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Lee Roy Jordan |
April 27, 1521 – During the Battle of Mactan, explorer
Ferdinand Magellan was killed by natives in the Philippines led by chief Lapu-Lapu.
He was 40 (or 41) years old.
April 27, 1667 – Blind and impoverished poet John Milton
sold the copyright for his masterpiece, “Paradise Lost,” for 10 pounds.
April 27, 1759 – Writer, philosopher and women’s rights
advocate Mary Wollstonecraft was born in London.
April 27, 1773 - The British Parliament passed the Tea Act,
which eventually led to the so-called Boston Tea Party on Dec. 16, 1773.
April 27, 1777 – During the Revolutionary War at the Battle
of Ridgefield, a British invasion force engaged and defeated Continental Army
regulars and militia irregulars at Ridgefield, Conn.
April 27, 1813 – American general and explorer Zebulon Pike,
age 34, was killed in action during the Battle of York at York, Ontario, Upper
April 27, 1813 – During the War of 1812, American troops
captured York, the capital of Upper Canada, in the Battle of York.
April 27, 1822 - Ulysses S. Grant, who served as the 18th
U.S. President and as the Lt. General in command of all Union armies during the
U.S. Civil War, was born in Point Pleasant, Ohio.
April 27, 1825 – The Henderson, a 123-ton steamboat, sank in
the Alabama River, about one mile from Claiborne, Ala. after colliding with
another boat, the Balize. The Henderson went down with a load of ‘barrels of
fine whiskey, brandy and wines.’
April 27, 1835 – William Crosby became postmaster at Burnt
Corn, Ala. (Some sources say April 17, 1835)
April 27, 1840 - Climber, explorer and illustrator Edward
Whymper was born in London, England.
April 27, 1840 – Union General Samuel Thomas was born at
South Point, Lawrence County, Ohio. After the war, he became a railroad
financier, and Thomasville, Ala. was named in his honor. He also donated $500
toward the construction of Thomasville’s first school.
April 27, 1861 - U.S. President Abraham Lincoln suspended
the writ of habeas corpus between Washington and Philadelphia to give the
military the necessary power to silence dissenters and rebels.
April 27, 1861 - West Virginia seceded from Virginia after
Virginia seceded from the Union during the American Civil War.
April 27, 1861 – During the Civil
War, Lincoln extended the blockade to include Virginia and North Carolina, and
Virginia offered Richmond to be the Confederate capital.
April 27, 1862 – During the Civil
War, a skirmish was fought at Bridgeport, Ala.
April 27, 1862 – Co. D of the 5th Alabama Infantry was
reorganized as Co. C with Capt. Thomas Mercer Riley as commander, in Rhodes
Division, Army of Northern Virginia.
April 27, 1862 – During the Civil
War, Fort Livingston, Fort Pike and Fort Wood surrendered to Federal forces,
near New Orleans, La. Skirmishes were fought in the vicinity of Haughton’s
Mill, N.C.; near Pea Ridge, Tenn.; and close to McGaheysville, Va.
April 27, 1863 – During the Civil War, the Union Army of the
Potomac began marching on Chancellorsville from Falmouth, Va.
April 27, 1863 – During the Civil
War, a skirmish was fought at Town Creek, Ala.
April 27, 1863 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought in the vicinity of Barboursville and another near
Woodburn, Ky.; near Jackson and another near the White Water Bridge, Mo.; at
Wise’s Crossroad, N.C.; at Murray’s Inlet, S.C.; on Carter Creek Pike in
Tennessee; and at Independence and Morgantown, West Virginia. A Federal
operation between Yorktown and Hickory Flats, Va. began. A five-day Federal
operation between New Berne and Kinston, N.C. began.
April 27, 1864 – During the Civil War, a skirmish was fought
near Decatur, Ala.
April 27, 1864 – During the Civil
War, Northern armies officially broke winter camp in preparation for the Spring
April 27, 1864 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought near Ringgold Gap, Ga.; in Breathitt County, Ky.,
along Troublesome Creek; in the vicinity of Dayton, Mo.; at Masonborough Inlet,
N.C.; and at Twelve Mile Ordinary, Va.
April 27, 1865 – The steamboat Sultana, carrying 2,400
passengers, exploded and sank in the Mississippi River near Memphis, killing
1,800, most of whom are Union survivors of the Andersonville and Cahaba
Prisons. The Sultana accident is still the largest maritime disaster in U.S.
April 27, 1865 – During the Civil
War, a skirmish was fought near Mount Vernon, Mo.
April 27, 1886 - A.M. Leslie went to Montgomery on this
Tuesday to witness the laying of the cornerstone of the Confederate Soldiers
Monument, according to The Monroe Journal.
April 27, 1886 - Mrs. T.S. Sowell, who had been visiting
relatives and friends in Monroeville, Ala., returned to her home at Wallace in
Escambia County on this Tuesday.
April 27, 1886 - Capt. John DeLoach and Capt. W.S. Wiggins
went to Mobile, Ala. on this Tuesday, according to The Monroe Journal.
April 27, 1892 – Jesse Hildreth, one of the men who helped
capture outlaw train robber Rube Burrow in 1890, was shot and killed by Jack
Singleton when one of Singleton’s “women” sought refuge at the Hildreth cabin
when Singleton’s cabin was flooded.
April 27, 1896 – National Baseball Hall of Fame second
baseman and manager Rogers Hornsby was born in Winters, Texas. He went on to
play for the St. Louis Cardinals, the New York Giants, the Boston Braves, the
Chicago Cubs and the St. Louis Browns. He also managed the Cardinals, the
Giants, the Braves, the Cubs, the Browns and the Reds. He was inducted into the
Hall of Fame in 1942.
April 27, 1896 - Jas. K. Kyser, the “genial postmaster and
merchant of Burnt Corn,” was in Monroeville on this Monday. Jno. A. Savage,
secretary and general manager of the Monroe Mill Co., was also in Monroeville
on this Monday on business. H.A. Lockwood of Manistee, the “genial bookkeeper
for the Bear Creek Mill Co.,” also visited The Monroe Journal’s office on this
Monday. Dr. J.W. Shomo of Mt. Pleasant also visited Monroeville on this Monday.
G.W. Kyser, “one of Repton’s enterprising merchants,” was in Monroeville on
this Monday, attending court.
April 27, 1897 - Grant's Tomb was dedicated in New York
April 27, 1898 – Children’s author Ludwig Bemelmans was born
in Meran, Tyrol, Austria.
April 27, 1905 – The Monroe Journal reported that
Castleberry, Ala. was “one of the busiest places in this section” due to the
opening of the strawberry harvest season. The population of the town was
usually around 250, but at that time, it was nearer to 3,000 with 2,000 berry
pickers being there as well as commission men, spectators and prospectors. In
and around Castleberry, around 600 acres were planted in strawberries with “new
farms are being opened up all the time.”
April 27-28, 1912 – A special excursion train ran from
Montgomery, Ala. to New Orleans on the Louisville & Nashville Railroad, so
that fans could go watch the “baseball game between Montgomery and New Orleans
teams.” The train left Montgomery at 7 p.m. on April 27 and stops along the route
included McGehees, Tyson, Letohatchie, Calhoun, Fort Deposit, Greenville,
Chapman, Garland, Owassa, Evergreen, Castleberry, Kirkland, Brewton, Pollard,
Flomaton and arrived in New Orleans at 6:39 a.m. on April 28. Fairs ranged
between $5 and $3.50. The train was to leave New Orleans at 9:30 p.m. on April
April 27, 1915 – Shortly after noon, the residence of
Postmaster S.M. Roberts in Monroeville, Ala. caught fire, but was extinguished
before much damage was done.
April 27, 1916 – National Baseball Hall of Fame right
fielder Enos Slaughter was born in Roxboro, N.C. He went on to play for the St.
Louis Cardinals, the New York Yankees, the Kansas City Athletics and the
Milwaukee Braves. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1985.
April 27, 1916 - The churches and Sunday schools of the Pine
Barren Association were scheduled to hold their second annual basket picnic on
R.E. Lambert’s farm on this Thursday.
April 27, 1916 – The Monroe Journal reported that Mrs. J.C.
Finch had returned to her home at Finchburg after spending a few days with her
daughter, Mrs. A.C. Lee.
April 27, 1916 – The Monroe Journal reported that Mrs.
Hebblewhite and children of Chicago were in Monroeville to attend the
Locklin-Moore wedding.
April 27, 1916 – The Monroe Journal reported that the Rev.
C.A. Rush, D.D., President of the Southern University at Greensboro, was “an
honored visitor to Monroeville this week in the interest of that splendid
institution, which is flourishing under his administration.”
April 27, 1916 – The Conecuh Record reported that “quite a
large number” of Confederate veterans were in Evergreen, Ala. on April 26 “to
be present at the Memorial Exercises. The banks, post office and all business
houses were closed during the services and the graves of all deceased veterans
were appropriately decorated with beautiful flowers. Hon. G.W.L. Smith of
Brewton was the orator of the day, and his tribute of love and remembrance to
the dead patriots was eloquent and impressive.”
April 27, 1916 – The Conecuh Record reported that “the Act
creating the Board of Revenue for Conecuh County has been declared
unconstitutional by the supreme court, making it necessary that the candidates
heretofore running for the board of revenue now announce for members of the
Court of County Commissioners, which all those properly qualified have done.”
April 27, 1916 - David “Dave” Price, 66, was found dead in
his home at Castleberry on this Thursday around 3 p.m. by Mr. J.G. Rainer.
Price had been missing several days and the last time he was seen on Friday
afternoon, April 21. He had been living alone and being missed, Rainer went to
his home to investigate, found the windows barred and after making his way into
the house found that Price had been dead several days and his body already
partly decayed so that it was necessary to have the house fumigated before
entering.” Born on Feb. 4, 1850, he is buried in the Price Cemetery in
April 27, 1916 - Three British officers, including the famous Captain Thomas Edward “T.E.” Lawrence (known as Lawrence of Arabia), attempted to engineer the escape of thousands of British troops under siege at the city of Kut-al-Amara in Mesopotamia through a secret negotiation with the Turkish command.
April 27, 1927 – Construction of rest rooms and an office
began at the Lone Star Service Station in Evergreen, Ala.
April 27, 1927 – Activist and civil rights leader Coretta
Scott King, the widow of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was born in Heiberger, in
Perry County, Ala.
April 27, 1938 - A colored baseball was used for the first
time in any baseball game. The ball was yellow and was used between Columbia
and Fordham Universities in New York City.
April 27, 1941 – NFL linebacker and center Lee Roy Jordan
was born in Excel, Ala. He would go on to play for Alabama and the Dallas
April 27, 1945 – Playwright August Wilson was born in
Pittsburgh, Penn.
April 27, 1947 - "Babe Ruth Day" was celebrated at
Yankee Stadium.
April 27, 1951 – Army Sgt. Wilmer T. Wyatt, 24, of Opp, Ala.
was killed in action in South Korea. Wyatt served with the 77th Field Artillery
Battalion, First Cavalry Division. Born on Feb. 11, 1927, he is buried in
Fairview Cemetery in Coffee County.
April 27, 1955 – The Evergreen (Ala.) Pilot Club was
established with Mrs. J.R. Taylor as the club’s first president.
April 27, 1968 – Paul Kardow, who pitched for the Cleveland
Indians and managed the Evergreen (Ala.) Greenies in the 1930s, passed away at
the age of 52 in San Antonio, Texas.
April 27, 1968 - Vice President
Hubert Humphrey announced his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination.
April 27, 1970 - The 25th Annual Conecuh County
4-H and FFA Calf Show was scheduled to be staged at the show arena at Conecuh
Stockyards on this Monday. Fed calves were to be shown by 55 young men and
women starting at 8 a.m. The show was sponsored by the Conecuh County Fat Calf
Show Committee, an agency of the United Fund, and the State Dept. of
Agriculture & Industries in cooperation with the Auburn University
Extension Service and State Dept. of Vocational Agriculture.
April 27, 1972 – The Evergreen Courant reported that Ellis
Wayne Golson of Lyeffion, Ala. had been notified by Major General Verne L.
Bower, U.S. Army Adjutant General, that he had received an appointment to the
U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. He was to report to the school on
July 3.
April 27, 1972 - North Vietnamese
troops shattered defenses north of Quang Tri and moved to within 2.5 miles of
the city.
April 27, 1976
– English actress Sally Hawkins was born in Dulwich, London, England.
April 27, 1977 – The Conecuh County High School track and
field team beat Repton High School, 48-41, to win the Repton Invitational Track
Meet in Repton.
April 27, 1983 – Houston Astros pitcher Nolan Ryan passed
Walter Johnson for career strikeouts with 3,509. Johnson held the game’s career
strikeout record for 62 years – almost twice as long as Babe Ruth was the home
run king. Ryan finally knocked him off the perch with his 3,509th strikeout on
April 27, 1983. By the time he was done, Ryan would own 5,714.
April 27, 1985 - Evergreen Little League’s 1985 Baseball
Jamboree was scheduled to begin with opening ceremonies on this Saturday at 3
p.m. at the Evergreen Municipal Park. An introduction of teams, players and
special guests was to be followed by exhibition games by the Little League,
Minor League and T-Ball teams. The official season was scheduled to begin on
Mon., April 29, at 6 p.m. with games every Monday, Thursday and Friday.
April 27, 1986 - "Good evening HBO from Captain
Midnight," began the bizarre text message which hijacked the HBO airwaves,
for almost five minutes on this date. The message went on to protest HBO's
pricing change for satellite subscribers. "Captain Midnight" turned
out to be John R. MacDougall, who ended up getting caught by the FCC, charged a
$10,000 fine and put on one year of probation.
April 27, 1991 – In the opening games of the 1991 Babe Ruth
Baseball season in Evergreen, Ala., Wolff Motors beat Evergreen Auto Parts,
7-4, and Presley-Fluker beat McKenzie Merchants, 8-3. Bryant Robinson and Britt
Ward keyed the offensive attack for Wolff Motors with two hits each. Ward also
was given credit for the victory on the mound after relieving Robinson in the
third inning with one out. Greg Shehan led Evergreen Auto Parts at the plate
with three hits, including a solo homerun. Rhett Wilson went the distance on
the mound for Presley-Fluker, while Jason McMillian, Michael Bradley and Marlo
McDaniel led the Presley-Fluker team in hitting. Shannon Shofford, Deric Womack
and Willie Womack, who had a two-run homer in the sixth inning, led the
McKenzie attack.
April 27, 1994 – The groundbreaking ceremony was held at the
future site of the Conecuh County Department of Human Resources building.
April 27, 2007 – In connection with the disappearance of
Natalee Holloway of Mountain Brook, Ala., a new search involving some 20
investigators was launched at the Van der Sloot family residence in Aruba.
Dutch authorities searched the yard and surrounding area, using shovels
and thin metal rods to penetrate the dirt.
April 27, 2011
– The April 25–28 tornado outbreak devastated parts of the Southeastern United
States, especially the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and Tennessee.
Two hundred five tornadoes touched down on April 27 alone, killing more than
300 and injuring hundreds more.
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