Wednesday, August 2, 2017

100-year-old news highlights from The Wilcox Progressive Era

Alabama Governor Charles Henderson
What follows are 100-year-old news excerpts from the Aug. 2, 1917 edition of The Wilcox Progressive Era newspaper in Camden, Ala.

DEDICATION OF THE METHODIST CHURCH: Sunday was a red letter day in the annals of Camden Methodism. At 11 a.m., Bishop J.H. McCoy of Birmingham preached the dedication sermon to a large and appreciative audience. Visitors from different parts of the county came to hear this noted divine. All the congregation of Camden also assembled and the new church was crowded to its capacity.
Bishop McCoy’s sermon was a masterly discourse most appropriate for the occasion. His text was taken from the 21st chapter of Revelations, 14th verse.
His sermon was a rare treat to Camden and those who came expecting to hear something great were in no wise disappointed. Bishop McCoy is a native Alabamian and in every way measures up to the high standard of his great work.
Rev. E.A. and J.M. Dannelly, both former Camdenites, were present and assisted in the dedication services. Rev. J.F. Price of Gastonburgh was also present.
The plans for erecting a new church have been in process of formation for a year or so. The depression of war and boll weevil were not sufficient to damper the ardor of the Methodists and they set about several months ago to tear down and erect a new building commensurate with the needs of the day. Only one person, Mr. D. McIntosh Sr., was present at the dedication, who witnessed the same of the old church.
Messrs. E.W. Berry, B.H. Matthews and J.W. Turnipseed are to be congratulated for their efficient services as building committee.

Milton, son of Rev. J.M. Dannelly, is now at the training camp at Fort McPherson, where from report received he has made good. Though barely 21 and not subject to the draft, he volunteered and his present rate of progress indicates that a bright future is in store for him. Rev. Dannelly has just cause to feel proud of the record of his boys. Prof. C.M., though young in years, has held some of the most important educational positions of the state, recently resigned from the Department of Education at Montgomery to accept a responsible position with a large book concern.

Messrs. Harry and O.C. Weaver Jr. have returned home from an extended visit to their grandparents, relatives and friends at Forest Home.

Dr. and Mrs. W.P. Roberts and son and Mrs. Rogers of McWilliams spent a few hours in Camden Monday.

A notice elsewhere calling attention to Good Road Days and asking the support of citizens in the completion of the Camden-Selma road should meet a hearty response from all our citizens. Only a few miles remain to be worked in order to give us a hard road to Selma. Let everyone help with his means or labor.

NOTICE: Aug. 14th and 15th have been declared by Governor Henderson as “Good Road Days.” The people interested in an outlet from Camden should get together on those days with their labor and teams and work the road that leads to Selma by Boykin bridge. Several of our enterprising and patriotic citizens are planning to put teams and labor on this road on those two days and if every automobile owner and all others interested in good roads will help, we can greatly improve this road and do good work for our county. – J.J. Stevens.

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