Aug. 15, 1754 – Federal Indian agent Benjamin Hawkins was
born in Warren County, N.C.
Aug. 15, 1771 – Sir Walter Scott, the father of the
historical novel, was born in Edinburgh.
Aug. 15, 1780 - American Lieutenant Colonel Francis
Marion, the “Swamp Fox,” and his irregular cavalry force of 250 routed a party
of Loyalists commanded by Major Micajah Gainey at Port’s Ferry, S.C.
Aug. 15, 1785 – Essayist Thomas de Quincey was born in
Manchester, England.
Aug. 15, 1799 - The Rev. Isaac Hadden was born in Abbeville
County, S.C. Hadden was one of Alabama’s first Presbyterian ministers and he
was ordained an evangelist in Montgomery on March 24, 1825. Hadden eventually
passed away at the age of 50 in Sumter County, Ala., and he’s buried at Bethel
Presbyterian Cemetery in Sumterville in Sumter County, Ala.
Aug. 15, 1814 – During the War of 1812, at the Siege of Fort
Erie, Edmund P. Gaines, who arrested former Vice President Aaron Burr near Fort
Stoddert in Alabama, was in command on the fortifications at Fort Erie when a
British assault was bloodily repulsed.
Aug. 15, 1824 – Marquis de Lafayette, the last surviving
French general of the American Revolutionary War, arrived in Staten Island,
N.Y., beginning his historic tour of the 24 United States.
Aug. 15, 1841 - Julia Tutwiler was born in Tuscaloosa.
Tutwiler, president of what later became the University of West Alabama, worked
to secure the admittance of women to the University of Alabama, to reform Alabama's
prisons, and to expand educational opportunities for women.
Aug. 15, 1842 – Gillchrist R. Boulware was born near Conecuh
County’s Brooklyn community. He first entered Confederate service as a private
on April 1, 1861 at Sparta in Co. E of the 4th Ala. Inf. and continued as a
private until Dec. 13, 1862, when he was elected 1st Lt. and served until Jan.
11, 1864. He served in the secret service department from Jan. 11, 1864 until
the end of the war in 1865.
Aug. 15, 1859 – National Baseball Hall of Fame first
baseman, manager and owner Charles Albert Comiskey, namesake of Chicago’s
famous Comiskey Park, was born in Chicago, Ill. During his career, he played
for the St. Louis Brown Stockings/Browns, the Chicago Pirates and the
Cincinnati Reds and managed the Browns, the Pirates and Reds. He owned the
Chicago White Sox from 1901 to 1931 and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in
Aug. 15, 1861 - Union and
Confederate forces clashed near Fredericktown and Kirkville, Mo.
Aug. 15, 1861 - General George
McClellan assumed command of the Army of the Potomac.
Aug. 15, 1861 – During the Civil
War, just months after he surrendered Fort Sumter, South Carolina, Union
General Robert Anderson was named commander of the Department of Kentucky and
carefully maintained the balance of neutrality in the state. But poor health
forced him to resign his command two months later, and William T. Sherman
replaced him. Anderson returned to active duty briefly in 1865 to hoist the
American flag over Fort Sumter after the Confederate surrender. He died in 1871
and was buried at West Point.
Aug. 15, 1862 – During the Civil
War, Confederate forces occupied Port Hudson, La.
Aug. 15, 1863 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought at Hartwood Church and Beverly Ford in Virginia;
and at Bentonville, Ark.
Aug. 15, 1863 – During the Civil
War, Union General William S. Rosecrans moved his army south from Tullahoma,
Tenn. to attack Confederate forces in Chattanooga.
Aug. 15, 1864 – During the Civil
War, a Union raid began on the Florida railroad and continued through Aug. 19.
Aug. 15, 1864 – During the Civil
War, an engagement took place at Cedarville, Va.; and combats occurred at Deep
Run, White's Tavern, on the Charles City Road, Bailey's Creek, Fussell's Mill
and Gravel Hill in Virginia.
Aug. 15, 1864 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought at Carrollton, Ark.; at Fairburn and Sandtown in Georgia;
and near Charlestown, W.Va.
Aug. 15, 1864 – During the Civil
War, Union General Philip Sheridan pulled back from Winchester, Va. to wait for
Aug. 15, 1864 – During the Civil
War, Confederate General John Chambliss was killed during a cavalry charge at
Deep Bottom Run, Va. In an attempt to regain control of a section of trenches
breached by the Yankees, the Confederates counterattacked, and Chambliss was
killed. His body was recovered by a former West Point classmate, Union General
David Gregg, who made a surprising discovery: a detailed map of the Richmond
defenses. Gregg gave the plan to Union topographical engineers, who then looked
for a way to copy and distribute the map through the army's command structure.
Using a new photographic technique known as Margedant's Quick Method, which did
not require a camera, the engineers traced Chambliss's map and laid it over a
sheet of photographic paper. The paper was then exposed to the sun's rays,
which darkened the paper except under the traced lines. The result was a
mass-produced negative of the map, which was distributed to all Union officers
in the area within 48 hours. It may not have helped the Union capture
Richmond—that would take another seven months—but it may have reduced
casualties by preventing foolhardy attacks on well-defended positions.
Aug. 15, 1885 – Pulitzer
Prize-winning novelist and playwright Edna Ferber was born in Kalamazoo, Mich.
Aug. 15, 1889 – The Lower Warehouse
at Claiborne, Ala. shipped two bales of new cotton on this day, the first of the
season. The bales, which weighed 540 pounds and 610 pounds, were raised by W.S.
Aug. 15, 1893 – Writer and wit Dorothy Parker was born
Dorothy Rothschild in Long Branch, New Jersey.
Aug. 15, 1896 – Axel’s baseball team beat Mexia, 17-7, at
Axel on this Saturday afternoon.
Aug. 15, 1896 - Chas. L. Scott of Mount Pleasant and L.W.
Locklin of Perdue Hill visited Monroeville on this Saturday.
Aug. 15, 1906 - Belleville and Evergreen baseball teams
played in Evergreen on this Wednesday, and Evergreen defeated Belleville, 19-9.
Aug. 15, 1911 - W.O. Hudson, who lived near Evergreen, Ala.,
brought in the first bale of cotton raised in Conecuh County that season. The
bale weighed 371 pounds and brought $40 or about 11 cents per pound. The J.H.
Farnham Mercantile Co. purchased to cotton.
Aug. 15, 1914 – On the final day of the Monroe County Masonic
Conference at Franklin, a new Masonic lodge hall was formally dedicated and a
“very large crowd” watched the cornerstone and dedication ceremonies, which
were conducted by the Rev. D.B. Dismukes, F.S. Dailey, J.J. Dunn, G.A. Harris,
W.G. McCorvey, W.S. Nash, Reuben Perry, Robert McCants, P.S. McKinley, J.J.
McMillan, J.J. Sessions and A.C. Lee.
Aug. 15, 1914 - The Panama Canal was officially opened to
commercial traffic as an American ship sailed from the Atlantic to the Pacific
Ocean. The first vessel to pass through the canal was the American cargo and
passenger ship SS Ancon.
Aug. 15, 1914 – Baseball teams from the Franklin and Chance
communities played a doubleheader at Franklin, and Franklin won both games, 6-3
and 8-7.
Aug. 15, 1914 – During World War I, the First Russian Army,
led by Paul von Rennenkampf, entered East Prussia.
Aug. 15, 1914 – During World War I, the Battle of Cer began
and resulted in the first Allied victory of World War I.
Aug. 15, 1914 – During World War I, the government of Japan
sent an ultimatum to Germany, demanding the removal of all German ships from
Japanese and Chinese waters and the surrender of control of Tsingtao—the
location of Germany’s largest overseas naval bases, located on China’s Shantung
Peninsula—to Japan by noon on August 23.
Aug. 15, 1916 - Capt. H.L. McDuffie, who held a commission
in the Alabama National Guard service, was in Monroeville on this Tuesday
looking after recruits.
Aug. 15, 1917 - M.T. Johnston and family were at Castleberry
on this Wednesday where Mr. Johnston attended the Masonic conference.
Aug. 15, 1917 - Friends at Peterman and surrounding
communities learned with sincere regret of the death of Joseph Monroe Dees, 66,
of Peterman at a hospital in Selma on this Wednesday at four o’clock following
an operation. The remains reached Peterman the following day, where they were
laid to rest by Revs. Lindsey and Williams and a large number of friends. Born
on Dec. 3, 1850, he was buried in the Rumbley Cemetery.
Aug. 15, 1918 - Alabama author Edward Kimbrough was born in
Meridian, Miss.
Aug. 15, 1920 – Science fiction and fantasy writer Ray
Bradbury was born in Waukegan, Ill.
Aug. 15-30, 1925 – The Alabama National Guard’s Troop C of
the 55th Machine Gun Squadron in Evergreen, Ala. was scheduled to go to camp at
Fort Oglethorpe, Ga.
Aug. 15, 1930 – Confederate veteran Greenberry “Green” Henry
Shell died at the age of 88 in Brewton, Ala. and was buried in the Cooper
Cemetery at Appleton. Born in Georgia on Oct. 17, 1841, he later moved to
Escambia County, Ala. and the community of Appleton was named for his apple
orchard. The name, a combination of “apple” and “-ton,” which means “town,” was
suggested by Shell’s son, Andrew (April 5, 1886-Feb. 25, 1945). The Appleton
post office was established in 1901. Greenberry Shell was also a Civil War
veteran, having served in Co. D, 16th Regt., Ala. Inf., CSA.
Aug. 15, 1935 - A movie version of Alabama author Mary
Raymond Shipman Andrews' “The Perfect Tribute” was released.
Aug. 15, 1935 – Humorist Will Rogers and pilot Wiley Post
were killed in a plane crash while flying from Fairbanks, Alaska to Point
Barrow. The two men were world famous: Post for being the first pilot to fly
solo around the world, and Rogers for his rope tricks and his pithy newspaper
Aug. 15, 1935 – Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Annie
Prouulx was born Edna Ann Proulx in Norwich, Conn.
Aug. 15, 1935 – The Monroe Journal reported that Miss Alice
Nettles, the daughter of Mrs. Jewell D. Nettles of Monroeville, who was
attending the summer session of the Feagin School of Dramatic Art in New York
City, would play an important role the following week in “The Distaff Side” by
John Van Druten. The performance was to take place in the 57th
Street Playhouse, the theatre of the school, at 316 West 57th St.,
New York City.
Aug. 15, 1935 – The Monroe Journal reported, in news from
the Beatrice community, that Prof. Brock was busy getting ready for the opening
of school here, which was to begin early in September.
Aug. 15, 1935 – The Monroe Journal reported that Mrs. H.A.
Drake, the mother of Mrs. Erastus Talbert, had been confined to the King
Memorial Hospital in Selma, for two weeks with a broken arm.
Aug. 15, 1936 – Construction of the new Conecuh County High
School building in Castleberry, Ala., which began on Feb. 11, was finished at a
total cost of $48,500. Designed by Dittmar and Roberts of Montgomery and Mobile
and built by contractor Henry I. Flynn of Montgomery, final inspection was
completed on Aug. 19. Marvin Hanks, the County Superintendent of Education,
served as county supervisor of the building during its construction.
Aug. 15, 1939 - "The Wizard of Oz" premiered at
Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood, Calif. Judy Garland became famous for
the movie's song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow."
Aug. 15, 1945 - The Allies proclaimed V-J Day a day after
Japan agreed to surrender unconditionally.
Aug. 15, 1945 – Pro Football Hall of Fame left guard was
born in Robstown, Texas. He went on to play for Texas A&M-Kingsville and
the Oakland Raiders. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1987.
Aug. 15, 1948 – Novelist Denise Chavez was born in Las Cruces,
New Mexico, a town just 40 miles from the Mexican border.
Aug. 15, 1950 – Army SFC N.L. Rickard, 22, of Monroe County,
Ala. was killed in action in Korea. Born on Dec. 9, 1922, he was buried in the
Edgemont Cemetery in Anniston in Calhoun County, Ala. Rickhard also served in
World War II, and he was a member of Co. B, 34th Infantry, 24th
Infantry Division at the time of his death.
Aug. 15, 1951 – The Evergreen Courant reported that the
contracts for construction of the new 15,000 KW steam electric power generating
plant to be built by Alabama Electric Cooperative at Gantt in Covington County,
Ala. were to be awarded within six weeks. The announcement was made that week,
following a meeting of the Alabama Electric Cooperative board of directors.
Aug. 15, 1952 – Hank Williams performed two concerts at
Greenville Stadium in Greenville, Ala., one starting at 3 p.m. with the second
following at 8 p.m.
Aug. 15, 1954 – Swedish journalist and novelist Stieg
Larsson was born in Skelleftehamn.
Aug. 15, 1961 – Permanent construction began on the Berlin
Aug. 15, 1962 – On this Wednesday, two members of one family
were killed when their 1957 Ford Station Wagon skidded on wet pavement and hit
a pulp wood truck broadside. Ralph W. Richardson, driver of the car, lost
control about five miles north of Evergreen on U.S. 31. His wife, Louise, 31,
was killed along with their five-year-old son, Paul. Richardson suffered severe
injuries and his two surviving children, Kathleen, eight, and Steve, three,
were also badly injured. Their car rammed into a 1957 GMC Pulpwood truck driven
by James Taylor of Georgiana.
Aug. 15, 1963 – Leroy, Ala. native Emanuel King was born. He
would go on to star in football at Leroy High School, the University of Alabama
and with the Cincinnati Bengals and Los Angeles Raiders after being selected in
the first round of the 1985 NFL Draft.
Aug. 15, 1965 - The Beatles set a record for having the largest
single crowd at a concert at Shea Stadium in New York. Attendance was 56,000.
Aug. 15, 1966 – Preseason football practice began at
Evergreen High School and Atmore High School. The two teams were scheduled to
open the season against one another on Thurs., Sept. 8, at Brooks Stadium in
Evergreen, Ala. Morris Ward was Evergreen’s principal.
Aug. 15, 1966 – George Edward Weems, 49, of Piedmont, who
was believed to have been a “hobo,” was killed during a train derailment around
7:30 a.m. near Owassa, Ala. Over 30 cars of the long freight train derailed and
overturned in a curve on the L&N Railroad tracks, and Weems was found dead
in the wreckage. It was believed that Weems and two other men were hitching a
ride on the train, but no trace of the other two men was found. Weems, who was
born in 1917, was buried in the Crestwood Memorial Cemetery in East Gadsden,
Etowah County, Ala. According to the Aug. 16, 1966 edition of the Gadsden Times,
Weems was killed at Owassa when a car from a derailed L&N freight train
turned over on him as he was walking alongside the track.
Aug. 15, 1968 - Heavy fighting
intensified in and around the DMZ, as South Vietnamese and U.S. troops engaged
a North Vietnamese battalion.
Aug. 15, 1969 - The Woodstock Music and Art Fair began in
Bethel, N.Y. A half million concertgoers descended upon Max Yasgur's 600-acre
dairy farm in rural Bethel, New York to listen to performing artists that
included Joan Baez, Santana, Janis Joplin, and Jimi Hendrix.
Aug. 15, 1970 - Mrs. Pat Palinkas became the first woman to
‘play’ in a pro football game when she held the ball for the Orlando, Panthers.
Aug. 15, 1970 - South Vietnamese
officials reported that regional forces killed 308 Communist troops in four
days of heavy fighting along a coastal strip south of the DMZ.
Aug. 15, 1971 - In South Vietnam,
North Vietnamese troops increased operations along the DMZ.
Aug. 15, 1971 - Mark Booker killed a big, five-feet-long
rattlesnake on this Sunday afternoon inside the house at the old Mark Booker
place in the China community. The snake had tree rattles and a button.
Aug. 15, 1973 – Dr. Sam Granade’s resignation as pastor at
Evergreen Baptist Church was scheduled to take effect. Granade had been pastor
at the church for 25 years before he announced his resignation on July 1.
Aug. 15, 1973
– During the Vietnam War, the United States bombing of Cambodia ended.
Aug. 15, 1977 – Jerry R. Ehman detected the “Wow! Signal,” a
strong narrowband radio signal that bore the expected hallmarks of
non-terrestrial and non-Solar System origin. At the time, Ehman was working on
a SETI project at the Big Ear radio telescope of Ohio State University, then
located at Ohio Wesleyan University's Perkins Observatory in Delaware, Ohio.
The “Wow! Signal” lasted for the full 72-second window that Big Ear was able to
observe it, but has not been detected again.
Aug. 15, 1980 - There was to be a meeting of the Lyeffion
Saddle Club at 7:30 on this Friday night at Lyeffion High School at the Vo-Ag
Education Dept. Important business, both old and new, that needed prompt
attention was to be on the agenda. All members of the club and persons
interested in the Club’s Arena were invited and urged to attend.
Aug. 15, 1984 - Pete Rose returned to become player and
manager of the Cincinnati Reds. He had been away from his hometown for six
years. Rose had been in Philadelphia and Montreal.
Aug. 15, 1988 - Barring another delay, two men indicted in
the murder of Monroeville resident Ronda Morrison were scheduled to go on trial
on this Monday in Baldwin County. Witnesses in the case of Walter “Johnny D”
McMillian of Route 1, Repton, and Ralph Bernard Myers of Route 2, Evergreen,
had been subpoenaed to be at the Bay Minette courthouse at 1 p.m. on this
Monday. Both cases were on the day’s docket, and it wouldn’t be determined
until then which will go on trial first, said Larry Ikner, investigator with
the Monroe County district attorney’s office. Miss Morrison, 18, was killed
Nov. 1, 1986 during a robbery at Jackson Cleaners on South Alabama Avenue,
where she worked.
Aug. 15, 1990 – Preseason football practice began at Monroe County
High School and Excel, Frisco City, J.U. Blacksher and J.F. Shields high
schools in Monroe County, Ala.
Aug. 15, 1990 - Mark McGwire hit a grand slam in the tenth
inning to become the first Major League Baseball player to hit 30 or more
homers in his first four seasons. The Oakland Athletics beat the Boston Red
Sox, 6-2.
Aug. 15, 1993 - Nolan Ryan got his 324th and final victory.
The Texas Rangers beat the Indians, 4-1.
Aug. 15, 1993 - Author Sara Elizabeth Mason died in
Homewood, Ala.
Aug. 15, 1994 – Belleville native Don D. Crum, an Air Force
veteran of World War II and the Korean War, passed away at the age of 74 at the
Keesler Air Force Base Hospital in Mississippi. He was buried in Magnolia
Cemetery in Evergreen, Ala.
Aug. 15, 1995 – The Baltimore Orioles beat the Cleveland
Indians, 8-3, at Camden Yards. Attendance was 46,346, including me.
Aug. 15, 1996 – The Evergreen Courant reported that James
“Grease” Gross recently competed in a Tough Man Contest in Monroeville, Ala.
After defeating his first two opponents with first round knockouts, he then
went to the championship fight, which turned out to be the highlight of the
night for the Lightweight Division (110 pounds to 160 pounds). The fight was
scheduled for three rounds, but it turned into an eight-round battle to the
end. The decision was a draw, and Gross and his opponent split the prize
winnings and received a trophy.
Aug. 15, 1996 – The Evergreen Courant reported that city
electrical crews were working to upgrade another portion of the city’s
electrical system from 4KV to 12KV to “take some of the strain off the system.”
Aug. 15, 1997 - The U.S. Justice Department decided not to
prosecute FBI officials in connection with the deadly 1992 Ruby Ridge siege in
Idaho. The investigation dealt with an alleged cover-up.
Aug. 15, 1997 - Dan Wilson hit the 3,000th Seattle Mariners
Aug. 15, 1997 - The Los Angeles
Dodgers retired Tommy Lasorda's No. 2 jersey
Aug. 15, 1999 - Alabama author Celestine Sibley died in Dog
Island, Fla.
Aug. 15, 2001 - Chandra Levy's parents appeared on CNN's
"Larry King Live." They discussed Levy's disappearance on April 30,
Aug. 15, 2013
– The Smithsonian announced the discovery of the olinguito, the first new
carnivoran species found in the Americas in 35 years.
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