmed
in Mobile and Baldwin counties, was released in the U.S.
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