AUG. 1, 1907
MASONIC CONFERENCE: The Monroe County Masonic Conference
will meet in annual session with Blacksher Lodge No. 593 at Maros, this county,
on Tues., Aug. 6. Past Grand Master James A. Bilbro, Grand Lecturer Angus M.
Scott and other prominent Masons have accepted invitations to be present. Wed.,
Aug. 7, will be devoted to public exercises and an address will be delivered by
Judge Bilbro. Every lodge in the county is earnestly urged to send a full quota
of delegates and a cordial welcome will be extended to visiting brethren.
THE SCOTLAND PICNIC: The picnic at Davis’ bridge, near
Scotland, last Saturday, July 20, was a success in every respect. A large number
of visitors were present. Under the tall oaks, a sumptuous feast was spread.
The attractions of the day reached the climax when all had
assembled at the ball ground to witness a most interesting game of baseball
which was pulled off between the nines from Scotland-Franklin and the
Ridge-Peterman. Much excitement was displayed by the visitors while each of
those who took part in the game looked as if he went forth with a heart glowing
not with fires of a lordly ambition to ride to power over opposition but with
the flame of an honest purpose to win.
The game went for five innings when the score sheet of the
Official Scorer, Dees showed 15 to 3 in favor of Ridge-Peterman.
Scotland-Franklin substituted four experts from Wilcox and at the seventh
inning the score sheet showed 17 to 16 in favor of Wilcox. Smith umpired a fair
game, his decisions being just to both sides.
The Ridge team has challenged the Scotland-Franklin team for
a deciding game at their annual picnic.
AUG. 8, 1907
Miss Callie Faulk, who is teaching school at Axle, spent Saturday
and Sunday with home folks.
Dr. A.B. Coxwell, who recently graduated at the Medical
College of Louisville, returned home last week.
Mr. L.A. Hixon has been sojourning at the Wilcox Mineral
Springs, Schuster, a few days for the benefit of his health.
The first boll of open cotton reported to The Journal this
season was brought to this office on Aug. 1 by William Wiggins, an industrious
farmer living near town.
BARN DESTROYED BY FIRE: The barn of Capt. Thos. A. Nettles
was destroyed by fire at Tunnel Springs Saturday night, Aug. 3, together with
his entire crop of oats and other feedstuff stored in the building. The fire
was discovered at a late hour and there was barely time to rescue the horses
and mules. It is not known how the fire originated.
The Journal is requested to announce that there will be an
ice cream supper at the home of Mr. J.O. Sniders near Mexia on Fri., Aug. 16,
for the benefit of Old Salem Baptist Church.
WILCOX MINERAL SPRINGS is now open for the season. The
health-giving properties of these waters can be vouched for by many who have
been benefitted by them. A hack line to and from the depot to meet the trains
morning and evening. Every arrangement for the comfort and entertainment of
guests will be carefully looked after. Special terms by the week, month or
season can be had on application to G.W. Stuart, Proprietor, Schuster, Alabama.
AUG. 15, 1907
The young men of Monroeville are preparing to organize an amateur
baseball club and will probably in due time issue formal challenge to clubs in
neighboring communities for a crossing of bats.
Messrs. D.C. Mims and son W.B. Mims passed through
Monroeville Sunday en route to McWilliams where they are attending the meeting
of the Wilcox County Masonic Conference.
Monroe County Masonic Conference held with Blacksher Lodge No. 593 at Maros on
Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 6-7, was in many respects the most pleasant session
held since the formation of the organization. In point of attendance, the
session at Maros was ahead of any previous meeting. With two exceptions, every
lodge in the county was represented by full delegations and a large number of
MANISTEE: Our burg was well represented at the Monroe County
Masonic Conference at Maros last week and were fortunate in securing the next
meeting of the Conference for Manistee. Mizpah Lodge No. 667, at this place, is
one of the youngest lodges in the state, having been organized only a little
more than four months ago with seven charter members. It now has 17 with five
more on the way. A hearty welcome will be extended to all visiting brethren.
During a thunderstorm last week the dwelling of Mr. J.A.
Wiggins near Axle was struck by lightning twice within a few minutes and
members of his family slightly shocked. The first stroke set the house on fire,
and while Mr. Wiggins was engaged in putting out the fire the second stroke
came. The house was considerably damaged.
AUG. 22, 1907
Last Saturday the Monroeville and Ridge baseball teams played
a match game of ball at Monroeville which was not a match game by any means. There
were seven innings at the conclusion of which the score stood Ridge 30,
Monroeville 7. The Monroeville boys were tender but “game” and with a little
more practice will no doubt be able to hold their own with the average amateur
team. Next Saturday, the Monroeville team will play the Jones Mill team in the
forenoon and the Ridge and Jones Mill teams in the afternoon. Both games will
be pulled off on the Monroeville Club’s diamond.
The many friends of the family will be pained to learn of
the death of Mr. James Crook which occurred at his home near Perdue Hill, this
county, on the night of Aug. 16, 1907 after a short illness. The deceased was
one of Monroe’s most highly respected citizens and possessed the confidence and
esteem of all who knew him. He was about 72 years old.
Married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Rondeau, 50 New St. Francis Street, Mobile, Ala., on Thurs., Aug. 15, Mr.
George A. Tuthill of Claiborne, Ala., and Mrs. M.E. Burgess, Rev. Roy Tucker of
the Episcopal church officiating.
Mr. W.B. Mims of McGill was among Monroeville friends this
week. Mr. Mims will return to Mobile Oct. 1 to resume his medical studies.
Prof. George S. Clark of the Highland Home College was a
visitor to the city this week in the interest of that excellent institution.
AUG. 29, 1907
The baseball games between the Monroeville and Jones Mill
clubs Saturday morning and between the Jones Mill and Ridge teams in the
afternoon drew a large crowd to town. Both games were quite interesting. The
scores stood: Monroeville 7, Jones Mill 14; Ridge 13, Jones Mill 17.
Mr. L.A. Hixon returned to the Wilcox Mineral Springs,
Schuster, last week for a few days sojourn.
C.J. Torrey, Esq., who is spending the heated term at his
county home at Claiborne, was among Monroeville friends Friday.
Dr. H.C. Fountain was over from Burnt Corn Wednesday.
Hon. John McDuffie of River Ridge is spending a few days
with Monroeville friends.
Mr. W.M. Stabler was up from Shibboleth last week and
favored the office with a pleasant call.
NERO: Mr. H.M. House has built a nice dwelling; Mr. T.N.
Ikner has also built a nice new kitchen.
PINEVILLE: We had a good meeting here last week. Although
Brother Tate was disappointed in getting ministerial aid and was unwell, he
preached some excellent sermons with power and earnestness and good was
BUENA VISTA: Dr. Hestle and wife accompanied little Lucile
Jones to Camden one day the past week. Lucile has been suffering with tonsillitis
and, we hear, went to have a surgical operation performed.
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